HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 21, 1973 PICKERING TŒ·lì:·JSHIP I.mSUEI1 BOARD A meeting of the Pickering To,^mhip i1useum Board was held on t)lednesday. 21st day February 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the Eunicipal Building. PRESENT ·~!'lr. Jack Alma - Chairman Hr. Harry Cook Mr. William Clark IiI' . :ROl1 Freeman ~~rs. C. Guest Hr. Robert ~:1iller r:~r. B. Davidge ~·ir. hi. Biernacki Er. Noel C. Harshall - Secretary ;~, 1. MINUTES On motion of Hr. Cook, Seconded by Hr. Clark and carried, the 1-1inutes of the meeting of February 7th 1973 were adopted. 2. FUTURE OF I:1USEUl·1 The Board were advised of the fact that Council had deferred decision on the Resolution passed during the Board's recent meeting, concerning the future of the museum. In examining the alternative of incorporation, the Group had for its consideration a memorandum on this topic which had been obtained from a legal friend of !·1r. lUma. In the discussion that follm'Ted it \'Tas noted that if the property was transferred to a foundation, it might not be possible for Council to continue with their grant to the I1useum. A.11other question raised was ÿ¡hether Council had the authority to transfer public landst.o a private foundation. .tWi' In exploring recent developments in the area of the Museum, mention was made of the fact that the recent Expropriation Order completely surrounds the Huseum property with Federal lands but specifically excludes the Museum property. The group were of the opinion that immediate steps must be taken to get some positive answers on the future of the property. Wi th t.he advent of Regional Government it was entirely possible that Council would lose its authority to make any form of disposition of the property. It was agreed that the topic should be thoroughly explored with Council at their next Executive Committee Meeting. ,.... 3. ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY It was suggested that it might be wise to get a letter of endorsation from the Society concerning the future of the !·1useum. Continued......2 - c,~ - 2 .. 4. DEPART1'!EN'r OF PUBLIC HORKS - Another suggestion made VTaS that possibly !Ir. R.E. Nhite of the Department of Public Works, 65 Queen Street Nest. 12th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, might be of some assistance in resolving the future of the Iluseum. Evidently the Federal Govcrnment might respond to a concerted effort launched on behalf of the l!useum property. 5. BUDGET -.-- The Board considered in detail the original Budget presentation and changed the allocation on some of the accounts in order to absorb ·the anticipated deficit of $2,400.00 from the year 1972. It was agreed that the Budget be re-typed, indicating a gross expenditure of $11,900.00 for the year 1973. '... 6. DONATIONS Mr. Miller advised that Grace Anglican Church in !1arkham had fOrYlarded a cheque in the amount of $75.00 covering the compensa~ ion for the l1e\'Ted cross that had been carved for the Church by lllir" Hilt Parkin. I·t was suggested that a lEtter of appreciation should be sent to Hr. Parkin thanking him for his efforts. 7. NOVELTIES Examining the area of novelties for the nuseum property, it was suggested that a quantity of horscs~oe nails could be obtained which could be fashioned by the blacksmith into rings which would readily sell to children for 25¢ or more. 8. ADI:UNIS1'RATOR' S REPORT Mr. Miller reported as follows: Clock in Log Cabin some parts are missing and a new wooden gear is required which may incur some small expenditure. Cole House There are a number cf small items which need repairing at the Cole House There should be provision in the current year's expendi tures to constmct a cover over the Sæ·¡ Hill to protect it from the weather Refreshment Booth The material is available for completion of the Refreshment Booth and perhaps with the assistance of the Kiwanis this could be completed Continued......3 - .. 3 - Item 8 contd. Rumley Engine Hr. ~'Ja1 ter Hope haE: donated a radiator for this tractor which shoulð permit its use during the current year Hotel He suggested that perhaps professional help in the form of Mrs. Duncan could be obtained to advise the Board on hovl the interior of the Hotel should be finished. - Sylvester Engine Hr. vla1ter Hop(;~ is working on the repairs to this engine and a small expenditure can be anticipated Stove in Cole House He was attempting to obtain a $200.00 grant from the Historical Society to aid in the pLrchase of this stove. Admission Fees He suggested that the admission fees should be raised in view of the obvious superior presentation now available at the property. Auction Sale As an alternative form of ralslng money, he suggested that the possibility of an auction sale should be explored. He noted the success of the one sponsored by the Historical Society during thE previous year. School Tours l!lr. Ken Ley had been in touch ,vi th him and hoped to continue an expanded form of the school tours held previously. Ajax High School A number of the Technical students from the Ajax High School had obtained an old lavmmower engine from the Museum and were about to complete its restoration. He was delighted with the enthusiasm that these students had shown with respect to this project. On 11otion the Meeting adjourned. - .. -