HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 17, 1973 - - PICKERING TOT~1NSHIP HUSEUt.1 BOARD 5/73 - A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 17th day of April 1973 at 8.00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. Jack Alma - Chairman Hr. N. Biernacki l1r. R. Freeman Mr. H. Cook Hrs. D. Earle Mrs. R. Guest Mr. Woo Clark JI1rs. I. Annis - Custodian Mr. R. Miller ... Administrator Hr. N. C. r.1arshall - Secretary .,- ,~ :--- - 1. r1INUTES - On Motion of Mr. Cook, Seconded by Mr. Clark and carried the ~tinutes of the meeting of March 27th 1973 were adopted. - 2. ADlUNISTRATOR' S REPORT .- - Messrs. Hope, Ramsay and Wright have started work on the roof of the Blacksmith's Shop under the direction of Mr. Clark. The original thought for roofing was to provide wood shingles, which on investigation would cost approximately $50.00 a square. In view of this large cost it was agreed that asphalt shingles would be used and the present wooden shingles on hand would be retained for possible use on one of the homes. It was also noted that the entire roof of the Blacksmith's Shop would likely need replacement within five years and the roof could be redone with asphalt shingles at that time. - "'- - Mrs. Dorothy Duncan would be available by approx- imately May 15th to advise the Board on the completion of the interior of the Harness Shop and Hotel. - A poll of the Board members had resulted in the approval of permitting the use of the Church for the marriage of Miss Margaret Hoskins and Mr. Garnet HcPherson, wi th the ,,,,edding to take place at 8 o'clock a.m. on May 19th 1973. The Museum's Official Opening would take place at 1 o'clock of the same day. It had been suggested that the Hoskins family co-ordinate with the Kiwanis on the use of the kitchen for the break- fast which is to follow the ceremony. Mr. Miller had been contacted by an American family who had discovered an old school text book dating 1872, which had been owned by William Boddell, who had been a shoemaker in the Hamlet of Brougham during that time. Tþe original enquiry had been to locate relatives of the Boddell family which was unsuccessful and it was anticipated that the book would be donated to the Museum in the near future. .~ Continued......2 - ~ - - 2 .'. 5/73 Item 2 contd. - The Administrator was attempting to get pictures of ~1r. Nilson and IvIr. lmderson 'V1hich could be suitably framed consistent with the direction given by the Board in an earlier meeting. He also suggested that pertaps a suitable photograph of Mr. William G. Lawson, Q.C. should be obtained in view of his extensive support of the !1useum during its formative years. - .- ~ l1r. Kenneth Petty was working on repairs to the clock from the Log Cabin and was attempting to get someone to manufacture the wooden pieces necessary to complete the workings of the clock. Several groups of students were interested in touring the property on April 25th 1973, with their teacher, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 12 and 1.30 p.m. and 4.00 p.m.. Although the Huseum would not officially be open until a month later it was suggested that arrangements be made to accommodate this request. - J..... - - t~. Harrison had agreed to provide his team and wagon for the Auction Sale at a cost of $15.00 with the 11useum arranging for the transportation of the animals. - In response to an enquiry concerning the interior of the Wood Shed, it was noted that there was sufficient material to complete the walls. A 'suggestion was made that the ceiling could be completed by the use of wide boards with suitable beading, similar to the material used for the exterior. These \'1Tould be fitted between the existing beams and finished off with a suitable moulding and would permit the beams to remain exposed. It was felt that at the outside the cost would not exceed $1,000 for material and labour. It was the understanding of the Board that the Kiwanis will assume the cost of finishing the interior within these cost estimates. There could be sufficient funds left over to suitably treat the exterior of the building which was expected to take approximately 8 gallons of material. - - - ,- - 3. BUDGETS The Secretary distributed a budget statement as of April 17th 1973, indicating net expenditures of $1,509.61 - and net income of $333.00. In utilizing the Township grant there remained $5,406.25 for current programs. 4 . REPORT FROH COUNCIL .- BOARD CO.HHITTEE ON FUTURE OF MUSEUM In spite of three attempts to set up a meeting with their opposite members of Council, the Chairman reported that he had been unsuccessful to-date in arranging a meeting date. The Board explored in some depth its position concerning the future of the Museum property, noting that it was Continued......3 '~ ~ - - 3 - 5/73 Item 4 contd. '........ imperative that a position paper be defined in advance of any meeting with Federal or Provincial authorities concerning the property. Some general conclusions reached in the discussion included: - buildings should be re-located and the property expanded to typify a small pioneer hamlet - minimum size 50 acres - the property should be retained as a permanent memorial to the heritage of the Pickering area ... with large infusions of Federal or Provincial r~onj_ s it i _: - ji-ti ~i?·_·t/ t: . t th op·1~rs>i..... ..rould pass to another level of government, but sufficient guarantees should exist to ensure the continuance of a local advisory body. - It was agreed that the various members of the Board would draft their ideas on the future of the Museum in point form and submit them to the Chairman within the week in order that some form of draft position paper could be prepared. This draft paper would be discussed at a meeting to be held on Hay 1st 1973 for this purpose. - - 5. REQUEST FROli JOHN A. LESLIE PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR LOAN OF DESKS L In a letter of April 11th 1973, Mr. J. Joseph Hogan of the John A. Leslie Public School in Scarborough requested the loan of 30 desks tog~ther with other suitable class- room material depicting the 1920 - 1930 era. - On Hotion of rJ[r. Cook, Seconded by !1rs. Earle and carried unanimously, it was agreed that enquiries of this nature be left to the discretion of the Administrator, Chairman and Secretary. ,- A further I-1otion by Hrs. Earle, Seconded by Hr. Clark and carried directed that any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Administrator in co-ordinating such loans should be assumed by the Museum Board. 6. OTHER BUSINESS ;;.... r·ìrs. Annis requested that some of the excess material be moved out of the office and that a suitable work table be provided for her use. - The various items from Carnarvon were available at a cost of $50.00 and conditions \.¡ould permit the pick-'up of these iteæs at any time. A number of these items would be suitable for the pending Auction Sale. The possibility of holding a bake sale on the day of the Auction is being explored. The Chairman emphasize(¿ the need for volunteers to assist the work parties in preparing the Museum buildings for Opening Day..:. Continued......4 !;¡~, - - -. 4 - On notion of !:r. Cook the meeting adjourned. 5/73 - CHAI PJ'l1"\N - DATED -- SECHETÞ-.RY - - ~ - ~