HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 1975 ~ ," . ...~ .,:* ~,- r- r- r- r- r- r- r ,.. ¡ ,.... r r r ,.... ,.... r ,.. I ,.... ,... r r r- r- , r I r- - 9 - 5/75 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Pickering Museum Board was held on Wednesday, October 1st 1975 at 2:00 p.m. in the Pickering Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. T.W. Beddall Mr. R. Cooper Mr. D. McLean Mr. W. Morrison Mr. C.R. Purcell Mr. K. Spratley (Chairman) Mr. G. Waters Mr. J.P. Myslik (Secretary) 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by C.R. Purcell, seconded by D. McLean that the minutes of the meeting of September 17th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED Relative to the minutes it was suggested that an Organizational Chart of Museum Administration in consonance with the matters discussed at the meeting of September 17th 1975 be made-up and incorporated into the minutes. 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Relocation of Museum Subsequent to the recent decision of the Federal Government not to proceed with the Airport at the present time the committee strongly felt that the museum still needs to be relocated because the present site is not suitable for the museum or for any further development of the museum especially because of the lack of volunteers in the immediate area. MOTION 2/75 MOVED by R. Cooper, seconded by W.T. Beddall that it be recommended to the Pickering Museum Board that plans for relocation of the museum be proceeded with. ? CARRIED b) New, Acquisitions It was suggested that the new acquisitions contemplated by the museum board should be referred to the Technical Advisory Committee. It was agreed upon that a list of outstanding acquisitions still to be moved or acquired will be made up with a short background indicating the circumstances of each item. c) Museum Plan It was suggested that the Advisory Committee should use a concept for the development of the museum at the new location. It was agreed that this was highly desirable, however, a concept of the museum will have to develop after much reflection on the facts assembled by the Technical Advisory Committee and by the Consultants. ~ . , ~ ~ r- r r- r- ,.... r r r r , , ,... I I r I r r ¡ ,... I , r r r r r r r r I ! r r- I - 10 - 5/75 2. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) c) Museum Plan (Continued) Mr. Beddall indicated that there is a lot of expertise on the committee and in the museum board itself and that this expertise can be used to very good purpose. He also indicated that the East Region Chapter of Architects may be able to assist the museum board in its development of a plan. d) Mr. Derek Roy Owen Mr. Derek Roy OWen of the East Region Chapter of Architects was introduced to the Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. OWen explained his background in this particular fiéld by indicating that he has been active in historical restoration here in Canada and has also had experience in England. Furthermore he has been a professor in the School of Architecture of the University of Leeds. As an architect he has also been involved with restoration in connection with the National Trust which is a government sponsored body in England for the preservation and restoration of historical stuctures. He explained his philosophy especially on one point relative to the preservation of artifacts. He indicated that artifacts themselves are not as important as the preservation of the craft itself. He agreed to present a written proposal using various facilities in the Technical Advisory Committee, the Museum Board, and the municipality in general. He hoped that the cost of a plan for the museum could be kept within the $5,000.00 range. MOTION 3/75 MOVED by D. McLean, seconded by C.R. Purcell that the Technical Advisory Committee express its appreciation to Mr. OWen for his presence at the meeting and his expression of interest in the Pickering Museum. CARRIED e) Proposed Highways The Technical Advisory Committee suggested that it express its opposition to any highways going through or near Greenwood and that this item be put on the Agenda for the next meeting. 3. NEXT MEETING 4 . Date It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on October 15th 1975 at 2:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5.25 p.m. Chairman