HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 12, 1970 - - 5/7(: TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the TWELFTH day of MAY at EIGHT o'clock p.m. at the Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. D. McLean Mr. M. Parkin Mr. R. Miller Mrs. D. Earle Mrs. M. Spang 1. On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on the 14th day of April were adopted. 2. Accounts- On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried unanimously the following accounts were approved for payment: Department of Labour- inspection of boilers Harry Cook - 4,000 feet heavy duty underground wire $ 15.00 98.70 3. Department of Highways Submits Policy Re: Museum Direction Signs. 4. Department of Public Records and Archives forwards conditions relative to Museum direction signs. 5. County of Ontario submits prices Re: Museum Direction Signs. The Secretary explained that the Department of Highways controlled the type and size of sign erected on a public road allowance and that the county were prepared to erect the two signs requested immediately north and south of Highway Number 7 at a total cost of $178.92. On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Spang and carried unanimously the secretary was authorized to proceed with the purchase of two Museum direction signs in accordance with the quotation submitted by the County of Ontario and dated May the 11th, 1970. 6. The Ontario Historical Society forwards a brochure on their annual meeting to be held in Sault Ste Marie, June the 17th - 20th. Referred to the Historical Society c/o Dr. Tomlinson. 7. Metro Toronto & Region Conservation Authority confirms its interest in assisting the Museum and requests a meeting to discuss its involvement. The Secretary outlined for the benefit of the Board the content of the letter received from Mr. Higgs of the Metro & Region Conservation Authority. The authority had for their consideration a recommendation that they consider assisting the Museum and possibly assume the entire operation of it. - - -2- In exploring the problems associated with the operation of the Museum it became apparent that in order to fully assess the impact of such a proposal the members must clearly define the long range goals and objectives which they felt were applicable to the development of the Museum property. In acknowledging the high degree of community involvement in the Museum property, it was pointed out that the take-over by the Conservation Authority would accelerate in great measure the development of the property and its appeal to the public in general. Obviously any transfer of assets would necessitate sufficient safe guards to ensure that the many items belonging to the Museum remain on the site and were not spirited away to other properties under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Authority. In the discussion on the subject it became apparent that three alternatives were available to the Board: 1. Proceed on the same basis as in the past ignoring the financial implications and limitations. 2. Explore the possiblities o¡ financial and other assist- ance from the conservation authority while still main- taining total control and responsibility for the facility. 3. Looking to the future encourage the Conservation Authority to assume full responsibility for the Museum. It was concluded that at this parti~ular stage of the game the best course of action would be to encourage the Conserva- tion Authority to provide financial assistance and guidance to the Board. This will also give them an opportunity to demonstrate to what extent they can improve the operation of the Museum. The Secretary was asked to arrange the meeting suggested by Mr. Higgs and advise the me~)ers of the date. At that time those who were available could meet with Mr. Higgs. 8. Pickering HortL:::ultural Society Offers Its Assistance ~'lith The Museum Grounds - As the Boards requirements in this regard had been previously discussed with the Horticultural Society last year# it was not felt necessary to take any further action other than that taken by the Secretary in his acknowledgement letter to the Society. 9. General- It was hoped that arrangements could be made to complete the fencing between the Museum entrance and the existing fence prior to opening day. Cataloguing - Mr. Lloyd Johnston former Tovmship Clerk had expressed an interest in assisting the Board with the cataloguing which has been in process for the last two years. On motion of r~. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously it was agreed that Lloyd Johnston be asked to assist the Museum Board in the cataloguing of the many possessions of the Board. Nr. Miller agreed to contact t~. Johnston concerning this matter. - - -3- Restoration - Mr. Miller indicated that he would contact Mr. Post ill and arrange for him to complete the plastering of the Oddf~llows Hall in the very near future. History In Action - The Chairman reviewed briefly the various activity groups and gained the agreement of those present to the appointment of various individuals who would assume responsibility for the individual activities. Mr. McLean indicated that he would be willing to share the responsibility for the parade this year. The Secretary agreed to contact the Pickering Rover Crew with a view towards receiving their assistance in maintain- ing the security on the grounds. On motion the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary