HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 9, 1971 v' -,,~ - - \.1, I. "'} / t· /'i' . ~, 1\ \..11 t PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 11/71 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on THURSDAY q DECEMBER the NINTH, 1971 at EIGHT pom. at the Municipal Building - PRESEh1T ~ Mr. H. Cookq Chairman Mr. R. Freeman Mr. R.. Miller Mr. W. Earle Mrs. D. Earle Mr. D. McLean N. Co Marshallq Secretary 1. MINUTES - On motion of Mr. W. Earle, seconded by Mr. D. McLean and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of November the 11th were adopted. 2. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT - a) School Tours - The school tours were virtually complete with only three more yet to be held. Mr. Miller mentioned the problem of buildings being left unlocked and lights left on after the tours were complete.. In the past the teachers had assumed the responsibility for these items as the Museum Board did not normally provide staff supervision for these tours. The Board wondered whether the teachers should be given the degree of freedom that existed in touring the property. On motion of Mr. Miller; seconded by Mrs. Earle it was agreed that in future any tour of the property by school children be under the supervision of either the Museum custodian or a Board member. b) General- -The plastering of the Harness Shop has been completed. -The logs from the County were taken to Mr. Walter Hope who sawed them into planks which in turn were stored on the Museum property.. In all approximately 5 tons of lumber came out of the logs.. -The legend map of the property has been taken to Mr. Wilby at Locust Hill who is re-doing the map. He will also make up the numbers for the building -The Gillman's have turned over the keys to the Museum as well as the dresses that they had. -Mrs. Marr was able to utiliZe the surplus material that the Gillman's had and made up two adults and one childs dresso She had also completed the curtains for the dining room of the Cole House. Mrs. Marr is utilizing an old sewing machine from the Museum for this purpose vlhich dates back to approximately 1860. -Mr. Wilson is in the process of changing the hours on the sign located adjacent to Highway #7 to read one to six. .- - -2- 11/71 -Mr. Davies of Cherrywood had offered to fix the clock in the cabin which dated back to approximately 1826. He makes a hobby of fixing clocks and is very interested in assisting the Museum in this area. -Some visitors had wondered whether it would be possible to identify the location at which the tours of the property had progressed to in future.. With a crowd on the property it was sometimes difficult to determine exactly the location of the tours and the majority of these people were interested in taking part in them. -One of the tea~hers who had toured the propertYq Mr. John Paxtonq had suggested through Mr. Lye of the Frenchman's Bay Public School that the school children be permitted to tour the property immediately prior to History In Action. In this manner they would have a preview of many of the displays prior to the celebration itself. -A great nU~jer of pictures depicting the Township in its formative years were available. It has been suggested that some form of picture gallery be established on the propertYq possibly in one of the rooms of the Hotel or the balcony of the Masonic Hall. -Some of the men who worked at the Gas Barn and Steam Barn wondered whether it would be possible to construct a folding door at one end of the Gas Barn and put in some form of heat to permit them to work on the engines during the winter. Jack Mairs had offered a large space heater to the Board for $65.00 which represented his cost only. The heater needs cleaning but other than that is in good condition. It was agreed that Mro Miller be authorized to proceed with the purchase of this unit. -A Sawyer Savl Mill dating back over 100 years has been purchased from Mr. Robert Batty for the sum of $IOO. It will be re-assembled and established in the Steam Barn adjacent to the large boiler. -j).1rs. McKel1.z ie is to be asked to prepare a map of the herb garden identifying the various plants. Mr. Earle has yet to complete the sign for this garden. The Chairman commended Mr. Miller on the thoroughness of his report. 3. Building Security - The Committee considered the problem of who should have locks to the various buildings and in particular the inconvenience experienced by those not having keys when they wished to work at the property. On motion of Mr. 111cLean, seconded by Mr. Freeman it was agreed that keys to the variouG buildings be made available to the Museum Board members and workmen subject to the control of the Administrator who will ensure that the key to the main building in particular is available as required. CARRIED. .- - -3- 11/7l <1. REFRESillilENT BOOTH '- The Chairman reported that the KD1anis were prepared to donate $5000 to cover the labour of framing a suitable building and in addition would assume the responsibility and cost for completing the interior of the building to a possible expGnditure of $5;0000 The interior was to be finished in keeping with the Museum themeq probably in the form of an old time taverno Suitable counter area would be supplied to accommodate refreshments at special events such as History In Actiono The offer was conditional upon the Kiwanis having the catering rights to the History In Action festivities on the same basis as they presently have them and subject to the withdrawal of these privileges should the Kiwanis not exercise them in keeping with the criteria of the Museum Boardo In addition the Kiwanis would construct a kitchen at one end of the building which would house their cooking equipment and over \~1ich they wish to maintain exclusive controlo The building proper would }Jelong to the Museum Board and they would have complete control over its use other than as mentioned. On motion of Mrs. Earle; seconded by Mr. Freeman it was agreed that the proposal of the Dunbarton Kiwanis for the construction of a refreshment building be accepted on the understanding that the Museum Board will have complete control over the use of the building except that portion devoted to the storage of cooking equipment owned by the Kiwanis. CARRIED. It was suggested that r·1r. Cook contact Mr. John Rempel to determine what form the bu:'lding should take and to obtain if possible plans. It was agreed that the build- ing would be 20 feet x 25 feet long. 5. ADMINISTRATOR - HONOURARIUM - - The Chairman referred to the tiring and unselfish efforts of Mr. Miller in directing and assisting in the activities of the Museum over the years and in particular his efforts during the past year in the capacity of Administrator. It was his feeling that the least the Board could do would be to offer a token honourarium in recognition of his efforts. On motion of Mr. NcLean, seconded by Mr. Earle, it was agreed that the Administrator of the Museumq Mr. Robert Miller be paid an honourarium for the year 1971 in the amount of $250.00. CARRIED 0 - - -4- 11/71 6. NEVI BUSINESS - a) Curator- On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Miller it was agreed that the balance of the 1971 honourarium be paid to the former Curator8 Mrs. Ruth Hay. CARRIED. b) Portable Heater - The Administrator was empowered to purchase a portable heater at a cost not to exceed $75.00 from D.L. Mairs & Sons Limited. 7. FIVE YEAR PLAN - The Board considered some of the projects that should be carried out during the next five years in keeping with the development of the museum property. Consideration was given to the location of proper toilets in the new refreshment building or in the alternative locating chemical toilets in a separate building elsewhere on the property. Each year there was a greater demand for this type of facility and it was felt that the construction of the refreshment building might be an ideal opportunity to install public washrooms. Other items conside~ed briefly by the Board included a proper landscaping plan for the property as well as painting a nU~Jer of the buildings including the Steam and Gas Barnso The construction of a maintenance and storage building was also considered. In conclusion the Board recognized that it has now reached the stage where it must define in clear terms exactly where it intends to go in the future and in what direction its efforts are to he centeredo The members were asked to consider the five year plan in pa~ticular and also to give serious conGideration to the future of the property. It was hoped that some type of plan could be sketched out at the next meeting to be held in January. On motion the meeting adjourned at 10~45 p.m. DATED Chairman Secretary