HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 7, 1973
A meeting of the Pickering Township
Museum Board was held on Wednesday,
7th day of February 1973 at 8.00 p.m.
at the Municipal Building.
PRESENT: Hr. Jack "l.na
Hr. Harry Cook
Mr. Nilliam Clark
Mrs. Deidre Earle
l"Ir. Ron Freeman
!1rs. C. Guest
Hr. ~'alliam NcGee
Hr. Don ;'·1cLean
j',tr. Robert ~1iller
I~r. N. C. ~'Iarshall
Some members of the Board took -exception to the inclusion
in the Hinutes of August 29th 1972 of the discussion con-
cerning the construction of the addition to the school
building. Mention was made of the low cost at which the
buiÍding was acquired and exception taken to the suggestion
of bad judgement with re~pect to the over-expenditure on
the facility.
On Motion 0 f rlr. Clark, Seconded by N.r. HcLean, the
Resolution falling under item 8 of the Í·iinutes of August
29th 1972 was rescinded.
i1r. Marshall assumed the chair to conduct the election of
a Chairman.
On motion of Mr. McLean, Seconded by lIr. Clark and carried
~1r. Jack Alma was elected to the office of Chairman for
the current year.
On r'1otion of l-lr. Freeman, Seconded by Hrs. Earle, the
Museum Board extended its thanks and appreciation to the
out··going Chairman, !1r. Harry Cook, for his efforts on
behalf of the Board during the past year.
A lengthy discussion took place concerning the effects that
Regional Government, the Cedarwood Project, and the Airport
would have op the Nuseum. It was noted that there was a
great need for young blood to carryon the work of the
Museum Board and to retain the knowledge which was in
danger of being lost. While it was the understanding
of the Board that the recent Expropriation Notice from the
Federal Government had excluded the Museum property, it
definitely fell within the area effected by Ceda~vood and
was certainly not included as part of the Township of
Pickering in the current proposals for Regional Government.
Noting that the facility was developed for the education
of the local residents and future generations the Board
expressed concern that the facility could be transferred
to another jurisdiction and conceivably much of its
contents could be distributed to other museums.
.- 2 -.
Item 4 contd.
l10ved by Nrs. Guest and Seconded by Hr. Ron Freeman
tAlHEREAS the Pickcring Townsilip I!useum is in danger of
being lost to the residents of the To~~ship of Pickering
AND ~mEREAS the present proposals for Regional Government
and the nC\ov Toronto lÜrport excludes the Huseum property
from the jurisdiction of ·U.1C: TG\'Î;.,3h:"p 00: Pickering
AND WHEREAS the ¡·1useur:1 in its present form represents
the heritage of this area and countless hours of volunteer
labour and priceless gifts of significant historical value
BE IT THEREFORE FESOLVED that t' ~1.S Board strongly urge
Council to take irmnediate steps to investigate the possibility
of transferring the ownershi~ of the Museum to a Foundation
or like authority which v¡il1 guarantee the preservation of
the site for the residents of the Municipality and future
AND FURTHER that Council act in concert with a Committee of
the Museum Board, composed of the Chairman, Administrator and
A Champion threshing machine and one horse treadle
Circa 1860 was available for loan purposes to the
~Iuseum. F.ecogr::':..ng the uncertainty of the future
of the Iv!useum, Er. Hiller agreed to investigate
the possibility of obi:aining these items.
b) 'A bar that would b(' sui tablf~ ..Eor the hotel has
been locab?d a71'~ ;-:':13 C":'; ~:'..':i.2.l: y "èS2c1 in the Treemount
Yotel in I1;;ll.·k.larn.
c) Mr. Hiller &nd i:[r. Clark Lave determincd that repairs
to the rear portion of the roof on the Blacksmith's
Shop ,,¡ill require repla(':~ment of one complete side
and should be êI.ble to be corrp1eted for a cost in the
order of $600.00.
d) Historic Sites Board -
It was suggested that the Secretary contact the
Board and enquire v¡hat information would be needed
to qualify for a gra~t from this agency.
e) A $100. '-0 donation has been received by the r'1useum
from the Estate of Nrs. NOr!i1a L. Dick, a former
Township resident, who died in Vancouver.
The Sylvester Engine made iLl Lindsay will require
approximately tvlO days labour c f two men to complete
repairs. This eng1.ne was originally used on a
railway gigger car.
Hrs. !1arr has asked that tle couch in the Cole House
be re-upholstered ,·Jith the i'.nticipated cost amounting
to $100.00.
;-)'1t -::.nned. . . . . .3
- 3 -
Item 5 contd.
h) ï1r. Alma was able to locate a number of manikins
at a net cost of $33.60, which will be suitable
for displaying wearing apparel at the Museum.
i) It was hoped that the engine available in
Haliburton could be acquired for the transportation
cost amounting to approximately $125.00.
j) A line shaft for the saw mill has been located in
Lindsay and will cost approximately $50.00.
k) New pamphlets should be ordered immediately to
ensure their availability for opening day. In
addition souvenirs such as mugs and cups should be
Tl~ stove presently located in the Cole House on
loan can be acquired for $300.00. It dates
approximately 1871 and at the price asked, would
seem to be a bargain. It was agreed that
Mr. Miller be authorized to negotiate the purchase
of the stove in the Cole House from Mr. Schlombs
at a cost of $300.00. The necessary Purchase
Order will be issued once the terms are finalized.
It was suggested that r1rs. Annis be invited to future
meetings of the Board.
Mr. McLean wished to be on record as suggesting that
the guns in the Museum should be checked to ensure that
they are rendered inoperative. The recent crack-down
by the Police Authorities on such weapons suggests that
this should be done.
On Hotion of Hrs. Earle, Seconded byf!ir. !1cLcan, it was
agreed that Mrs. Annis be invited to continue as Custodian
of the Museum at an hourly rate of $2.50 and that any
temporary staff retained during the summer months be
paid a lesser rate.
8 . KIv.7AN IS
On behalf of the Kiwanis, Mr. Cook enquired as to
whether the Kiwanis should be continuing with the interior
work on the addition to the school in view of the
uncertainty of the future. The Board was of the op~n~on
that this uncertainty should not effect the existing
plans and urged the Kiwanis to continue.
Mr. Clark wished to record in the Minutes the thanks
of the Beard to those responsible for the festivities
associated with the History in Action Day celebrations
and in particular the tremendous effort put into the
affair by I.lJ.r. Robert Hiller.
.- 4 -
In view of the fact that the number of items on the agenda
could not be discussed it was agreed that an additional
meeting be held on February 21st 1973.
On Motion the meeting adjourned.