HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 13, 1971 - - TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD 3/71 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of APRIL, 1971 at EIGHT p.m. at the Municipal Build- ing - PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. W. Clark Mr. R. Freeman Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Mr. 'i:i. Earle Mrs. D. Earle t1r. N. Marshall (arrived 10:15 p.m.) 1. MINUTES- On motion of Mr. l-icLean, seconded by Mr. Earle and carried unanimously the minutes of the March 9th meeting were approved. 2. ACCOUNTS- On motion of Mr. t-tiller, seconded by Mr. McLean and carried unanimously it was approved that the payment of $150.00 to Mr. Thornbeck, Tyrone, Ontario, be made as soon as possible. This sum is for the re-saw. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - a) SOUVENIRS - - Mr. & Mrs. Earle had investigated the Irwin Specialties items and recommended the purchase of some lamps and some assorted items. As there was a rather poor selection of items suitable to the Museum, Mr. & Mrs. Earle also suggested that they investigate items from the G. PIitz Co. ¡ - Moved by Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Clark that Mr. & Mrs. Earle order one dozen boxes of lamps and one half gross of assorted items from Irwins and also bring samples of items from the G. PIitz Co. to the next meeting. CARRIED. b) Mr. Cook had obtained samples of candies from the Le Fevre Co. These candies in packets selling for 25¢ are available at $2.10 per dozen packets. Moved by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Clark that Mr. Cook purchase a trial assortment of candies for the Sales Desk. CARRIED. c) WIRING- Mr. Cook had the wiring checked and it is suitable. Mr. Miller is to contact Mr. Carruthers for his help and Ontario Hydro for their approval. The work will start as soon as the ground dries out. - - -2- 3/71 d) PUBLICITY- Messrs. Earle, Miller and McLean presented a sample folder for approval. It was suggested that words to the effect that 1I...this Museum has attempted to preserve buildings and items typical to the life of this areall be included in the pamphlet. Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Miller that 1,000 of the pamphlets be ordered from Pickering Litho-Print, to be ready as soon as possible. CARRIED. e) MEETING WITH COm1CIL - Mr. McLean expressed the feeling of Board members when he stated that Mr. Cook's presentation to Council was well done. Mr. Cook said that he was most pleased with the favourable reaction received from Council and the assurance that Council members backed the Museum policies. f) ANTIQUE PURCHASES - Mr. Miller reported that he has not had any further news on the saw mill. Apparently Black Creek Pioneer Village is also interested in this item. Mr. Miller will investigate further. g) R.O.M. CASE - Mr. Pilkey has been contacted regarding the repairs to the display case. A bill has been forwarded for payment. h) BUSINESS TELEPHONE - When Mr. Marshall arrived he informed the Board that the matter of a telephone for the Museum is being investigated. Such a telephone could be listed under the Township numbers with an extension. Mr. Marshall will report further at the next meeting. 4. NEW BUSINESS - a) Mrs. Earle querried the possibility of the Museum obtaining student help through the subsidized program now under considera,tion by Council. Mr. Marshall stated that the students hired must have a project to carry out. He will investigate further. b) HISTORY n'1 ACTION - Mr. Cook appointed the following Committees to work on History In Action preparations. Demonstrators - Mrs. Earle Publicity - Mr. Freeman & Mr. Earle Machinery - Mr. Miller & Mr. Clark Supervision of Houses- Mr. McLean Refreshments - ~~. Cook Parade - Mr. Marshall - - -3- 3/7l c) Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Clark, that a stairway be built in the Blacksmith Shop so that the upper room can be utilized. CARRIED. d) Mr. Miller presented a report he had compiled on the needs of the Museum. He felt an Administrator was needed to supervise operation of the Museum. Moved by Mr. Earle, seconded by Mr. Clark that Mr. Miller be appointed Administrator for 1971 to put the running of the Museum on a more efficient basis. CARRIED. e) Mr. Miller suggested that because Mr. & Mrs. E. Brown, Uxbridge, have helped the Museum a great deal in the past, they should be offered any help, or items on loan that they might need when having displays at their own private museum. The Board approved this suggestion. f) The next meeting of the Board, on Tuesday, May llth, 1971 will be held at the Museum at 7:30 p.m. to assess what work needs to be done. On motion the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary