HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 13, 1976 -5~- 9/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A Meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, JULY 13TH, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: W. Biernacki Wm. Clark B. Davies (Acting Secretary) D. McLean (Chairman) Councillor Anderson (took leave at 8:00 p.m.) Councillor Spratley 1. NEW BUSINESS a) Recommendation of Technical Advisory Committee MOTION 214/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that Motion 12/76 of the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting of June 30, 1976, stating that the Conceptual Site Plan presented by D.R. Owen be accepted and recommended to the Pickering Museum Board be received. CARRIED b) Presentation by Mr. D.R. Owen Mr. Owen was in attendance to present his proposed plans for the Greenwood Museum site. When formulating them he had particularly considered the following: 1. The effect on the Village of Greenwood. 2. The buildings available at the old site. 3. The scenic possibilities of the new site. 4. A review of the development of an Ontario Community in the 19th Century. 5. Access by the public and parking facilities. 6. A nature trail, picnic and playground areas. 7. The limits imposed by the flood plain land. There is more than enough land for the building. M.T.R.C.A. are willing to consider a mill and a light structure on the flood plain. 8. The approach. This could be a covered bridge indigenous to some parts of Ontario. It would be aesthically pleasing and provide easy closure of the entrance. (Could be expensive). 9. Ticket office (perhaps an old carriage shed). 10. A gift shop (perhaps a barn). 11. A display area for durable artifacts 12. A snack bar and washrooms. 1. l\F.v..' R(JSINESS \Cort..J -32- 9/76 13. The "time street" concept divided as follows: ì) Pod 1 up to 1830 - Log buildings (early clearing) ii) Pod ~ 1830-1853 ¿ i~i Pod 3 1853-1856 iv) Pod 4 1856-1860 v) Pod 5 18150-1900 (possible brick house) vi) Pod 6 Mechanical Age 14. Recreation area. 15. Three minifarms 16. Pod 7 Basket Factory, perhaps a cider mill. [~scussion of plan followed. MOTION 215/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the Conceptual Site Plan as presented by Mr. Owne be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mr. McLean xpressed appreciation to Mr. Owen on behalf of the BoarJ. At 10:10 p,m. a short recess took place to allow Mr. OWen to leave the meeting. 2. OThER BUSINESS a) Report of Museum Secretary In anticipation of implementing the plan the Board discussed the Report of the Secretary Mr. J. Myslik dated June 25th, 1976 on Museum Administration. Discuss~on too~ place in regards to engaging a Director. Councillor Spratley declared a conflic.~t of interest and took no part in the debate. MOTION 216/76 Moved by B. Davies, seconded bv W. Biernacki that the Pickering Museum Board hire an Administrator. CARRIED b) Munic~pal Grant The Board discussed the $7,000.00 grant from the Town. It was noted that there had been little or no increase since 1970. Also, that the Town Office was handling much of the Museum work load and departments were unable to charge back. MOTION 217/76 -- Moved by ~;~. Clark, seconded by W. Biernacki that the Museum Beard ask Council for a grant of b:xty cents per capita in 1977. CARRIED .- 3 3- 9/76 2. OTHER BCSINESS (Cont.) c) Museum Relocatiun Timetable MOTION 218/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley seconded by Wm. Clark that the Board develop a comprehensive timetable as to moving, financing, community participation, cost etc. CARRIED d) Draft Budget - 1977 MOTION 219/76 Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the Board prepare a detailed operating budget for presentation in 1977. CARRIED e) Conceptual Site Plan - Phase I With regards to the plan as submitted by Mr. Owen it was the feeling of the Board that the concept will enable them to control gradual development of the site in stages as finances and personnel permit. Mo'rrON 220/76 Moved by W. Biernacki seconded by Wm. Clark that the Conceptual Site Plan be considered as a long range program of development for the new Museum site and that Phase I will be formulated after acceptance of the Concept by Council. CARRIED Councillor Spratley was asked to prov~de inf.ormation for consideration by the Board as to Phase I. f) ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL MOTION. 221/76. Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded by B. Davies that the following Accounts of Mr. R.D. Owen be paid: a) R.D. OweD $2,500.00 b) R.D. Owen (Model Expenses) $1,500.00 CARRIED g) T-SHIR'I'S AND WALL HMJGJNGS -.-- MO'rION 222/76 "-..----- Moved by Councillor Spratley: seconded by B. Davies that Dean Biernacki supply a dozen each of printed T-Shirts and \,\all Hangings fer sale 3.t the Museum > CARRIED h) ONTARIO MUSEUM BOARD MEMBERSHIP MOTION 223/ì6 ------ Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Wm. Clark that the Board pay $10.00 membershi.p fee in the Ontario Museum Association for B. Davies. CARRIED - 34 - 9/76 3 . ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Spratley, seconded by W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 12:20 a.m. July 14th 1976. CARRIED Dated Chairman