HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 8, 1969 2TCI<Ef'.r;.rG (J.'Œ'Th/SHIP N~F;:-:::~!i.:L1?OARD ,JULY' 8th" 1;69 .r'\ ;'11~:~2·tir_~-:~;· z)f t11e I) icl:::-~~¡= 1111) Tc\.vn- sbip MU~¿uG D0ard was hald on rIUI~0D¡\Y', t1î2 EIGHTH day of JT.Ji.,Y 1965 at the Municipal Building a·t ::.';: /)') r>" m. PfU':;.SEtT'r:; [·Ir. Harry T. COO~«I Chairman firs. ¡'f1ildred Gpang Mr. Donald McLean Mr. Robert Miller Nrs. Deirc1r~ Earle 7;"59 J..j:J, <:118 absence of the Secretary the Board appointed N:rs. Earle t() t?1<e the minutes. ......;.0 (linutes " On motion of Þ1rs. Spang, seconded by Mr. McLean and carried unanimously the minutes o.E the meeting held on June 17th,. 1959 ~/lere adopted. ).. "::'\ccounts- E;Cl?~ISES ~ :Jalt:er Hope-\..¡eek end ing June 18 61·'.... hours $ Andrew R.amsay-vleek end ing June 18 6dJ· hours Arthur Hall-~\jeek end ing June 18 62'< hours Q¡1tario Historical 50ci3ty-membership Ontario Hydro ~v.al t2r Hardy - eaV8'3troughing Curran & Briggs Ready Hix - cement - cistern Arthur Ball-week cndi~g July 2 ~8 hours iflalt:er Hope-week ending July 2 ~:2 hours Andrew Ramsay-v'leek ending July 2 82 'hours Claremont Co-Op - cement - 15 bags j'·1ildred Spang - barn raisinq - 1':",9£resÌ1.ments Barclay TrQTIsport Ltd~ - grader - steam barn Vern':JY Excavating RECEIPTS ~ Robert Miller re: Masonic Hall in Trust Admissions .í>1aps Barn Raising 161.25 129.25 156.25 5,15 13 ~ -<17 9·1.60 483. S!) 120.00 120.DO 16¡¿·, 00 39.38 22. ¿~8 17.50 50.00 "II,. $ 1,576.93 $ 3..952.78 73.00 20..00 140.,,)0 $ 41185~78 On motion of ,Hr. .l'¡1cLeanø seconded by Nr. Hiller and carried unanimously the above accounts \,rere approved \- --2..· 7 / 6~) 3. Correspondence- 1) Letter received :ê:;:o;n ''',- Hise. f.1j;". JYlillcr to see if anv need fOj;" item (lese:...: :~.b¿;à. J. . 2) Letter received £rom Singer Sewing Machine Co. 3) Letters sent regarding parts for steam engine. '1,} Hemo sent to Hr. Poulsson; Township Engineer I regarding the moving of the Odd£ellows Hall. Details given of moving route and requirements s-tated with request for approval. Reply from Mr. Pauls son stated that his department will co-operate and asks for three weeks notification prior to move. Mr. Miller reported that Mr. Hope feels tnat the Odd- fellows Hall would be better situated South of the Harness Shop where the ground is more level. Motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Spang that the plan be changed to place the Oddfellows Hall on new site South of the Harness Shop. CARRIED " 5) Monthly report received from the Royal Ontario Museum. /I '..:.: 0 Barn Raising - It was felt that ~)out $500. had been saved by having the Gas Barn raised at this event. So far Mr. coo1~ had not been able to ascertain why the ~(iwanis had failed to provide the refreshments as promised. Mrs. Earle voiced disapproval of the report on the Barn Raising in the Toronto Daily Star. She felt that, in future, reporters should be asked t:o get their inforIDa tion from Board sources to prevent such erroneous matter being published again. v7hilst agreeing that such a policy should be followed, other Board members felt that a letter of thanks should be sent to Miss Anne Wanstall asking her also to pass on the Board's gratitude to the Star for giving the Museum the publicity. A letter of tharu~s for his leadership at the Barn Raising is also to be sent to Mr. Morley Symes. 5. Histor¥ In Action,- It was suggested that t1r. Marshall query whether it would be possible to place a temporary sign some distance from the Musew« to attract attention on such special events as History In Action. Mr. Cook suggested that games be organized for this year's event I such as pin-driving I which had proved very popular at the Barn Raising. After discussion it was decided that this would be feasible and that lO¢ a pin would be charged and that Mr. Miller should ask Mr. Art Hall to make mallets for sale at $3.00 each and to run this activity. \ 1 -.. 3- 7/69 O?d ï'::irr.e ho:;:s,::!-sho2 pi'i:chinS'Jill also be held and other C~2~dS are to be ~on3id8red~ J On ~~ :':'.otiŒ1. by Hr. l:lill<=r. :: :::~ondec1 by Hrs. Earle and carried Lr1.anin-:ou;:;ly it ;,'JaS approved t.hat a quil't for the quilt draw !)2 purcbased from Mrs. Gillman for $25.00. j,"i:c. Earle ,\<¡ill donate ·the quilt dra~,.¡ tickets ß which will sell !:o:c the;~ same price as laGt year. 25¢ each I 5 Eor $1. 3") ()Y3tS?rs an~ to be o.rdered from .ìY1r. Earle. d:::. Nars11all is to 'be a3k~d to contact the Claremont Band and ask if they \'lÍll par£orm on both days. èTrs.. Spang and Hrs. Earle are in the process of contacting å8monstrators. ;:'5.-;: _ Coo}~ is in charga OJ: publicity. (fIr. Marshall is to ;,/''Cite t.o the '1'0:;:0'1):0 Calendar NagazL,1.e for information re- garding some item on History In Action to be included in Oile of their issues. tit's. Ear13 is to see to the making of a sign to hang outside the Museum announcing the event. It was :3uggssted tha't a meeting of the Nuseum Assistance C·.JIT'.mittee be arranged. Further discussion on this to be l~eld a'l.: the next meeting. 5. General Business 1) £,1=. Miller asked that the Board consider buying padlocks :EOl: unloc1<ed buildings and it ¡.,¡as decided -that 18 lodts 3 1::eyed the same, snould be ordered. Hr~ Hiller ~.,ill take ca:~eof t1îis... 2) .(:!r, ì'ÏÌ11er report<::d that a ,{J!ajor Harper available from .r.1r. ~~hornbeck for $150. is also availa~le from tne ~arkham area Planer is A st.eam engine for $150. .Af;.:e-c disct:tssion it was moved by Hr. HcLean and seconded by 11r5. Spang that the steam engine plus boiler be acquired for not more than $150.and that ~~. Tnornbeck be asked if h~ will hold the planer until such time as more funds are availabh':!. CAR..." lED . ~J ) ..J. i'-ìrs. Dorothy Duncan i3 to be at the Nuseum on July l2fu to advise on correct furnishings for the boardwall and pla&~ houses. The Board agreed to abide by her decisions. ()¡l mo't:i.on by Hr. îkLean the :nee'l;ing adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary