HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 10, 1970 ~ - 71~~~«-r¿f 3/70 PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the TENTH day of MARCH, 1970 at EIGHT o'clock p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESENT~ Mr. H. Cook, Chairman J.l.1rs. M. Spang r·1r. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Mr. 1'iJ.. Parkin Mr. R. Dixon Mrs. D. Earle Mr. R. Bowen N. C. Marshall, Secretary 1. Minutes- On motion of Mr. McLean, se80nded by Mr. Bowe~ and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on February the lOth were adopted. 2. Accounts- On motion of Mrs. Spang, seconded by Mr. McLeano and carried unanimously the following ac~ounts were apporved for payment: Ontario Hydro DX Oil Company B. W. Wilson (miscellaneous items dealing with furnature repares and renovations to boiLer) 2~.70 26.15 82.45 Pickering Lithoprint (group tour forms) 30.58 Speaking to the last item Mrs. Earle explained that the accession cards mentioned at an earlier meeting would cost approximately the same amount to print. It was agreed that she proceed with the printing of these cards. 3. CORRESPONDENCE- (1) A request had been received from the Planning Board requesting any suggestions the Board members might have concerning the naming of streets in the Township con- sistent with the history of the area. In all liklihood this would include the names of some of the long settled families in the area. The me~~ers agreed to take the matter under advisement and bring their recommendations to the next Board Meeting. (2) l'-1r. Brian Winter, Archivist of the t'1hitby Historical Society forwards excerpts from the \~itby Chronicle as well as a number of other documents for the con- sideration of the Board. These are to be included in the displays at the Museum Building. - -- - -2- (3) Toronto Teachers College - Mrs. Earle had received a letter from Mrs. Hazel Fletcher of the Toronto Teachers College. She was inquiring concerning the possibility of visiting the Museum property sometime during the ~,veek of April 20th - 24th \'lith a number of students and masters from the College. The group would be camping at the 'Hakana Day Camp on the Brock Road and were interested in exploring various sites in the Town- ship in terms of Science, History and Geography. She also inquires whether or not there are any farms in the area that might be of interest in this context. Mr. Parkin offered his farm for such a purpose should they be interested. During the discussion that followed mention was made of the old field stone foundation on the property presently occupied by the Halcana Camp. l\1r. Parkin suggested that this was perhaps the first Post Office in the area. 4. General- (I) Historical Society - It was reported that Mr. & Mrs. Mowbray vlere calling a meeting o:E the Historical So~iety for March the 11th at their farm and hopeú to get the Society workin0 again. Mr. McLean and Mr. Miller indicated that they would attend. (2) C. B. C. - The C.B.C. have agreed to finish painting the Church in a similar colour to that used during the television programming carried on at the sjte earlier this year. This will be completed once the weather is suitable. Apparently the program that used the Museum Site is to be a 90 minute special that will appear sometime during the fall season. - ( 3) ý. - (4) with regards to the inquiry by Mr. Douet concerning the use of the log cabin it was generally felt that if the C.B.C. were sincerely interested in using the facility that they would contact the Secretary directly. Brochure - Some discussion took place concerning the development and distribution of a suitable brochure outlining the facilities at the Museum Grounds. It was noted that Mrs. Storry had volunteered to research the history of the various buildings and document it. The Secretary \-Ias asked to contact Mrs. Storry to determine what progress had been made. On the general subject of p~)licitYD apparently the C.B.C. has agreed to give the Board whatever publicity it deems suitable to assist them in publicizing the activities on the grounds during the coming year. y Display at Nuclear Plant - The Board expressed concern at the failure of arrangements for locating a display case at the Nuclear Station describing the facilities at the Museum. Mr. Cook reported that he had arranged for all of the necessary pictures and was only waiting to know the final size of the display case before assemblying them. The Board examined two sketches of proposed display cases that had been drafted by the Hydro for this purpose. It was agreed that the Secretary would contact the Hydro and attempt to reactivate this entire program. .- - -3- (5) Publicity In General - Some discussion took place concerning the possibility to distributing literature describing the Museum property in the various schools. In this connection it was suggested that possibly an information letter featuring certain aspects of the property and its history as well as items of interest of historical nature would be of significant benefit in this regard. Mr. Bowen agreed to co-ordinate such a project and indicated that he would attempt to assemble a sample news letter for the consideration of the Board at their next meeting. The paper would include possibly the history of a particular building as well as featuring a short discussion on such things as old tools, implements and kitchen ware. (6) Museum Building - It was agreed that the members would meet on the evening of March the 19th at 7:00 with a view towards re-arranging some of the display items in the Museum Building. (7) Sales Desk - The Curator had in her possession a painting of the school house together with the students and teacher that attended at that particular time. It was suggested that if a negative \'Iel €~ made of this painting it could be printed on hasty notes and these could be then sold in packets of a dozen for approximately 75¢ or $l. There ~s a strong demand for such items. On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Bowen, it was agreed that Mrs. Earle proceed with the production of 1,000 hasty notes and envelopes incorporating the picture of the school and class in the mid l800's. CARRIED. It was also suggested that the possibility of producing penants be investigated. (8) The Curator reported that Mrs. Nug~nt had requested the return of a number of items that were loaned to the Museum for display purposes. Recognizing the problems that had occured in the past with this particular individual it was suggested that the Curator gather the various items together and arrange for Mrs. Nugent to pick them up. She should insure that she gets a receipt for them before she releases them. ~ (9) Index - The request for a list of the Museum Board Members and telephone numbers was made. The Secretary is to arrange for the production of such a list. On motion the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary