HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 14, 1974 - 8 - 3/74 PICKERING TO~~I MUSEUM BOARD .A meeting of the Pickering TO\'Tn Huseum- Board was held on Tuesday, the 14th day of ~1ay 1974 at 8.00 D.m. PRESTENT ~ Hr. ,T. Alma (Chairman) Councillor Jo Anderson ¡"1r. N. 1\1[. Clark ?\'!r. P. Miller Councillor K. Spratley Hr. ,J.P. y..~yslik (Secretary) Also in attendance: Mr. H. Cook Hr. D. r.llcLean '-. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES It was moved that the rTinutes of the meeting of þpril 9th 1974 be adopted. 2. BUSINESS ARISING FP.Or-~ rHNUl'ES The matter of hiring an auctioneer to evaluate the contents of the l1useum \'las further discussed. It \<'as suggested that ~1r. w. r.1. Clark contact a couple of auctioneers for this purpose. Y,mTION # 18 ,.øII- rlOVED by t1r. W.H. Clark, seconded by rlfr. P. ""il1er that designated members of the Board be allowed to negotiate with auctioneers up to an a~unt of $100.00 for the purposes of evaluating the contents of the Huseum. CJ\F.R.IFD ~~r. T!7. ~,~. Clark and nr. P. J·l!iller were designat.ed for this purpose. ,,,,,*,. 3 . CŒ!':!mNICATIONS -. CORRESPONDENCE - The letter from Hr. Brian T1Jínter, Central Ontario Museums Association, concerning the proposal that an archives be established for the Region was received and discussed. ,~o 4 . REPORTS a) Administrator Barbara Miller had her wedding at the ~useum Church on Saturday, May 11th 1974. The Secretary was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Alfred Kayes to thank him for the use of his tractor in hauling ob;ects from the Grosart Property. Continued......9 $ ,c.... Item {! contd. - Q - 3/74 'l'he Ontario County !'ook t·,as sUl~Cfe2.t:eð. ."".8 ~ possible item to be sold :'I.t the ·'useum. r~()TI()N # 19 ~70V:CD by !'''r. R.. rhller: seconded by ~"r. p" ~~. Clark that t.he j\lluseum Board i3.pproach Council to sell the Ontario County Book on a 50/50 basis. ~ C.7'RT"?IED The Centennial in Pa.isley asked to be able to use dresses donate!:l to the ~~useum. This ~'7as granted. - )'~rs 0 Annis intends to put on a course at the Brouqha.l7\ r"useum. The course is for the caning of chairs. It is being snonsored by the Brouaham Pecreation Association. The list of n;::'..lnes of people ~.vho received the Broughêl.m Book for services rendered to the ~.(useum is as folloNs: - ... - !1ac r-"iddleton Chas. r'';ar ik Bus Fright Ken Ramsay Nalter King Ron Haynes Harley Horner HO'~1ard Faynes Paul Petitjean rirs. Puckr in Harry FIest Dorothy Duncan Pay Butler Dave Ainsley .John Hastings Dert Guthrie Beth and Jack JI.lma Dean Biernacki Doreen and T'::ally Lance Johnston Laura Johnston David Clarke Hugh and Elsie ~·1iller Bill Brown ~r. & Mrs. Ken Fallis Gÿ,en ?!tm.¡bray ,ìim Ì',tiller Karen Pidgely Debbie Guest Norah Geraghty Brother Basil Regan f1r. s, r~rs. I'Iarry Cook Hike Curtis Alan Clarke ..Jack and Earb ¡-"airs Ron Freeman Bill Clarke Don ¡;'lcLean IÜl t Parkin \'!al t Hope ,ì. H. Snider Þ.nðy Pamsay Earle Campbell Larry Healey Earle Snudðon Bill \>lindsor Bill and Connie Fox Dianer\~atheson 1'(rs. Uarg 0 Devlin Luther v-1atson H.B. Turner ~1r. V. i'Teller Chas. Hastings Don Lynde nrs. Slo.=r.t Suzanne Clarke Dana Diernac1d Biernacki Ronni'~ ·r¡acr.reqor ¡r,ra. Rhonda Green 11rs. Lustead Elmer Johnson Brian Fallis Noel Marshall Paul T^1ellman Ray and Donna LaForest Donna and Pete Mandryk ~7a.rren RyckMan ,TRCk aI'd Belle Torrance ~cn Rnd Evelyn Spratley Paul Piett Si:an TrThiston Joe ChamniOl1 Clen Squires Isobel ì\nnis ¡"rs. Cuest Bill ~"cGee Hrr'. Earle .- - Continu@d, .0...ln - c_ 10 c_ 3/7'" Item 4 contd. Bev. Davidge ~~r. and ]I~rs. tTarr Y·'rs. Sloat Rev. Fleethan E. Carrutht~rs è~r s. Ha.y Dave Nasby The report on the mugs \oTÍth receipts and expenses is to be provided by ~!ir. JÜma. ~'''r 0 Frank Nriaht has been clûanincr UP in the I'~useum and on the ~~useum grounds. - The Horticultural Society have also been at the !~useum for the purposes of planning flower plantings. 5. NEW BUSINESS .- a) Custodian The duties and the responsibilities of the Custodian were discussed. I~OTION :f!: 20 - HOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Hr. ~'J .f1.. Clark that the Custodian and all staff are responsible to the Administrator before any projects are instituted. CJ\.J.<.RIE1l - r40TION # 21 110'1:''' by Councillor SpratlE:Y 1 seconded by !1r. R. .t·1iller that Nrs. Annis be hired as Custodian this year. CþPRIBD b) Guides The names of prospective r,uicl(?s arü to be given to the Personnel Department. Guides t.hat are to be hired are taken for an educational tour beforehand, in order to faMiliarize them with the !~useum. c) L.I.P. Programme The Board is still \'lai tinq for the re'l;)Qrt from r-~r. J. Remple, in tho meòntime t"lO men are con- tinuing to re-finish the furniture on this programme. d) HOTTON 4~ 22 ~o'mD by !~. R. Miller, seconded by Councillor Spratley that 1 on Boaré' approval, out..of·-pocket expenses be paid to Board memhers vlho r)articipate in Historical shmV's or demonst:rð:i:ions. Cl\ RPIF,D e) '!.'he International Ploughin0i1;:¡tch ... Brooklin 1975 It v.las snggested that the COrnITlittee in charge of the ploughing Match be contacted in order to see Continued......ll ;~ -. 11 -- 3/74 Item 5 contd. whether they are interested in the co-operation of the Pickering r"useum. HOTION #: 23 ji()VED by 11r. R. Hiller f seconded by Mr. TV. r'l. Clark that the Brooklin International Ploughingr.'~atch Associ- ation be contacted concerning Pickering r'1useum partici·.. pation. .- CARRIED - f) ~vork Party It \'1as suggested that there be a "lork party on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, that is May 15th and 16th, after supper. Mr. W. Biernacki is bringing ~ome people to \olork at the Huseum. g) Change of Displays It had been suggested that SOffi8 of the displays be changed or taken from one building and more adequately housed in another building. h) Hr ò B. Davidge and f·1rs. C. Guest. have been in hospital. It is appropriate that they be visited. i) The co-operation of the Kh¡.'3.n.is is to be continued. They are to have the refreshment booth this year. - j) Policy concerning I~ans It \.¡as Dointed out that bloMuseurr desks that had been on loan have been broken. There should be an in-coming and outo-going loan sheet. - !10TION #= 2L], HOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by !'!r. R. r~iller that in--coming and out-going loan sheets be made up and supplied. - CARRIED 6. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Mr. Harry Cook mentioned that the Kiwanis in co-operation with the Board were willing to put on a barbecue steak dinner at the Museum. MOTION # 25 MOVED by r'~r. R. fAiller, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the !1useum Board coo-operate vvith the KÍ\olanis through Mr. Cook in organizing a steak dinner to be put on at the Husemn. C.A.F.RIED b) rÆr. N.H. Clark ap,!?roached Ivan Fuller for the purpose of organizing an Old Fashioned Dance. The details of this kind of affair are still to be worked out. Some of the help \-"ill have to be hired. Continued......12 - - 12 .- 3/7~ IteIYI. I) contd. - - - e) - f) ,- c) The Fegion of Durham \'rill supply some 10çr13 for the Museum. Logs could also be obtained from the trees t!V3.t .~rc being cut dovrn OIl RiqhiÞ.rôy # 2 re-·construction, east of .A,jaxo ;I~ro l\!~!T. Clark and ~r. R. ~iller will look into the matter. d) Participation in a seminar to be held at Carel ton University, Otta~a concerninq the oroblems of small museums was received and filed. It ,,,as suggesteð that the TOvm Pecreation Depart·· ment be appr.oached for the p.uroo~e of organizing some of their events P.t the Museum. It was suggested t.o have one event Qperating per ""eek at the H.liseum and that this be advertised in the local newspapers. - 7 . J\DJOURNHENT It ",as moved that the f1us.eum Board M~etin<! adjourn at 11. 00 p. m. - ,- - - - - ..