HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 17, 1969 PICí<E;RE1G 'l.'Gí'mSHIP !'¡U:3EUN BOAP..D 6/69 .'nJ';\J ~ 1..., 1 c. t:o c:. :::-=-.:::....~,. . ... ,¿,J -I A meeti\:¡g of the Pickering 'fown- ship i1u3aum Board ",vas held on TUESDAY.. the SEVENTEEl\TTH day of JUNE~ 1969 at EIGHT o'clock p.m. PRESENT:: [,11:". H. Cook.. Ch;::irman Nrs. D. Earle Hr. R. Miller I~'Ir. i'1. par1cin Noel C. Marshallø Secretary I. Hinutes - On motion of e1:,:s. Earle, seconded byNr. r-Uller and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on June -che 3rd were adopted. C.~RRIED . II. Accounts- On motion of Hr. Iviiller, seconded by Hr. par};.in and carried unanimously the following accounts \llere approved for payment: Walter Hope, R.R. 3, Stou£fville - 72~ hours rilay 26 - June 6 Arthur Hall, Goodwood - 72~ hours Nay 26 - June 6 Andrew Ramsay, Brougham - 80 hQurs Nay 26 - June 6 Barclay Transport LL~ited - Gravel & loader Re: Gas Barn D. L. Mairs - nails Claremont Co-Operative - cement & field tile Hiòdup i\loving & Stcrag~ Ltd~ .- moving display cases from R.O.M. w. Earle - cost Re: Pesters A~ Storry Sand & Gravel Ruth Hay - Curator $ 181,,25 181.25 160..00 120.53 8.66 Ii. 58 108.. cn 10..00 164.15 250.00 -' $ 1..201..42 - .¿). Receipts $ 25.00 III. Horticultural Society - ~ - ~ A report was received concerning a meeting with the Horticultural Society at the Museum Grounds and the work this group was prepared to do for the Board. Due to their limiteà budget they b:ad agreed to establish 1:wo flower beè1. in the front of the Chu~cb as their project jEor this year. It ~ aøt.iOAed to t~ that the .loud ~ lik. to ña".. t~e 'h~]Ii'b ~;,ð.n maintained witñ t'he use of t1,e existinq herbs rather than re-astablished with other plants. The members of the society were somewhat hesitant in discussing the proposal for an overall plan for the MU:Hmm property, but it was hoped that at a later date they nj~ht come up with some recommendations. In the interim they were invited to participate in History In Action by establishing a display booth. \ ....·2·..·.. i. 'I.. Dis>Jl:lv at Conse·cvation Area At the invitation of the Conservation Authority several l"i.12i-nbers of the Boa.rd had a·ttended Greenwood Conservation ~~I.:c¡=.:a an.d ta¡Üng ',á::h th~m items suitable for display and discu3sion purposes. Unfortunately someone must have mis;".in:Eo't'~d the Board conce~:ning the hour for the meet- ing 25 tbere was no one in attendance. '\!" '" =J:l::fI~ '~!~:tisirl~ a) Barn Ra1slng Crew - Morley Symes had agreed to act as Foreman for the barn ~aising. Approximately 25 men have been ~~ontacted and h~ve agreed to participate in the event. è¡) ~3Zi -t~8 ¡>lr. [-!iller is to contact Bill Brown to sei~ ".jhether he \'lil1 look after ~he gate receipts. c) ·R~;f:t:'.eshments - The Kiwanis of the Dun1:larton Pickering Club have com- pleted the arrangements for the refreshemj~nts to ·be served during the afternoon.. d) ~;jo::-}:. Cr~l,v - ì1r.J.. Spang wished the approval of the BoaJ::-d to the l")tl!."'chasa of 8 c1az~n donuts fo,r the men ~~!'rking on t:'he ba.;:n.. She also;ldvised that she expect-ed to have 10 loaves of sa.:.c1~lÌches availa~)le for the I!len as ~..¡ell.. Thea members of -ene Board were quite satisj:ied "'lith ;;11"9 arrangements that Nrs. Spang ~las completing. e) :'Lnsuranc9 - The SecrErta.ry ;,¡ill arrange for the necessary insurance c:overag.e Œ1 the day in question. :E) Publicity - Nrs. Storry has written articles for several local papers advertising the event. The radio stations and the TV station have also been asked to publicize the activities. g) Building Supervi~ioJl .:r\ '1\2mber of people have agreed to assist in '$upervising l:hi! various buildings during the aft.erncor.t. VI .. .~21acksmi·?;h S"'hop - r~ :'t1\3 1:tftfttioned thJLt ~9"}*r;al '~reð1'19 ^h41! i.î~d.=.ø .as to w:"'!.y th a bl:l.c1<smi th shop ~"a3 no!:: open for dis~.l:a.y purposes. Evidently a nu"'11.Q9r of items we:::e stored in it: including the recently acquired display caS~9 from the R.O.I1. It was suggested tha·t sui table .protection he ,arranged for tn.a protection o:E tne:3e particular display c~.ses and that the balance of ·the ma'c,~rial in the shop be re~rnoved in orde.ct'hat it canba openad to the public again. It ~¡fas ;}. '- ::~~.. hoped that the cal"p,~nter "tools pre3cntly in t~e Nllseum Building proper could be displayed in the Bla"~::ksmith Shop~ Hr. Ilill2r menti.oned that. he has thr(~e small display cases that might bç suitable for this purpose and he and Hr> Parkin agreed to persue this matter further. :::tn any event the Blacksmith Shop is to be opened to the public pr ior to the ba~cn ~~'a i:3 ing . VII. Restoration of Buildinas - - i Some discussion ensued concerning 'the approach -that should be taken in .:::omple"ting the restoration of -the buildings presently on the grounds. It ';'Tas mentioned that the Historical Society might assist the Board in selecting and obtaining the necessary furnishings for the various buildings as well as offering suggestions as to the final finish that should be put on the buildings such as wall paper and painting. In the interval Mr.. Hiller is to discuss with Mrs~ Fallis what should be dOnE! with the Collins House which has recently been partially restored. It: was emphasized that it "'las most irû.portant: that at least two oE the buildings and preferably three should be at least structurally restored for the History In Action celebrations in September. It 'Has hoped tha,t the Collins House and the Cole House together with -the Church would be more or less completed by the end of the s~~er.. VIII" Curator - As Mrs. Hay is presently confined to hospital some discussion was hald concerning a replacement for her during her illness. The major problem seemed to be one of security involving the various buildings particularly during the months of July and August. It was agreed that Mrs. GilLman continue in her daughters absence and that she retain temporary staff as required to assist her in supervising the build- ings. IX. Refreshment Buildina - ~ The Kiwanis are presently negotiating with the owner of the Brougham store to obtain the old drive s:hed which they feel can be converted to a refreshment Jbuilding behind the school. Mr. Cook is to report on the progress of these negotiations at the next meeting. x. Restoration Programme - Hr. l1iller wondered whether the Board would be in agree- ment to having the workmen construct the nec49ssary foot- ings and to replace the sills of the hotel and harness shop should th;ay be unable to work on the other buildings during inclemG~1t ¡rr-'ather. The Board agreed that this was a reasonable step to take but emphasized that the work should go no further than tna actual letting down of the builtìing onto the foo'tinga at this tju. It waa eDiph~lIiaaà again that on a priority basi~ the two homes and the Church should be completed prior to any significant amount of work being done in other areas. ì_ -{~- XI " G~:!n2t:"a 1 - It '.1::.1.3 .suggest.Gel that Dr. HcKay contact I"lr ø John Rempell \,/110 is~n a-xchOl:-ií:y on older buildings 'with particular '2inphas is on ~;ll1a-t -::ype of painting should be carried out on t.h92xt!=;rio~ oc tha various buildings. It wa.s noted th:lt once the initial restoration was complete that it ';,las :::easonalìle that th·8 various buildings be painted to :i!.ê.'?~cC"'t/~ t¡l2i~c apJ?ea:cl3.nce.... In ;;~.::.ldition l\Ir. I/liller ",.,as a3ked to arrange to have the v~rious ~li!ldm"'s in the blù.cksmith shop repaired and ccmplet,~d as ne-:;essary. It \Ÿas agreed that .any small jobs such :is installing the doors on the barn should be comp12ted as th~e pBrmits. XII~ M2mo:rshios- Hr. l'!cLean had previously suggested the possibility of selling memberships to the Muselli~ and thus p:roviding an additional source of revenue. rne suggested membership fee would be $3.00 per family. It was agreed that this matt8r be referred -1:0 a further meeting_ On !::.ol:ion the meeting adjourned" DL\TED Chairman Secretary