HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 29, 1972 8/72 PICKERING rl'OT·.7NSHIP r1USEUi1 BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Tovmship r1useum Board was held on Tuesday i August 29th 1972 at 7.30 p.m. at the Huseurn Grounds. PRESENT ~ì\'Ir. II. Cook -. Chairman ìlr. Ð. Davidge i1r. ~'!. Earle firs. D. Earle Hr. R" Freeman Ur. ~'J. i'IcCee J:!r (ò Do }\lcLean Hr. R. Hiller - Administrator 11r. Iv:. Parkin I'ir. J. A.lma r'lr. J. Anderson -. Councillor Nard I f'irs. J. HcPherson - Councillor Ward 2 I\~rs. I. A.nnis - Huseum Custodian Mr. N.C. Marshall - Secretary 1. JYUNUTES- On !iotion of Hr. Parkin r seconded by r lr. Freeman, the Minutes of August 10th 1972 were adopted. CARRIED 2.' ACCOUNTS- The Secretary advised the Board that the budget \vas currently overspent to the extent of approximately $1,400.00 and based on this information he had directed the Administrator that ,^,eek to lay-off the labour force. In addition he had suggested that the number of guides utilized on. the \veekend be reduced. He noted that the Provincial grant expected to amount to approxi- mately $000.00 had not as yet been received, nor had the $500.00 promised by the Kiwanis tmvards the cost of the \voodshed behind the school. General admissions were up over twice the ænount received for the entire year in 1971. He suggested that at this point in time the Board should atte:œpt to curtail as many expenses as possible until the receipts of History in Action are known. At this time further work could be authorized. ~t this point the Chairman advised that he had received the $500 from the Kiwanis and this was turned over to the Secretary. with these added funds it was felt that the workers should be retained for a further 5 days in order that the siding could be completed on the woodshed. On Motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Freeman and carried the Administrator was authorized to retain the existing work force of four men for a further five days in order to complete the siding and doors on the woodshed. The Chairman noted that the Kiwanis fully intended to commit further funds to the completion of the woodshed but would be unable to do so until the new executive had taken office in October and the 1973 budget agreed to. Continued......2 .--- .-. 2 -. 8}72 3. ADMINISTRl\.TOR'S REPOFT ., a) Film Group - Mr. Miller noted that a film group had used the front of the ~·1useum building for purposes of back- ground filming and had ag-reed to pay a fee of $25.00 for the use of the prop8rty. b) Student sponsorship - Mr. David Nasby f vlho is presently sponsored by the Provincial Government in completing a taped history of the Pickering area, asked that the Board sponsor him in his efforts to attend a course in Restoration to be held at Upper Canada Village from October lOth to the 15th. There would be no cost to the Museum Board. On Hotion of p"lr. rÜller; seconded by Hr. HcLean and carried it was agreed that the Pickering Township [·1useum Board sponsor Í'Jir. David Nasby in his attendance at a course in Restoration to be held at: Upper Canada Village, October 10th to 15th, on the understanding that no e~~ense will accrue to the Board. 4. PUBLICITY- Mr. Davidge reported that a l;OOO large posters, a 1,000 smaller posters and a 1,000 small letters had been prepared advertising History in Action. These had been distributed throughout the ~ownship, including the Townships of Uxbridge, the Town of Stouffvil1e and the Village of Port Perry. .Hr. Freeman informed th(~ Board ('f the various radio stations, magazines; and newspaper~ that would be carrying advertisement on History in Action. These included Toronto Calendar Hagazine, Star Newsweek and the C. '1'. V. Netvwrk. In this connection he asked the Board's opinion on ~ nunber of advertising jingles that were to be placed in paid advertise- ments in the local papers. 'These \:,.¡ould be of a 2 x 11, column si~e and are to be inserted a week previous to History in 1\ction. 'l'he Board agreec1 to the jingle "The Good Old Days Recreatc:"~d At History in 1\ction ~t It Has suggested that the papers might give f~ee v.7ri·te-ups on History in Action in return for paid advertising and that this aspect should be follovJed up. 5 . ENTERTAHU'ŒNT- The Secretary advised that the Claremont Band had confirmed their attendance on both days of the weekend and that he had contacted the Woodlands School Band by letter. He did not expect a response from the school band until the following week when school cormnenced. In this connection r,1r. Freeman noted that he had talked with Mr. Drew Parker, the band leader, and had been advised th~t either the last year's Grade Eights or Grade Sevens would likely be available as a band and would be under the direction 'of either t,1r. Parker or the High School band leader in the instance of the Grade Eight graduates. Continued...o..3 - 3 - 8/72 6. u.c.w. rinner - Hr 0 Hiller wondered \^lhethe r the Board had any obj ection to the U. C. \'1.. advertising at His·tory in Action for their Dinner held on the Saturday night. There was no objection, as the Board were of the opinion that such a function was in keeping with the weeKend's festivities. 7. P.A. System - Mr. Ernie Carruthers would be providing a P.A. service for the weekend festivities at no cost to the Board. It was suggested that some form of itinerary be prepared and that whoever is doing the announccmonts could spot these activities and thus ensure that as many spectators as possible could be in attendance. Another sugges·tion made was that possibly on Sunday afternoon the organ could be played in the church and perhaps a hymn- sing held. Mr. ~llan Clark had arranged for the organ to be repaired and it was suggested that he be invited to play it during the afterooon. hs alternates to him it was suggested that the Puckrin girl in Audley could be invited as well as J:Irs. Jack Anderson. 8. New Business - (a) Hrs. Earle referred back to the discussions on the over- expenditure of the budget and emphasized that this situation should not occur again. On I.îotion of Hrs, Ea.rle i' seconded by ~·J.r. Earle fit '\.vas agrcr::d i:hat in fu·ture no expenditures of a capital nature should be undertaken \'li thout the specific approval of the Board, nor in the absence of proper estimates. CA.RRIE D (b) Harness Shop - It was noted that the last resident of the Harness Shop was ctr. Jim Gray and not as shown in the circular. (c) Budg0t - The Secretary informed th(::: Board that he had been asked to submit a preliminary budget for the consideration of Council by September 15th 1972. His instruc·tions were that the budget was to be held at the same mill rate level as the year 1972. The Board meniliers noted that the time was rapidly approaching when a full time Administrator must be retained to direct the activities of the Museum property. The observation was made that the emphasis of the budget \'7as rapidly changing with the major emphasis being on operations as opposed to the major restoration work that had been carried on in the past. In this connection additional funds would be required to not only complete the restoration of the contents but to staff the facility with a view towards developing it as an outstanding educational and tourist facility. There was some reluctance to skim over the budget and it was suggested that consideration of it should be the topic of a specific meeting. It was also suggested that a formal budget Continued......4 4' - 4 - 8/72 Item 8 contdo presentation should be accompanied by supporting documentation indicating the accomplishments of the riuseum Board and the irreplaceable assets that it holds in trust for the Township residents. On motion the meeting adjoured.