HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 8, 1972 ~/7µ PICKERING TO-VJNSHIP ¡:mSEUH BOARD A meetinq of the Pickering Township rIDseum Bóard was held on ThursdaYr June 8th 1972, at 8.00 p.m. at the Huseum. PRESENT~ Nlr. H. Cook - Chairman Hr. J. Alma i:lr. v~ . Clark Mr. w. Earle ~J!r . !J1. McGee Nr. D. McLean Mr. R. Hiller, Administrator Hr. t1. Parkin Hrs. R. Hay lirs . I. Annis - Custodian - - - - 1. MINUTES -. - On motion of ~~. McGeer seconded by Mr. McLean the minutes of the May 11th meeting were approved with the amendment~- - Ur. HcLean stated that \-,hen he suggested a scrapbook, he really meant a file of publicity items to assess which paper gave the best service and also that all printed material copy should be kept in this file. CARRIED 2. ACCOUNTS- No accounts were available at this meeting. - 3. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS - - The Chairman suggested that ,.,hilst it was still light enough members might care to tour the grounds and observe the progress of the Museum complex. Members availed themselves of the opportunity and on return were well satisfied with the work that had been accomplished. The painting of the exteriors of the Harness Shop and Hotel were most satisfactory, and the near-completion of the installation of the Saw Mill was regarded as an added attraction. 4. ADMINISTRATOR'S FEPORT - - Mr. Miller stated that members had seen for themselves what had been done. However, he wished for an opinion on the painting of the corner board trim on buildings. It was agreed that the decision on this should be left to the Administrator's discretion. - Contd......2 - 2 ." 5. PRESENTATION TO Iv'[RS. HIW - The Chairman noted that the prime purpose of this meeting ",as to honour Hrs. Ruth Hay (former Curator) for her invaluable services to the troseum, and called on Mr. Miller to make the planned presentation. - f~. Miller said that the Board was well aware of all the hours, often unpaid, that Hrs. Hay had dedicated to the Museum, especially during the years when she voluntarily helped her father, Hr. John Gillman, the Museum's first Curator. Since assuming the post, after r1r. Gillman's death, Urs. Hay had ahlays shown the greatest concern for the Museum's interests. Therefore, it was with great pleasure that Mr. Miller presented Mrs. Hay with a framed citation for services rendered, on behalf of the Museum Board. Mrs. Hay thanked the Board for the presentation, saying that it meant a great deal to her, and that she would continue to take great interest in the Museum, and was willing to help in any way that was possible. At this point refreshments were served, provided by l~. Cook and Mrs. Earle. 6. CUSTODIAN'S REPORT - l~s. Annis requested that the following points be noted: - a) Vacuum Cleaner - A proper vacuum cleaner is needed to facilitate the cleaning of the buildings. On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by ~~. McLean it was proposed that f1r. Miller and Mrs. Annis investigate the purchase of a suitable vacuum cleaner, and report to the Board. CARRIED b) Souvenirs .. Mrs. Annis noted that it was a shame the sales desk had not been stocked earlier, as the number of visitors during the Opening weekend, plus school tours, would have appreciated souvenir items. She suggested new Hasti-notes were needed, also a repeat of articles sold last year- as well as new items such as T-shirts, and possibly mugs with the Museum picture on them. Mrs. Earle stated that she had already investigated various souvenirs, but did not have the Board's approval, as yet, for their purchase. Contd......3 - 3 - Item 6 contd. Mr. Cook stated that he had placed an order for candies, but could get no reply when phoning the company, but would investigate further. ~~. Earle informed the Board that he could get Hasti-notes reprinted for the same price (i.e. 50¢ per packet, to sell at $1.00) as he had supplied before. On motion of ~1r. IlcGee, seconded by Hr. Alma it was proposed that: - 1) r~. Earle arrange for the printing and supply of 100 packets of Hasti-notes at 50¢ per packet. 2) ~tts. Earle arrange to purchase a selection of suitable souvenirs, in consultation with Mrs. Annis, the amount not to exceed $100.00. CARRIED It was again emphasized that the Custodian keep a concise inventory of stock sold, and that the Secretary be requested to itemize sales on the yearly budget (i.e. total books sold; maps, plates; souvenirs; candies; hasti-notes, FtC.) so that it is possible to judge which items are successful when assessing future purchases. I\1rs. Earle i.::õ also to find out the address of the Collingwood :Zirm that made the Centennial plates, and query the cost of a possible supply of mugs. 7. CANADA DAY PARADE - Mr. Earle reported that he had been requested, by ~~. J. Dickson (Ajax Kinsmen) to return the trophy won by the Museum float in the 1971 parade, and to extend a \'!elcome to the participation of a new float in the 1972 parade, to be held on July 1st. On motion of 11r. HcLean, seconded by r·1r. Alma it was proposed that the trophy be returned and that ~ks. Earle organize and enter a float in the 1972 Ajax Kinsmen parade. CARRIED rir. Hiller mentioned that the r'larquis wagon and cart were on loan to be used in the Uxbridge centennial parade on June 10th. 8. PUBLICITY- Discussion on publicity was heldy especially concerning Histor¡ in Action, but since Mr. Freeman, Publicity Chairman, was not at the meeting, decisions were left until he can be consulted. Contd......4 .. 4 - 9. THANKSGIVING SERVICE - It was felt that the successful Church Service held in 1970 should be duplicated. On motion of l'~r. HcLeal1.- seconded by 1\·lrs. Earle, it ,,¡as proposed that ft',;r. Parkin consult Rev. Fleetham regarding the institution of an inter-denominational Thanksgiving Service to be held in the i:luseum Church in the afternoon (2.00 p.m.) of the second Sunday in October, 1972. CARRIED 10. DEMONSTP~TORS- It was suggested that demonstrators of various crafts might be available and interesting to have in various buildings during weekends. Mrs. Earle noted that the idea had merit, but that care must be taken to see that any demonstration was applicable to the concept of the Museum, since certain demonstrationq during the Auction Sale were merely sales promotions and not in keeping with the actual crafts of the period the Museum represents. It was agreed that Mr. Miller and Mrs. Annis are to report to the Board on suitable de~onstrations. 11. TOUR GUIDE TEACHING - -- Mr. Clark suggested that Board members might benefit from participation in sessions ",ñlen tour guides are receiving instruction. Since ·this might no·t be feasible Rt the hours \l7hen tour guides receive instruction, it was suggested that an extra Board meeting be held for special instruction of Board members, who often have to serve as voluntary help on "Jeekends. The Chairman proposed. that the next meeting of the Board be held at the Museum on June 29th at 7.00 p.m. to allow for an hour's tour instruction to be conduèted by Mr. Miller, prior to an 8.00 p.m. business session. On motion the meeting adjourned.