HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 17, 1975 ~~. - ~.13' <: ~ ,... - r- r- r - 1. - ".. ; 2 . ,... ".. fIA b) r r- r- ".. "... r ,. ~ r , r r r- ,.... r- ,... - 7 - 4/75 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A rreetin Ç' of the Technical Advisory Co P'ITi ttee to the Pickering Museum Board was held on Wednesday, September 17th 1975 at 2:00 p.m. in the Pickering Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. T.W. Bedda11 Mr. R. Cooper Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Moffat Mr. W. Morrison Mr. C.R. Purcell Mr. K. Spratley (Chairman) Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by R. Cooper, seconded by C.R. Purcell that the minutes of the meeting of June 25th and July 9th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) Update of members of proposals submitted The chairman updated the members on what is happenning to the proposals submitted by consultants. Discussion of museum administration It was pointed out that it is imperative that there be an efficient administration set up for the museum now in preparation for the relocation. In considering a new form of administration it is imperative that the limited budget of the museum board be taken into consideration and also that the present and volunteer personnel be used to the best of their ability. After some discussion of various alternatives it was suggested that a well qualifie¿ person þe.aiæeQ as a manager or administrator. This person would be responsible to the board in implementing its policies on the one hand, and this person would be ultimately responsible for the maintenance, the programmes and the general operation of the museum. It was agreed that the person who would be hired should have some museum experience rather than simply being a student. It was conceded that this person would have to receive a salary in the $15,000.00 range, and thus be a major item of the budget, but on the other hand he could offset some of bIDe salary expense be organizing programmes and thus increasing attendance at the museum and in that way generating more income for the museum. It was also suggested that the operation of the museum could become part of the Recreation Department. The reaction to this was very cautious because experience has indicated that parks and recreation departments in municipalities usually do not have the same interests and orientations that a historical museum requires. A similar note of caution was expressed when the discussion turned to the possibility of having actual businesses operated in particular shops or buildings of the museum. The reason for this was that the museum would not have direct: cont~oi' over the operation of these businesses or shops. Throughout the ~ussion it was emphasized that local resource people should be kept within the board or the operating parameters of the museum: similarly with volunteers in the general area. r- "",-" ,.... r- I r r r r ,... ¡ ,. , r r r- , r r r- r r- r r r i r r r- r , ,... ,.... : t.l \~ - 8 - 4/75 3. FURTHER BUSINESS Mr. Beddall mentioned that the East Region Chapter of Architects could possibly contribute substantially to the planning of the new museum. He will contact the Chapter and have one~or two interested architects come to the next meeting. 4. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on October lst 1975 at 2;00 p.m. in the municipal building. 5. ADJOURNMENT Moved by R. Cooper, seconded by D. McLean that the meeting adjourn at 4.28 p.m. CARRIED Date Chairman r- ,. , r r r ADDENDUM TO TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES r- OF r SEPTEMBER 17th 1975 PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF' MUSEUM ADMINISTRATION r r:~,~.~: C?~ -~~ ~~~~ ~ ~. ~~ r ! roo r I""' Restoration ¡ r Maintenance r Recreation Parks I""' r r , ¡ Grounds (Grass Cutting) ,... r r ~ - /ì ~-rl":~ . , \~tJ... ~~ ~ . r ¡ ì r ! r r- I , r- ¡ r r BOARD Manager Administrator Guides