HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 12, 1969 PICIŒI!.ItW 'rOfJ:TSHIP ,NU3EUH BOARD l\'~fGtJ3rr 12 ~'J ]~ 95'3 A !Tleei:iï10 oE the Pickering 'l'Ovl!l- ship l'iUS2um Board vms 'held on TUEJDA':Z-. t11e rt'liTELFTH day of AUGUST, 1969 at G p.m. PRE3EHT~ I'1r. H. Cook. Chairman (Ir. R. r~(i1ler fJ[j= ~ ]). r·:lcLeaIl Hr. H. Parkin I'-1rs. D. Earle In 'the aJJsence or t:1:1e Secret.ary i,lrs. Earle "laS appointed t.o take down the minutes of the meeting. 1., .i'1inutes- On motion or 1\1r. 1\1cLean. seconded by 1':1r. Niller and carried unai1Ìffiously the minutes of the meet.ing held on July :~;th were adopted" CARRIED. 2. Accounts- A memo re: Gary Campbell J s reqLlest for an increase i:n 11is hourly rate from $1.. 30 was considered by the Board. filr., r'liller reported that Hr. Hope had said ·that he knew nothing of £·'lr. Camp:bell's ra'te and had no't made the statement a'ttributed to him in the letter sent by Hr. CampbelL !/lr. Hope also did not know where the 80 hours ,..,ere worked. I·Ir. Hiller will in- vestigate to see if the Curator employed ,Hr. Campbell for 'the e~<:tra hours. Jloved by fIr. .Hiller g secoi1ded by Nr. Parkin that no in.:::rease in salary be made to Gary Campbell~ that the 80 hour pay be adjusted ir ne:::essary~ that ,the follmving a,,::;couD,ts :be paid. Co:::hrane-Dui1lop Howe LtC! ð L:~ lo::ks $ Ji1rs. Ruth Hay, Curator i1rs. Erma Laï.-¡renceg 23 hours @ .90 .- week ending July 19th I'·:trso P. C2tmp!Jello 11 hrso @ 1030 - \vee1< enc1ing July lS'c11 ìliiss M. Spang $ 21 11r8o @ 1. 30 - week ending July 15th r'Ir. ~'v. Hope Q 32 hrs. @ 2.50 - itleek ending July 15th Nr.. A. Ramsay Q 80 hrs. @ 2.00 - 'It\reek ending July 16-th rl[r. A. Hallg 80 hrs. @ 2.50 - ,"reek ending July 16th r:1r. G. Camp]:;¡ellg 80 hr8. @ 1.30 ... vreek ending July 16th fir. A. Ramsay g 59 hrs. ® 2000 - ,,'leek ending July 30th tk. A. Hallg 63 hrs. @ 2.50 - week ending July 30th Mr. W. HopeQ 62~ hrs. @ 2.50 - weekmding July 30th Mr. G. Cam~Jell. 30 hrs. @ 1.30 - week ending July 30th Claremont Co-Op - Cement 5000D 250.00 20..70 ILL 30 27030 80.00 160.00 200.00 104.00 118.00 157.50 156.75 104.00 42.53 TOTAL............ $ 19485.l6 3. Oàdiellows Hall _ bIT. Miller reported that Mr. Harrison will be unable to move the Oddfellows Hall on the 14th or August as planned. £1r. Harrison had trouble with another move and at the same time f/ir. Stong and Hr. Palk stated that: no move was possible accross their fields at present as they have hay and gr~in still to harvest. All departments have been notified and it is now hoped that the move will take p1a~e early in September. ) -2- Platform Movi~q - :Lc ~ ?!!,illl~r reported i:~~,at: fLC.. Hope had suggested °cha t he and LL '; ¡TIel!. l\',ove the platform 0:;1 tl1e duseum grauD,ds.. Nr. Hope felt \'::'::1,(: he c:ould c~o 't'biE, in les~:.; 'timechan the mover. He also è!,:C,::cÔ i:i:c~J(S :iJoa:cd ~'fOulè1 ?:·egui:.-e a }:)a,2k ere.:::tec1 on the plat- ::o:::-m., Aft::~:c ð is,::us~:Üon i,t was decided that ~ ror the presen't. ", ~::-ailL".':-f,',';~ e}:e:-:ted a:counc1 the east, \"les'i: and nor'cll sides of ~~)13.t.::Q~cln/ ·C113."t ·ti12 s'ceps "j)e plac~ed 011. t:l1e 'vest fron.-t ~orner ':':",\:: th 2-1 t, Iir. E:Y0'-': :::2 a ',1.tI'.o"C i~¿;::c1 to rnove -c.lle platform. ~~ C~t~rj_~ ~lyd~o (>:'::2.rio IIyðl:'o has advi::5edthattlley will inst.ruct I'ir,> Carruthers as to how to wire the steam barn. A six foot locked fence must ;!ut z;',roL1::K1 the ger"era'to:c before 'they i:vill issue a permi'c ~ë():;: ì t:s U:3e <) ·S Q l'·-'~~. I"J -;\~:; llaJ.l.f=o1)'3 Oi,1. motiŒ1 oZ Xi?::-.. n::Lea:n, s2::~011_é!ed }:)VH:c. Parh:ir!, approval \¡lIaS c¡iV2D, :::or -(.he :EollowÜ1<] icerLls co :::e- dealt i¡¡i'cll:: a) (~fat(~ ~J;.~·t\le3::1 -::11e churcll. a~1d t.he church shed i -, --~ to be moved9 ", ) 'J ':":..'- " Eoy::: ioSeo ,:;aulk 'the .:;h'.;~rch ro02 \111ich hasbeei1 leakL1g., ~) The plasterins of the Collins house will be left to the dis- ~~atio~ o~ M:c. Marco. CARRIED. ../ ~ C:~ç~3 ~8ar.a:lr ò~ LO,:"t(3 ,,- 1:.: IY.Li.l,le:r ;,:8I):')rted ~tll.a..t '::118 g,:2.s}}arn is )::.83.::.1.:19" completiol"l ;::~~~¡:=~ "t11õ.t. ·t1.1(~ 1;.:2\,11 loc]çs ::Eor all J)ttilèl i11gs lias JJeex.,. re::;:~ i ved é.i.·.~cl i::.s·talleël ~ :7~.2·:)ai)-:s 0;,-', motio.':~ by I'lr ~ L'·!iller, E;econdec! 'by [1:¡:.. Parkin approval '>!as ~30:.l,;h{.: forche repair 0:'= :':'11e Tur::)i:o,e el1<;-Ü'),8 J the Boiler. -c:he ~e':1.:.1 a:.-~(: ':::~ite Be 11 ~ CZ\i1.IUED ø ~ ~ C~'S:" ".;2 :L a 1 ,"-" a) l·:(:c > Curnmi~!.g,:; 1121s offered apple-~:J\:l'¡:ter makiilS· equipmen·t rm: $l-JOo l'io\7eél by ~lr. l'IcLean, seconded ~)y ):;¡-'-. Parkin that f'1:c. I,Hller cŒ!.sicler this and make an offer at his O'dTI c1iscretiono Cl\.rr:.""tIED ~ :) '1'h::: :::c't','.rn-:Elue }.;:,oile:c. engine and pump have ::)e9n purchased Lor ;$150. Payment 'Jill }X~ made in Octo:.:;cr. .::) fL'he :3U9'~iG::; tiŒ1 that the ÜiJ.S'2t1Il1 sell menÜe:cslÜps is referred co ehe 3cç;::etary for Lwest.iga'i:i0!.1. 100 _;-lis-;:or~y" III Þ.c~t:io¿!. - a) II;:.'s" Earle repo:::-ted 'tha't the pos-(::ers, dravl-'tickets and sign were done. 200 posters and 1,500 tickets had been delivered to the Curator 0 'I'he remaining posters and ,tir:::kets 'liIere gi velî out t:.o Board mem'~)ers for distribu;:ioi,I,. :-. ) ,~ Demonstrators are still being contacted. i .... -.:)- ::) It 'l:l::tS (Y.':::: ::ided ·tha-t I··¡;~s. :t~allis -])c asked to supervise Jche '~ollins House t \/vhir:::h she is in ,the p:co--::ess of re--'(nrnishi;J.9" ct) (:.1:" 0 Coo1~ ,,¡:.rill Gee i:é 112 {:':;(~:L(l ar~cal1SJe :Cor SOH'l2 11'J.i1g8J.:'" grOtlpS to ,'.::ome 2.~1d help vlith vêu:-ious activities at Hist.ory In Action.. 2) Er. Hiller ÿ,¡Ìll investi9ate the making of a ~)2.ll::.1.er. :c) 'J:11'~ garaes s::-~ct ion is }:;eir1.(J ors·at~.ized g ~J) '2}'lG se;~re·:::a.ry is ~to ·,~Ol"l·tël;~·;.: [:IL"!8eurü Assis·tall::~ Corarni-t-tee rt1'~mJ::ers asLin,g 'them t.o meet. í.'1ì,tl1 ,the Board oni·¡2dnesday. AugTlst 27th at. .::. p.m. hj £1r. I:iiller íHCl.Üd like a--::.opy of the £1useLù'll grounds lay-out pla~ in order to have a directory sign made for History In L-i -~ t iC!.1. On. rnot.ioli of H:;:. I"liller the mse'::i::~g adjourned. Chairma!.l. Secre'tary 0