HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 11, 1972 ,- - 4/72 PICKERING TŒ'!NSHIP J"lUSEŒ1 BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Township !'¡iuseum Board was held on Thursday, May 11th 1972 at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Present: Mr. H. Cook - Chairman Hr. J. Alma I'tr . t1 " Clark Mr. Bo Davidge ~1L ~J . McGee Hr. D. r''lcLean Mr. R. Miller Iv1L Ì'1. Parkin ~·1r . R. Freeman Hrs. D. Earle 1. MINUTES On motion of Mr. McGee, seconded by 11r. Davidge the minutes of the meeting of Afril 13th 1972 were approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FRGr.1 MINUTES On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. McGee it was proposed that the Museum be available for the Historical Society Auction Sale at 12 noon, instead of 1.00 p.m. as previously arranged. CARRIED 3. ACCOUNTS On motion of Hr. ricLean, seconded by Mr. Clark the follmving accoun ts were approved: D.L. Mair & Son (stove oil) Joan Barr (cleaning rugs and curtains - Cole House)25.34 Dept. of Labour (inspection of boiler) Rodman Heating (new burner motor - !v1useum) Joan Marr (cleaning, binding - rug, etc.) Pickering's Bay News (Ad. re Donations - Auction Sale) Mr. Miller (fitting key to 100 steam engine) (Markham Radiator - engine rad.) E.A. Alma -(stitskys - burlap) w. Earle (paint for signs) $ 6.00 15.00 21.60 21.54 3.20 h.p. 20.00 52.50 26.25 2.14 CARRIED Continued......2 - - - 2 - 4. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT a) The painting of the buildings is proceeding slowly because of the cold weather. The floor of the Cole House is being re-finished. b) -- c) - d) e) The hotel has been cleaned out. The back floor has been taken up and re-inforced. The Ceiling has been repaired. Þ1rs. Duncan's advice is now awaited. The trench for the refreshment booth footings has been dug, but is filled with water. The timbers are in place for the proposed bridge by the Cole House. Mrs. &lnis has been cleaning the various buildings. The Oddfellows Hall has been cleared and re-arranged and the cupboard fixed. f) The saw mill will be placed outside the steœm barn. The work crew has been clearing the barn. g) Items from the hotel that were from the Matthew's estate will be auctioned. 5. GROUNDS' UPKEEP On motion of Nr. Clark, seconded by ]\'lr. Freeman it was proposed that sufficient mulch be purchased to fill up the muddy area by the bridge. - CARRIED 6. AUCTION SALE a) - The Chairman asked Board members to co-operate to the fullest extent with the Historical Society on the day of the sale. Playing situations by ear would be better than hard and fast rules. b) On motion of Hr. Freeman, seconded by Hr. HcGee it was suggested that the admission fees be suspended on the day of the auction. In the discussion that followed, it was generally felt that the Museum needs the income. f'.10TION DEFEATED 7. ImSEUH SCRÞ~BOOK Mr. McLean suggested that a scrapbook be kept containing clippings of any newspaper items regarding Museum affairs. It was agreed that all members should clip any such reports they may see. Continued. . . . . .3 ~~ - - 3 - B. PAI~lPHLET Mr. Freeman is to arrange to have new pamphlets printed as soon as possible. - 9. ODDFELLOW'S HALL ~ Mr. McLean was~ked to report the committee's recommenda- tions on the re-arrangement of the Hall. Mr. McLean stated the Hall had already been re-arranged. The Chairman pointed out that, while the work was appreciated, committees must learn to abide by the instructions they have been given. Committees were recently set up to bring back ideas for the Board's approval, and until such approval has been given no work or changes should be done. - Mro McLean stated that if the committee had not gone ahead the Hall would not have been ready for opening dayo The Chairman maintained that rules are made to avoid controversy and must be adhered to unless special changes are made. - ~1rs. Earle suggested that if p in future, such changes are needed to accomplish some task, then the head of any committee should request an extra meeting of the Board. 10. PRESENTA'I'ION TO rms. HAY The citation for Hrs. Hay is ready and framed. It was decided to hold the June 8th Board meeting at the Museum, with Mrs. Hay being invited to attend, at which time the presentation will be made and light refreshments served. All Board members are asked to make a special effort to attend this meeting. 11. SOUVENIRS Mrs. Earle was authorized to arrange for the purchase of some suitable items for the sales desk. 12. SCHOOL ART DISPLAY Mr. Davidge reported that he had contacted the art departments of various area schools and memos have gone out for historical art items. The theme is to be "Pioneer Life, or Early Days in Pickering" and all art work is to be in by June 16th to Dunbarton School. Each school will be allowed to submit 3 items. 13. ADMISSION BUTTONS I:1r. Freeman stated that he hoped to get a sponsor to defray the cost of such buttons, which would carry some advertising regarding the sponsor if need be. It was pointed out that possibly the Township may object to such advertising. Mr. Freerean is to check with Mr. Marshall to see if it would be allowed. On motion the meeting adjourned. DATED Chairman Secretary