HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 9, 1969
:r;<C:,~~S¡::IUiIG 'Imd3HltJ ?IU3EUH "OOARn
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1\ ¡n38t i11{j cr{: cl1{:~ IJ ~icl:.er ing 1.~o;~l:1.-
shi;:) I'lusel.'..1\ Boar¿l v73.S held on
'l'UBSD2.\Y, th.~~ 3:-TEfETIi day of SEP-
rj.'ELilBER tJ lS6J a-c EIGIiT 0' c,lo·::k pumo
j?11E3El1T:; ~i~~c) ~ D ~ ~arle
['1.-:" R,. .HilL~r
r~~~'" i:I... 1? ;;11:' 1c il1.
S ecre-tary
ìol~c S u
i·I ;ct
10 Oddfella~3 Hall -
TX:'2 ;3e-:;r2t:ary agreed to ',n:i-i::e Ic-tters of thanks -to f,iessrso
;} tC:1c:r, Fal;<. and VanLieshout fo:: a,llowil1g the I:1nseUi."tt Board
·to Llove the Oc1d:êellm¡s Hall across -their respective properties.
In thi3 co~nection a brief discussion followed concerning
the his!.:Ol:Y of this builc1Í11g. Eviden>cly it \¡as a ChristiaD,
Cf12rcn co~structcd in the year 1869 and was used as a Church
u.ntil lC9A.: at <:v-hieb time it. Has sold to the Odd:EelloHso Up
u~til some 0 years ago the building had been i~ continuous
i..~;3e bvche Odd:E'211ows 0
2 ~ /-\C'~~OL1l1tS~-
Oa i'o.10::-.lon or l·lL. Hiller., 3e~:;onded by í'..Ir 0 Parkin the follow'-
:!...ng '-'l:::::-~Otm'::.s \¡Jere appro'iec1 20r paymenî::
£'~~c 0 I? ~ H ð j?o:~
'\~/or~< d011G ()i1 l)oila:š:s
:)/~. So 3C:
Pic}~ering Litho-print- posters re: Historv
ITI A::::tion & Quilt Tickets
Russell Ba:o::ciscn -- re-loca>cing Oc1dfelloítTs Hall
ai.'lcl moving buildin<¿s on 11usellffi Grounds
1... 2 Sf) > OJ
It ':7as not,.ed t.hat $35.00 0:'2: -;:1-1(,; Picke:ciü~f Litho-priüt
invoic.:'2 <,'lOllld !)::! -termed as <:l donation :crem ·the company 0
Hi-i.:h ~::-2spect to the ir'.voicechat VIOlÜd be forthcoming
fl:'Ofa lIr. Ha.:::rison approval \Jas give::! eto the -total indicated
a~)ov<;:! 'caking into CCE13 ic:k::ra'tio~.1 tha-t he had spej,l>c 2 days at
·the liluseum Grounds re-loca'ting j)uildings as \',ell as movÌl1g
the Oc1d£ellmls Hall.~lhilG the original estimate for moving
-the Oc1dfGllows Hall v·muld be e::ceeded this \.,¡as :::~aused
primarily by -the condition or the las't field \vhich had to
be crossed and was not entirely the fault of the movero
3. Rest.ora·cion Proqramme --
'1'he Com.i1lÌt"i:ee discussed 'che p:cog¡:-ess !_"2il1(~ made L1 'the
rcstm:'atiŒ1 prog-rarrm.,2 ¡or -cll;::; varions ~::;,uilc1iD.g:::; 110ting
that: n,!"lcl1 0:( 'cþe i1?C~S~št:rÿ '¡lork had bee:1 ca::-ried out although
a good d8al of it Vlould l,_Ot be il1unediately re~og;liza~Jle ~ This
a~Jplicd ~')~rtisularly to the re-const:ructio;.1 of -c,he joists and
beams under many o:c the ::)1..d.lclL1gs" r'c had origÜlally been
hopec1i::J.1at ~che \vindo\'!S 'dou.ld hav8 been availë-Òle for 'the two
homes ';)U'C un-.cor·cui.lé':tely the gen'cleman makingtJ.u~se had not:
comple'ted -them 0
\!i>ch -c11e e:;:ceptiol1 oS: the '\'fÌ1'ld0 i:iS., doors, and the floor the
Col;; He-u.s!.;) ~.7aS p'retty ,,;-,-ell ':~omt).lQ-c~ly rej"lov,-,ted i:lp.:d 'donla
~={~r';l__~:j_:'''e \'::?r1' lit,tle c~:cte:;:ior ':TorIe ~L:.l t:11e £u:tu~a... U::1~~ortt~:.~a·ta~y
\ -
1 /J i/ S ~
:~Q :-3tlC'C:~G[~ 1':·,a.(~1 ~..)ce~c~ arr ~L\l'~ct at: i~~1 oT)'i.::aill.iiî~:; 'cl1c lL1l11~.;e~'" for
·tnc~ :;:: loor ]Joa::ëts alld 5..t \faS 110]?2ê~ t:Ì12. -c some ~; ';..Ic>:;er; S \·Ic)"t:!.lc1
})e made iilClL;_S :::(:~ciard
t,r18 :;J.ca:;:- ~ct~ tL~~:-C ..>
ri:'~.ì.2 plY':looc1 had >2en removed':;:om the \1:Llldm·f1 cê -U'l'¿; Oc1c1--
rcllm-;c Hall once it, ,,¡as lOCil"'·,2d on the 9-rOU::là.:~ zmd ';:he
V/:î.:,ldm-r;-:; ''.:18;:8 found t:o -be i:l 1:"(;330na}Jly good con6ii.:jo~1~
Ui'!,Zo;:b..1.:-:ca.tely the plaster in -c118 building is qt.Ü-(::~ old aDd
in. '.'ÏO:cki:..1ÇJ inside the ì.lorkmen carne -to the cOi1clue>ioli that
it ~;/o1..tld be un':lise 'co ope~l -;:h'2 building to th.e public: in
ite, preGcmc condition" :'Tl'1i!t.::; 'the e~:.terio:.: of t118 'j)uilding
'iras extremely sound it. looked as thoug-h much 0:( -th·..:: i!,yterio:r
\/oulc1 have to }Je re-plasterec~.
In chis regard Hr o. Pos-till had already 2.greed -to do ·the
plas-tering in the Collins House at: an e:3-i:ima'tec1 cos·t of
$200. Once sufficient monies uere available it ,¡¡as :cel'c
tha>c he ì.-¡Quld also be i.lillL1g to do the Od:::1fellmls Hall ~
I::. ;]1 illai1ces -
Discussions \\lith ·the TO\-\ll ship Treasurer sugg-est:ec1t11a-c at
the p:resen'i: time there ,\Tas a !Jalance of app:rœdma'cely
$2,500. in -the Huseum Board a::COUl1:t 0 The 'to-tal income
including the previous years balance amounted to $13,,0000
',1Ì'ch e;~pel1ses to the end of Aug-ust of approxima'cely $11" 0000
Under the circumstances it \"as suggested tha-c 'the Fork.'1len
Ç!,t 'the Euseum property !)e released during- 'the '\'leek fol1m\7-
ing History In. Ac-tion until such t; me as a de'cailcc1 state-
ment "'las available" It v'Tas hoped that reve;.1ue from History
In Actio:n '\vould permi-c possibly 2 or 3 mQ}~e ·uee}::.s uark on
the buildings before winter set in.
~. History In Action -
Hrso Earle explained the difficulty in ge'c·ting volunteers
to carry out the various displays for this fUl1=tio~. It
VTas '!JecomL1g increasingly difficult 'to sre'i: any~)o!1Y to
volunteer their services and many of the o:riginal supporters
of the festivities were getting on in years and un~;le to
contÍi1ueo It was pointed ou-t that Histo::...oy 1:1 Acti0i1 a¡1d
the many activi-ties carried Œ1 during >che :ees'i:ivi'cies was
primarily responsDJle for the success of the fîusellin project
and if the p:resent trend continued the entire reve~ue programme
of the I-1useum could be jeopardizedo It ,,·¡as fel-t tha-t a
revieu of the entire financial support of the proje,.:;'c mus'c
be undertake~1 in >che ve1..oy near futureo
The Secreta1.J( agreed to contact the Department of Highways
respecsing picnic tables for the '\.veeke~1c1 as Ï!lrs ¥ Hay ~Tas
unabl'3 t:o do so due to her ilL1ess 0 I't \IaS sug-ges'ted -that,
possibly Peg Campbell might look after the souvenir ta1Jle
in the a})sence of 1-1rs. Hay 0 The Secre'tary \\7as asked to
COlYCa::;t Ron l'-1itchell and ask him whetheï: he could assist
':,rith the gate again this year and also arrange for e:;:tra
chairs :Eor 'the various demOl'lS'crators.
TI1e clea~ up following the days activities was always a
pr6!;lem and it vJ'aS sugges'ce¿: 'that some of t:he local })oys
in the area be given a, jo}) for the 2 days and 'chat, they
be paid $2. ea~ho
1'·lr. Hiller asked that demŒlscrator tags ~X~ availa~)le aad
the ;::;ecrc-i.:al:Y agreed -\:o look a:eter -this i-tern.
\ -
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!.L!:-;:~ " .(>:L::}:~ rne'~1't iO~tt2èt tlta ;:: ·'::ll'~ l)~::'ess t:I1a-c \1ae t.O ~)e o"J)'tail'1ec1
':'~,1 C<L0..::t:.ric moto}: on it, ~./h:i.'.:::l1. ~)honld really :Je j::-eplaced
'L~11 a L 1e ê>c;;;::.hìs \(2.3 t:h~, ':lay the press \'laS originally
;)tÜlt., Ii-¡::lÜs regard i¡: HaG hoped tl1at the press ~,-¡ould jJe
2.va:Ll:J.~jl,3 :::0:;:" Iiist.ory 1:'1. Ac-cion.\,lith it JJeilì.~.i lo'::ated a'c
}~2a:1't: ~::O]:~ 'C~_1;'::~ lJ·reserrc 111 t:l"l8 Sfé1S })ar11~ l>lrs ~ Ba~le êl1SQ
;::~(~~1t.io~n.8d. t:1'18 1')'J~3S:L~) l o~c re-êtrrai1~fi11g tll.c VicJcoria11 Room
}l1 o:::....t~ter t:.l1¿l'C >:':1~.e CU:C.ëi'tO:,::- COtllët :.)e lO:~¿lteèl i';.l t.11.e Iluseu.rn
}J!~::~~lc1j.:11;;· L)rolJe:t* arlc.1 'tl1US 1)8 iìl a posit:ioil -co SllpG:cvj_se t118
c15.3f\.L::iy;::; 0 ~:ni18 this ;:e-<J.:Lrangem2nt \-Jould not be possi1Jle
:2fo~:e His tory In Actio:..1 i·t \laS hoped 'chat it could he carried
out: 2.:'<'1 "t:11.C -c'":.ear :ëuttlre,.)
It: 'í,h~':; a1:::;0 suggested that some attempt might 1)e made in
:.eu-cure years 'co Ll'teres'c local high Dchool studel1'cs in
pa,rti·.::ipaC:i.119 iil 'ch,e act.ivi-ties and acJc Ìll -;::l1e capaci-ty of
.:~c-tende;Tts t:o the various ~)LÜld Ìl1gS. They \'muld be in
COS-Cè.,::ne 2..;_1c1 ¡.-Jould be Hell versed in 'i:he histm.:y of -che
l)uilc1ì~-:::;i a:'ld its corrtel1.;::::: 0 There uas no guest:iŒ1 -cha:c such
p.(~rsŒlal CŒTcac'c added a great deal -to anyones visit: to the
01..... EtotiOl!_ the meetiü9 adjotl.rnecL
S ecre-cary