HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 19, 1975 - 37 - 11/75 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering r1useum Board was held on Tuesday, August 19th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: : Mr. ~1. Biernacki ~1r. WIn. Clark Mrs. B. Davies (Chairlady) Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Councillor K. Spratley ~~. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ALSO PRESENT: Mr. L. Johnston 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES ~bve¿ by D. McLean. seconded by Wffi. Clark that the minutes of the meetings of July 22nd and July 29th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE a) Canadian Museum Association ~10TION #84/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the Board pay membership in the Canadian Museum Association for itself and for the Administrator. CARRIED 3 . REPORTS a) Administrator The Administ~ator repo~ted that John Richmond has the original sign for the hotel. He was given the original in order to make another copy from the original. He has produced the copy but has not returned the original. MOTION #85/75 - lbved by ~~. Clark, seconded by Councillor SDratley that the administrator should be authorized to see Mr. John Richmond to acquire the original hotel sign. Cl\RRIED Mr. Rogers has the stabling out of the barn. He thinks that this is a good time to advertise it in a farm paper. MOTION #86/75 - l~ved by D. McLean, seconded by Wrn. Clark that Mr. R. Miller be authorized to sell the stabling from Rogers barns and if necessary to advertise the sale thereof. CARRIED - 38 - ¡1/7S 3. REPORTS (Continued) a) Administrator The Steam Engine of Russell Willoughby has been acqui~ed. Mr. Earl Taylor is offering to give some items from his house and barn to the museum. The cataloguing team will cease their operations at the end of the month. They have completed the inventory of six buildings and have catalogued all the acquisitions of 1975. The team have done an excellent job. Approximately 2,500 articles have been inventoried and catalogued: 2,000 inventoried and 500 catalogued. - MOTION #87/75 Moved by ~lm. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that Mac Middleton and Bill Fox be paid $50.00 for the two days for the steam engine. CARRIED lir. Maw from Omemee will be conta=ted concerning clock making at History-in-Action. Two men have been contacted for the threshing machine and the baling of straw. The pit saw was used at Ed Brown's demonstration. The framework has to be set up. Log is needed for the drag saw, preferably. a maple log. Elmer Hood cannot come on Saturday but will be present on Sunday to operate the drag saw. Walter Fope will come for two weeks at the beginning of September to do some repairs to the buildings at the museum. The Administrator mentioned that ~r. Ken Ramsey has been very helpful in the museum during the past years and has never been recoropensed for any of his contributions. MOTION #88/75 Hoved by H. PÜ::;rnacki, seconded by D. ~lfcLean tha t Hr. Ken Ramsey receive a fee of SlOO.OO for assistance to the museum throughout the year. Cl\RPIFD The week before History-in-Þction there is to be a fire inspection of the museum. -'!Wi¡ . Fifteen garbage containers and sixteen will be needed for Pistorv-in-Action. employees will be requestèd to deliver to History-in-Action. picnic tables The Parks these prior Don Lynde is to bring a Fire Engine for the occasion. .. 39 - 11/75 3. REPORTS (Continued) b) History-in-Action The History-in-Action Committee has submitted their report of the meeting which they held. Further to the report it was noted that twenty-seven responses have been received to the letter that was sent out to the demonstrators of 1974. Also Mrs. B. Davies will see to it that sandwich signs are made for History-in-Action to be placed by the roadway in front of the museum. Mrs. Davies is also taking care of the advertising in the newspapers and radio. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) Consultant Proposals It was suggested that the planning department be asked to give recommendations on the proposals. ..- b) L.I.P. Programme Since the museum is in the process of relocation it was suggested that the Board might wait until next year before it makes another submission for a L.I.P. Programme. c) Thornbeck Windmill It was noted that Russell Harrison gave a price of $3,500.00 to move the windmill and shop. This offer was made verbally and not in writing. MOTION # 89/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by C. McLean that the Museum Board approach Russell Harrison for a firm price to move the windmill to Greenwood: a) For the total moving. b) If the Board would prepare and re-assemble the same. CARRIED 5. FURTHER BUSINESS a) International Plowing Match Mr. Ed. Brown has been contacted concerning any involvement of the Pickering Museum in the Plowing match. Apparently everything is being handled by people from the Scugog Museum. MOTION #90/75 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by ~~. Clark that a lett.-',_ be wri t·t-en to the Plowing Match Organization to see what PLkering's involvement is. CARRIED - 40 - 11/75 5. FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) b) Store Front It was noted that the Store Front may become available to the museum. MOTION #91/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the Board ask Council to negotiate the moving of the museum by the Federal Government. CARRIED MOTION #92/75 - Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the old township hall and the boomtown building be negotiated for. CARRIED - c) Rotary Club The President of the Rotary Club has stated that the club would like sponsor a project in either moving or restoring a building at the museum. A letter is to be sent to thank the club for this offer. - d) Display in Municipal Building The Public Works Director suggested that the museum could have a display in the Municipal Building on a continuing. This display would be changed every two weeks. It was agreed that appropriate articles will be brought and displayed. It was also suggested that a special vote of thanks be given to the Public Works Direc~or for this suggestion. - e) Accounts for Approval MOTION #93/75 Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the accounts as submitted by the Secretary be approved. CARRIED - f) The Chairman thanks Mr. Lance Johnston for his presence at the meeting. - 6. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on September 16th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by ~. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at 11:20 p.m. CARRIED