HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 28, 1974 --. 21 .- 7/74 To~m OF ~ICKBRING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of tL8 'L'own of Pickering M.useum Board ""as held on ~·?eò.nesè.ay, the 28th day of ?\ugust 19711: at 8:00 p.m. P H.!~SE!:-1T ~ I'i1.r. J. 7Üma ( Ch ai rma.n) M.r. r-.~. Biernacki Mr. T·]m. Clark Mrs. Co Guest Councillor K. Spratley Hr. J.P. iiyslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT~ Mr. R. Freeman 1. IlISTORY IN ACTION This meeting was called principally to discuss the amount of preparedness for History in Action and also the various items which need to be prepared and organized for this event. a) Publicity: A kit of posters and cards has been prepared for History in Action. i) Posters~ Some of the posters have been distributed. Mr. ~-~'-1. Biernacki \'Till distribute posters in the Bay Ridges and Ajax areas, Mr. J. Alma in the Westhill and Scarboroucrh areas and Mr. R. Freeman in the ~est J Rouge and Rosebank areas. ii) Advertising: Mr. Ron Freeman has volunteered to look after the advertising, which will consist of several small notices in the local newspapers. i:-1O'l'ION ~~ 36 HOVED by Hr. :'lrn. Clark y seconded by 'lr. n. Biernacki that Mr. Ron Freeman spend an amount of approxi~~tely $200.00 for advertising in local newspapers for History in Action 0 CARRIED The beneficial effects of publicity were discussed at some length and it vlas deemed important that monies be set aside in the cominçr year for advertising. HOTrOd ~~ 37 MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconðed by Mr. W. Biernacki that a reasonable ~fiount be set aside in the 1975 budqet for advertising, CA.RRIED b) Use of the Tent~ The possible use of -t.he tent \'las considered by members of the Board, the one problem involved in this particular endeavour is the fact that the tent has a large tear in it from last year. It was further queried whether the tent should be used in order to serve tea. ~he considerations for the use of the tent f.or this purpose are the fact that a larger number of people can be served, and on a nice day the people being served tea have an open view of the activities takinq place on the Musêum arounds, Councillor K. Spratley volunteered his expertise in trying to patch the tear in the tent. Mr. J. Alma and Councillor K. Spratley with the help of other volunteers will check the tent on Thursday evening August 29th, 1974, In connection with the tea being served, it was stressed that home baked qoods should be used, and also for those havina tea in the tent china cups and saucers should be ~sed rather than styrofoam cups. ~~ -. 22 - 7/74 L HISTORY IN ACTIOl~ (Continued) c) Demonstrators: The list of possible demonstrators was discussed, however the absence of ~·1r. R. Niller made this an unfruitful exercise. t40'rIOl:ï t~38 MOVED by Councillor Spratlcy; Sl;condec1 by t1r 0 H. Biernacki that a confirmed list of demonstrators and contributors be obtain0d and any others be contacted if necessary. CARRIED The members of the BcarCl \'mrc in favour of having the quilting done in the church, Em.¡ever f the selling of tickets should be outside the church. Furthermore the demonstrators wore to be located as much as possible in suitable buildings, the other demonstrators could be generally located in the Oddfellows' Hall. The leather ~~orkinry demonstration should be located in the Harness Shop. The question of selling goods by the demonstrators was broached; it was considered that the demonstrators may take orders or even sell articles that are produced during the demonstration, however, any articles that have been produced prior by the demonstrators should be sold in the Gift Shop that will hopefully be set up. Mr. ~ill Earle can run the printing machine and r-1r 0 Joe Champion will have a tractor available. It WRS also considered just and reasonable that the demonstrators be reimbursed for materials which they use during the demogstration, materials such as flour¡ sugar; etc. d) Sa.fety Factors,: This problem was discussed, especiRlly in connection wi th the many I'lachines that sc~err to be concentrated in one particular areè of the Muscu~ grounds. HOTION t~39 MOVED by Mrs. C. Guest, seconded by Councillor K. Spratley thñt in the interests of s~fety the drag saw, tile shingle mill and the fan, that is the dynamometer, should be moved to other locations on the Museum grounds. <..... Cl:'~RRIED It was furthermore agreed that the blow off valve of the boiler should be piped to the outside. Mr. Biernacki mentioned that this WRS already being planned in the very near future. e) supplies_~ One of the difficulties in demonstratinq the threshinCT machine was the shortage of grain for this demonstra- . tion. A certain amount of grain will be supplied, however, it was considered that twenty bails of straw should be purchased, either Mr. Bill Lennon or Bob Betson could be approached for the purchase of this straw, Mr. WID 0 Clark will see to this. Bread will be obtained through the Brooklin Bakery; one of the problems involved in obtaining the bread is the shortage of freezer space, however, it was considered that a possible 300 loaves could be ordered and stored safely. The members also discussed the location where the bread and buns should be sold'; some of them can be sold in the house and the rest can be sold by the people hùlding the bake salen - 23 .- 7/74 1. HISTORY IN ACTION (Continued) f) :^Jork Parties: Volunteers will be required in grounds for History in Action. should be done is the painting stage" order to prepare the One of the items that of the floor of the 2 . SCHOOL TOURS ~1r. John Pratt of the Durham Regional Board of Education has been contacted concerning school tours to the Huseum. The Board is in favour of these tours, especially as they emphasize the educational aspect of the Ic1useUJ11 0 - 3. ,~ - - - ,~ 4. OTHER BUSINESS a) The old Cêr rally of the wGekend of August 25th was disappointing in the fact that not ~ny old cess showed up for the rally 0 However, the rally did attract a considerable nu~bGr of people to the Museum. It was learned that fees were chêrged to the me~bers of the rally group, this was really not necessary, although they seemed to be quite willing to pay the entranCG fee; as a matter of fact it was learned that a contribution was to be forthcoming from the group, especially from those who dif not appear at the rally. b) There seems to have been a break-in at the Museum, it VIas reported that a lock was forced on one of the buildinqs and that a cabinet is missing, however, Hr. \oj. .A.lma, the Chairman, sair:'J that he inspected the premises an~ could not find evidence of a forced break.. in. 'rhe r·,atter ,viII be investigated further. NEX'l' HEETE\JG The next meeting of the H1....seu-.",. Board will be held on Nednesday, Septe~ber 4th, 1974 at 8~OO p.m. on the Huseum grounds. 5. ADJOUR.!."\J'·lENT MOVED by Mr 0 '-1m" Clark, seconded by [·lr < :1. 3icrnacki that the MuseQm Board meetlng adjourn at 11~OO p.roo Dete - Chairman