HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 10, 1976 .... -.JO,lot)-'l ......-., - 5 - ; _t. 2/76 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE A meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Pickering Museum Board was held on Wednesday, March 10th 1976, at 2:00 p.m. in the Pickering Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. T.W. Beddall Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mrs. B. Duncan Mr. D. McLean Mr. W. Morrison Mr. C.R. Purcell Miss J. Raper Mr. G. Shewan Councillor K. Spratley - Chairman Mr. Wm. Wilson Mr. J.P. Myslik - Secretary ALSO PRESENT: Mr. D.R. Owen 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES - MOVED by C.R. Purcell, seconded by J. Raper that the minutes of the meeting of January 14th 1976 be adopted. CARRIED 2. NEW BUSINESS a) Discussion with D.R. Owen In the course of the discussion Mr. Owen indicated that the planning stage for this project would take approximately three months, divided into three particular phases: 1. Mechanics - parking, transportation, circulation. 2. Historical significance and implications in the design. 3. Formulating of the final concept. It was indicated that the consultant will periodically produce artistic, conceptual sketches that may be used for public relations purposes. Mr. Owen indicated that to begin the first phase he will start with various interviews and research of the present Museum. He is holding the present meeting with the Technical Advisory Committee; he would also like to have a meeting with the people of Greenwood. He suggested that meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee be held approximately every two weeks. The consultant proposed to have a photographic survey of the Museum and Greenwood done and a soil test performed by the next meeting. He noted also that he will be in touch with M.T.R.C.A It was also indicated that the Municipal Roads Department will be' able to do the external ditching. . Mr. Wm. Wilson indicated that he will be able to supply the logs of Ontario Water Wells for the area to Mr. Owen. The consultant indicated further that he would like to have various other groups involved, such as the Historical Society, the service clubs, and the Ministerial Association. The representa- tive from the Federal Government indicated that it is trying to help as much as possible. Mr. Wm. Wilson of the North Pickering Project is acting as a liaison person with various Provincial Government bodies. The consultant suggested that for the actual construction on the site and the moving of i:he buildings from Brougham to Greenwood an Archi teet should bE! involved. /...2 .....,..--~... - - :1l"~~:'~~ ~:.1 . --t"' ... .....- - 6 - 2~'7é 2. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) b) Draft Report Relative to the draft report it was suggested that the canteen should be in keeping with the 19th century. It was indicated that cider, toffee and apple butter should be served rather than soft drinks and chocolate bars. It was noted, however, that modern items can be sold if this is done in a proper context and in a discreet manner so that it does not clash with the surrounding buildings and atmosphere. 3. FURTHER BUSINESS a) Greenwood School It was indicated that if the old Greenwood School is re-opened this would be a safeguard against vandalism. It was also indicated that citizen and especially children involvement and participation in the restoration of the school should be fostered as much as possible. MOTION 10/76 MOVED by C.R. Purcell, seconded by G. Shewan that the Technical Advisory Committee recommend to the Museum Board that it investigate the securing of SS#9 at Greenwood as a centre where the Technical Advisory Committee and the Museum Board can meet, and also where interested citizens and children can be accom- modated. CARRIED b) Financial Resources It was suggested that various firms that have contributed to and profited from the history of Canada and particularly from the history of the Pickering area should be contacted for contribu- tions. Examples mentioned were the Eaton Company, Hudson's Bay Company, Massey-Ferguson - farm implements, General Motors - carriage shop, milling companies, furniture stores, antique workshops, etc. It was noted that these and similar firms have helped to build the country, but they have also profited from it, and that an opportunity be given to them to contribute to the development of the Pickering Museum. 4. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 31st 1976 at 2:00 p.m. 5. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by B. Davies, seconded by W. Morrison that the meeting adjourn at 4:45 p.m. CARRIED Dated Chairman