HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 16, 1975 - 56 - 15/75 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Town of Pickering Museum Board was held on Tuesday, December 16th 1975 at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. W. Biernacki (Chairman) Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mr. D. McLean Councillor K. Spratley J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES , Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the minutes of the meeting of November 18th 1975, be adopted. CARRIED 2. DELEGATION Mr. D. Bass, Director of Recreation and Transportation, was present to discuss the role of his department relative to the personnel of the museum. Mr. Bass explained that the Recreation and Transportation department is willing to assist the Museum Board in any area which the Museum Board wishes. The department provides many programmes and employs a variety of staff. It already cuts the grass at the museum at the present site. The department has the administrative framework that will be required for the museum at the new site. He mentioned that a special partnership between the museum and the Recreation and Transportation department will have to be established. Various members of the Board indicated that the involvement of the museum is going beyond the scope of the Board the way it was constituted. It was noted that the Board can no longer function only aß an operational board. In the future it will have to become a policy setting board much more so than it has been in the past. Hence some of the practical operation of the museum such as cataloguing, guiding, maintenance of the grounds, handling of fWlds, can be done through the Recreation and Transportation department. It was noted that the building maintenance especially in terms of historical restora;ti:œ would have to be resolved at some future date. It was also noted that Recreation and Transportation department would require guidance as to the exact wishes of the museum board. Hence the following recommendation was suggested: RECOMMENDATION 1. Another meeting of the museum board be held to identify the areas to be taken care of by the Recreation and Trans- pQration department. 2. That a joint meeting be held of the museum board, Mr. Waters, and members of the Recreation and Transportation department to establish a working paper for the training of guides, i.e. the making of a working manual for the guides. MO'l'ION 131/75 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by B, Davies that the museum board wishes to express its thanks to Mr. D.'Bass and the Recreation and Transportation department for the interest they have shown in the museum and that the board is looking forward to establishing a working relationship with the department. CARRIED .. 57 - 15/75 3. CORRESPONDENCE a) A.M.O. A letter from the A.M.O. was received for information. b) Pickering Harbour Company Councillor Spratley received a letter and various documents and photos from the Pickering Harbour Company. MOTION 132/75 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the museum board wishes to thank Mr. williamson of the Pickering Harbour Company for his interest shown by providing historical documents and photos. CARRIED c) .!nformatio!? -, Steam Engine Mrs. B. Davies mentioned that she has talked to Mr. Kennedy who indicated that he has pictures of the engine while working in the quarry. Since the son of Mr. D. McLean is a personal acquaintance of Mr. Kennedy he will collect the information concerning the engine. d) History of Areas in Pickering Various agencies have ool~ considerable amount of information about Pickering, e.g: the North Pickering Project and C.B.C. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the North Picketing Project asking them to make the information that they have available to the Pickering Museum. It was furthermore suggested that a letter be written to Mrs. G. Mowbray of the Pickering Historical Society indicating to the Society that the museum board is looking for information relative to various areas in Pickering. e) Ministrv of Culture and Recreation - It was noted that in supplying information to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation relative to the number of days that the museum is ope~ all days throughout the year when the museum is open for groups and other event~ should be noted. f) Mr. R. Miller - Resignation The board received a letter from Mr. R. Miller tendering his resignation from the board. MOTION 133/75 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. Clark that the resignation of Mr. R. Miller be accepted with regret and that his work as originator, administrator and worker in the Pickering Museum should be remembered for posterity. CARRIED ~, 58 - 15/75 4 . REPORTS a) Administrator Mr. Stringer has six panel doors available for $25.00. The doors are very useful for restoration purposes. The Committee visited two houses in the Airport Site. There was nothing of value left in the houses. .., A horse treadmill is available. The cataloguers have inventoried approximately 1,000 articles to date. Ontario Hydro has cut down several trees in the area and the logs are available to the museum. A Caboose is available in East Markham. The timber that the museWTI has received should be piled up and covered. It was suggested that when the Municipal Garage is vacated the museum board should rent it for storage purposes. MOTION ~l34/7 5 Moved by D. McLean, second8d by Wm. Clark that the musem board should request the federal government to rent the municipal garage for storage purposes. CARRIED A letter is to be sent to this effect. It was noted that the tailor shop in Brougham is available. -Wm. Clark will investigate the possibility of moving the structure. Since Mr. R. Miller has resigned Mr. Wm. Clark was asked to take care of the museum in the interim. Mr. Clark should be paid for his time and work. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Green River Basket Factory Councillor Spratley gave the historical background of the pictures of the Green River Basket Factory. This factory has been operating in Pickering since 1880. Much of the machinery is also available. The North Pickering Project will donaæthe building to the museum. If the board considers it worth preserving the building committee should examine the building and give a report. MOTION.f35/75 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by ~~. Clark that whereas the Green River Basket Factory has a considerable historical background in the Pickering area, be it hereby recommended that the building committee examine the basket factory and evaluate it and that a report be made and t.hat this report be prese:üted to the Technical Advisory Committee for their commer:.t.. CARRIED - 59 - 15/75 5. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) b) Recommendation of Technical Advisory Committee It was noted that the proposed site for the museum has an historical background of its own and that the museum board has an excellent opportunity of making a very vivid and educational display. MOTION 136/75 Moved by WID. Clark, seconded by B. Davies that the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Committee be accepted in principle and that it be agreed that the museum at the new location be set up on the concept of a time street. CARRIED MOTION 137/75 Moved by D. l-1cLean, seconded by B. Davies that the mUSeillTI board expresses its appreciation to the Technical Advisory Committee for their help and advioe. CARRIED c) Notes Towards a New Labelling This item was received for information. d) Museums and the Local Artifact Vocabulary This item was received for information. 6. OTHER BUSINESS a) PresentatiQn of Mr. Wayne Moore and Mr. Grant Tripp It was noted that the news media have presented a wrong picture of the motion that was made by the museum board on the occasion of the presentation of Mr. Wayne Moore and Mr. Grant Tripp. This as been brought to the attention of some of the newspapers. b) Accounts MOTION 138/75 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by K. Spratley that the accounts of Mr. Wm. Clark to the amounts of $96.00 and $132.00 be recommended for payment. CARRIED 7. NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting of the Museum Board is to be held January 20th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Wm. Clark that the meeting adjourn at 11:10 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman