HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 18, 1976 - 25 - 7/76 - TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, MAY 18th 1976 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: W. Biernacki (Chairman) Wm. Clark B. Davies D. McLean Councillor K. Spratley J.P. Myslik - Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by B. Davies that the minutes of the meetings of April 13th and April 27th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE a) Relocation Budget - Preliminary Letter from Mr. N.C. Marshall, Administrator-Clerk indicating the approval by the Town of Pickering Council of the budget for the preliminary costs associated with the relocation of the Museum. b) Couchiching Meeting - C.M.A. Notice from the Canadian Museums Association of the meeting to be held at Geneva Park, Lake Couchiching. September 12th - 17th 1976. c) Greenwood Schoolhouse - Leasing On May 3rd 1976, Council of the Town of Pickering passed By-law #400/76 authorizing the signing of the lease for the Greenwood Schoolhouse. Ontario Hydro has been contacted to turn on the electricity. d) Rotary Club - Steam Locomotive In a letter dated May 7th 1976, Mr. R. Conant expressed the support of the Rotary Club of Pickering in the re-establishment of the Museum at Greenwood and in particular the renovation of the Steam Locomotive. MOTION 192/76 - Moved by B. Clark, seconded by D. McLean that the items of correspondence of the meeting of May 18th 1976 be received for information and filed. .-- CARRIED 3 . REPORTS a) Administrator ,- b) Experience '76 The Secretary submitted a report concerning the candidates for the cataloguing team of Experience '76. MOTION 193/76 ,- Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by C. McLean that the Repor~of the meeting of May 18th, 1976 be received for information and filed. CARRIED - - 26 - 7/76 4. NEW BUSINESS a) History-in-Action Organizatiqn Proposal for the development of a History-in-Action organization as submitted in the report of the Secretary dated May 4th 1976. MOTION 194/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the item pertaining to the organization of History- in-Action be deferred to the next meeting of the Museum Board. CARRIED b) Recommendations of Mrs. J. Marr Review of the recommendations in the letter of Mrs. J. Marr dated September 16th 1975. MOTION 195/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the item pertaining to the recommendations of Mrs. J. Marr be deferred to the next meeting of the Museum Board. CARRIED c) Kiwanis Booth - History-in-Action '76 The Kiwanis Club has expressed it willingness to operate the refreshment booth during History-in- Action '76. MOTION 196/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the item pertaining to the Kiwanis Booth - History- in-Action '76 be deferred to the next meeting of the Museum Board. CARRIED d) Senior Citizens - Strawberry Tea The Senior Citizens would like to hold their Strawberry Tea on the grounds of the Museum on June 23rd 1976, 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. This request is contingent upon the weather. Requirements: 300 chairs 12 Tressele tables MOTION 197/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the Senior Citizens be granted leave to hold their Strawberr~ Tea on the Museum grounds on June 23rd 1976. CARRIED ,- 27 - 7/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) - j ) k) - e) Souvenirs Inventory of souvenirs by Suzanne Clerk to be submitted and a new stock recommended to be ordered. Miss Suzanne Clerk recommended that Beer Steins and wall tiles be ordered and also pennants which could be purchased by the children aspecially children on school tours. She also recommended the purchase of a stock of barley sticks. MOTION 198/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Councillor Spratley that a new supply of souvenirs be ordered for the Museum as recommended in the report submitted by Suzanne Clark. CARRIED f) Artifacts to be brought to Museum The artifacts and machinery that are still stored at various locations should be identified and transported to the Museum or to the Brougham Garage when this becomes available. It was recommended that the machinery which is in the Coultis Barn should be brought into storage as soon as possible. g) Accounts for approval MOTION 199/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the following Accounts be approved: R.D. Owen - Interim Invoice $2,000.00 $ 107.00 D. Pyke - Display Case Durham Board of Education - Lease of Greenwood School 3.00 Greenwood Venturers - 6 @ $7.50 per day 45.00 Greenwood Scouts - 4 @ $7.50 per day 30.00 Greenwood Genc')ral Store - Lunch supplies 42.19 Wm. E. C1ark- Preparation v10rk 184.00 Wm. E. Clark - Restoration 54.00 W.D. Clark - Preparation Work 184.00 Robert Miller - Supplies - 10 Books anò 40 supplements 100.00 Suzanne Clark - suppl¡es 15.62 CÞ,RRIED - 28 - 7/76 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) A copy of the constitution of the Pickering Historical Socie1:Y and a report to the Historical Society made in 1962 by Mr. J. Mowbray relative to the relationships between the Society and the Museum was d.istributed to the members for information. b) A meeting with Mr. D.R. Owen It was recommended that the consultant for the new location in Greenwood, Mr. D.R. Owen, should meet with Museum Board on June 22nd 1976 at 7:30 p.m. c) Proposals for the installation of the New Site It was suggested that firms doing business in the municipality should be contacted concerning materials which could be used for the installation of the Museum at the new site. For example gravel companies could be asked for donations of granular "A" and "B" for the road; other companies would perhaps be wilìing to give the use of equipment for the grading of the road or the excavation of foundations; electrical companies may be willing to contribute to the installation of the underground electric caÐle; concrete companies may be willing to give donations of concrete for the foundations. d) Museum Hall of Fame It was suggested that a wall in a building or perhaps a special building be erected where all donators above a value of a certain amount be listed. This would be called "Patrons of the Pickering Museum". This would apply to all donators to the Museum whether at Brougham or at Greenwood. e) Historical Auto Society It was indicated that the Historical Auto Society is preparing to come to the Pickering Museum on June 19th 1976. It was noted that the newspapers should be made aware of this event. f) Participation in Ajax Parade Mrs. Chadwick of the Kinette Club of Ajax requested to know whether the Museum would participate in the parade in Ajax. It was suggested that the old Fire Pumper could be entered in the parade. g) Workshop Equipment - R. Miller Mr. R. Miller has submitted a list of equipment from his workshop for a total value of awroximately $4,000.00. Mr. ~1iller is givi ng the :t-!useum first option on this equipment. MOTION 200/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by D. McLean that the Museum Board not purchase the equipment listed by Mr. Miller, but, that Mr. Wm. Clark be authorized to check the trip hammer è1t Mr. Millers shop and purchase the same fer a price of approximately $100.00. CARRIED - 29 - 7/76 5. OTHER BUSINESS (Continued) - g) Workshop Equipment - R. Miller MOTION 201/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by K. Spratley that representatives of the Museum Board go to the auction sale of the equipment of Mr. Miller and be authorized to spend up to $150.00 for items previously viewed and agreed upon. CARRIED 6. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Museum Board is to be held on June 22nd 1976 at 7:30 p.m. 7 . ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by q. McLean that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 11:05 p.m. CARRIED Dated Chairman - -