HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 1972 PICKERING TOvtNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 2/72 A meeting of the Pickering TO\~1ship Museum Board was held on THURSDAY, MARCH the NINTI1, 1972 at EIGHT 0'c10ck p.m. at the Municipal Building - PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mrs. D.. Earle Mr. R. Miller Mr. U. Clark Mr. R. Freeman Mr. D.. McLean Mr. J. Alma Mr. H. Parkin N. C. Marshall, Secretary 1" Minutes- Mrs. Earle noted that the resolution dealing with the dis-continuance of the parade should have made reference to the fact that more emphasis will be placed on provid- - ing entertailtment this year. On motion of I1r. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Earle and - carried the minutes of the meeting of February the 10th were approved as amended. 2. Accounts- On motion of Ivlr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Freeman and carried the following accounts were approved for payment: - Ontario Hydro Mrs. Marr - Miscellaneous Items Re: Restoration R.O.M. - 1972 Membership D.. X. Oil $ 31.08 - 11.16 25.00 22.49 3. Administrator's Report - Mr.. Miller asked for con£i~ïnation of the colours selected for painting the various buildings.. The group agreed to the fo1lovling: - Harness Shop Hotel Blacksmith Shop Cole House Oddfe11o\'ls Hall Steam Barn & Gas Barn - Bro'Vm - Hhite with suitable trim - Red with white trim - Hhite with green trim - Hhite with Venetian Red trim - Light Grey with White trim - - Mr. Miller advised that t1a1ter Hope will be starting work on the Saw r-1i11 in the very near future and should be available for the restoration work scheduled for the beginning of April. - -2- 2/72 - He noted that new pamphlets would be required for the current year and that the stock of Hasti-Notes had been exhausted. He hoped that the booklet prepared by the Secretary would be up-dated prior to opening day. - He mentioned an old Ma^~rell Flower Mill dating approximately 1832 owned by Mr. Purcell. He inquired as to whether or not the Board would be interested in acquiring this mill. It was agreed that he would have a look at the building and report back to the Board. - Mrs. Marr has assumed responsibility for the administra- tion of the Cole House. - Mrs.. Annis is to meet with Mr. Miller and Mr. Marshall to determine her duties for the current year. - He wished the Board's cOùfirmation on the dates to be attached to the various buildings. Beef Ring Barn Church Shed Blacksmith Shop Harness Shop Oddfe11m'ls Hall Collins House Cole House Log Cabin & Log Barn - 1870 - 1860 - 1850 - 1855 - 1869 - 1850 - 1860 - 1832 4. Pub1icitX- Mr. Freeman advised the Board that he had written to the County Board of Education inviting the students to participate in a poster contest. Following a short discussion he agreed to up-date the brochure and arrange for the re-production of a :-.;uf:ë:'..::ir=nt number of copies for the current season. 5. Future of Museum - The Chairman inquired of the group concerning their opinion as to the feasibility of continuing the present restoration program. In particular he was interested in the refreshment building to be built to the rear of the school.. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Alma and carried it was agreed that the Museum Board should proceed with the building and restoration program as originally conceived. It was agreed that the refres1Lment shed would measure 30' x 30' and that if should incorporate a 9' ceiling on the ground floor plus a sizable loft on the second floor. ,,-' -3- 2/72 6. The suggestion was put forth that a spinning wheel should be obtained for the Cole House.. Evidently Þ-1r. ¡Tilson is presently working on a small wheel. It was noted that the walking wheel was commonly used up to the year 1860 and that this would be the proper spinning wheel for thi.s particular building. - 7. History In Action - - The Administrator agreed to follow up on the sign to be located below the existing one advertising the dates of History In Action. - It was agreed that any information sheets published throughout the Province on the Museum should refer any inquiries to the Secretary at the Municipal Build- ing and also show the phone n~~er of the municipal building. - Committees - The Chairman reviewed briefly the composition of the Committee's for History In Action which are as follows: - Building Security Entertainment - Messrs. Miller, Parkin & Clark - Mrs. Earle - Mr. Freeman, Mr. Davidge & I'iiss Green - Mr. Cook - Mr.. Marshall Machinery Demonstrations Publicity - Some discussion took place on the areas in which th~ various demonstrators would be located. Mr. McLean offered to assume responsibility for this.. Mrs. Earle agreed to prepare a list of the demonstrators in order that he would have sufficient notice in which to locate the various activities. - - It was suggested that a proper P.A. System be acquired for History In Action similar to that provided by Mr. Paterson of the TO\¥l1 of ~1hitby. - Another suggestion made was that possibly those attend- - ing the festivities could be given a lapel button identifying the event and giving them something in return for their admittance fee. It was suggested that perhaps some local company might be prepared to unde~lrite the cost of such a pin. Messrs. Freeman and Marshall are to investigate this further and report back. 8. Notice of Meeting - - It was suggested that it might be of assistance to the new members if a notice of meeting was sent out well in advance of the meeting reminding them of the date. The Secretary agreed to look after this. - · -4- 2/72 9. Auction Sale - Historical 80ciety - Mr. Freeman explained that the Historical Society wished to coincide the opening of the Museum property with an Auction Sale. In the discussion that followedq mention was made of the unique security problems that would arise if the buildings were opened during the Auction Sale. The matter was resolved with the suggestion that the build- ings be kept open from possibly 1:00 - 3:00 in the afternoon and that the Auction Sale be held following the closing of the buildings at this time. - On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Freeman it was recolIDnended that the Historical Society be permitted to conduct an Auction Sale on the Museum Property in conjunction with the opening of the Museum on May the 13th providing the question of building security is resolved and that the Museum Board receives any general admittance fees charged during the afternoon. 10. Museum Board Members - Responsibilities - - A suggestion was put forth that a master list of the Museum Board members should be prepared detailing the various activities in which they are involved. This would be of assistance to members of the public who wished information and yet did not know to whom they should direct their inquiries. - 11. Historical Society Work Parties - The Board was advised by Mr. Freeman that the Historical Society had set aside their July 20th meeting and also the meeting immediately proceeding History In Action for purposes of conducting any vJork required at the Museum property at that time. - 12. Implications of Airport - - It was suggested that this article be placed on a future agenda for a more detailed discussion. - On motion of ~1r. 14cLean the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary -