HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 27, 1976 - 35 - 10/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, JULY 27th 1976 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: W. Biernacki F. Conant WIn. Clark B. Davies D. McLean Councillor Anderson Councillor Spratley (Chairman) J.P. Myslik - Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by D. McLean, seconded by WM. Clark that the minutes of the meetings of June 22nd and July 13th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. CORRESPONDENCE Board of Education Letter dated June 21st 1976, pertaining to the erection of a fence and placing of gravel at Greenwood Schoolhouse. Correspondence received for information. 3. REPORTS a) Administrator The Administrator reported the following: The repairs at the Museum have been progressing. Several tractors have been restored to running condition. The small boiler has received a cold water test. Two valves have to be replaced. There is an attempt to fix the small train engine. A piano has been transported to the Cole House. The stove display in the Oddfellows Hall has been rearranged. A new "Open" sign has been put up. One outhouse has been finished: the fence is yet to be completed. The weeds at the new site should be cut. Ken Ramsey would like to put on a show of machinery prior to History-in-Action. Vic Simms is preparing the oak lumber for the restoration of the engine. - 36 - 10/76 3. REPORTS (Continued) Ed Brown agrees to participate in History-in-Action. Mac Middleton is helping. on the restoration on some of the engines. MOTION 224/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by F. Conant that the Administrator's Report be received for information. CARRIED b) K. Spratley's Report dated July 17th 1976 was not discussed 4. NEW BUSINESS a) History-in-Action Posters The Posters should be printed and distributed to various areas for display. MOTION 225/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by F. Conant that 1000 Posters for History-in-Action be printed. CARRIED There was further discussion on publicity for History- in-Action. Mrs. B. Davies reported that she has written to C.F.R.B.~ she has telephoned the C.B.C.: and contacted the Bay Ridges Cable T.V. b) Architects Conceptual Plan It was recommended that the Liaison Committee arrange a date with the architect for a public display. MOTION 226/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by WIn. Clark that the Conceptual Site Plan as prepared by Mr. D.R. OWen be approved. CARRIED MOTION 227/76 c) Accounts for Approval Moved by J.Anderson, seconded by D. McLean that the following accounts be approved: Canadian Art China Limited - Beersteins & Tiles $205.44 Brenda Davies - O.M.A. Membership 10.00 Boiler Inspection 17.50 Boiler Inspection 7.50 David Clark - Restoration general - Toilets 548.00 Wm. E. Clark 548.00 - 37 - 10/76 4. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) c) Accounts for Approval (Continued) Wm. E. Clark - Painting and.Cleaning Greenwood School. 154.50 Wm. E. Clark - Moving Piano 50.00 Wm. E. Clark - Sundry Supplies - Petty Cash 78.59 Brenda Davies - Picture Frame and Scrap Book 2.11 D.L. Mairs & Son Ltd. Various Supplies 62.05 CARRIED 5. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Hiring of Director-Curator There was some discussion concerning the hiring of a Director or Curator. It was suggested that job descriptions be obtained from other Museums. MOTION 22$/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by W. Biernacki that the Museum Board advertise for the position of Director- Curator to be employed on January 1st 1977 for a salary of up to $7,000.00 and that in the interim Wm. Clark be given full authority by the Board to deal with the Municipality under direction from the Board relative to the Museum and the preparatiOns of the new site. CARRIED b) Preparations of the New Site Some discussion was held relative to what should be done at the new site before further development takes place. MOTION 229/76 Moved by J. Anderson, seconded by D. McLean that Wm. Clark be authorized to do what he deems best in preparing the Greenwood Site, including the hiring of outside help if necessary. CARRIED c)' Museum Attendance The Secretary was asked to report on attendance at the Museum during the 1976 season to date for the next meeting. d) Museum Budget The Secretary was asked to have an updated budget for the next meeting. - 38 - 10/76 5. FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) e) Museum Grants The Secretary was asked to investigate the possibility of a grant for the Museum relative to the expense involved in the relocation of the Museum f) Guides There was some confusion as to the authority regarding the guides especially in relation to Museum Administration. g) Diefenbaker Memoirs B. Davies had a page from the II'Diefenbaker Memoirs II ~ning to Greenwood, typed and signed by Mr. J. Diefenbaker and framed. h) Gift Shop Supplies There is a place in Toronto which supplies souvenirs suitable for sale at the Museum. i) Museum - Charitable Organization It was suggested that the Museum be registered as a charitable organization. 6 . NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Museum Board is to be held on August 27th 1976 at 8:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by W. Biernacki that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 10.21 p.m. CARRIED - :~ Da ted Chairman