HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 14, 1976 ,.... 1/1 \' ,,1' ,... - 1 - 1/76 ,.- TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE r- ! r A meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Pickering Museum Board was held on Wednesday, January 14th 1976, at 2:00 p.m. in the Pickering Municipal Building,. ,.... PRESENT: Mr. Wm. Clark Mrs. B. Davies Mrs. B. Duncan Mr. D. McLean Mr. W. Morrison Miss J. Raper Mr. K. Spratley - Chairman Mr. G. Waters Mr. Wm. Wilson Mr. J. P. Myslik - Secretary r"" , r"" 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES ,... ¡ MOVED by WID. Clark, seconded by G. Waters that the minutes of the meeting of December 10th 1975, be adopted. r- ¡ CARRIED ,.... ! It was noted that Mr. WID. Wilson was omitted on the list of those present at the meeting of December 10th 1975. 2. NEW BUSINESS ,.. Evaluation of Structures for New Site r- A list of the existing and proposed stuctures were submitted to the Committee for their evaluation relative to the new site. ,... a) Brougham Schoolhouse This structure must be moved and put on proper foundations preferably a basement. Kiwanis building attached to the rear of the schoolhouse need not remain attached. If it is detached it must have one side added. It could serve for an administrator's office. It could have a basement. ,... ,.... ,... b) Log house This building must be taken. It shoulò have a wall foundation. ,... c) Log Barn This building must also go. It can be set on piers. ,.... d) r ,... e) r- f) r- Collins House This building must go. Cole House This building must go. Barn This building must go. It should have a basement. It should have a basement. It can be set on piers. ,.... r- ,.... r ,.... ,.... 2. r- ,.... - 2 - 1/76 NEW BUSINESS Evaluation of Structures for New Site (Continued) g) Oddfellows Hall This could be a doubtful building. If it is moved it should be set on a basement. h) Harness Shop ,.... This building must go. It should be set on wall foundations. r- i) Blacksmith Shop i This building must go. It can be set on piers. r j) Hotel This building must go. It should have a wall foundation r- at least and preferably a basement. k) Church ,.... This building must go. It can be set on a wall foundation. 1) Church Shed r- This building must go. It can be dismantled and reassembled on piers. ,.... i m) Gas Barn r- This building must go. It can be disroantled and set on piers. n) Steam Barn ,.... This building must go. It can be dismantled and set on piers. r"" ,... 0) Beef Ring Barn This building should also go. It can be set on piers. p) Rogers Barn called the chicken coop r- This building can be used for a workshop with a basement for workshop and storage purposes. ,.... q) ,... r) r r"" ¡ r- r ,.... ! ,.... The two Ro~ers barns They should be moved and used for storage. They date from the years 1845 - 1850. Tailor Shop in Brougham The Department of Public Works does not as yet have a final release for this building. It is slated by the architectural panel as one of the buildings that must be saved. r- ,.... ,.- ,.- ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,... ,.... ,.... ,.... ,... ,... r- ,.. r- "... ,.... ,.... 3. r "... ,... fill" , r - 3 - 1/76 2. NEW BUSISNESS (Cont.) Evaluation of Structures for New Site (Continued) s) Green River Basket Factory Originally the Doten Carriage Works it was an operating factory until very recently. It could be restored with the possible assistance of timbers from one of the Rogers Barns which has a very similar stucture. MOTION 7/76 MOVED by Wm. Wilson, seconded by Wm. Clark that it be recommended to the Museum Board that it go on record and write a letter to the North Pickering Project expressing interest in the structure of the Green River Basket Factory. CARRIED t) Thornbeck Windmill and Workshop This is a very unique structure especially from the engineering point of view. It will cost approximately $3,000.00 to move. There was consensus among the committee that the Thornbeck building be considered for the Museum at the new site and that the museum building committee make a written report on the subject. u) Brougham Township Hall This building which was used by the Township as a Municipal Hall for almost one hundred years is owned by the Federal Government and is used presently as a Community Centre. It is a structure that is rated as one that must be saved. There was consensus among the committee that Brougham Township Hall be considered for the museum at the new site when it becomes available. v) Steam Engine This Engine was donated to the museum by the Dufferin Concrete Products Limited it was an engine that was used in the Kirkfield Quarry and similar to engines that were used in Pickering Township for quarry purposes. There was consensus that this engine be considered for the new site. It was further indicated that an extra barn or similar structure should be acquired for the display of agricultural equipment. This structure should have approximate dimensions of 45 feet by 150 feet. It was indicated that recourse could be made to the National Museum Policy to obtain a grant for storage facilities. It was indicated that a desirable formula for display area and storage area is approximately 50-50. FURTHER BUSINESS Material and information from Archæological Sites It was noted that material and information from the Pickering Archaeological Sites would be a great asset to the museum. r- ,.... ,... r ,... r- r r r ,.... r r r r r- i r r ,... i , ,... , ,.... , ,.. , r- r- ,.... ! r , ~ 3. 4. 5. Dated 1\h" - 4 - 1/76 FURTHER BUSINESS (Continued) Material and information from Archaeological Sites (Cont.) MOTION 8/76 Moved by G. Waters, seconded by D. McLean that it be recommended to the Museum Board to write to the Museum of Man and to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation to obtain material and information from the pickering Archaeological Sites. CARRIED b) Pine stumps MOTION 9/76 Moved by D. McLean, seconded by B. Davies that it be recommended to the Museum Board that pine stumps be acquired to provide a realistic setting for the log cabin and the log barn. Wm. Wilson indicated that he would try to find pine stumps in the North Pickering Project area. CARRIED c) Wrn. Wilson indicated that Andrew Glenn has pictures of his barn which he would like to give to Mr. George Shewan. d) Mrs. B. Davies indicated that there is to be a Blood Donors Clinic at Sheridan Mallon January 22, 1976. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on February lIth 1976 at 2:00 p.m. at the Pickering Municipal Building. ADJOURNMENT Moved by D. McLean, seconded by WID. Clark that the meeting adjourn at 5:03 p.m. CARRIED Chairman