HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 9, 1974 ,'Ø - t1 - 2/74 PICKERI~G TOt~~ MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Town Museum Board was held on Tuesday, the 9th day ofl\pril 1974 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Hr. Robert Miller (Vice-Chairman) r1r. J. Alma Councillor J. Anderson Hr. T.,!. Biernacki Mr. Nm. Clark Councillor K. Spratley - Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) .Also in attendance ~ ~lrs. I. Annis Hrs. D. Earle ~1.r. R. Freeman Hr. ~·lm. McGee Mr. N.C. Marshall r.1r .H.. Parkin .~ 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES L MOVED by Mr. Wrn. Clark, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the minutes of the meetina of March 12th 1974 be adopted. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES a} The question was brought up as to whether Mr. Richard Brock, who volunteered his assistance in the herb qarden, had the proper experience. The members who knew him thought that he was well versed in this trade. Furthermore, he is only a volunteer ana he will be working under direction. - b) It was reported that a scale drawing of the hotel was made by one of the staff draftsmen as requested. A copy of this scale drawing was sent to Mr. Remple. c) A price was received for the printing of the pamphlet containing the chapter on the history of the ~1.useurn from Mr. Miller's book. One thousand copies will cost $630.00 before tax, $755.00 after tax, this includes a cover of stiffer paper. Pictures May also be added to the pamphlet at this price. MOTION #12 MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that one thousand copies of the History of Museum booklet be printed at the price of $755.00. CARRIED .... MOTION #13 MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by Mr. Wrn. Clark that the pamphlet be forwarded to the purchasing Department for printing. CJ'~RRIED 3. REPORTS - a) Administrator: Mac Middleton worked for a period of three weeks and he got twelve engines operating. The Admin- istrator would like Mr. Middleton to do some more work in the future, some magnetos are still needed for various engines. .~ ~ - 5 .- 2/74 3. REPORTS (Continued) The Enoch Turner School built in 1848 on Trinity Street in Toronto has a stove that belongs to the Pickering r1useUIt1., it is date stamped 1858. Furthermore, there is a small stove in the officers' quarters and a bed in the Commander's quarters of the old Fort York in Toronto. It was suqaested that a letter be written to the Toronto Historical Society to establish proprietorship of these objects. - MOTION #14 MOVED by r~. Wmo Clark, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that $1.25 be charged for the booklet and 25¢ for the poem. CARRIED Mr. John Richmond of Claremont was to do a new sign for the hotel, this sign was to be copied from the original. He has not done this yet. A letter was received by Mr. Miller from the Markham Historical Society asking him to give a ten minute talk about the Pickering Museum on April 15, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. Other members of the Museum Board are welcome to come. Mrs. Slo~t who painted some of. the china at the Museum will receive a book. There is a request to see the Museum on April 10, 1974 from girls who work at the M.T.R.C.A. b) Budget: Various items of the budget were discussed. ..- MOTION #15 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Mr. W. Biernacki that the budget expenditure of $14,290.00 including a Council Grant of $7,700.00 and a Surplus from 1973 of $2,627.00 be submitted to Council for approval. CARRIED - c) Financial: If bills come in on budget items, they will be processed in the normal manner. 4. HEN BUSINESS a) Evaluation: It was suggested that a monetary evaluation of the contents in the Museum be made. MOTION #16 MOVED by Mr. J. Alma, seconded by Mr. Hm. Clark that a local auctioneer be approached to evaluate the objects in the Museum for a fee of approximately $50.00. CARRIED - ,a - 6 - 2/74 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) - - - - - - - - - .., b) Site~ Three properties were visited as possible new sites -For the Museum~ (i) The Andrew Glen Farm, comprising approximately 50 acres and some buildings of a historical value. (ii) The Nielson property with no buildings on it. (iii) The property near Greenwood on the south side of #7. It has no buildi~gs and a part of this site is the Barclay property. Þ. discussion ensued as to the funding of an expanded Huseum. ~7i th expanded facilities ?nd an enlarged area, the Museum will not be able to be operated on largely volunteer help. This will entail paid staff, and consequently a much larger budget. The question was asked as to how these funds will be acquired. This type of pro!)lem \.¡ill have to be resolved before Council will approve the larqe scale expansion. It was considered that several meetings will have to be held to discuss these matters and to come up with a long range plan. Host probably outside advice on larger museum operations will have to be solicited. ~;10TION 4~17 HOVED by I:1r. :1m. Clark, seconded by ~1.r. .1. Alma that~·1r. R. Hiller be authorized to talk to Mrs. Barclay in order to ascertain her thouqhts relative to using her property as a site for the !>1useum. CARRIED c) Openinq~ It is too late to have a spectacular opening this year. Preparations should start for the opening in 1975. Mrs. Annis, the Custodian, submitted a report as requested at the last meetino: (1) The guides have to be hired and prepared. (2) The buildings need to be cleaned. A mop and wringer are required. The vaCUQ~ cleaner has faulty casters and it falls over. (3) The entrance to the Museum should be fixed: the fence is aske~". (4) Efforts should be made to generate an attitude towards the MuseQ~ as an on-aoina educational institution. (5) The Tremayne map is deterioratinq¡ it should be framed and glazed. (6) The herb garden needs to be attended to and new herbs acquired. (7) Flowers are required for some of the flower beds. The Collins house especially is quite bare and should have some flowers around it. 5. FURTHER BUSINESS a) The senior citizens of Ajax would like to have a day at the Museum with a picnic or a tea. A letter to Mrs. Tyas is to be written in this conjunction. b) Desks from the Atha School are available. Mr. J. Alma and Hr. Nm. McGee ,,,,ill look at them and judge on their suitability. - .~ .- 7 - 6. ADJOURNMENT Dated "'-- - - ~../ ~.~""'_ '....:t.:........... HOVED by i'lr. R. E:!:~r1'ftan, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley that the meeting adjourn at 11:25 p.m. Chairman 2/74 .,. ACC0U:¡ t. 'f'.'T" y-,,,!'., ..7; v~ .;.,........,..'....---..,.. -. ----.... 1100 1800 2210 2220 2370 - 2392 2395 2435 2449 . 2478 2480 2482 5300 5520 -- 5540 6178 - 6180 9399 .~ TŒ'TN OF PICKERING nUSEW·1 BOII.RD . s PROPOSED BUDGET 1974 ;:; ¡j"l lq7; Budaet Salaries - Custodian 1,000.00 500.00 150.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 ~"': -- - - 107? l\ctual 1,087.97 300.00 1/782.18 2,114.15 338.88 941.11 464.10 32.00 226.38 1,036.57 44.75 272.00 1.50 78.49 143.65 395.00 56.68 466.32 786.66 2,626.74 13,195.43 ""'.---'*. "" V ~-.:':' .....'" - TeP1porary HonourariQ~ - Administrator - Tour C;uides - Renovations Conventions, Seminars Advertising Subscriptions - Publications Publicity 75.00) ) 750.00) 450.00 50.00 19711 Budqet 1,'300.00 500.00 300.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 50.00 200.00 500.00 250.00 40.00 800..00 l,lOO.OO 300.00 700.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,000..00 800..00 ---~""""'- 14,290.00 REVENUE 9920 Admissions 1,500.00 1,746.06 1,500.00 9939 History In Action 2,500.00 2,127.08 . 2,000.00 9940 ~1aps , Plates, Souvenirs 400.00 856.51 400.00 9947 and Donations , Grants, 500.00 1,529.15 500.00 - Ontario 700.00 1,657.33 700.00 5,600.00 7,916.33 5,100.00 Council Grant 7,700.00 7,700.00 9,420.00 13,300.00 15,616.13 14,520.00 Surplus 2,627.00 2,420.70 230.00 10,673.00 13,195.43 14,290.00 Insurance Consultive & Professional Hemberships Building Repairs & Maintenance Restoration (Materials only) Equipment repairs Antique repairs Grounds upkeep Stationery & Supplies Power Heat Misc. Equipment repairs Antique Purchases Renovations f'laps, Souvenirs History in Action I Miscellaneous Deficit 200.00 1,173.00 300.00 700.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 525.00 300.00 500.00 10,673.00 ")