HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 11, 1967 .-' -~ PICl,);.!. iG 'l'mr-.lc,;lIP (:U:3Eul.: DOA~~D JULY 11) 196'/ , A TIlC·:;;ti:l['; of 'cliO Piclœ:;:'Ìll[; 'I'mmshi1).11.SC1L:l Doarcl uas helr} on TU:::;SDAY, the n;:;V-Z,ITII da:r of JULY, 1967, at tllC liLu1icipal DuilL;.ill~, Piclœl~in[;, at EIGTl' C'clocl: ~. Tl. T)~ì'T,"(:"','~rr:1 oJ j. 1;..J.J'.J.J..J-i.~ 1 . Hobert l:~illor) in lirs. J. IIcPllGrSOll II. 'i'. Cook Lilton Parkin , , -C,i18 CI1Qir F. II. li'ox II1~S. }Jeìrdl~e ~2..rle ErG. I~. ·>t.orr-;T;¡ :3ecrctar¿ï i¡IITU1'ES ........._--- IIC~V.GD by I·Irs. held Juno 27, ilcPherson, seconded b~T 1967, be approved. I.~~ ..L.u. ~J . Earle, that Uinutes of l!leeti:l~~ CAJ1UED -...-.-- C Citl-ŒSPOIJDEiJCE 1. Sirrzer GO:;1~)a:1? of Canada Ltd. advises tll;:.Ç al~G chcc:':l112; out our entry in old sO¡'iÌng j1achinc COi1test., and. 1rill contact l'-S ¡-¡l~e21 all entries have bGon checked. 2. Departr¡eüt of Public iTorl:s Q.clviD8S antique ¡:rG8a2l en::;inos have bc~en placed on 102.l1 to t~lG museUL1. loìOVJ~D by 1,D.'1. F\oJ~, seco21clocl ò~r l.:~r. 0001-:) tllat, the stcarl enGines to the LluseULl c;rounds. a trl.1Jcl::: be rented to Eove C '/'..rc.: r~ D -.--.. ....'-..-......- 3. Ers. ~h.'.th r¡<::.y expresses ·c~lanks for :~:ifts lihile in ~los)itaL h. Eonald lIitchell, treasurer, re:lo:;.~t:-> t.l1at Cc.mi:.ei1:1ial Co;;r:i3sioa Üwuircs in a let tel' 11011 lonG t:lG D02.rd uL:.:l1e s to c.:::teil;l ::'lw tiLl'3 of tliO yroj eet. EOVI:::D by Er. Coole, seconded by lil's. :Zarlo.., that ".) recluest all e~::tCi1.SiO!l up t.o a 1¡;axi¡<:U1Il of SD:: I10nths for the couplction of tIle C.:mtennial project. GIUr..lliD -......------.- ACCOUNTS I'lOVED by Ers. Earle, seconded b;y ilr. Fœ::, that tho folloviÌng accounts be paid: hay Anderson l(ay Andersorr Il. IJ. 1'Jilb~r l10òcrt lIiller GrQvel for Par~dIl2; Lot Trucli:ing Gravel Painting Uagon Paint, TransportatiŒl, Oilers, ctc. :;j425.12 20B.50 50.00 11~7 .35 CA~1IED -----..-..-- IlOv1~D by Lr. Coole, seconded b37 ILl'. Fox, that He e.xpend malcinc Ccntennj_al dresses, an.d four or five patterns. ;75 for material for CAUd.lED _.._- i I !;Í ti 1 ') 1 -, r).~..,r '..... ~.;'"r:-!-..."~(:';"". T'~-k-)'C '.. ~ ~_l-=--.:~,~~..:. .:;'-;Cl'eGCl::'~- l'~~;od,:~d tLat :=;1;.; ~::ld '::l':Ltte,l to Clarc:,:Ol1G B:mcl., Aja.:-: Ladies Pipe ;31,-lct) tU Pic;·:,:;r5.n:': Bluo i'1,:[.o;::,co ;lé::.:cch irr po.l'2.do;l é',ncl stated no reply had b3en ¡'cc~ivJd as ~~C~O f'.I-. 3.11C1. .t'll")D Oþ }~. B. 3rO~Tnh.2~"I~ agreed \rcrball~:'" to (~ern.o113tra..t:.c crafts. .:;.. .,;' '" Coo~: hac] :~td'\ris,:~(l the:t IJocd:,crs ar8 llnder 113.Y-. ~)·~:r~Eš83tioì!. t,"~·!.2..t, J\'Llrora I3?n(~ 00 corrt.actc~d~ .h(1·l'Li~L~D t,l1D."G (1.ra1-¡, a.l·t..·~~l~ tj'~iG It 0",,, r)'~ìr1~~'" J. 0c..¡,.;...-,-",;:)) 00 arrailßed for c}1il.clrcrt. Ill's. Earle to look ~·':.C:<Li"~'.~~D ·tll:XG .:.-lSS l'~,a~,",:r .A.lhler¿,;ü11 be rJ.slc8d to o!'gan.ize laclics i11 sout11 part of G!J"1:L1;)~1:Lp to cler~cJ.l~:;trat0 Q.1rJ_~" food3 tllat 1:7ere sel~rcd"5 -t,::J:G i'LI". COO~~ in1fi·t.,G -tll·:; ìr"Jl" oootb. ~ Ì'.n::mU3 club to bèlVC 3. hæ:lDurg anc~ French :~L:;cr;Jte.J:·:.r 1:Ü 1';r'it,!} S(:l""lic':; cl·~bs rc; flo:lt e~lt:-cies. l'.C~_;.-(f=~~~D tIlat cllilcl'::'Qil or.:: a'31<eCl to aI)I):;2.J:~ i:-l Cerl'tollilial CO~)tl~_r18S" arld tlîal-, ~y~_-"':Lz,:;;~ n·':'. ~"c:rl.. "-;8cret[:.1'~'- -;':'0 1;ri~itc~ to (~cl':oal ¡\.l~ca;3 1 o.ncl 2 illViti11g ,:;llil(lr:'::~:l to ~;;l¿tJ:'e irl Ilisto:"2T i~1 ;~ctiOll. .:.Locru.8s't8d "'t~o lr11itc: to I'll". I~~. J). I;Ù.illl"O r·:.; .AX"Cé: :~ cl'L~l('~r¡en a~ld I·I:c;;.. f':1..8an.ol.1l') l,icI~:üa11 1'"'0 .~_}:\ea 1 cllildrcn1t ~'>..; c rü-i~ al"~~ of 0 l.r] ·co LLrs... ,;t~,ü'Lt, ~UeG..~r8rto~i, as:,j-l1.ß clollsj ,'ll'1.d q::lv"i:')(; th.?lt C11t~rc11 d11(1 b..T to c:·:hìbit her . . I 1:',,0 :¡r~~_l"tJ çoJ~lç\,;tic:.l C¿lses ~.r8rG aìl¡J.ilable Þ F ,t..~",'~\T)I:.;S 'V._ ..._.~__ ._.. 2'~r':è~ ~ I.~c·ei'l:)r:..1o:l ì...¡8.:; C01-~1:tl8~1(t,(~Ct Ilrld 'C,llL:!ll(ocl for ller pal')t, irl t.1l.8 r\l1-'lSGULl C!ltI~ics in. tl~c ricl((;rin{~ fI'01~·'n.151-lì~ C(;11t~Ci!~1i.~:..: paI'Df1e 0:"1 Jil13i I" ¿l1d asl~ed. to CO:11lCY ~<,~l~ tl~:.l:~.~,.s o:~ ti18 bOD.rct -~>J l:<:r' (la1.:¡.-;t~·G8r--·irl-lén.-¡ D.I1Q r:~r2.¡1clcl2..UL~lytc~~ ror ·-(,~l~J :~':'~C8Clll;ood. lJa:t.",adc Olì. :Jl1l:.r 1)" l Lr '~';as a~-;rs:ccl t.1:J.'L th.c ctllJ"':lD cart .:J.ild b,OI'~;O ,.:.~rtcl GI1(~ lIai·,:-~·u.í:3 ~.la:,~:O~1 bc Cll<:lc~r(;d; ::lJ_30 tll¿t ~.i.l·s. llcl)l~~crsci.l COilGact .c.¡r' ~ a:-lcl T 'r~-;" Lon. EeGr to t~J.~~Q r)a~ct It ILr 9 li'o~: D.gl"cccl to at. t~El~t to obtain 11o~:'3c3 to dr2~".;· tllC: 1·~arcq.1.i~) 1-JÇl¿;Cll) ::Li1Ù i:1for'1';~cd tl18 bOQl"cl tllat 118 1Iould enter tli~:) st GCU¡l c~lg:L:le ~ C'.I~D~·.f~tl:\ L 3U::;I: I]~~;3::) --,,--- ... .....-.--. ---..-.. l~ I·i-:::.... Tiillcl--' u::l-'.ri3ed t,11Ll~~ ~)8:Cl:llSOlor¡. harl bCU~1 rcceiv·cd fz'orJ 10-:'-[3, to erect fcr:cc c.rouJ1cl lot Ul1dcr' rh);r'}')tiat.iol1 lor' pUl~c11,:lGC. 2. !'.U:""{·:;" j~¿?.r}.c r'(;lj"Jr'tcd tll;.0.t c;r-tC h(:.h~l COiltact~,;d lŒl~3 so ilcr··~c~zic 1-'0 herb ßarèten-, Gl"lcl it '.'Î~lS 2.i~_;r·c0J tlldt. -~.~~c; il:nr:bc;r of SiglîS fO.l" l1urb80o cut do~·-rn to ël1Jol.l-t, 2¡) of those cor.;~E;'G~ll.5r l:n.o1,-n1. lLc., r~j_J.l'~r ::l~r·ccd to rt3.1co rJctal pla.tes snp~)()l"t.c>J_ t,~:,~ :cu(.~s 1"rlLLch ìJ~; couJ_'J fUI'lli::)}~l. It ~l;J.S ::.)'~..t'·,L~dE3tcd t,11~:.t r.li¡;;'<~0:~·C:lJ.)Ì1Cd Sll'?ct~~'. ":lO:JCl-j.l)i11:; the 1Ier:';:.] 1)~:~ r:Fldo for distribution. ~ ;; f. ! t ¡. ~; L Î \ j ¡ j ~ - 3 - 3 ð 11r. ~~L,ll:~\l' r'cpor-cccl 'Ll~'~,~>:t, II{'. 'L-~~orlcy" ~)J"TÙ(;S l1ad é'.clvisccl abollt bal'ns. I{c s,::.I'.L Ll'lat 110 \1allt~;(l ~:·~~.(E"lCS allJ. li'r. IjillQ~C Sû.id 118 lIOulcl arr.:J.11gc to }:.:~\-r\.: ~~~')rl: c:t1.t ~ II::.:: 1'f.::.u:rc'cJ ("/rEUJS C1.lt lJ(;f'orc 1)3.1--'n 11as erected. i ! ) ~Lt, '.,~E~t~i r'i'jI)()I·t>~>',~. that t11c to'~}llSlli.l} Par~:s l)oJ.rÔ hac;. c'ut tIlc ElllS8U.:':1 ,rrass :ltlCl t~·1.c:~ C·ilL':^;.,,~G1 lot, l.!ll=L·:,:~1. 't'Ta:~~; 2..I)PI'ccicJ.tccl. l'r" ~1r. I':i~llcr' ropo:c-~c;::l 'Gl1at It;~s. TD. JOÌlllS"G011 11t.,~G :£lovin.::;, ancl tJiC Ilatcl'iE.l :'")'C; 01"'(;(: il1 11=":1 bar.il lFé1.0 t 0 ~JC l!.~o"':¡cd ~·¡i tlliJ.1 a Elo~1t~n. j" .'"j~:21) tl-:¿'I.t fr':nY~ fC11CC O¡1 EllisCtlF!. .c;rol.1J1cls bo talccn (~01'm. , l})\l~~~u "u~/ l'~r" }'¡[~rl::irt.? ;.JQCO~1(:8Cl b~/ i'i.l"S. ~,':2.r·lG) i::l~)i,'_tC tI1~.J rUSCt:'El :-;r01E1·:Js ~ that t1:.:: lal~gc bell be r,lOvc:d CAmn]~D ~- 7. j<~C\I~~D b~/' l<i:-cfj. J'~::~l.'lc, SeCOîl(,:.CCL 1)jT ill'. 1¡\)JC, Ylul,lr;l"S ~)~:; rcductyJ to 50,:':,~ that pr1cc of Ccatcnnial plato CAllliIED -......"'- r\ C.J.. , ,f ~.'" ~.'. L.L.J. -...> 10 }~J.:cL. reportod pl2.·:~c Q.!"d otl~cl' muscun articles sold .:::t Ccntolmial c\)l\:ib2.~¿~·;"~,i:)n.s Jr'~ly 1 2.;'j fo~Llo1.·ts ~ 1;. ¡{I1ic:·~(;ri'l.lg i_)to-c~/';¡ 31 llap3 ) platcs l]~ :)l{;¡.te h2.n[;C~I'S ,.; 16.00 :J 1. 00 7.50 __ 3 .~G5 ::.ì 5 .Ci .3 5 9,~ 17.Ci:I:~:.I) 1)2i~ I'~~~~~\3~ l-lcP11c~c::·on) ~:.':~;c::)rl(~l;(l b~;" Iirs. :¿trl;~), tllD.'C ticl\:ctfJ 011 CILlilt !)¡~; S0~L(1 at 25~~ ca~llJ Ol~ i'tlre for _.,JJ.OO. 10 ~ i:.f~:-'.:i:S.J t:'1:J.-c. I.,et:LJ_ f[;;I1CO 1)::) '''~;l~(.;ctcd ürO'wlcl -tl"lC clll~rc11. ~\C tll.::l"G IJo.3.rcl 2'~~C,:yt O!"z. 1-Jc,;t}t:'t.;](l,J.:Y-j ~Jul~T lC), d,t Il1.lSC1.1Ll i~.~x~orLn,ds to lTor1~ at 1.0(' :'la~_tS;~; 4 11ð l·¡rs ~ ITa,~'" ßuCI.littc..l scl-h>·l~..t~LG for !i;,~';el:"~·c;"1cl -;,,'¡orl-,~crs at lo[~ 110U;JG it l-ir* I-lillc;r~ to COLrt.actJ t'Ir~.. Ptlgll '.It-;orrt llro;2:X"oss or1 l}laCIUC fo¡~ Ì·lr1. IntTiì1.t3 b.OliS!) ~ 13~ :'~I>3. II:J.jr S1.~JJj·lit::; CO~!3T 0[' Pi011cor Fl'CSS CCll"l.:,C;i111ié11 iSSì~ICJ Ju l:T " IG67~ fro!,! l?ì:'lcl: Creelc \fill¿lß\J for pcr'..1.saJ~ of I..10:-:.1002'8. On EOTIOI-I of ?:-"r "',~.I.. . fo:;.::;, tllo L1C;Ct.ir1r; adjourned. -'-..'-- Sccretary Þ.P'?,nV0D.._~__.___. __.________19:// Chairnan f, i f; ~; L ! ~ ..; 1