HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 36-06 - ,~ - Cift¡ ()~ n 9 ':{ ~...,v REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: 36-06 Date: June 12, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) Duffin Heights Neighbourhood City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Council RECEIVE Report PO 36-06 of the Director, Planning & Development; 2. That Council ENDORSE the draft Terms of Reference for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) as outlined in Attachment #3 to Report PO 36-06 and AUTHORIZE City staff to: (a) retain the services of an engineering consulting firm to assist and provide expertise to the City in the preparation of the ESP with an upset limit of $30,000 to be paid for by Mattamy Homes; (b) undertake its best efforts to recover the costs of the ESP, including the City's consultant costs, from landowners/developers within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; (c) reimburse Mattamy Homes, to the extent costs are recovered, in undertaking the Environmental Servicing Plan including costs under (a) above; (d) enter into any agreements necessary in a form satisfactory to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the City Solicitor, to provide for the foregoing; 3. That the City Clerk FORWARD a copy of Report PO 36-06 to the Region of Durham Works Department, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Mattamy Homes and Coughlan Homes; and 4. That the appropriate City staff be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: In 2003, Council refined the policies and designations to the Pickering Official Plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Development Guidelines were also adopted to ensure that an identifiable urban image develops over time along Brock Road through urban design principles. Prior to development occurring in the neighbourhood, an Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) is required. This ESP will define boundaries and buffers for the natural features, address servicing provisions, and confirm municipal infrastructure. ." ,. (' ~ ~.. í ,/ Ct - ..... Report PO 36-06 Date: June 12, 2006 - Subject: Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Page 2 Aware of the need for an ESP, Mattamy Homes (Matta my) and Coughlan Homes (Coughlan) have agreed to undertake the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood ESP as co-proponents. The consulting firm of Sernas Associates (Sernas) has been retained to prepare the ESP. City staff has reviewed the draft Terms of Reference document to ensure that the ESP satisfies all Official Plan requirements. In addition, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has reviewed and provided comments on the draft Terms of Reference document. The ESP is expected to take nine months to complete and will involve an extensive consultation process with the City, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the benefiting landowners within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and the public. The City will retain a consulting firm, at Mattamy's expense, to assist staff in providing input to the process of preparing the ESP. It is recommended that Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference and require any benefiting landowners developing property in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood to contribute their pro-rata costs of preparing the ESP, including consulting costs incurred by the City. - Financial Implications: No direct cost to the City. 1.0 Backç¡round: 1.1 In 2003, Council adopted new land use policies and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood On April 22, 2003, City Council adopted both Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan and new Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. This Revision fine-tuned the land use policies and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Regional Council later approved the designations and associated land uses for the neighbourhood (see Attachment #1 - Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Land Use Designations). 1.2 An Environmental Servicing Plan is required prior to development occurring in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood .- An Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) is required prior to development occurring in the neighbourhood. The ESP will define the boundaries, buffers and protection requirements for the natural features, outline servicing requirements and phasing, and confirm the location of municipal infrastructure including stormwater management facilities, parks and roads. Report PO 36-06 Date: June 12,2006 ,'-:n,'" , >, '-} ,,,' h.> " ,."...... Subject: Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Page 3 1.3 Mattamy Homes and Coughlan Homes have agreed to undertake the ESP for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood as co-proponents Mattamy Homes (Mattamy) informed City staff of an agreement to acquire part of the Seaton Golf Course lands for residential development after the Provincial land exchange is finalized. In addition, Coughlan Homes (Coughlan) has proposed to develop its lands north of the City's Operations Centre for residential uses (see Attachment #2 - Development Interests). Aware of the need for an ESP, both developers have agreed to collaborate and undertake the Duffin Heights ESP as co-proponents. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 City staff has been reviewing and providing input on the draft Terms of Reference document to ensure that the ESP satisfies all Official Plan requirements - Mattamy has retained Sernas Associates (Sernas) to prepare the draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Duffin Heights Neighbourhood ESP. Sernas was previously involved in an earlier MESP for the East Duffins Area that was prepared for the North Pickering Land Corporation in 1999. No further action was taken on the 1999 MESP. City staff has reviewed and provided input on the draft Terms of Reference document to ensure that the ESP satisfies all Official Plan requirements. In addition, TRCA has reviewed and provided comments on the draft Terms of Reference. The ESP is expected to take nine months to complete and will be carried out in accordance with the Class EA process that includes a consultation process with the City, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the benefiting landowners within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and the public (see Attachment #3 - Draft Terms of Reference for the ESP). 2.2 Mattamy has agreed to front fund the ESP provided the City requires all benefiting landowners developing property in the neighbourhood to contribute their share of the study costs Mattamy has agreed to front fund the ESP subject to the City agreeing to a condition that any benefiting landowners developing property in the neighbourhood will contribute their pro-rata costs of preparing the ESP, including - related consulting costs incurred by the City. In this regard, the City will retain a consulting firm to assist staff in providing technical input to the process of developing an ESP. A draft Terms of Reference for the consulting service has been provided and is attached (see Attachment #4 - Consultant Review). Ü2G Report PO 36-06 Date: June 12, 2006 - Subject: Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Page 4 The total cost of the ESP is estimated at $165,000, which includes the City's consulting costs to an upset limit of $30,000. The recovery of costs is similar to the City's Northeast Quadrant Study where benefiting landowners had to pay their share of the study costs. In this case, a developer within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood will be required to pay their contribution at the appropriate time as determined through the planning approval process, based on developable hectares. It is recommended that the Council authorize staff to recover the cost of the ESP from landowners/developers within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood at an appropriate pro-rate share including the City's consulting costs and to reimburse Mattamy to the extent costs are recovered. 2.3 City staff supports Mattamy and Coughlan as co-proponents of the ESP for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood ,- Having Mattamy and Coughlan as co-proponents in undertaking the ESP provides cost and timing efficiencies. Completion of the ESP by the end of 2006 will provide the foundation for development proposals to be considered by the City in 2007. In conclusion, staff supports Mattamy and Coughlan as co-proponents of the ESP for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and requests that Council endorse the ESP draft Terms of Reference. The undertaking of the ESP by Mattamy and Coughlan does not prejudice Council's authority to endorse, amend or reject the ESP upon completion and submission to the City. Attachments: 1. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Land Use Designations 2. Development Interests 3. Draft Terms of Reference for the Environmental Servicing Plan 4. Draft Terms of Reference for the City's Consultant .,~ ~i? ~-1 l...,( Report PD 36-06 Date: June 12, 2006 ,- Subject: Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Page 5 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: "L' , ¡ , Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Principal Planner - Policy Neil CarrolP PP Director, Planning & Development GM:ld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit au .I" -- IT' .,__,t; ~:~~~ 'C\c' - - '" I '" ..: ~~ ò1 V> ~ " OJ> ~ ¡:j ~ i 0<: 0 ,...¡ " VI OJ} "' :S ~ ffi '" ~ ~ ~U .... ~ p ~ '" .- Z ~ u 0<: '" ~¡ ¡;¡¡ :;: ~ I-< § Q 0<: iii ;¡; ~ p ¡;¡¡ ¡¡j ~E-< ¡;¡¡ 0 ~ "" ~ '" "' ;:J '" C/'1 Z ~~ I 0 ~ 0<: ...;¡ "" '" ~ r:; ¡:(j ~ E ~ :=I '" t; ~ ~ (i g ~ g ~ ~ <>; í:! ~ ~ i~ 3 æ; ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" iii '" o Ii f) '0 ~. 1-.., l) ~~ § (II ¡IWi o.!~.! ~ ~Õ.3ã.:t Oa.·CUII ·i...i_ 000 &~i~fi 11 ã.1IÄ c c 0000 ii~i 1·:1 . .:..: ~~8~ ".N. fIe: .. . . ;~ :ë e¥ r ~~ ~ ,.. w Z :::J ~ ill t( Q en c: o i c: 0> '0 Q) o Q) en ::) "C c: ~ "C o o .r:: ... :J o .c .r:: 0> 0ã) o>z .5 en ... - Q).r:: ~ 0> o .- .- Q) D.J: Õ c: ~:¡: ._ :J 00 2 Ii ,_,,, ,·,.--V , I I-'L ..~.,;:j~, "Cfc.,,___ - ~ ~. -~~ .- l'\ f) n . 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TERMS OF REFERENCE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICING PLAN DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD CITY OF PICKERING 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Given the on going studies being undertaken as part of the Environmental Assessment relating to the exchange of certain provincially controlled lands within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and in preparation for the anticipated submission of development applications within the Neighbourhood, an Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) is to be prepared to: - · Confirm the limits of the Natural Heritage System west of Brock Road, including addressing the requirements of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan respecting the coniferous and mixed forest located between the valley corridor of Ganatsekiagon Creek and Brock Road (see sections 11.17 (i) and U) of the Pickering Official Plan). · Provide the details for input into Functional Servicing Reports to be submitted in support of project specific development applications (e.g. plans of subdivisions, site plans etc.). · Develop potential phasing scenarios for the community. · Assist in the preparation of amendments to the existing Pickering Official Plan, if required. · Assist in the preparation of appropriate revisions to development guidelines if required; · Assist in the preparation of an Environmental Report to be submitted with development applications (see sections 15.8, 15.9 and 15.11 of the Pickering Official Plan). - Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 1 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community f ~ll.í:H' ['nil . 3 TO ~'i,;?fc~:.ç:k;,. t¡ 3r - 2.0 BACKGROUND In 2003, the City of Pickering completed a secondary plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The secondary plan was based on the Natural Heritage System (NHS) identified by the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority at that time. The neighbourhood policies in the Pickering Official Plan contemplated further work to define the exact boundaries of the natural heritage system. This work will be undertaken through an Environmental Report in accordance with section 15.11 of the Pickering Official Plan. The Environmental Report will determine the site's developable limits and demonstrate whether the features and functions of the site can be maintained if development occurs also occurs on the lands. In addition, the Province completed a supporting document for the NHS for the Seaton lands in 2005. For the purpose of this study, the NHS lands east of Brock Road as determined by the Province in 2005 shall be considered fixed. For the lands west of Brock Road, previous staking of the limits of the NHS parcels was completed as part of the Secondary Planning exercise. This study shall reconfirm and, where appropriate, make adjustments to the limits based on ground truthing to be done as part of this study. - In addition, certain arterial and collector roads that are shown on both the Regional and City plans were incorporated in the previous official plan amendments. Given the potential for an expanded NHS lands and the on-going development of a plan for the Seaton Community, some or all of these roads may not be required in the future. This ESP will analyze and confirm the need, location and phasing for these roads. Finally the previous neighbourhood plan indicated the location for required community facilities. This ESP will review these locations and reconfirm the need and location for such facilities. 3.0 STUDY AREA The Study Area is shown on the attached Figure 1. 4.0 STUDY MANAGEMENT Co-proponents of the ESP will be Mattamy Homes Limited and Coughlan Homes. The ESP shall be completed in consultation with the TRCA, the Region of Durham, the City of Pickering and the benefiting landowners within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 1) Mattamy will agree to front fund the ESP, including the City's peer review costs and subject to the City of Pickering agreeing to include a condition in any approval of development applications within the Neighbourhood such that benefiting development parcel within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Area will contribute their pro-rata costs of the preparation of this ESP and the costs incurred by the City in peer reviewing this ESP. ....--. Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 2 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community ì . 3"-.> ,.. , ",.,. l..~< .:J...- i';,'_.~') - Öç - 5.0 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ESP The following outlines the detailed requirements for the ESP: 5.1 Natural Herita~e System For the study area lands west of Brock Road: 1) The ESP will identify the features and functions of the natural areas within and immediately adjacent to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 2) Define and provide the rationale for the boundaries of the natural heritage system and reaffirm the westerly development limits of the Duffin Heights Community based on the previous staking of the limits as part of the secondary planning exercise. 3) Make specific recommendations on the protection and enhancement of the tableland coniferous and mixed forest located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekiagon Creek and Brock Road. 4) Identify edge management strategies to address the interface between development and natural areas. 5.2 Source Water Protection - The development of a preliminary Assessment Report for the Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds is currently being carried out by the TRCA as part of the anticipated requirements of the draft Drinking Water Source Protection Act (Bill 34). This report will include an inventory of drinking water resources, and will identify potential threats to drinking water resources that must be considered in the development of the ESP. Under Provincial guidelines, these threats may include the construction of municipal infrastructure (i.e. construction impacts due to dewatering), and stormwater infiltration measures with direct pathways to vulnerable groundwater sources. 1) The ESP will identify any requirements for water source protection within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, through consultation with TRCA and Durham Region. 2) Make specific recommendations to mitigate any impacts to hydrologically sensitive areas, and to existing and anticipated wells (e.g. private wells in proximity of the urban/rural boundary). This may include precautionary, interim management measures until such time as the Source Water Protection Plan is completed. 3) Identify all domestic and other wells, including depth, type, size, pump intake, water level, owner and address. 4) Identify potential impacts on water quality and quantity in the main aquifer, streams and wells. 5) Identify potential ground settlement if the water table is modified. - Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 3 Draft T errns of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community i '1 "¡'H~~nrT Jl 3 TO ,- ,. E.,.; .A,¡[h if in ,; PO .._..30-['*.:> Ii '3 ')) '- " , - 5.3 Water Balance The ESP will: 1) Develop an overall hydrologic model, calibrated with seasonal modeling and prepare an overall water balance analysis for the Neighbourhood on the basis of local surface drainage, soil and existing land use characteristics. 2) Identify local areas that may contribute to the recharge of shallow aquifers, and that contribute to wetlands, local discharge and baseflow, using available resources such as aquifer vulnerability index mapping. 3) In consultation with DFO, MNR and TRCA, develop local surface and groundwater recharge targets that must be attained to sustain wetlands and woodlots, and local baseflow in sensitive areas. 4) Develop a post-development mitigation scenario to demonstrate that the annual groundwater recharge will be met on a sub watershed basis and on a seasonal basis for wetland and woodlot areas for the study area. 5) Identify implementation measures including but not limited to, baseflow sustaining Best Management Practices and other servicing measures including based on local soil types, percolation rates, and generic design conditions. The latest version of the Duffins Creek water balance model shall be used in completing the water balance analysis. - 5.4 Erosion Sensitivity Analvsis The ESP will: - 1) Review fieldwork completed by Parish Geomorphic in 2003 for the TRCA for the West Duffins (south of Taunton Rd), Ganatsekiagon and Urfe Creeks. 2) Where required, establish the erosion thresholds for the entire study area based on field measurements (i.e. determine critical discharge, velocity and depth of flow for the most sensitive reaches based on both bed and bank assessment - the most critical values should be used). 3) Where required, characterize the existing channel form to define representative reaches and classify the stability of the active channel (i.e. determine the most sensitive reaches). 4) Investigate and identify slope stability at locations where toe erosion is occurring or where visible slumps or scars exist. 5) Establish a continuous simulation model using Qualhymo (version 2.1 or greater). The modelling will include converting the Duffins Creek Visual OTTHYMO (version 2.0) existing conditions hydrology model to Qualhymo to assess the instream erosion potential. The continuous model should be completed using a minimum of 6 years of hourly data (to be provided by the TRCA). 6) Run the existing conditions scenario, which will establish the targets for the receiving watercourses. 7) Run the future land use scenario (which would include the proposed developments and the airport lands) (with consultation with GTM in regard to assumptions used) with and without SWM controls (i.e. all SWM ponds need to be modelled) to determine the necessary storage volume and release rates to maintain the existing erosion potential. 8) Perform a sensitivity analysis to determine how a 25% variation in the erosion thresholds established in paragraph 2 above will affect the design of the stormwater management facilities (i.e. pond volumes and release rates). Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 4 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community .- - - U34 It "..:1A' ,TO ~%. Ck) 5.5 Fisheries Manaaement 1) Document and define existing aquatic habitat conditions within each watercourse, from existing data sources, other ESP study components and additional field reconnaissance as required. Components of this task are as follows: · Confirm the presence, location and nature of all watercourses on-site; · Summarize and describe the aquatic habitat conditions within each watercourse, including channel dimensions, in-stream cover, substrate quality, water quality, and thermal regime (where data available); · Summarize and describe the historic and current resident and migratory fish communities (where data available); · Classify the watercourses based on habitat quality, present fish community; target fish community and thermal regime (where data available); · Identify and describe barriers to fish migration (both physical and velocity); · Document the nature and extent of riparian vegetation along the watercourses; and · Identify data gaps and develop a plan for additional study where required. 2) Determine potential impacts to fish and fish habitat from proposed development activities. As part of this task, representative predictions from other ESP study components will be extracted to define potential impacts. Impacts may include, but not be limited to: · Watercourse crossings; · Dewatering; · Loss of riparian vegetation; · Loss of in-stream habitat; · Degradation of water quality or thermal stability; · Disruption of sediment transport; · Barriers to fish migration (physical or velocity); or · Stormwater inputs and infrastructure. 3) Develop preliminary design detail and mitigation approaches to address the impacts identified at each watercourse crossing and stormwater management facility. Impacts will be assessed using a multi-disciplinary evaluation matrix approach, factoring in the regulatory requirements of each approval agency. 4) Evaluate the net effects of the development, considering the identified impacts and the proposed design and mitigation approaches, to determine if a "net gain" in fish habitat productive capacity can be achieved, consistent with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat in Canada (1986). 5) If a "net gain" cannot be achieved through design innovation and mitigation alone, develop a Conceptual Fish Habitat Compensation Plan to attain a "net gain" following the hierarchy of compensation preferences outlined in DFO's Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat in Canada (1986). The Compensation Plan will consider opportunities both on and off-site as required. 6) Prepare a monitoring plan for the fish habitat mitigation and compensation works, forming part of the broader scale ESP monitoring plan. Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 5 Draft T errns of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community 3 3¿ ot. I '3 :~).' -' '. - 5.6 Stormwater Manaaement The following criteria are to be used in the preparation of the ESP: Water Quality - Minimum criteria will be enhanced (Level 1) protection based on the MOE SWM manual (2003). Where necessary provide for temperature mitigation measures in the design of SWM facilities. Frequent Flow - Based on the criteria mentioned in Section 5.4. Flood Flow - The criteria will be dependent on the subcatchment (Whitevale, Urfe, Ganatsekiagon and Brougham Creeks have 2-100 year post to pre-control, while, direct discharge to East and West Duffins Creek requires no quantity control, Duffins Creek Hydrology Update by Aquafor Beach 2002). The ESP will: - 1) Develop stormwater management alternatives (source, conveyance and end-of-pipe controls) in order to address the water management criteria and sustainability. 2) Select a preferred stormwater strategy (e.g. BMPs and locations etc.). 3) Stormwater alternatives will be reviewed with TRCA, MNR and the City before selecting the preferred alternative. Regional end-of-pipe facilities may be located within the NHS lands subject to confirmation that the facilities will not adversely impact any core natural heritage features. 4) Select a preferred stormwater strategy (e.g. BMPs and locations etc.). 5) Update the post-development model from the Aquafor Beach 2002 hydrology report to include the proposed upstream development area (i.e. the future OP scenario from the 2002 update did not include urban areas to Hwy 7), and to include the proposed development area within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 6) Reassess the current quantity criteria as stated above based on the future development to confirm it remains valid. 7) Carry out a regional storm analysis to determine the need for regional control. 8) Determine the location, size and discharge characteristics for all SWM facilities within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood 5.7 Municipal Service Requirements Concurrent with the preparation of this ESP, The Region of Durham may be preparing a Master Class EA for the principal Regional trunk water and sewerage infrastructure and Regional Roads. The recommendations of the ESP shall be coordinated with the Regional EA and shall address those Regional items not included in the Master Class EA. The ESP shall, in relation to works not being undertaken by the Region of Durham: 1) Confirm the municipal water, stormwater, and wastewater servicing requirements for the proposed development and prepare a plan at a Neighbourhood level, showing the location and anticipated sizing of all trunk sewers and watermains using the Municipal Class EA process, and fulfilling at a minimum, the first two phases of the Municipal Class EA. - 2) Estimate the costs for design, construction and operation of municipal facilities at a level of detail that will be of value in a financial impact analysis for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and for identification of Development Charges and funding agreements. Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 6 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community t; 3 C; -~ 3~) G(p' 5.8 Transportation System The ESP shall, in relation to works not being undertaken by the Region of Durham: 1) Confirm the road and transit network requirements for the proposed development. 2) Identify road and engineering designs that maintain the ecological integrity of the tableland coniferous and mixed forest located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekiagon Creek and Brock Road. 3) Specifically review the needs for the collector and arterial road crossings of the NHS areas and between neighbourhoods to determine if amendments to delete some or all of the roads are appropriate. 4) Determine the estimated costs for design, construction and operation of facilities at a level of detail that will be of value in the identification of Development Charges and funding agreements. Specific to Municipal (both Regional and City) servicing and transportation requirements for the neighbourhood and the need to minimize road and utility crossings of the natural heritage system, the ESP shall address the following planning and design matters: 1) 2) 3) - 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Treat water runoff from roads within stormwater management facilities prior to its release to a stream or groundwater. Use of alternative road design standards to minimize the footprint of roads; Locate and design NHS crossings to facilitate the preservation of natural habitat form and function. Incorporate measures to maintain current aquatic and terrestrial linkages and minimize negative impacts (e.g. salt spray and road way illumination) for all NHS crossings. Co-locate infrastructure and road crossings of the NHS, wherever possible. Where there is no road crossing, align infrastructure to avoid significant natural features, where possible. Where intrusions into significant natural features do occur, minimize intrusions and impacts, and avoid fragmentation. Provide recommendations on detailed requirements for the preparation of subsequent Functional Servicing Studies (F.S.S.) in support of subdivision level approvals. Necessary future requirements (Le. detailed hydraulic analysis) may be required to demonstrate that there is no increase in flood risk to adjacent, upstream or downstream properties, method of construction including geotechnical investigations and the depth of servicing. 5.9 Non Municipal Utilities The ESP will: - 1) Identify existing and proposed major utility installations, corridors, easements, substations etc, in consultation with the appropriated utility company. To the extent possible, shall be co-located with other road and municipal servicing infrastructure. Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 7 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community 3 ?-Î:. ':::" _. , "-.-!Y~:- S,¿,~, , (i 3 'l - 5.10 Preliminary Servicina Estimates The ESP will: 1 ) To the extent that the cost estimates are not provided through the requirements outlined in section 5.7, Development Charges calculations or front-ending discussions, prepare preliminary servicing construction cost estimates or updates to the cost should they exist in current documentation (e.g. City's and Region's DC Studies) for the servicing infrastructure recommended within the ESP. 5.11 Community Facilities The ESP will: 1) Identify the preferred location for community facilities including, but not limited to schools, parks, and trails, libraries, and places of worship. 2) Identify the potential to relocate the existing City Operations Facility either within or external to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3) Review and make recommendations for adjustments to the proposed Duffins Heights portion of the City Trail and Bikeway Master Plan, if necessary. 6.0 GENERAL AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION The ESP will: - 1) Meet all consultation requirements of the Municipal Class for the first two phases in the Planning and Design Process of the Municipal Class EA for all major road, water and wastewater projects at a minimum excluding any works being planned by the Region through the Seaton Class EA and/or future planned EAs by the Region. 2) Consult with approval agencies and public in preparing the ESP. 7.0 PHASING / IMPLEMENTATION The ESP will: 1) Prepare a phasing strategy in consultation with the City. 2) Identify facilities, services, structures /Iands for major community facilities to be cost shared. 3) Prepare a process for the ESP to respond to and incorporate new technologies. 8.0 MONITORING PROGRAM In consultation with the City of Pickering, TRCA and the landowners, the ESP shall establish an environmental monitoring program, including implementation strategies and contingency planning. Details to be provided in the ESP shall include the type, location, frequency, duration of reporting as well as potential contingency measures (where feasible) based on the results of the monitoring. The monitoring program shall tie into the TRCA Regional Monitoring Network as well as any Provincial and Federal monitoring stations. - The implementation strategy shall confirm the process by which the monitoring will be carried out including the funding mechanisms and the roles and responsibilities of both the land owners/developers and approval agencies. Sernas Associates 30 May 06 04565 8 Draft Terms of Reference Environmental Servicing Plan Duffin Heights Community u 3(~ l..f " , .: o,.~: :.,'~. ·'....··'1.1 , J "'" ;;~€:.\::-çA~ - DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE CONSULTANT REVIEW DUFFIN HEIGHTS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICING PLAN CITY OF PICKERING 1. PURPOSE The City of Pickering will be entering into an agreement with Mattamy Brock Road Limited (Mattamy) that will allow Mattamy and Coughlan Homes to prepare an Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Mattamy will be responsible for assembling a consulting team in consultation with the City, and for funding and conducting the study. The City will retain a consultant to assist the City in analyzing and responding to the work conducted by the consulting team. - This terms of reference is provided to assist the consultant in preparing a quotation to the City to provide the services as further defined herein. 2. BACKGROUND In 2003, the City of Pickering completed a secondary plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. A tertiary level plan was also prepared by the City and has been included as Attachment 1. Attachment 1 also depicts the limits of the study area. The secondary plan was based on the Natural Heritage System (NHS) identified by the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority at that time. The neighbourhood policies in the Pickering Official Plan contemplated further work to define the exact boundaries of the NHS. This work will be as part of the ESP in accordance with section 15.11 of the Pickering Official Plan. The ESP will determine the site's developable limits and demonstrate whether the features and functions of the site can be maintained if development occurs also occurs on the lands. - The Province completed a supporting document for the NHS for the Seaton lands in 2005. For the purpose of the study, the NHS lands east of Brock Road as determined by the Province in 2005 shall be considered fixed. For the lands west of Brock Road, previous staking of the development limits was completed as part of the Secondary Planning exercise. This ESP shall reconfirm and, where appropriate, make adjustments to the limits based on ground truthing to be done as part of the study. tf 3Ct:?·c0 C' 3 ;,: t~ In addition, certain arterial and collector roads that are shown on both the Regional and City Official Plans were incorporated in the previous official plan amendments. Given the recent approval of the Central Pickering Development (Seaton) Plan by the Province and the on-going secondary planning studies for the former A9 planning area in Ajax, some or all of these roads may not be required in the future. The ER will analyze and confirm the need, location and phasing for these roads. Finally the previous neighbourhood plan indicated the location for required community facilities as shown on Attachment 1. This ESP will review these locations and reconfirm the need and location for such facilities including the potential relocation of the existing City works yard to another location within the Community. The agreed terms of reference for the ESP, as approved by the City and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, are attached (Attachment 2). It should be also noted the Region of Durham will be initiating a Class Environmental Assessment for the Regional servicing infrastructure required for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The Class EA will be done concurrently with the ESP for Duffin Heights. 3. STUDY PROGRAM - A draft work program, utilizing the agreed terms of reference, is provided as Attachment 3. Note that the work program has been prepared by the consulting team and should be considered as draft although portions of the study and, in particular, the assembly of background information and some fieldwork, has already commenced. The consultant is directed to Sections 6.0 General and Public Consultation and 9.0 ER Submission and Approval. It is the intent to have regular status meetings with a Study Overview Team consisting of selected staff from the City of Pickering, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, various landowners in the Neighbourhood, members of the consulting team and the consultant retained by the City. In addition certain Public Information Centers (P.I.C.s) have been incorporated into the work program to provide opportunities for public input and comment to ensure that Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class EA have been followed. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Study Overview Team if required. The consulting team shall bring forward verbal and/or status reports at each scheduled meeting for review and comment. The selected consultant will be asked by the City to respond to the information provided. The consultant shall also review the draft report and forward comments to the City as appropriate. c..j n ft t.¡ ·~~~)~O(O ",:n "I: 4. Scope of Work In preparing the fee quotation for providing the Consultant Review services, the consultant shall consider the following: · The consultant is to ensure that he/she has sufficient knowledge in each of the sections listed with the Terms of Reference for the for the Environmental Servicing Report to offer comment on the information provided by the Consulting Team and to actively participate in discussions during the Study Overview Team meetings. Meetings shall be budgeted as lasting 3 hours and will likely be held at the City of Pickering. · The consultant shall make an allowance for part-time attendance at the scheduled P.I.C.'s to ensure that he/she is familiar with the information being presented. · The consultant is to provide additional time and resources as necessary during the information gathering phase to review and comment upon written information and oral provided by the consulting team · The consultant shall be required to review and comment upon the draft Report and Final report. - 5. Fee Proposal The consultant shall provide the estimated cost of the Consultant Review services as outlined herein inclusive of all sub-consulting fees, disbursement allowances and applicable taxes. In additional the consultant shall provide the hourly rates any personnel that may be used during this retainer including a brief summary of their expertise and potential input. The proposal is to be submitted to ..........................