HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 1973 - PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 3/73 A meeting of the Pickering Tov7nship !4:usellill. Board \'las held on Tuesday 1 the 6th day of l'~arch 1973 at 8.00 p.m~ at the I:'Iunicipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. Jack Alma - Chairman r.:¡r. B ~ Davidge l:\r ~ ~Ülliam Clark r.':r. Robert i~~il1er Hr. Don I:!cLean Hrs. R. Guest Hrs~ D. Earle I:1r. Harry Cook !<Ir~ Noel C. Harshall - Secretary 1. HINUTES On Motion of Mr. McLean, Seconded by Mr. Clark and carried the j'-iinutes of the meeting of February 21st 1973 \,]ere adopted ~ 2 . COH"lITTEE - FUTURE· OF ~1USEUH On Hotion of Nr. !!cLean, Seconded by 11rs. Earle and carried, it was agreed that the Co~mittee appointed to deal \'Tith the future of the I·1useum by the Board in its meeting of February 7th 1973, be amended to read: r'1r. Jack Alma Iy!r ~ Robert Hiller Hr. Hilliam Clark Mr. Harry Cook 3. CENTRt1L ONTARIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION The Board dealt \-Ti th the brief prepared by the þ..ssociation dealing with the establis~~ent of a Regional Archives. On l'~otion of i~.r. Cook, Seconded by l~rs. Earle and carried un~nirnouslYl it was agreed that the brief prepared by the Central Ontario ~4:useums Association dealing )'lÌth the establishment of a Regional Archives for the proposed Oshawa-Centred Region not be endorsed by this Board. 4. REVISED BUDGET The Secretary explained the reasons for the revised Budget submission and distributed for the benefit of the Board a copy of the Budget on which the 1972 Actual figures had been indicated. On ì"!otion of !'1rs. Guest 1 Seconded by l'lr ~ Davidge the 1973 Budget, as submitted, shmV'ing gross expenditures of $10,673.00 was approved. CARRIED Continued...~..2 t - 2 - 3/73 5. SOUVENIRS rks. Guest displayed a number of early Canadiana items such as jugs, salt and pepper shakers, cast iron bank and cast iron keys for the benefit of the Board. The Board agreed that this 'line of merchandise was better suited to the Huseum activity and it \'TaS suggested that the emphasis of the sales desk should be on products of this nature~ Pennants would be available for the children as \·¡ell as one or b<1O 1m7 cost gifts and old fashioned candy. The Board also investigated the purchase of mugs similar to the plates that had been ordered a couple of years ago. On r·lotion 0 f I1r. r-1cLean 1 Seconded by Hr. Cook and carried unanimously, ~rs. Guest was authorized to investigate the cost of gift items and to proceed through the Secretary with the purchase of these items with the cost not to exceed $300.00. 6. CUSTODIAN ~ S RECOM)!1.ENDATIONS (1) The pamphlet· has been printed (2) The Board agreed \.¡ith this a..1'ld the matter \<10uld be attended to. (3) This was agreed to with the suggestion being made that the day1s activities could be advertised as ending at 5.00 p.m. rather than 6.00 p.m. (4) Agreed. (5) The Secretary is to review the plates and arrange for the printing of 2,000 brochures. (6) The Board were of the opinion that Opening Day should be held in conjunction with an auction sale. !.ír. Davidge volunteered to ~!Tork wi t.~ I1r. Freeman in generating the a9propriate publicity for such ·".n event. (7) Previously dealt with. (8) Opening Day - May 19th, Closing - October 8th 1973. (9) It was agreed that the group fee be discontinued and all students be asked to pay 25¢ (10) The Secretary is persuing this item (11) ~1r. Alma agreed to obtain 15 .- 45 gallon drums prior to the Museum season. (12) It was suggested that the loan of this clothing should be restricted to !'IusetL."n functions. Hrs. Hiller "vas attempting to co~ordinate the loaning of these clothes and the matter was left in her hands. (13) Mr. Davidge will arrange for the return of the school exhibits~ It was the opinion of the Board that the contest,not be held for the current year. Continued~.....3 r If '..... - 3 - 3/73 7. ADHINISTRATOR On motion 0 f r·lr. HcI..can, Seconded by Mr. Clark and carried unanimously, Hr. Robert !:£iller ¡"las appointed to the position of Administrator of the Pickering Township Nuseum for the year 1973. 8. ADì:UNISTR~TOR I S REPORT a) rüss Greg has offered to donate a windmill to the l1useum. He agreed to arrange for the transfer of this item to the property, noting that there v¡ould be some cost involved. b) He advised that a steam shovel ovmed by Hr. King and dating approximately 1910 was available to the Huseurn. On Hotion of r:Ir. Clark g Seconded by Hr ~ Cook and carried lliLanimously, it was agreed that the AdIT~nistrator attempt to secure the donation of the steam shovel offered by rk. King. c) Three loads of logs were available for use in the saw mill during History In Action. d) ì:ir 0 Walter Hope has agreed to ¡'TOrk on the 'fhTinter Works scheme to repair the roof on the Blacksmith Shop and the Hotel, as well as carry out minor repairs on the Cole House. e) It will be necessary to install the line shaft for the saw mill before the shed is constructed to protect the saw from the elements. This line shaft measuring 80 feet was available from a source in Lindsay and he hoped that a.Work crew would be able to dismantle it and have it~ucked to ~he Museum property in the near future. It vTas suggested that it would take three of four men approximately a week to install the line shaft and construct the shed and that before this was proceeded with a check would be made with the Secretary to ensure that adequate funds were available. f) Hrs. Annis has agreed to continue on as Custodian. g) ~vo alternate sites of 49 acres and 20 acres respectively had been investjgated as a proposed site for the Nuseurn. One had a spring and the other had a river. Further discussions on this would be taken up with th2 Cnw~ttee of Council aPDointed for this purpose ~ .. ,. h) Closing Day - On his suggestbn it was agreed that the Closing Day for the Museum be October 8th 1973. i) Recognizing the superior display presently available at the Museum and the presence of the Tour Guides, it was agreed that the admission charges be revised as follows: Adults Under 18 12 and under 5 and under $1. 00 .50¢ .25¢ Free Continued...~..4 J . . ~ f Z .1 ! j ¡ ! 4 3/73 Item 8 contd. On riotion of 7·1r. Cook, Seconded by ),'ir. 1'~.i ller and carried unanimously the foregoing rates ¡"lere adopted. 9. CHURCH SERVICE Apparently Reverend Small had shm.¡n a great d8al of enthusiasm follm·TÌng the church service last year and Has of the opinion that it should be expanded to encompass the entire Township. It was agreed that Mr. Cook convey the enthusiasm of the Board to such 2. scheme to ~Ir. Small and urge him to work with Reverend Fleetham on developing a service. 10. OPENING DAY - On l-iotion of !-ír. faller 1 Seconded by qr. Cook and carried unanimously, it was agreed that an auction sale be held on I,1ay 19th to coincide '\,'li th th<2 opening of the N.useum.. On rbtion the meeting adjourned. ~ ,''''*' '.,.