HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 29, 1973
"'*' ....
A meeting of the Pickering Township
Huseum Board was held on Tuesday
the 29th day of May 1973 at 8.00 p.m.
at the I~useum Grounds.
PRESENT~ Mr. Jack Alma - Chairman
Mr. W. Biernacki
~<1.r. t-J. Clark
;:-1r. D. HcLean
Hrs. R. Guest
~1rs. D. Earle
Hr. E. Cook
r.1r. R. !-!i11er - Administrator
Mr. N.C. Marshall - Secretary
On Motion of Hr. f·1cI,ean i Seconded by 1-1r. Biernacki and
carried the Minutes of the meeting of Hay 15th 1973 were
Mr. McLean outlined for the benefit of the Board the
wedding that had taken place on the previous Saturday.
It was suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to
Central Ontario Rental Equipment, thanking the~ for
the use of the bro orchard heaters that were used to
heat the church prior to the festivities.
The Secretary noted that the work crew had been laid
off during the previous week. Once the ~onies had
been received from the KÍ\-Janis and the Winter Works
Program, priorities could be established and the men
brought back.
On this topic it was suggested that an effort should
be made to complete the shed over the saw mill. In
view of the fact that the shingle mill \lOu1d be
operational shortly an effort should be made to obtain
cedar logs for shingles. The possible sources of
such wood mentioned included Mr. Rod Appleby of M1itby
and the Dunkeld Farm in the northern portion of the
Hr. Cook indicated that the Kiwanis hoped to complete
the wiring on the shed within the next month.
Mr. Clark asked for and got approval to the purchase
of a number of sheets of peg board and some paint to
complete the display in the Blacksmith's Shop. The
Secretary agreed to purchase the necessary material.
Considerable concern was eXDres~ed over the limited
number of volunteers available for the many and varied
duties associated with the operation of the r-iuseum.
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Item 6 contd.
~1uch of the work was falling on the shoulders of five
of the Museum Board members and there simply was too much to be
done to expect these people to continue working three
and four evenings a week. An effort ÿ7i11 be made to
attract more volunteers to assist in the operation of
the Museum, particularly the younger people. In
this connection ~1r. Davidge and the Secretary are to
work on an advertisement which will be placed in the
local papers asking for the assistance of the community
and encouraging younger people to become involved in
the ~1useum.
The Secretary vlas asked to direct thank-you letters
to !!\r. Jack Torrance, !ir. .1ack Mairs and I'lr. Glen Squires
for the assistance provided by these people through the
loan of their trucks during the past few weeks.
r··r..r. î'!.i1ler expressed his appreciation for the efforts
of the people who had made the Auction Sale and weekend
festivities in general possible.
lIe advised the Board that he had purchased a large
t.ab1e, four large benches and a number of other items
including a mower from~~L Gus O'Neill for the sum of
HG wondered whether in view of the current expropriation
proceedings in the co.:nm'.1nity it would be possible to
encourage the people moving to contact the Museum before
they carted their unw:anted articles to the dump.
Recently a number of items falling within this broad
description had been trucked to the Stouffvil1e Sales
Barn and had brought surprisingly good prices at the
Auction. It was suggested that these people be
contacted and encouraged to donate some of these items
to the Museum who in turn would use them for another
Auction Sale to be held in the future. fl1r. Alma
agreed to attempt to secure a list of names of people
accepting the offers of the Provincial and Federal
Governments with a view towards contacting them.
He mentioned that the Tour Guides would be taken on a
conducted tour of the grounds the fo11m'7ing evening
to refresh their memories on the various highlights of
the property. He encouraged any member of the Board
who wished to attend the tour.
In spite of the weather the horse and wagon rides had
been most successful and would have been even more so
had the weather co-operated.
He expressed concern over the amount of time that was
necessary to provide the assistance to the various men
and ~."omen \'larking at the ruseum grounds and the fact that his
business was not set up to accommodate the situation on
a regular basis. He was particularly concerned that
the book he was working on about the history of Brougham
must be completed within the next month if he is to
have it published in time for sale in the Fall. In
view of this he did not feel that he would be able to
- 3 -
Item 8 contd.
devote the amount of time to the operations of the
~1useum that he had in the past"
The members of the Board sympathized with Mr. f1i11er's
predicament and a nUIDb0r offered their services where-
ever possible to relieve the pressure. Noting that
there would be little activity on the grounds until
later on in the Summer it was hoped that this in itself
coupled with the employment of Tour Guides would partly
alleviate the situation.
Mrs. Earle volunteered to look after the herb garden
in the immediate future and agreed to check with Hrs.
Annis before proceeding.
10. GENERAL -.
A committee should be established for the various
activities associated with History In l\ction. This is
to be done at the next meeting.
~1rs. Earle and Hr. Frceme.n are to work on a float for
the Old Home Week to be held in Ajax in mid-June.
Þ load of fill is necded for the rear of the school shed,
the Secretary is to attempt to secure this from the
Telephone -
The Chairman outlined the frustrations experienced
during the previous Sunday when he arrived on the grounds
to find it inundated with a large cro~d and very few
staff members to accororoDdate the attendance. He was
unable to leave the grounds to secure assistance and
only through chance was his wife notified of the situ-
ation and assistance secured. It was obvious that a
telephone would have provided a means of obtaining help
in a hurry. A short discussion followed on this topic
in which the various facets of the topic were explored.
The Secretary agreed to check again to see whether it
would be possible to secure a phone for the property.
The crovid on Sunday was partly due to a visit by a
camera club from Toronto. The club had been offered
a prize for the best photo taken at the grounds and
this would be presented to the winner at a meeting
to be held by the club. Pictures of ttis particular
event, together with the prize-winning photos, would
be circulated through the various photography magazines
throughout the Country and would hopefully result in
good publicity for the property.
Hr. Gerry Thorne of the Y.NcC.A. was very interested
in developing a program which "7ould attract younger
mewbers of the community to the grounds. This would
take the form of instruction in the various pioneer
crafts with instructors being employed to teach the
classes. The Chairman would report back once further
information was available.
-- 4 -
Item 10 contd.
.'A. suggestion \·¡as made that Derhaps a kiosk could be
constructed to display suitable pictures of the property
and thence displ,'iY"~<1. at the various shoDping malls in
the community. Another thought on this topic was pacing
an old implement; suitably adorned with advertisement,
adj acent to the intersection of the Brock Road and ~t 7
Highv.7ay, possibly on :'~r c i'lair I s property.
The Chairman reported briefly on the results of the
Auction Sale, indicating receipts as follows:
The Gate $247.00
Sale $449.00
Baking $ 16.00
Bread $111.15 (net $1-1.55)
In spite of the poor day and poor cro\cld I the Board
were pleased with the results and noted the tremendous
effort put into the Sale by a umber of the members.
Particular note was made of the Auctioneer, Mro Don Bird
of Stouffvi11e¡ who did an excellent job.
In view of the apparent success of the venturc;, the
~ossibi1ity of holding another Auction this year was
On notion of i\~r. Davidge f seconded by I'r. HcLean and
carried it was agreed that another Auction Sale be
held at the ~~'.1seum Grounds on September 29th 1973 and
that Nr. Don Bird be asked to be the AuctioneGr.
It was agreed that the next meeting be held at the
i'1.useum Grounds on June 19th 1973.
On notion the meeting adjourned.