HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14, 1969 ""-~-'-'-"'-' :?I(~",~:'E;n.Ii·,;(; (r{)~'r;.\;·SIII2 ¡"£USElJ:v! BOi\fill 11/69 SJCTC3ER 1,4 I 1969 ;~, n1,,;C oi th;: Pickc:ri'lg 'fmý;1- 511 ip l·luse:..'.l"'G Boardvlas held 0:1 TUESDAY ::[1'::; FOUH.'.PEENTH day of OCTOBER; 1969 z',t EIGHT 0 'clock r..:.! <> Tn 0 rn.ESE.1YfT ~ ,d.c. 1-1. Cook) Ch;:Ürm2.,1 t·'l::::. r~. J:·liller ,:;1.::. j):lcLea",l I',·ì,r s v D to> E; é~r 12 i>l.c,;, ~1 ,. I? ët r J.ç i :,.1 ~Ics. fiÌ1J Spcrng Noel c. Ma~shal1, Secretary 1.. i'·'1:r,n:.;;rES I't '\'la:;:; _loted tha':: 'che mi',lutes of August the 27th ii1dica'ced th?c '::11e printing press Crul18 :Eram Hr. RO!,1 Peacock.. In 2,:::(:ua1 £ac t the press bad bee;l donated by f'lr.. HcLea~l and '.,¡as 1,:;~f t èI~ Nr. Peacocks property for the lack of any other facility to store it at the time. 0:" me c. iD'l of ::lr. NcLea.¡,"J s,;;:con.dec1 by (Vlrs 0 Earle and carried :,:,.1dnÜ::onsly tJ18 mÚmb2s of the meetLlg of AugusJ.:: l:he 27 t11 and Sep>.2mber the 9th 'i4e<:e adopted subject ';:0 the cor::=ectiOl1. .;"lC)·;:f~i~! 2;.b~)1¡e <> :2 "?\CCOf-,~TTS - 0'.1 i:'.8C ion of i"Irs. Spang ð seconded by [.lr. Parkin and carr ied u'::.animously the follm,/Úlg accounts were approved for payment: ~'I¿J.l ter 1-I()pe - t¡.'li? el< ending Aug. ] ") 70 he 0J 2. 50 ,-, ~v;~8k c:nding 2\ U':f ~ 27 -. 24 hr. @ 2. 50 1\:<:(: Ha11 \"l~?.ek ' " 7' "(.... I" 72 he @ 2. 50 ..- e.:.1Cll"1g ...""\ <-(.-':1 I) .:J - \¡'·1~~8}~ etld ing .P... "...11:] a ?"7 --, 75 hr. :i:ù 2. 50 _I Z\.1~ (] )' Ramsay 'i.'leek ending Aug" 'I -, .. 69 Dr. @ 2..00 - _I.. _J \¡·ï~~'2k ending Aug. 27 - 80 he @ 2. 00 Garry Camobell \d,~e]<. ending Aug. 13 72 Dr. GJ L30 "'- - "'leek ending Aug., 27 - 64 h'~ @ L 30 .!.. . 175.00 60.00 180.00 187.50 138.00 160000 93.60 83.20 - various including steel for gas barn yj2ek ending Sept. 10 - 73 hr. @ - week ending Sept. 10 - 83 hr. @ - ','leek ending Sep'c.. 10 - 57 hr 0 @ VïE~ek endÌi1g Sept. 19 56 hr. @ I'\.. Ramsay -. \.ý?ek ending Sept. 19 60 hr. @ 2.00 A. Hall - wseK ending Sept. 19 - 56 hr. @ 2.50 H Llc.2rs C'2 in ?·£asonary - chimney Collins I'louse Pr:I:le Equip:'7lell'~: Co. - moving s team e~lgine invoice 127 Erma La'-'1r',~,1ce - 24 hours @ 90¢ Dø L. Hairs Art Hall A. Ramsay T¡·l. I~Iope 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 800.30 182.50 166000 142.50 175.70 120000 140.00 30.00 12.50 21.60 14.30 27.30 50.00 75.00 126.00 2.60 67.50 H:C3. pegqy Cê','11,pbel1 - 11 h1:'. @ 1.30 Miss Marg Spang - 21 hours ® 1.30 R. 'l'ribbling -- bus - I"larkhar.,l Drum C':)rp. Gil Davis - Narkham Drurn Corp. 1'1..i.1dy Ramsay - we2k ending S~;pê:. 30 - 63 hr. @ 2 <> 00 Arc}mr r--1i tche 11 Ltd. .- 'He'2perS G. Î"l. Smith Ltd. - float mcwing st,'2aIrl engines \ ,-2,· D. }J. ,.;'lai::-s - mL;;c21lane()'tL~ D. L. Mairs - June accounts invoic2s misplaced Sale of willow blocks HUj~r:ay Balsdon - va;:,-iousha.uling lL S COi::TY ,- hauling lu.rriber for Cole E{ouse Sal'2 of Haps Robert Miller - various 53.90 21,.81 <~. 00 60.00 15.00 2..00 410,,96 3 ~ 9Et\T.EP1~.L- :l) ì1r. [·Liller reported that Hr. Clifford Postill ~Ilas i¡lOrking on plastez-ing the Cole House and had finished the Collins House. He e,stimated that: the total cos'c for 'the C'f¡IO jobs would be in the neighbourhood of $350. - $400~ maximum. It \'las remarked that vlOrk carried on in these -['110 homes made a remarkable difference in them and that ,the restoration of the buildings required only the installation of the windows and the papering of ,the walls to complete the building.. b) Hr. Parkin drew the attention of the Board to the fact that the original to'Nn cloc1ç from the Towß of w~itby could be purchased for t,he SU1'TI of $200.. Evidently it was a four faced clock standing some 15 fee'c high aJ.îd ~veighing some'thing in ,the vicinity of 2 tons. During the discussion that follmved it was noted that while the acquisition of SUCfl a~ object might be desirable its ul,timate location should be finalized prio~ to any commitment being made.. In view of the general financial situation a no'te of caution was voiced.. c) Finances - '1'he Secre'tary presented ,the following fiaancial stats~ent to the Board~ PICI<ERL~G TO\~qSHIP HISTORIC2-\L SOCIETY Reven.ue: Due from Tovmship of Pickering (1968) $ 409.00 Due from TovT!ìship of Pickering (1969) 2,500.00 Due from Province of Ontario 850..00 Donations l~OOO.OO R. Miller in Trust 3,952.78 Maps, Alli~issions etc. 3,227.90 Cash in Bank 5,020.00 TOTAL REVENUE............................ð...$171039.68 Expenses: Miscellaneous $ 7,899.59 Building Rentals 11.00 Heating 997.69 Pewer 45.06 Insurance 322.61 Salaries & Wages 6,353.15 Legal Fees 5.00 Stationery & Supplies 283.42 SubscriptioJs & Public 45..00 TOTAL DISBURSE1'lENTS..... .... ... . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . $15,962.52 illCCESS OF REV&~UE OVER EXPENDITURES.....$l,077.l6 \- " .- ,j'- ,è::~~. ,[.lzc{:5'h:tll c:-:,plaij:'!.(;è[ thai: ':11e miscellai1eous iterp. 'vias ., . 11 . ~ '(" "~na'1 "~noso 8. (:?!:tc~~-all ;:.iC;r::01.J.f.YC \'lfl2reln a~.~ exp~~11ses o L1'18..... l.. c! L c; . " l'''''~ --r s m no i-,<.:d~.¡e':(') :)~J.'~ ¡ as~:h(? val::' .LOUS sun accouncs OJ: -cne llU eur -- ,.', .' 1 . ," ' - T1 ~'''' . , ha'-"- A,':: a"'C()' ''In-'- ". B<),'LCci d:u.1 not, COlC,Cl(,,~ Wl.'cnche lO';'ll1.;;:'l.lp c. - -'- L .l. ,-,' '- 1..0;:>. I:~c cU!'GbininSf the mlsc:è:l1aneous amount of $7 ~ ;~9;. 59 and the <'''-1'-'''-'· -,·'··'..¡--·"L' 0,<;: <';i0' ',')¡;;"/ 1;;; an -idr-"a of {-he extent, of the ...., I'~J. c..~_"/ t.:'Ut\.....J.~~...¡. _ ') ... _J_ . ~ -' ....,Jooo -' - ,.- :ces'::o;':J.CiO'(ì, p::oqI"amme (;arricd ou't during the year 1969 could h2 a,?;?reCi~lt~d. It: is hoped 'l:}1at in the near future a break c1o\'m ot: these two accc)1.~nts could be madG \'Jh2rGby a better c;".:i:::::" ',::::u:;,dL:q of ,th<~ norÜes spent on Ul·¿: various buildings cou,ld 'be achieved ~ It ï.vas obvious that b.2aring lll. mind the expenses approved this é",!Vcning and recognizing tha'c the greater portion of t:.h8rr~ 'had alrea.dy been ~,):lid and incl'.J.ded in the st:atement P:;:'2S21yted. V'-~1:Y li,ttle \,vorJting capital "vas available to the B02.rd. It. was suggested that the Board had nmv reached the sta98 "dh('~re iJc ·:::a'1 no longeY-o opera·te successfully on the basis that it has done in the past. The members have achieved the monumental task of locating buildings of his'corical significance Œ1 -the property and in some instances completed a good deal of the restoration necessary to make the proj ect of inte~=est to ,the public in general 0 Obviously t.he :êuture success of th'2 HU3eu.'11 Ìivould be àirectly proportion- ate tOttH::: araount of :;:est:oration work that could be carried out on 2.;''1 aj,1TIual basis as the absence of such activities ',muLl ,;:(;,:n...11'1: in a drastic :ccduction in ab::endance both on a ','¡'2':'3kly 'basis and at such functions as Risto:.-y In Action. T~12 ffi·3:J.:0er;s ac1<:.nm.¡ledged t:ha'c ,thei:c chic:: sour-=:'2 of revenue for 't}1'3 l"luseura ,,-Tas tlv~ ¿lli'1.ual gate receipts and the His-tory In i\c 'i:: ion j),3.Y prog:carnme.. '1'11ese 't"lO a.rnounts in themselves }:-cp!.:"GSel1.t~~j a rne.l:"t3 $ 3,; 5()() ~ 3.:rtcl t~~~)L1J.d not: b::~ 8~<~p;;c~ted to ëLOSO'::,'0tÌ12 cost of the l.-es'cocation progra.¡iù.11.C required¥ The Dembcrs aq:ceed to consider the tLrning of the various 1:'cs-c,o:!:'ation. progra.rames and 'co es tablish p:ciori ties for them and come prepared to t112 next meeting 'to map out a positive progra...°TI.lUe for budgetary purposes. Itv.ras omphasi:3cd -that the prima:cy pLEpose to ,the i'Iuseu.rn \YaS for :¡ , 1 ~. ,". ., d ' . eCtucat:Lona PU:CPOS2S arK... ~n crus vel.n .l.t was suggest.:~ tnat:. possibly -the Departme21t. of Education might 'he prepared to j,11ake a grant: fm,/ards the development of the project for educational purposes, It Ìi'ms mentioned that such grants aJ:"c rnadc by 'the Department for activities endorsed by the local School Boards. Pursuing this line of thought i,t was sugges-ted tha't the Secretary contact both the County Board of Education and the Depar~~ent of Education for the Province of Ontario dravlÍng their a'ttention >co 'the educational value of the NUSeCLi.11 and asking whether or not ,t.here could be pcovis ion made to inch:cle the Museum in their respective grant pLogrfu~u~es. Once -t.his information is Imo';1l1 a meeting could he arranged \',¡it:h Council and the possibility of increasing the To\^mship graE'í:s tm.¡ards the Nuseum could be e~;,:plored. Hany of the poiac3 ~'a.ised in ~t'he original report submi,tt,ed to Council earlie:c this year 1;¡ere valid and it ¡,."as general conceded -that the Nuseurn has now }:-eached ,the s'tage in i,cs develop- ment vmere positive participation by the various agencies involved must take place if the Muselun is to con:tinue. ), j) l~ was noted -tha~ a st ~o~ copies of J.ctters of ~ha~~s from Ul:.:c~ va:c i'xL;; SCl1001 ~i~~"OUPS ~¡}10 11ad ton '(ocd t,hG i-luseU:.Cl 1'lad not as V(~t beer!. l:J1:"c:ug-l"\,t '~:ol:hG att:ent:im1 or.c.he Board. i\ nmn1'J2:c of 01282 had been :'_'(~ceived by 'i:h(~ CU1.:'a::o}: and the S ccre'~:a:LY "'.las asked to obí:a irl th'3m. ,:;;) I-listor:Lcal Society - Again the question o:ci:.he 2.ssistanc2 supposed i:o ;.\8 p:covid::d ';:0 tho Huseu.m 3c)a:::ð. by t11(= His';:OJ:i'~al Society Vias :caised. E<./iden'cly U12 Historical Society has '-1.ot, met: fo:;:- a m..unber: of :/can:; ot:112r 'char>. 0,12 meeting- held in Peb::-uary of 'chis y(~ar. Ce-ctainly very Ii C'tJ.8 ;).3sista.nce :~a(1 b#.::.~:'.1 reC(~iVE?!c1 £]:om tl1is ~JrC:·tlp i.il the op(~rat:.iorl {.Jf -tl1C; !;iuseru!1 o:!:" the promot.ion of i,ts activities. Sorn.e o:E t,ne merrlbers of. the Board ,"jho 'llere associated. wìth the Histo::ical Socìety agreed to attempt to generate som3 activity in this direction. On motion ,the meetin9 adjou.::-nedo DNL'BD Chairman S (~cre>cary