HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 8, 1970 -v -,- - - III Y~/aL( Ta'rr'1'SHIP OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD 10/70 A meeting of the Pickering To~mship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH day of DECEMBER, 1970 at EIGHT o'clock p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman r~r. R. Miller î-lr. M. Parkin Mrs. D. Earle Mr. D. I..fcLean N. C. Marshall, Secretary 1. MINUTES- On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of November the 10th ~lere approved. 2. SOUVENIRS- Apparently the souvenir lamps together with the other novelty items previously obtained were selling very well. Mr. Cocl~ reported that he had an additional order in for the lamps but as yet it had not been delivered. It was suggested that the order be increased to 3 dozen in view of the demand for the item. 3. BUDGET- ~1e Secretary reported that Council had given tentative approval to the budgeted requisition of $6,000. Speaking in connection with the relative financial condition of the Board, he suggested that in all li1(.elihood a small surplus would result at the year end. 4. ELECTRICAL ':"1IRING - The members considered the possibility of starting the installation of the underground wiring to the various build- ings on the property before a deep frost gets into the ground. It was noted that Mr. Bill Clark of Greenwood had indicated an interest in directing this project and had contacted a Mr. Ralph Lee with respect to the possibility of renting the necessary equipment. The Board examined the scope of the project in detail noting some differences of opinion with respect to the relative voltage needed at the various locations. In addition it was questionable whether of not the project could be properly organized in sufficient time to avoid serious frost conditions. On this note the Chairman was asked to proceed with the arrangements for the installation in order that the wiring would be installed first thing in the spring. - - -2- 10/70 5 & 1971 ~vORK PROGBAMME - On motion of Mrs. Earle, øeoonded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously it was agreed that a firm commitment not to exceed $3,000. be made to Mr. Hope in order that he may make arrangements to begin work on the grounds as early as possible in the new year. The work required to be performed for this amount would include the exterior renovations to the Hotel and Harness Shop including such things as windows, doors and chimneys and in addition would include repairs to the wood splitter and the Heuser·..'Wagon. It was suggested that Mr. Hope invite Art Hall to assist in the work. 6. HISTORY OF BUILDINGS - Mrs. storry has prepared a rough draft on the history of a number of the buildings and is waiting for further information from a Mrs. Yakely of stouffville with respect to the Oddfellows Hall. 7. YFAR END EXPENDITURES - It was agreed that the Board purchase the Case Tractor and electrical boxes from ~. Miller that were mentioned in the October Board minutes.. 8. CBC FILM - The Secretary informed the Board that the cae Film that had been staged almost entirely at the Museum Grounds was to be shown on Channel 6 bet\'leen the hours of 9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27th. The title of the film is the Magantic Outlaw. On motion the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman --"'- Secretary