HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 23, 1976 - 46 - 13/76 TOWN OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD A meetlng of the Pickering Museum Board was held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd 1976 at 8:00 P.M. at the Museum Church in Brougham. PRESEN'I': Counc i1lor J. Anderson W. Biernacki Wm. Clark B. Davies D. McLean - Chairman Councillor K. Spratley N.C. Marshall - Administrator-Clerk J.P. Myslik - Secretary 1. MUNICIPAL NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Mr. Marshall summarized the developments concerning the Museum relocation discussions to date, especially the meeting of the negotiating committee held on Monday, September 20th 1976. It was clarified that the negotiating committee had been established at a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and the Museum Board to arrive at a financial settlement with the Federal Government. The establishment of the committee was later confirmed by Council. The area of responsibility of the negotiating committee is to negotiate a financial settlement with the Federal Government. The committee is a committee of Council and therefore reports to Council. It was indicated that Norm Cafik instigated the action on the occasion of the public presentation of the conceptual plan. This led to the request given to Mr. D.R. Owen to obtain figures for the cost of relocation and the meeting of the negotiating committee with Mr. Owen on September 20th 1976. 2. POSITION OF THE MUSEUM BOARD DURING RELOCATION Some members expressed concern relative to the jurisdiction of the Museum Board during the move. It was indicated that Mr. Owen has completed his function as consultant for the conceptual plan on behalf of the Museum Board. The activities of Mr. D.R. Owen in obtaining facts and figures for the re1ocationwere strictly in connection with the negotiating committee. It was noted that whoever co-ordinates the relocation of the Museum will undoubtedly approach the Museum Board for its input. It was also noted that the onus and ultimate responsibility for the Museum lies with the Council of the Town of Pickering. The Museum Board has been established by Council to act in an advisory capacity to Council and also to supervise the day to day operations of the Museum. 3. ONTARIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION MEETING MOTION 242/76 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley tha~ Mrs. B. Davies,be desi~~a~~d_as a delegate to the Ontarlo Museums Assoclationc1Lunche~D}in Ottawa and that the expenses for this convèntíoñ be paid through the Museum budget, I {¡,)u;~<- CARRIED - 47 - 13/76 4. MUSEUM CHURCH SERVICE - OCTOBER 3rd 1976 Mrs. B. Davies will send a press release relative to the church service to be held at the Museum church on October 3rd 1976, to the various local newspapers and radio stations. 5. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Wm. Clark that the meeting adjourn at the hour of 9:45 p.m. CARRIED Dated Chairman