HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 18, 1975 - 52 - 14/75 TOWN OF PICKEHING r-mSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of pickering Museum Board held on Tuesday, November 18th 1975 at 8:00 p.w. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mr. D. McLean Councillor A. Robertson (Chairman) Councillor K. Spratley J.P. Myslik (Secretary) >~ Also Present: Councillor J. Anderson 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by B. Davies, seconded by D. McLean that the minutes of the meeting of October 21st 1975 be adopted. CARRIED 2. DELEGATION Mr. Wayne Moore and Mr. Grant Tripp, who are employed by the National Museum of Man, were present to talk about their archaeological investigations on the White site and their impression of North Pickering. Mr. Moore and Mr. Tripp explained their work in the archaeological investigation of the Indian Site on the White p~operty. They have been working at this site for the past two years. During this time they have lived in North Pickering and have deplored the gradual loss of community in this area. This is particularly evident in the village of Brougham. The village of Brougham was historically as well as geographically centre of the Township of Pickering. It was the seat of municipal government, and they find that the museum is an important element for Brougham. They deplore the idea that the museum would be moved away from Brougham. They mentioned furthermore, that Brougham is a problem for the federal government and they feel that the government would be willing to listen to any rational proposal for the revivifying of the village of Brougham. One of their suggestions was to set Brougham up as a living museum. It was conceded that this could be a very expensive proposition, but they thought that the federal government would be willing to help. They feel that any movement for the revivifying of the village of Brougham should come from the grass roots. MOTION 124/75 Moved by B. Davies, seconded by K. Spratley that WHEREAS the village of Brougham is in a dying state; AND WHEREAS Mr. Wayne Moore and Mr. Grant Tripp have presented an interesting idea of making of Brougham a living village, and since the Pickering Museum is deeply concerned with the situation at Brougham, BE IT HEREBY recorded that the Museum Board supports the ideas of Mr. Wayne Moore and Mr. Grant Tripp relative to revivifying Brougham as a living village. CA.RRIED -,,",,,,," - 53 - 14/75 3. CORRESPONDENCE a) Durham Board of Education-Greenwood Schoolhouse A letter was received from the Durham Board of Education relative to the leasing of the Greenwood Schoolhouse. b) Mr. R.H. Simpson A letter was received from Mr. R.H. Simpson concerning the position as curator at the Museum. 4. REPORTS ~ a) Administrator - Claremont Workshop MOTION 125/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by K. Spratley that an expenditure of $175.00 be authorized to acquire the wagon, sleigh and timbers and various other items from Mr. Leslie Smith and an expenditure of up to $700.00 to transport the timbers and other items to the museum, be authorized. CARRIED 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Candidate& for position of curator The letter of Mr. R.H. Simpson and the application of Miss Chris. Polochuk were considered. MOTION 126/75 MOVED by W. Biernacki, seconded by D. McLean that the letter of Mr. R.H. Simpson be received for information and filed. CARRIED b) Greenwood Schoolhouse MOTION 127/75 MOVED by K. Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that WHEREAS the Pickering Museum will require a building for storage and operational purposes during the move from Brougham to the proposed new site in Greenwood; AND WHEREAS the Pickering Museum will thereafter be in need of a location whereinto hold meetings and presentations; AND WHEREAS THE old Greenwood Schoolhouse would serve this purpose and at the same time could be preserved from further deterioration by active use; AND WHEREAS the Durham Board of Education has shown its willingness to have the schoolhouse put to this use, BE IT HEREBY recommended to the Council of the Town of Pickering that it enter into a lease agreement with the Durham Board of Education to obtain the use of the Greenwood schoolhouse for the Pickering Museum Board. CARRIED - 54 - l4/75 5. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) .,... c) Proposal for the Greenwood Site MOTION l28/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by WID. Clark that ~vHEREAS the Technical Advisory Committee recommended that the proposal of Mr. D.R. OWen be accepted; AND WHEREAS the said proposal was the most acceptable of those submitted; BE IT THEREFORE recommended to the Council of the Town of Pickering that the proposal of Mr. D.R. OWen for the site plan preparation of the new location of the museum be accepted. CARRIED 6. OTHER BUSINESS a) Museum Personnel MOTION 129/75 MOVED by K. Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that it be recommended to Council of the Town of Pickering that the museum employees be hired through the Personnel Department of the municipality. CARRIED b) Typewriter for the museum A typewriter is required for the use of the two employees doing the inventory of the schoolhouse during the winter. c) Mrs. Gauslin's Books It was agreed that Mrs. Gauslin be paid for the books that were sold at the museum and for those that are still on sale. d) Steam Engine It was agreed that the steam engine should be winterized. e) Museum Property It was agreed that the various items pertaining to the museum being stored in diverse places should be itemized and recorded. f) Couch It was agreed that the couch should be reupholstered. g) Rotary Club - Engine It was suggested that the engine could be an item that the Rotary Club would be interested in restoring. MOTION 130/75 MOVED by Wm. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that Councillor K. Spratley contact the Rotary Club relative to the restoration of the steam engine. CA.RRIED - 55 - l4/75 7. NEXT MEETING The next meeting is to be held on December 16th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. 8 . ADJOURNMENT Date MOVED by Wm. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that the meeting adjourn at ll:lO p.m. CARRIED Chairman