HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 13, 1972 PICKERING T01jn:'¡SHIP HUSEUH BOARD 3/72 A meeting of the Pickering TO\<lnship i'luseum Board \"as held on Thursday; April 13th 1972 at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. - Present: ivIr. H. Cook - Chairman ;Ar. ,1. lUma Hr. T'J. Clark 11r. B. Davidge l1r. P. ?1cGee Hr. D" i·1cLean J.1r. R. iv!iller Hrs. D. Earle 1. HINUTES On motion of r1r. J.1cLean ¡ seconded by I'!r. Clark the minutes of the meeting of Harch 9th 1972 were approved. CA.RRIED 2 . ACCOUNTS On motion of Hr. Davidge, seconded by Hr. Alma the following accounts were approved, - Canadian Dyers and Cleaners (for cleaning Cole House carpet) $6.50 CARRIED 3 . ADHINISTRl~TOR I S Ri~PORfr a) The construction date for the Odd fellows Hall should be changed to 1869. b) A school tour has been booked for May 1st or 2nd. c) The school desks are to be loaned to Birchcliff Heights School, Scarborough on April 17th <1) Nrs. ?\.l1nis is "'Tilling to take the job as 1·1useum Custodian. She \'1ill also supervise the cleaning of the buildings. Her other duties will be specified by Mr. Marshall and her salary, based on an hourly rate, will be decided by Mr. Miller and Mr. Marshall. - e) No bill was ever received fro~ Bo~~r.anville Foundry for articles that ~;.¡ere sent to be cast. Mr. Marshall is requested to ack- nowledge this as the Foundry's services will possibly be needed again in future. f) Mr. Middleton is to advise if spray-painting ~Jill be better for both steam and gas barn exteriors. Mr. ftiddleton and Mr. Ellicott will be painting the other buildings too. Continued......? - 2 - 3/72 g) I:1essrs. Hope, Ramsay and Hood are \.¡orking on the Museum site now. They have finished the saw mill husk; have finished work on the Rumley and two International tractors and on the winch outfit. The work on the barn partition will start soon and the floor of the hotel is to be fixed. Mrs. Duncan will then advise on the location of the stai~.¡ay. h) Mr. J. Hasek of Pickering Nurseries would donate trees for the grounds. It was decided to leave this offer in abeyance until the future of the Museum is defined. i) ~:!r. rH1ler stated that a radiator is needed for the Le Roi (winch) engine. He hopes to locate one, but asked for confirmation to purchase one if necessary. On motion of Mr. Clarki seconded by Hr. LcLean that Mr. Miller purchase a radiator core if necessary. - CARRIED 4. HISTORICAL SOCIETY AUCTION SALE - ):.Irs. ¡"lm.¡bray had requested that the auction sale be held firs·t on opening day (I"'ay 13th) as there \.¡ould be difficulty in safely storing auction items if the sale had to wait until 3.00 p.m. On motion of l'1r. McLean r seconded by l:·lr. Hiller that the auction be held froE 1.00 p.m. onwards; that the church be made availablc for the serving of refresh- ments by the auction COE":Xì1Í ttee and 1-:hat admissi.on entrance will be via t:he rCŒtÍn gates il1here Huseum entrance fees will be chargeè. CARIUED It was decided that no !.Iuseum builël.ing v.JÍll be open until after the auction and that when they are opened the following will man the buildings~ ~'Iuseum Log House Collins House Cole I-louse Blacksmith shop Oddfe11ows Hall Urs. Earle ;\lr. Earle ~.1rs u Fallis r~rs. r'la.rr ~~r. Clark j"Ir. Davidge and Hr. I1.cGee 5. REPORT FHm·~ R. FREE;.'(j'·N a) The admission buttons previously discussed would cost about $250 for 2;500. It was decided to leave this for furtller discussion. b) A. poster design contes·t is not favoured by the school board, but historical art projects for display ,,'lould be approve¿L This is to be investi- gated, especially vii th ~_·egard to the space that would be required for such displays. Continued......3 - 3 - 3/72 On motion of rir. Eiller y seconded by Hr. Davidge that a Historical Art- and Display S110,",7 be encouraged for the Beason, Vii th Hr. FreeT\,an anc1 l'lr. Davidqe acting as organizers. CARRIED - c) On motion of r1r. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the text changes recommended by Mr. Freeman for the brochure be approved and printed. CARRIED - Nr. HcLeal1 queried where the original plates \"lere. Mrs. Earle suggested that Mr. Marshall contact Royd Smith Company, 1149 Bellamy Roa.d,N., Unit 13, Scarborough and find out from them ,,¡hat they did v7ith ITIaterial they obtained frow Pickering Litho-Print. On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Hr. Davidge that any printer doing work for the Museum be instructed to return all plates, art -¡..mrk and negatives to r·1r. Miller as soon as a job is done. CARRIED It was pointed out that if annual changes are-made I in the brøchure then new plates will always be required and that these can be made from existing copies of the brochure with changes pasted in. 6. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Senaca College stating that they were most interes-ted in the IIuseum and that, since there was obviously a possibility that the Museum and buildings may have to be moved, they would be pleased to offer a site on campus for the re-location of the r'1useun1. - This matter was left for later discussion. is requested to acknowledge the letter. The Secretary 7 . FUTURE OF I\1USEUM It was noted that there is no certainty, at present, as to the future of Pickering Township Euseum¡ but, in the event that it must be re-located then Board members must offer constructive opinions and be fully prepared to deal 'ivith any decisions that may have to be made. The Chairman asked for members views: )\1r" Clark The tluseum should stay as close to Brougham as possible, eS1?ecially if the village and people are dispersed \"ho instigated project. This "I.'7ay the rn..3mory of Brougham ,,¡ould remain. A site sl10uld be chosen "!·Tith a stream or creek running through it a.nd 20 acres 'itlOuld be a good size. - Continueð..,...4 - 4- 3/72 Hr. Alma Governments are taking little notice of opinions there- fore the Board should take a most forœful stand and make very strong representation of its wishes. Hr. t,1iller 2S acres has already been offered for sale for a new site. Other Brougham properties worth preserving could be moved with the Museum. The Government should maintain the complex as Conservation Authorities would only pull it apart. Mr. McLean Agreed with Mr. Clark's views. Hr. .McGee According to information gathered by Mr. McGee, at some of the airport - new city meetings he had attended, it seems that it is not necessary to eliminate Brougham, but since government officials felt residents would not be able to live at the noise level, they decided expro- priation would be the only way residents could sell their properties and re-locate. Questioned about the Museum these officials had stated that it could stay where it was. In view of this Mr. McGee suggested asking for the land up to and including the Gibson House. The Expropriation Act contains special clauses providing for the special treatment of historic sites, buildings and churches, so this should be investigated and all available help sought. Mr. Davidge If the Museum is in a noise path this would certainly affect tours, droÿming out guides informative speeches. Possibly a new 100 acre site would be worth seeking and also the possibility of obtaining grants from some foundation, (such as Ford, Atkinson, etc.) might be investigated. ~-1rs. Earle If the Museum must be moved then both Federal and Provincial Departments must be made aware of the Centennial Grant clause which states that the Museum must be maintained for a period of at least 20 years (i.e. up to 1987). All responsibility, financing and supply of moving equipment, plus cost of necessary repairs should be borne by the government departments concerned, and the necessary site supplied. Possibly a site close to a Conservation Area, or tourist centre would be most appropriate to attract more visitors. Above all the Museum should stay within the Township for it is Pickering's history which is pres- erved by this complex. Mr. Cook The possibility of the new city of North Pickering being a sep.:'..rate entity means that the Museum might come under its jurisdiction. Therefor~ a move to keep it within the original Township would be imperative. Several sites would be suitable: Continued......S - 5 - 3/72 a) behind the Marshall property; b) on the north side of Duffins Creek, east of Brock Road. There is no reason why up to $1,000,000 should not be available for re-location. Mr. Cook asked members to think of other possible sites and recommend them at the next meeting. 8. SOUVENIRS AND CM~DIES The return from the sales desk in 1971 seemed quite satisfactory. ~1r. f'lcLean \.'Tishes the inventory be more strictly kept and it was decided that Mrs. Annis should report to Mr. Miller on sales and inventory on a weekly basis. Mr. Miller will report fully each month to the Board. On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Hr. HcLean that Mro Cook arrange for the purchase of ~andiGs. CARRIED Mrs. Earle is to obtain information and report on souvenirs at the next meeting. 9. NEW BUSINESS a) Mr. McGee suggested a possible contest for History in Action would be a display of antique objects for people to identify. It was agreed this was a good idea. b) On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Davidge that Mr. Eo Carruthers P.A. system be engaged for History in Action. CARRIED c) Mr. Cook and Mr. Miller will act as an advisory committee to inform the Kiwanis of any problems connected with the building of the refreshment booth. d) l>1essrs. Clark, Alma.. McGee and HcLean are to examine displays in the Oddfellows Hall and suggest re-arrangement. Mr. Clark will move blacksmith and woodworking tools from the schoolhouse to the blacksmith shop. Mr. Davidge is asked to suggest a school display for the vacated area. - e) Mrs. Earle deplored the fact that there are still no forms on which to display clothing items sadly neglected. fir. Alma stated he is looking ".". into the possibility of obtaining some mannequins. . '. .. f) It was mentioned that so far no special event had been planned to present former Curator, r1rs. Ruth Hay, with her citation. This is to be discussed at the May meeting. Continued......G - - 6 3/72 On motion the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held on May 11th 1972 at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. DATED Chairman Secretary