HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 18, 1975
- ¿! -
A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board
was held on Tuesday, k'ebruary 18th 1975 at 8~OO p.m.
PRESENT: Mr. Wm. Clark
J:.1rs. B. Davies
Mr. D. HcJ...ean (Chairman)
Mr. R. Miller
Councillor A. Robertson
Councillor K. Spratley
Mr. J.P. Myslik - Secretary
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Wm.
Clark that the minutes of the meeting of January 21st
1975 be adopted.
A letter of thanks from Eleanor A < Barnes to Mr. T.'!.
Biernacki for assistance qiven in relation to the
crafts demonstrations was-received and filed.
a) Administrator:
- Mr. Millar ~7isited the old Audley store that was
donated to the Museur~. The store is now actually
in the Fourth Concession. Mr. Hedqer who is
familiar with the store and the situation~ will
check the identity of the store.
There is a wood shop in Clarer:lont that is of some
antiqui ty. r-ir " Miller will ~fet more information
on this structure.
Cataloguing: Mr. Miller called r~r. V.N. Styrmo,
Supervisor Museum Section, Ministry of Colleges
and Uni versi ties. He was not in(~:n2 Mr. Barnes
of the same section spoke to Ivlr.flaß<.. He said
that they have a proposal of a program for three
University students or High School graduates to
catalogue items in the Museum. during the summer.
The proposal is that. the students spend one ¡¡leek
in study, that is in the end of !-1ay, to learn the
method of cataloguing~ which is actually a
universal method, and subsequently from June to
the end of August they would be working at the
Museum. This program is awaiting Government
approval at the momen't. Ivlr. t1i11er was asked by
the Board to contact the students who had been
working at the Museum previously concerning this
- A man from Brooklin asked that ele Museum loan
the Anderson Rommley tra.ctor for the Credit Union
float for the ploughing match this year.
MOTION #17/75
MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor K.
Spratley that the Anderson ROIT~ley tractor be
loaned to the Credit Union for its float at the
ploughing match if the tractor is to be driven by
Mr. Elmer Johnson, and that thG Credit Union
would be responsible for the tractor.
The Museum is to receive some 20 to 30 spruce logs
for the saw mill :Erom v.1r. .Jack I,ustead.
- :.:> -'
3. REPORTS (Continued)
a) .Administrator:
- A tread mill and a tlH'(~sher h,""..ve been offered on
permanent loan to the Museum from Mr. George Finney
from Lindsay. It WClS agreed th.::1t we accept these
items on permanent loan.
- Mr. Robert .J"lckson of the Seventh Concession has
an old International 10-20 tr~ctor for which he
is asking ~100.00.
MOT.!.oN #18/75
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by
Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. \';m. Clark and
Mr. R. Miller be authorized to go to see the
trac-tor and to chf~ck it out and to make an offer
of up to $100.00 for it.
- A loan form from Hr. Bruce Forester for two
cutters has been received.
- There is some machinery in the old brick factory
in Green River which would be of interest and
value to the MuscUIt1.. Councillor I<. Spratley will
check this out.
., Mr. Grant Tripp has an 1385 Sylv'~:~ster binder at
Milbrook which is in good condition.
~10TION #19/75
MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley, seconded by
Mr. Wm. Clark that Mr. R. Hiller be authorized
to check out the Sylvester binder and to
negotiate up to S50.00 for the binder.
- Notice in the newslet.ter of the Recreation and
Transportation Department should be requested for
the summer period.. Hrs. Davies '....il1 contact the
Recreation Department concerning this.
- Some articles that were on th8 property of
Milton Parkin were given to Jack Alma by Mr. Parkin
for the Museum.
- The pamphlets for 1975 should be ordered. Mr. D.
McLean will check into this and obtain prices.
- Souvenirs should be ordered for the coming season.
MOTION #20/75
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by
Mrs. B. Davies th2.t the Administr?tor bE:: authorized
to order souvenirs necessè.ry for the gift shop for
this coming season.
- Hiring of the Custodian.
MOTION #21/75
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by
Councillor K. Sprat Icy that Mr. R. Hiller be
authorized to hire â Custodian and to negotiate
for wages within the bounds of the previous
~1useum Motion.
- InternationalPloughing Match at Brooklin~
It was agreed that the Ploughing Match Organization
be notified that th(~ Pickering Huseum will be
pleased to assist them. Mr. Ã. Robertson will
contact Mr. Robert 'l'imbers ~..¡ho is the Chairman of
the Ploughing Match Organization.
- 6 -
REPORTS (Continued)
a) Adminis·trator:
_ It ít-l::1S sllggeste6 that c.ho MUS2urn sell Jehe reprint
of the Lawson COU;lty of ontario Atlas.
~10TION #22/75,
MOV;~D by Councilll)r A. Robertson, secondE-~d by
Mr. ¥1m. Clark that the Museum sell the County of
Ontario Atlas books at t.he ~1useun on consignn'snt
for $25.00 ea.ch.
- Wood is needed for th0 boiler. Mr. A. Robertson
will contact the Town Manager to see whether the
Roads Department could bring some loads of wood
from trees tha.t are being cut on the road ëllowances.
- Cupboard for the hlacksmith shop.
MOTION #23/75
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by
Councillor K. Spratley that Mr. ~qm. Clark be
authorized to mako a cupboard for the blacksmith
shop, è-nd that he be reimburs8d for this project.
- Taylor shop J..Jot :1.4 Brougham.
MOTION #24/7_~
MOVED by Mr. Wm. Clark, seconded by Mr. R. Miller
that the Huseum i1cquirü the t"'ylor shop on lot 14
in Brougham.
- It was suggested th~t the log house on the north
CGst corner of Finch l\venue and Dixie Road be
checked out to see whether it would not be a
suitable structure for the Museum. This is an
old log house that has not been altered inside.
- It was also suggestecJ. the I'luS8mtl Board check out
the old United Church on Liverpool Road South.
This is a very old building. Perhaps more
information can be obtained on this structure by
contacting the Reverend Mr. McKay..
b) Financial:
It was reported that Mr. J&ck Alma sent in the
report that was requested of him.
MOVED by Councillor A. Robertson, seconded by
Councillor K. SprFitley thët't, the Museum Board
accept the report of t.1r. Jé'lck l\lrna ¡ and that
$lOO.lO be paid to lvlr. Jack Alma vië-t the Musenm
Administrator upon receipt of any outstônding
articles in his possession which belong to the
Museum and any old records pertaining to the
A letter is to be sent to Mr> Jack Alma to this
a) Thornbeck Ninðmill ::md Nooàworking Shop::
The Matthews Brothers did not give an estimate
relative to the relocation of the windmill and the
shop. Þ-1r. R. Miller "'Till contact Mr. Russell
Harrison in order to gE!'t an estimate.
_ '7 _
4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
f.10TION #26/75
MOVED by Councillor K. Spr.-ltleyv second8c1 bY,t.1r. E.. .
Miller that whereas the Board is int,erest8è, 1!1 r".cqulrJ.ng
the John 'l'hornb,;;ck windmi J 1 and woodworki.nq shop I that
a letter be sent to t4r, vlinkley of Ontario Housing
notifying him of the Museum's interest in these
b) Tongue of Museum Slei9h dona'te(l-by Hr. C<'!.rl ~':rinch~
MOTION #27/75
MOVED by Councillor K. Spratley~ seconded by
Mr. R. Miller that a letter be sent to Mr. Carl
Winch notifying him that the Board will take all
necessary stefs to locate the tongue of the Museum
sleigh donated by Hr. f:arl \'Jinch 1 an0, that if
necessary anotiler suitable tongue will be manufactured
or acquired to replace it.
c) Technic~l Advis?ry Coramittee:
MOTION #23/75
MOVED by Councillor \0 Robertson, seconded by
Councillor K. ~3pra:tÜ~y th::t ~Ñhel"c::>,s Conncil has
passed a resolution agrèE:ing to the establishing
of a Technical Advisory Corrrnitto,) to assist the
Mus"mm Board, bG it, hereby rc;sohl'e:'1 that thü
SecretëŒY of the Huseum Board. take necessary steps
to contact persons to constitute the ~echnical
Advisory COmMittee.
d) 1859 Cëtst Iron Stove Belonging to the Pickering
Museum at the Enoch Turner Schoolhouse:
MOTION #29/75
MOVED by Councillor h. Robertson, seconded by
Mr. R. Miller that a letter be sent to th8 Enoch
Turner Schoolhouse Foundation notifying them th;-,t,
the stove was on d temporary loan, and that it bc
returned to the pickering Museum Rt the e~rliest
e) Engines:
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
f) Future Museum Site:
The possibility of obtaining the Barclay property
near Greenwood as the future Museum site was
discussed. Ther,; W,'1S general agreement thë!t thE.
Greenwood site would be ideal for the Huseum. It
was suggested th?.t a further study of the site bc
made. It was 21so agreed that the Board would
visit the site together when nicer weather comes.
The date agreed upon was March 9t.h at 2:00 p.m.
weather permitting.
g) Approval of Accounts:
t-10TION #30/75
MOVED by Councillor K, Spratley, seconded by
Mr. R. Miller that the accounts ~s submitted be
a) It viaS suggested By Councillor 1'0 Hobertson that ·3-D
arts and crû.fts d8lì.1cnstration be ~'}!-_Üd ;It the Husüum
and thë!.t a dance on th¡:; vill.agl:; g:reen be held in
.June. 'J.ihìs suggestion l;'....ceiveà ';"E:ner21 approvaL
b) Mrs. B. Davies will hav¿ a public r81ations release
for the local papers folloVlinq t.his meeting.
c) Opening and Clos inc! Da,t~s >
MOTION #31/75
MOVED by Councillor K.. Spratley ~ sacondE~d by
Councillor A. Robertson that the following è~tes
be established for the Museum in 1975:
Opening - May 17 1975
History in Úction - SeptGrobcr 13 & 14 1975
Church Service - October 5 1975
Closing - October 5 19750
d) Arts and_crafts Shop~
r,1rs. Spratley has requested thi:lt the Arts ~md Crafts
be allowed to 10CÐ.t8 in a particular building and
location 0 It was sugg(~sted that the hotel would be
a suitable loc"'.tion, ::::11e also r8quGsted thv..t ë:.
shop sign be put up indicating the location of the
Arts and Crafts SÏ1op. [·1rs. Spratley further requested
that she be abl02 to plants flowers anò gourds in the
vicini ty of the l\rts and Cr,'lfts Shop 0 She asked for
the names of people who had been previously involved
in Arts and Crafts at the ~1useumo She would also
need some bags ,:;md boxes for the shop. She would
furthermore like to be allowed to tidy up and
decorate the loc&tion.
e) Opening Day:
It was suggested th~t a nursery dñY be held on the
opening day of the ~iuseum. This would consist of
having the local nurseries sell trees rmd flo\f1ers
at the Museum on this dayo
The next meeting of the Pickering Museum Boñrd will be
held on ~1arch 18th 1975 ,'"I.t 8~OO p.m.
MOVED by Councillor ß. Robertson, seconded by Mr. R.
Miller that the meeting ~djourn at 11~lO p.m.