HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 2006 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe NO PRE-MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED (I) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGES 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 32-06 1-5 Request for Council's Permission to Create Lots by Land Severance B. and M. Cillo Lot 8, Plan M90 (719 Simpson Avenue) City of Pickerinq That the request made by Leo Perciasepe of Almont Homes Inc., on behalf of the owners B. and M. Cillo, be approved, to permit the division of lands (being Lot 8, Plan M90 [municipally known as 719 Simpson Avenue]) by land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision for future residential development. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 33-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06 1678445 Ontario Ltd. 1630 - 1634 Bayly Street South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 City of Pickerinq 6-25 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06 be approved, to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to add a body-rub parlour as a permitted use on lands being South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1, City of Pickering; and 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 33-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 34-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/05 Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of Christine Ward 3325 Highway 7, Hamlet of Kinsale (North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5) City of Pickerinq 26-51 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/05, submitted by Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of Christine Ward, to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with associated retailing, on lands being North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, City of Pickering, be approved as a temporary use for a period of three years, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PO 34-06. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 23-06 Traffic concerns - Rouqemount Drive (south of Toynevale Road) 52-55 1. That Report OES 23-06 regarding traffic operational concerns on Rougemount Drive be received; and 2. That All-Way Stop Controls not be installed at the intersection of Rougemount Drive at Pine Ridge Drive; and 3. That staff be directed to initiate the traffic operational improvements as identified in this report. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 24-06 Quotation No. Q-25-2006 for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court and Bonita Avenue 56-62 1. That Report OES 24-06 regarding Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue be received: 2. That Quotation Q-25-2006 submitted by Serve Construction Limited for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court and Bonita Avenue in the amount of $104,522.95 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $107,000 (GST included) and a net project cost of $100,000 including the above quotation amount and other project costs identified in this report be approved; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to bring effect thereto. 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 25-06 Development Charges Reserve Fund - Statement of the Treasurer for 2005 63-71 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe That Report CS-25-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Reserve Fund be received and forwarded to Council for information. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 29-06 Development Charqes - Annuallndexinq 72-75 1. That Report CS 29-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That effective July 1, 2006 as provided for in Section 16 of By-law 6349/04, the Development Charges referred to in Sections 6 and 11 of that By-law be increased by 6.2 percent being the annual increase in the Construction Price Statistics for the Non-Residential Building Construction Price index as reported by Statistics Canada for the year ended March 31, 2006; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT CiÚI ()~ o 1 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 32-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Create Lots by Land Severance B. and M. Cillo Lot 8, Plan M90 (719 Simpson Avenue) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That the request made by Leo Perciasepe of Almont Homes Inc., on behalf of the owners B. and M. Cillo, be APPROVED, to permit the division of lands (being Lot 8, Plan M90 [municipally known as 719 Simpson Avenue]) by land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision for future residential development. Executive Summary: The subject property is approximately 0.16 hectres in area, abuts Browning Avenue to the north, Fairview Avenue to the east and fronts onto Simpson Avenue to the west. The property is located within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood, and is designated Medium Density Residential. On April 10, 2006 the applicant received conditional approval of land severance applications LD 062/06 to LD 066/06 by the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to sever five vacant residential lots while retaining a sixth residential lot. A location map, and the conceptual site plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severances are included as Attachments #1 and #2 to this Report. A subdivision plan is usually required to develop lands divisible into more than three additional lots. However, Council may authorize use of the land severance process, where a subdivision plan is inappropriate or unnecessary. Since the subject lands have the potential to be divided into more than three additional building lots, the applicant must obtain permission from Pickering Council. The applicant has requested that Council allow the proposed lots to be created by land severence rather than a Plan of Subdivision. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved, as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. O ') 1- Report PO 32-06 Date: May 23,2006 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of this authorization to develop by land severance. 1.0 BackQround: 1.1 The lands were the subject of a previous application to the Land Division Committee to sever five residential lots while retaining a sixth residential lot Previous conditonal approvals to sever five residential lots from the subject property, along with the retention of a sixth residential lot, were granted by the Region of Durham Land Division Committee in 1998 (LD 105/98 to LD 112/98). This decision lapsed, as the conditions of the severence were not fulfilled within the required one year time period. 1.2 The applicant submitted the required Land Severence applications The applicant re-submitted Land Severance Applications to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee (LD 62/06 to LD 66/06), proposing to sever five vacant parcels, while retaining a sixth residential lot (see Attachment #1 - Location Map and Attachment #2 - Conceptual Site Plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severances). The Committee approved the applications, subject to conditions, on April 10, 2006. The proposed severed parcels and proposed retained parcel (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as indicated on Attachment #2) are designated Urban Residential - Medium Density Area within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood. The five proposed severed parcels would have lot frontages ranging between 8.8 and 10.7 metres, lot areas varying from 238 to 310 square metres, and comply with the existing "S-SD-1" - single/semi-detached zoning provisions. The proposed retained parcel (Part 4 as indicated on Attachment #2) would have a lot frontage of approximately 9.2 metres fronting Fairview Road and would provide a lot area of approximately 280 square metres. Section 15.26(b) of the Pickering Official Plan requires that an ownership of land that is capable of being divided into more than three additional lots be developed by a Plan of Subdivision, except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a subdivision plan is neither appropriate nor necessary. The subject lands are capable of being divided into more than three additional lots, and therefore permission is required from Council to allow development to proceed through the land severance process. Report PO 32-06 0 ') '-' Date: May 23,2006 Page 3 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance 2.0 City's Interests to be Addressed Through Conditions of Land Severance The City's requirements for developing the subject lands will be addressed through conditions of the current land severance applications. Among other conditions, the owner will be required to enter into an appropriate development agreement with the City, to address matters typically included in subdivision agreements such as, but not limited to, stormwater management, grading and drainage, road widening, access and entrances, fencing, parkland dedication, easements, and securities. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved as no new roads are required, and as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through the conditions of the current severance approvals. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: .~~ )/' <- / d/ ~ ~ ¡¿'d&¡/t&¡~ Rick Cefaratti Planner II , RPP ing & Development RC:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ?/ ,. (" --- o 't ATTACHMENT I REPORT I PD I TO 32 - oCo ~ u:: r~ '- / '\ - I I L- PATMORE ~ ;J~ 1--.- o L NE I rv~ ;:.~ - ~ <::)~ ¡'- « ~ 0 It~ cr I-- ~~ - - - - - - '------ <0 I-- J /I ::J '----- C'~ - ~- L5 ~ I-- -! - I-- - ~11)1l ~- f-- - I U f-- HALLER AVENUE ~ --w T ( -- ::J Z -- W ~ - ~ - ~ II - f----- 'VO 1-- OLD ORCHARD AVENUE 1-- r-- I 1-- U1 f----- ;:;; f----- :5 w '-' U1 > - ::J ~L COOK 8 II IIJL a:: 0 <c - 0 ( a::1~ lJ... - « ::>I-Æ,q & LUNA CRT >:ê5 - - ~ - ~ IIII!~ Ç.elf BROWNING AVE. '" ~~~ ill \ _( ILONA PARK I ~ S z - a::;;-;I - PROPERTY ~ <{~I ~ tmffiHE II - \~ - -r¡ ~t' I~~I fR ll-~ z - ROAD WATERP~ ~i - ~ STR I-- L ~l \ll I ----; I-- ~ \ COMMERCE STREET COMME FRENCHMAN '5 l=~-=~ ~_ I I ö ~ U1 BAY L5=r-f-- - -f- -! 11--1_ 0... 0 ANNLAND ~ Þ J ~- 1-- w- -~ " >--- I \ ~- ==\ --1 - STRE WHARF ~ I T III ~ rr / II II City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PLAN M90, LOT 8 l' OWNER B. CILLO & M. CILLO DATE MAR. 9, 2006 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. LD 62/06 TO LD 66/06 SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY RP O~Q :sources: PN-3 ~ -1~~;e~p~n¿e';i;~s~~!I ~~·DD~~~s.it~ulll:.r:~~~".RO~~~~~d~bN~e~e~fad,; ~r\~r:el:.n of :Iurvey. ATTACHMENT' 2 TO REPORT # PO ~2 -eta o f.... d INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN LD 062/06 TO LD 066/06· B. & M. CILLO 23.3m 30.4m PART 1 PART 6 LANDS e LANDS ..... rOBe ci SEVERED rOBE .... SEVERED W 30.4m W ::J Z ::J W 30.4m Z ~ PART 5 w PART 2 LANDS ~ Z e LANDS rOBE à3 0 tn C () rOBE SEVERED a.. có SEVERED ~ :i iñ 30.4m ~ PART 3 PART 4 LANDS rOBE LANDS SEVERED rOBE RETAINED 30.4m . 30.4m I BROWNING AVENUE ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, APRIL 4, 2006. o 8 CiÚI ()~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 33-06 Date: May 23,2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06 1678445 Ontario Ltd. 1630 - 1634 Bayly Street South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06 be APPROVED, to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to add a body-rub parlour as a permitted use on lands being South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1, City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/06, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 33-06, be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant requests a change to the zoning by-law to add a body-rub parlour as a permitted use on lands located at the northwest corner of Bayly Street and Salk Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject property supports a one-storey building (formerly the Toronto Fire Department Employees Credit Union Ltd.) with a rear parking area accessed from Salk Road. No exterior alteration is proposed to accommodate the requested use (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). The applicant proposes to convert the interior of the building to accommodate a body-rub parlour with four rooms, a lobby, a washroom, an office and a staff room (see Applicant's Submitted Conceptual Floor Plan, Attachment #3). The property is located within the boundary defined by Municipal By-law 6649/06 as an area where a body-rub parlour may operate, subject to obtaining zoning approval. It is recommended that the application be approved and that the draft by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Report PO 33-06 o 7 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: 1678445 Ontario Inc. (A 1/06) Page 2 Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the March 23, 2006 Information Meeting (see text of Information Report, Attachment #4 and Meeting Minutes Attachment #5) - S. Keser, solicitor for the applicant, gave a brief overview of the proposed business and stated that the establishment will be kept very conservative, i.e. no external changes, no external advertising but a small external signage at the back; - S. Keser expressed concern respecting the limitation of the total number of body-rub parlour licences to three in Pickering; - no other comments were received; 1.2 Written Comments Received Before and After the Information Meeting - no comments were received; 1.3 Agencies and City Departments Region of Durham Planning Conservation Authority Fire Services Veridian Connections Municipal Law Enforcement Services - no objection; - no objection; - no objection; - no objection; - subject property is located within the boundary as established for body-rub parlours within By-law 6649/06; - By-law 6649/06 provides for three licences to be issued in the City, and two licences have been issued to date (see Attachment #6). 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Use and Compatibility 2.1.1 Proposed use conforms to Official Plans The applicant is proposing to add a body-rub parlour as a permitted use on lands located at the northwest corner of Bayly Street and Salk Road (see Attachment #1). The subject property is designated "Employment Area - General Employment" within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood in the Pickering Official Plan. This designation permits the proposed use to be considered. The applicant's proposal conforms to the Pickering Official Plan and the Region of Durham Official Plan. o 8 Report PO 33-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: 1678445 Ontario Inc. (A 1/06) Page 3 2.1.2 ExistinQ site desiQn can accommodate the use The subject property is bounded by Bayly Street and Salk Road, and is surrounded by industrial and commercial uses. Unobstructed views of the site from public streets are provided, which allows the site to be visually monitored, addressing safety concerns. The proposed location is within the boundary defined by Municipal By-law 6649/06 (Body-Rub Parlour By-law) as an area where a body-rub parlour use may be considered. The operation of a body-rub parlour will be regulated in accordance with the requirements of the Body-Rub Parlour By-law. The bungalow-style building on the subject property was renovated in 1998 for office use as the Toronto Fire Department Employees Credit Union Ltd., which was designed to be single-tenanted on a self-contained lot (see Attachment #2). The subject property is 0.16 hectares in size with wide yards providing significant buffers from surrounding lands. The applicant proposes to convert the interior space (approximately 103 square metres in gross floor area) to accommodate a body-rub parlour with four rooms, a lobby, a washroom, an office and a staff room (see Attachment #3). No exterior alteration is proposed. Currently, a total of nine parking spaces are provided on-site. The on-site parking supply is considered sufficient to accommodate the proposed use. If required, area is available to accommodate additional parking spaces. 2.1.3 Any exterior chanqes and siQnaqe will be reQulated Site functioning matters, such as exterior lighting, landscaping, parking, and signs will be controlled through site plan review process. Any signage proposed on-site will be subject to the requirements of the Municipal Sign By-law and Body-Rub Parlour By-law. 2.2 Zoning By-law Performance Standards 2.2.1 The proposed by-law will limit the qross leasable floor area The impact of the proposed use can be regulated through performance standards contained in the implementing zoning by-law. It is recommended that the by-law limit the number of body-rub parlours at this site to one, and limit the gross leasable floor area of the body-rub parlour use to a maximum of 110 square metres. This recommended maximum floor area restriction is similar to that of the other two approved body-rub parlours in Pickering (110 square metres and 130 square metres). These limitations will ensure that the proposed use will not increase the massing of the structure on the subject property. o 9 Report PO 33-06 Date: May 23,2006 Subject: 1678445 Ontario Inc. (A 1/06) Page 4 2.2.2 The existinq by-law will qovern all other zoninq requirements No further amendments to the current 'M1' zoning are proposed or required. The current by-law requirements will continue to apply to the property. Committee of Adjustment Decision PICA 74/96, which provides relief for the reduced front yard depth and parking stall size, will continue to apply to the subject property. 2.3 Municipal By-law 6649/06 - Body-Rub Parlours 2.3.1 The proposed body-rub parlour complies with the Municipal By-law On April 3, 2006, City Council passed Municipal By-law 6649/06, which provides requirements for the licensing and regulating of body-rub parlours within the City of Pickering. The by-law includes a provision that restricts the location in which body-rub parlours may operate (see Body-Rub Parlour Location Map, Attachment #7), subject to a zoning by-law amendment application being approved. The subject property is located within the defined area in the City. This by-law also restricts the maximum number of body-rub parlours in the City to three. Currently, there are two legally licenced body-rub parlours operating in Pickering (see Attachment #7). A proposed (third) body-rub parlour (Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/05) was refused by City Council on April 3, 2006, and that decision was subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OM B). An OMB hearing has not yet been scheduled. The applicant for this application is aware of the Municipal By-law restriction of three body-rub parlour licenses. 3.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the content of this report, has reviewed the draft zoning by-law, and concurs with the recommendations. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft By-law Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Site Plan 3. Applicant's Submitted Conceptual Floor Plan 4. Text of Information Report No. 04-06 5. Public Information Meeting Minutes 6. Comments from Pickering Municipal Law Enforcement Services 7. Body-Rub Parlour Location Map ü¡O Report PO 33-06 Date: May 23,2006 Subject: 1678445 Ontario Inc. (A 1/06) Page 5 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: -'1 I / Joyce Plann Neil Carrol , RPP Director, Planning & Development JY:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,,- ,1 DRAFT BY-LAW APPENDIX I TO REPORT PD 33-06 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 1/06 OIl 012 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, in South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. (A 01/06) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit an additional use being a Body-Rub Parlour, on the subject lands, being South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 2511, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 16 Storaqe & Liqht Manufacturinq Zone- "M1" of By-law 2511, is hereby amended by adding the following new Subsection 16.5.2 after Subsection 16.5.1: 16.5.2 - South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 (1630 - 1634 Bayly Street) (1) Definitions (a) "Body-Rub" includes the kneading, manipulating, rubbing, massaging, touching, or stimulating, by any means, of a person's body or part thereof but does not include medical or therapeutic treatment given by a person otherwise duly qualified, licenced or registered so to do under the laws of the Province of Ontario; (b) "Body-Rub Parlour" includes any premises or part thereof where a body-rub is performed, offered or solicited in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, but does not include any premises or part thereof where the body-rubs performed are for the purpose of medical or therapeutic treatment and are performed or offered by persons otherwise duly qualified, licenced or registered so to do under the laws of the Province of Ontario; -2- 013 (2) Provisions for a Body-Rub Parlour In addition to the provision of Subsection 16.1 hereof, a Body-Rub Parlour is permitted on lands known as South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 (1630 - 1634 Bayly Street), in the City of Pickering, provided that the following requirements are met: (a) No more than one body-rub parlour shall be permitted; (b) The gross leasable floor area of the body-rub parlour shall not exceed 110 square metres; 2. BY-LAW 2511 By-law 2511, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 2511, as amended. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of June, 2006. Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk J n 1 4 :>3::°'. V- ~~ (~ ~~40' ~J[ . '¡-\\G¡.-\\N 0 < cr 0 a:: 0 ~ I 0 Q;-Q - I cr cr 0 U PLUMMER STREET 0 ~ \ ~ 0 u >- 0 a:: I ~ CD ;0 -I 0 < >- V1 0 " o < o a:: BAYLY STREET BAYLY " ~ SUBJECT 0 PROPERTY 0 \ \ - ~ \ l ~ 0 U í/ 0 0 <{ ....-.< 0 cr 0 a::: ORANGEBROOK COURT 0 < '< 0 ~ >- a:: U I 0 a::: CD ( ~ w /~) \~ City of Pickering PROPERlY DESCRIPTION SOUTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 1 OWNER 1678445 ONTARIO LTD DATE FEB. 10, 2006 FILE No. A 01/06 SCALE 1 :5000 . Planning & Development Department DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY JY 1 o~o 50urc..: ~~ö;·~p~¿·=::~·~~. 1:~~;::,~,:t~II·~¡:~~~'·R.-:~~~:t·N':·~·I';~od,; ~ft S:,'::::." of .wrv.y. PN·4 ';, #_-"'~ I I; Pi.: .-_3.3,~Q (q INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 01/06 -1678445 ONTARIO LTD. ,~- ···--·~"'·-···-·-·-"-'T'~-~.l.~__.._. '"._--~ J --j , r . -- ... 7.3m 5.3m+ ..---. :=i ---\ ----i C I « :J 0 .~_. ' ~ ~ . -' -,- « -'--~I CIJ --- _. - :=J I J J\ .=J ->"--- /, .. f j _ASPHALT PARKING LO E r-.. Lri <0 "'5.7m" EXISTING COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ~-_. ,/ i1" / -'~ ==--. -. -- BAYLY STREET 015 , THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISIDN MAPPING AND DESIGN, FEBRUARY 10. 2006, úlß :3 #.........._,_ TO HF'GRT II pü33 ,- 0 ~ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLAN A 01/06 -1678445 ONTARIO LTD. ROOM 1 3.3m X 3.3m ROOM 2 2.7m X 3.3m ROOM 3 2.7m X 3.3 m. WASHROOM BAYLY STREET STAFF ROOM OFFICE LOBBY ROOM 4 3.0m X 3.3m o <C o n:: ~ ..J <C U) , THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, MARCH 2. 2006. ATTACHMENT' if TO REPORT # PO ~ ~ .- 0 t. 017 CiÚf ()~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-06 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 23, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/06 1678445 Ontario Ltd. 1630 - 1634 Bayly Street South Part of Lot 19, Concession 1 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is approximately 0.16 hectares in size, located at the northwest corner of Bayly Street and Salk Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the subject property currently supports an one-storey building (which was used as the former Fire Credit Union) and has an access from Salk Road to the rear parking area of the subject property (see Attachment #2 - Site Plan); - the subject land is surrounded by commercial and industrial uses. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to add body rub parlour as a permitted use; - this use is proposed to occupy the entire building with a total gross floor area of approximately 103 square metres; - the applicant has submitted a conceptual floor plan showing four treatment rooms, a lobby, a washroom, an office and a staff room (see Attachment #3- Conceptual Floor Plan); - the applicant proposes no exterior changes to the existing building. G18 Information Report No. 04-06 . -. /, r'pi' ':,....¡ # t.¡. . TO ht"ö'-"Ii...'I~: _..___ ., '. :) '::I. , i¡-¡' t PI'. '"~-'ti:'M_"_. u_ Page 2 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates this area as "Urban Areas - Employment Area," where development is intended to be predominately for employment purposes; - limited personal service uses are permitted under this designation; - the applicant's proposal appears to conform with this designation; 3.2 PickerinQ Official Plan the subject property is designated "General Employment" within the Brock Industrial Neighbourhood; - this designation allows for "limited personal service uses serving the area"; - Bayly Street is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham and is a Type A Arterial Road, which is the highest order arterial road designed to carry large volumes of traffic; - Salk Road is designated as a Local Road, which is to provide access to individual properties and carry local traffic; - the applicant's proposal conforms to the applicable Official Plan policies; 3.3 ZoninÇf By-law 2511 - the subject property is currently zoned "M1" - Yard Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone by Zoning By-law 2511, as amended; - M1 zoning allows certain types of commercial and industrial uses, but currently does not permit a body rub parlour; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to add the proposed use to the existing zoning; 3.4' Municipal By-law PertaininQ to Body Rub Parlour - on October 16, 2000, City Council passed Municipal By-law No. 5764/00, which provides requirements for the licensing and regulation of body rub parlours within the City of Pickering; - this by-law includes a provision defining the areas (see Attachment #4 - Schedule "B" to By-law 5764/00) where body rub parlours may be considered to operate, subject to a zoning by-law amendment application to permit the use; - a "Body Rub" includes the kneading, manipulating, rubbing, massaging, touching, or stimulating, by any means, of a person's body or part thereof but does not include medical or therapeutic treatment given by a person otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered so to do under the laws of the Province of Ontario; - the proposed use falls under the definition of a "Body Rub" and the subject property falls within the defined area where body rub parlours can be considered; Information Report No. 04-06 if 33 -QJ;) .. .<-- ''''''_'''-':'''''' Page 3 019 Pickering City Council is considering an amendment to By-law No. 5764/00 and a restriction of a maximum number of three body rub parlours is being proposed through this amendment. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to date; 4.2 AQencv Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, planning staff has identified the following matters for further review and consideration: · evaluate the compatibility of the proposed use within the surrounding uses; · assess the sufficiency of the current parking supply on-site; · determine whether or not floor-space limitations for the proposed use should be included in a zoning by-law; · confirm the status of the proposed amendment to By-law No. 5764/00 which is currently being considered by City Council; - this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. lJ ¡~ 0 Information Report No. 04-06 if 3 3- c.?,~*J Page 4 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; 6.3 Property Principal - this application was submitted by Christopher Trzcinski, on behalf of 1678445 Ontario Ltd. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Joyce Yeh Planner I Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review JY:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 021 if _,_'t_~_p ro :p ¡ Pl.' .3~~,,_, APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-06 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1 ) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1 ) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) none received to date 022 5 33 ~ç') b Excerpts from Minutes / Meeting Summary Statutory Public Information Meeting Council Chambers Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:00 pm. CUt¡ ()~ Attendees: Councillor Dickerson - Chair Councillor McLean - left 7:20 pm to attend Library Meeting Ross Pym, Principal Planner - Development Review Joyce Yeh, Planner I Birgit Wilson - Recording Secretary Also Attendeing: Samantha Keser, Barrister & Solicitor 2. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/06 1678445 ONTARIO LIMITED 1630 - 1634 BA YL Y STREET SOUTH PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 1 CITY OF PICKERING 1. Planner Comments Joyce Yeh, Planner I provided an overview of the property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in the Information Report # 04-06. She explained the definition of "Body Rub Parlour", as it pertains to the City of Pickering's By-law and Municipal Act as being any establishment that employs any person who "puts hands on the body" without the designation of "Registered Massage Therapist" . 2. Applicant Comments Samantha Keser, Barrister & Solicitor for the applicant, Mr. Christoper Trzinski, stated that her client is a university educated, married, well respected member of the community who seeks to establish a business for adults18 years and over. She further stated that as her client is fully aware of the public concerns for such a business, he has taken steps to ensure that the outside of the establishment is kept very conservative, Le.; no external changes, no external advertising, small external signage. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 5 33 - Ô b 023 Ms. Keser further voiced her client's concerns with the fact that he only recently found out that in the City of Pickering only three Body Rub Parlour licences will be issued. Ms. Keser explained that one of the applicant's statements that her establishment is for therapeutic purposes and her clients would include men, women and children is completely false and misleading. She will be appearing before the Executive Committee Meeting of March 27, 2006 to voice these concerns. 3. Comments from Members of the Public No comments from members of the public. 4 Comments from the Chair Councillor Dickerson thanked Ms. Kesler for the comments and stated that as long as her client is proposing to open a legal business, the City of Pickering will give serious consideration to the application. He further stated that not every application is accepted and advised Ross Pym and Joyce Yeh that if the applicant of January 19, 2006 is misrepresenting her business, the application should be re-evaluated. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 024 I ',: il Î/ TC h'; ;,,:,,1 t PI.: ~D· (Ì_~~ CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CLERKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM May 10,2006 To: Joyce Yeh Planner I From: Kim Thompson Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Subject: Application for Rezoning - Body Rub Parlour, 1630 Bayly Street - File: B-2400 Further to the application for a rezoning for the purposes of a body-rub parlour for property municipally known as 1630-1634 Bayly Street, please be advised that the subject property is located within the boundary as established for body rub parlours within By-law 6649/06. The by-law provides for three licences to be issued within the defined area, and to date, two licences have been issued. If approved, the applicant would have to apply to the Clerk's Division for the requisite licence. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to advise. BW/kt .v 'L I L J 11-------- ",,'1I111111I1I1111I1I1I1ï ~ " J...--: ~~"" ----- \- ilJ..-- .. "~"~I' ~ llr) :::;;. ,,,,," ~~ I))~~~ ~ l ~_~~~~ 0. ~" ~ J ~ f7; ~ - ~I¿"--~ ,,- vv '--- .,.,--J o1/b6· - ¡ - ::> .1~ 8- 50 tan L~J 1 _r.-I F h ct Pr, ~" L.J: -As: If I 1 ~ i . - b'nf - .. '-(- æ - = - - §p RJ ~~.;\ æ BY. ~ ~ ~f/õ5" æ 1 App ved Ji- I~ I a Llm-- ª I ~, _PICKERIN ANGELS I I Expansron 'roposed r _ ~ Refj sedl "Cou,. .;; / § ~ I 1-: . ! - - - - IHilI - 11( ~ 'I § ;::::;;- irl = V = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION VARIES OWNER N/A FILE No. A 01/06 .- .1l1Im ~ 11/1 II ATTACHMENT' 7 TO HEt'ORl # PO :3 ~. () b 025 - - \n 1\ -'\ JJ '\ -, ..... -, - .... 'I~ I --..L. " a I I J - ....... i I ~ ~ ~ ?II ~ I-- II? ~ ~ ~ STOC~rts . 1___ jJ - AP& ~ I "5 I [ f ',,, I PARLO ms MAYBEC E D i TO OPE I ATE PENDING A~I AME ,DMENT APPLlCA N + " ----------------~-------- ----------------,,-------- :: III ::::¡ I: ::J II ~ E Planning & Development Department - - '--- I-- I-- I --.,.. I - - I s DATE: l' DRAWN BY SCALE: N.T.S CHECKED BY JV éï!ö ---SOurc..: ~õ"~;.~pE¡J.~:~.~~. '~p.::.~.~t~,t~¡:~~~,.·Re~,.;~ø~t·N~·_:r;~:,; :~'S~,.:,I:.n of .uI""'.y. PN-4 Ü 2 ftiúl ()~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 34-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/05 Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of Christine Ward 3325 Highway 7, Hamlet of Kinsale (North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/05, submitted by Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of Christine Ward, to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with associated retailing, on lands being North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, City of Pickering, be APPROVED as a temporary use for a period of three years, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PO 34-06. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to amend the current zoning on the northern portion of the subject property to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with associated retailing. The property is located on the south side of Highway 7, east of Audley Road, and is partially within the Hamlet of Kinsale (see Location Map, Attachment #1 ). The dog daycare and boarding facility is a non-crating facility in which the dogs will be free to play outdoors during the day within a fenced exercise area in the rear yard, and all dogs will be boarded overnight within an accessory structure (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan). The business owner will reside within the existing dwelling on the property and intends to convert the attached garage to accommodate a retail use accessory to the dog daycare and boarding facility use. It is recommended that the use be permitted on a temporary basis through a temporary use by-law in order to monitor the operation and fully assess any potential impacts the use may have on surrounding properties. Prior to an implementing temporary use zoning by-law being forwarded to Council for consideration, further studies are required to address noise attenuation measures and the structural integrity of the existing accessory structure on-site. Further, the applicant will be required to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City. Should the use demonstrate its ability to operate over the three year time period without disruption to the community, permanent zoning could then be considered by Council. It is recommended that this application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I. Report PO 34-06 Date: May 23,20(($27 Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 2 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the August 4,2005, Public Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 and #5) A shop owner in Kinsale advised that this is a much needed facility. The future owner of the abutting property to the west (3315 Highway 7) expressed concern regarding the possible noise from the dogs, and also requested that consideration be given to moving the outdoor exercise area to the east side of the existing accessory structure. 1.2 Following the Public Meeting A property owner south of the subject property (3505 Audley Road) provided written comments requesting further information regarding the application (see Attachment #6) (Additional information was provided by staff as requested). 1.3 Agency Comments Durham Region Planning Department . no objection; . the northern portion of the property is designated "Hamlet" and the southern portion is designated "Major Open Space" in the Durham Regional Official Plan; · the proposed uses may be permitted on the northern portion of the subject property within the "Hamlet" designation (see Attachment #7). . no objection; . Ministry permits are required for any new buildings or structures within 46 metres of Highway 7, and for all signs visible to the highway; · a minimum 14 metre setback is required from the Ministry's property limit to any new buildings and/or structures. Ministry of Transportation Ü 2 ~eport PD 34-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 3 Ministry of Transportation (continued) · no driveway aisles, building amenity or operational arrangement vital to the viability of the proposal is permitted within the 14 metre setback; · any parking within the 14 metre setback must be surplus to the site requirements and so noted on a Site Plan (see Attachment #8). Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority . no objection; · the proposal is located outside of the flood plain associated with the tributary of Lynde Creek which crosses the southern portion of the property (see Attachment #9). 1.4 City Departments Municipal By-law (Verbal) Fire Services · the proposed use may be considered a Kennel under the City's Pet Shops and Kennels By-law (6299/04) provided the owners of the dogs agree to the non-crating of their pets; · improvements to the existing accessory structure may be required to meet the requirements of the municipal by-law. · review from a professional architect/engineer, or both, to address a change of use under the requirements/provisions of the Ontario Building Code may be required; · a complete electrical and HV AC inspection will be required; · the services of a structural engineer must be obtained to ensure that the existing accessory structure is structurally sound prior to occupancy (see Attachment #10). Report PO 34-06 Date: May 23, 2006 029 Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 4 2.0 Discussion Location and Zoninq Lakeland Associates on behalf of Christine Ward, proposes to amend the existing zoning by-law to permit the establishment of a dog daycare and boarding facility with an accessory retail use on the property known as 3325 Highway 7. The property is located on the south side of Highway 7, east of Audley Road and is approximately 4.0 hectares in size (see Location Map, Attachment # 1). The property supports an existing detached dwelling and accessory structure, and is currently dual zoned "CLR8" - Cluster Residential Zone on the northern portion, as amended by By-law 2623/87, and "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone on the remaining southern portion, as zoned by By-law 3037. The applicant proposes to amend the "CLR8" zoning on the northern portion of the property (approximately 0.64 hectares), as this portion of the property is contained within the boundary of the Hamlet of Kinsale. The zoning on the remaining southern portion of the property will not be amended as part of this application as this portion is not contained within the Hamlet boundary, is traversed by a tributary of the Lynde Creek, and is within the Greenbelt Plan (see Official Plan and By-law 3037 Information, Attachment #3). The property is surrounded by existing residential and agricultural uses. 2.1 The proposed use complies with the rural settlement policies of the City's Official Plan. The northern portion of the subject property is designated Rural Settlements - Rural Hamlets and Hamlet Residential within the Kinsale Settlement Area. The policies for the Kinsale Settlement Area encourage opportunities for enhancing Kinsale through general or site-specific zoning that permits arts and craft studios, workshops and small-scale commercial enterprises, provided the historic character of the village and the interests of the neighbouring residents are respected. The policies of the Pickering Official Plan also encourage a vibrant rural economy with a wide range of rural uses and activities. The introduction of a dog daycare and boarding facility on the northern portion of the subject property is considered an appropriate use of land and meets the objectives of the Pickering Official Plan for the rural area. 2.2 The proposed use is a non-crating facility which will provide for the daytime care and overnight boarding of dogs. The proposed dog daycare and boarding facility is currently operating within Whitby on lands leased from the Central Lake Ontario Conversation Authority (CLOCA), and is known as 'Corinna the Doggie Minder'. As the lease with CLOCA is expiring, the owner is interested in relocating the business to Pickering. Based on the experience of the existing operation, the business owner submitted a Business Operations Plan outlining the proposed operation of the facility once it is relocated to the subject property. (j 3 0 Report PO 34-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 5 The proposed facility will provide for the daytime care of dogs in which a dog may be dropped off and picked up by their owner within the same day, and will also provide for the regular boarding of dogs in which the dogs may stay for an extended period of time and are housed on-site. The facility has set hours of operation in which the dogs can only be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the evening. All dogs are assessed prior to the initial stay to ensure that the dog is social, friendly and well behaved. The proposed boarding facility is different from a kennel in that it is a non-crating facility. The dogs will be free to play outdoors during the day within a fenced exercise area or within the accessory structure on-site. All dogs will be housed within the accessory structure at night until morning. The owner of the business has indicated that the noise generated from the dogs is typically minimal as the dogs are kept busy and well exercised throughout the day and are never isolated or crated. In addition to the dog daycare and boarding facility, the business owner intends to convert the existing attached garage to accommodate an accessory retail use. Typically, the proposed retailing component would include the sale of pet toys, photos of the dogs, collectibles and other souvenirs related to the dog daycare and boarding business. 2.3 Prior to an implementing by-law being forwarded to Council, further studies are required to address noise attenuation measures and the structural integrity of the existing accessory structure. Although minimal noise is anticipated from this use as it is a non-crating facility, further investigation is required to determine what, if any, noise attenuation measures may be required to ensure any possible noise generated by the dogs at night will not effect surrounding properties. An acoustical report from a qualified engineer will be required to be prepared and submitted for approval. The required noise report must demonstrate what measures will be taken to ensure the existing accessory structure, or any future structures in which the dogs are to be housed, will appropriately attenuate noise generated from the operation of the facility. Depending on the complexity or the recommendations of the acoustical report, the City may require a peer review of the report at the cost of the applicant. The applicant will be required to enter into an appropriate Site Plan Agreement with the City through which the recommendations of the noise report will be implemented. In addition, if the owner o(the business intends to use the existing accessory structure on-site for the boarding of the dogs, a report from a structural engineer will be required to ensure that the existing building is structurally sound and does not pose a risk to the dogs. Any requirements or recommendations proposed through the report will also be implemented through the Site Plan Agreement registered on title. Report PO 34-06 Date: May 23,2006 031' Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 6 The applicant has expressed a desire to have Council's endorsement of the proposed use prior to additional monies being spent on the required reports and site plan application. As such, an implementing by-law has not been prepared at this time and will be forwarded to Council when the required conditions outlined in Appendix I to this report are fulfilled. 2.4 A temporary use by-law is considered an appropriate method to monitor the proposed use for a period of three years, and the functioning of the site will be addressed through the site plan process. As this is the first facility of this nature within Pickering and considering the location of the facility within the Hamlet of Kinsale, is it recommended that a temporary use by-law be established in order to monitor the operation and assess any unknown impacts on surrounding lands. A three year by-law term (maximum term for a temporary use under the Planning Act) is recommended. At the end of the term, Council may consider an application to extend the use for a further temporary period up to three years, or may consider an application to zone the lands for this purpose on a permanent basis. The temporary use by-law established for the dog daycare and boarding facility and accessory retail uses shall include provisions which limit the number of dogs permitted on-site at anyone time to a maximum of 30, establish a maximum gross floor area of 50 square metres for an accessory retail use, and establish appropriate parking requirements. In addition, a minimum 10 metre setback for the outdoor exercise area from the abutting properties will be established in order to address the concerns raised by the abutting property owner to the west. The functioning of the site, specifically the requirements of the Ministry of Transportation, parking, signage and the appropriate location of an outdoor exercise area will be further reviewed and addressed through the site plan process. The recommended zoning provisions and requirements to be contained within any implementing temporary use by-law are outlined in Appendix I to this report. 3.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the content of this report and agrees to the temporary use zoning for a three year period. 032 Report PO 34-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Lakeland Associates Ltd. on behalf of C. Ward (A 17/05) Page 7 Appendix: Appendix I: Proposed Conditions of Approval Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Site Plan 3. Information complied from the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3037 4. Text of Information Report 5. Minutes from Statutory Public Meeting 6. Public Comments - M. Chen 7. Region of Durham Planning Department Comments 8. Ministry of Transportation Comments 9. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Comments 10. Fire Services Comments Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: /1 _(~(JAk Carla Pierini Planner II &. , (. A ~ ..#'L( a~~. Lynda TaytlSr, MCIP, R. Manager, Development Review CP:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council \\. ,/ o( ......._----_.~.."'--- 033 APPENDIX I TO REPORT PD 34-06 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/05 1. That prior to an implementing zoning by-law being forwarded to Council for consideration, the following conditions must be fulfilled to the satisfaction of the City's Director, Planning & Development: (a) That the owner/applicant submit for review and approval, an acoustical report prepared by a qualified engineer for any structures to be used for the housing or boarding of the dogs associated with the dog daycare and boarding facility; (b) That the owner/applicant submit for review and approval, a report prepared by a structural engineer confirming the existing accessory structure to be used as part of the dog daycare and boarding facility is structurally sound; (c) That the owner/applicant enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City, and that any recommendations, abatement measures or requirements resulting from the required acoustical and structural assessment reports be implemented and adhered to through the Site Plan Agreement. 2. That the implementing temporary use zoning by-law: (a) amend Zoning By-law 2623/87 to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility and an accessory retail store in addition to the existing uses currently permitted under the "CLR8" zone for a period of three years for the property known as 3325 Highway 7 (North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5); (b) include the following definitions: "DoQ Daycare and Boardinq Facility" - shall mean a facility in which the daytime care of dogs is provided and shall include the overnight boarding of dogs in a non-crating environment, but shall not include the breeding or sale of dogs, or a veterinary clinic. "Retail Store" - shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are stored, kept and offered for retail sale to the public. (!34 (c) include, but not be limited to, the following performance standards and requirements: i) the maximum number of dogs permitted at anyone time shall be 30; ii) the dog daycare and boarding facility use shall be permitted to operate within an accessory structure; iii) an outdoor exercise area shall be provided in the rear yard and shall be set back a minimum of 10 metres from all property lines; iv) a maximum of one retail store shall be permitted for the sale of products ancillary to a dog daycare and boarding facility use; v) the maximum gross floor area of a retail store shall not exceed 50 square metres; vi) the ancillary retail store shall not be permitted within an accessory structure. t,""'l.'·,cr;;,ŒH #. r TO í;::;UHI ir PC 3t-j- 00 G3:1 ) 't l \ 0 It <C 0 r-. 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V. . . _~ .-.; INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED SITE PLAN A 17/05 HIGHWAY 7 k":'" , aO.Om .~; . ~ ~ sF'-- \~et f:ti· ~i'<~ - ~ f"" '~ ',., ._., ~~0J~~~ :~~V . . I' ,- I "~l· ..., ... .~~-~;\J:, .JI . . !¿.. ""..., \ ::.,-':/ If'.. '. .. i ..'!.. . ~~" f.·r~. . =rf1 -----" !®\;~ r:ì (.'1 j~ . ~ " ~~~':.. ~ ::'J ~ ~!~: ~ '\i: io.....'·, ._~ i 1 , . ...-' '.- j (t '~.' ,) C~d f \, 'I' -1 '1 -----...' ..~( , .\ ~. ~~ ,"; ':'),1 (~.. . 1 ,. \.~ ~"'. ..,>~. ;:' ",;;.1 E j ~ -- '.,_.... -: ~\ "1 i.."'-"""'. g ! .... J I -.'"$l \~;' ~.../ ,. â I EXISTING ii'" ~. '~»..' t co I DWELLING i. <~. '~~.;~'.' :~) (:~ "'L, , '..~-. ~;ì~r '.:..: i (1) .... "1 fl.. . '~', (~., .,(~ .''"'è'" (.....J _. J ~~9l ~1. :.:.J '<' .f r I~ %~ - ~ r-" ... . . ~ ~. ,. U (~1 I"J" ,.0.", (:y. c:~ ð r) 0 r--- .-¡ ·f, " ....J~..-:'~.;;:,.; \iJl f '¡o r 0 PROPOSED (! I ~ r ~ OUTDOOR - . EXISTING I· ~ FUTURE ¡ o. 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OPEN SrACEsmt'EM BY.(AW JQ37 BAML£1'DUlCNlt.110NS III ~TUAAL AREAS m ·CLRe-CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL' f2.2} HAMLET R£SICENTIAL ?~DESJGNA11ONS æ 'RU~AL AORICl.lt.TURt:' E::J ~:~~R~~Cy1.TE'" . ACRICULTURAL AREAS ;-',' ~ HAMLET COMMtAC'At. ..~ RURAL STUD"" AREAS ~,.~t.f"þ""" In~ _~ncf tta .uPDße.... All rt.hte R_I'V!"f. Not ~_ ",..... or .".....".. 2005 ..~AC and ø.. JU_II.,., All rtcil"t1a ~. Not 0 DkI" of Su..-. - -- NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS _ (PROPOSED) l) SI"ECIAI. INTEREST $rTE' l' DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY CP SCALE NTS PN-RUR ,iJ , "g¡ -Ó.é; , 3 'J Co. () CUlf ()~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 4, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/05 Lakeland Associates Limited 3325 Highway No.7, Kinsale (North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5) 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the south side of Highway No. 7 east of Audley Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject property has an area of approximately 4.0 hectares, a lot frontage of 80 metres, and currently supports a detached dwelling and accessory structure; - the surrounding land uses include residential to the east and west, and agricultural to the north and south; - a tributary of Lynde Creek traverses the southwestern portion of the subject property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with associated specialty retailing as additional uses; - the existing residential dwelling on the lot is to be maintained, and the applicant is proposing to accommodate the specialty retailing use within a portion of the dwelling; - the existing barn located on the property is to be maintained and used as part of the dog daycare and boarding facility, with the potential to re-construct a new structure in the future; Information Report No. 19-05 "L/ í-" 3if -Ph Page 2 039 - a site plan showing the existing buildings on the property and the applicant's proposal is provided for reference (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). - the proposed dog daycare and boarding facility and speciality retailing are proposed only on the portion of the subject property that is contained with the boundary of the Hamlet of Kinsale (see Attachment #3); 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan - identifies the subject property as being designated "Rural Settlements - Hamlet" and "Major Open Space System"; - Rural Settlement areas permit the establishment of commercial, residential, community and recreational uses; - the predominant use of lands in the Major - Open Space System shall be conservation, recreation, reforestation, agriculture and farm-related uses; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 PickerinQ Official Plan - identifies the northern portion of the subject property as being designated "Rural Settlements - Rural Hamlets" and "Hamlet Residential" within the Kinsale Settlement Area; - the portion of the property not contained within the boundary of the Kinsale Settlement Area is designated as "Open Space System - Natural Areas"; Rural Hamlet areas permit a variety of uses including residential, employment, commercial, community, cultural and recreational uses; - the Kinsale Settlement policies encourage opportunities for enhancing Kinsale through general or site-specific zoning that permits arts and craft studios, workshops and small-scale commercial enterprises on suitable sites, provided the historic character of the village and the interests of neighbouring residents are respected; - Schedule II to the Pickering Official Plan - "Transportation System" identifies the proposed future by-pass of a Type 'A' Arterial Road (Highway No.7) through the southern portion of the property; - Schedule III to the Pickering Official Plan - "Resource Management" identifies the south-western portion of the subject property as being within a Shoreline and Stream Corridor area; (:40 ~ Information Report No. 19-05 if...~~., 'i,,,..,.,,,, PD...,,,,.,,,3':!:,:.r:b.. Page 3 3.3 ZoninQ By-law 3037 _ the subject property is dual zoned "CLR8" - Cluster Residential Zone on the northern portion of the property, as amended by By-law 2623/87, and "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone on the remaining portion, as zoned by Zoning By-law 3037 (see Attachment #3); _ the "CLR8" zoning currently permits a detached residential dwelling, while the "A" zoning permits agricultural uses and a residential detached dwelling; _ a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the proposed additional uses on the portion of the property currently designated "CLR8". 4.0 GREENBELT PLAN _ the southern portion of the subject property is designated "Protected Countryside - Natural System" within the Greenbelt Plan; _ as the proposed application does not apply to the portion of the subject property within the Greenbelt Plan, the proposal complies with the Plan. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments _ one resident comment has been received to date requesting additional information; 5.2 Aaency Comments - Veridian Connections - no objections; 5.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, surrounding lands; · environmental impacts of possible pesticide use on the subject property; · conformity with the Kinsale Settlement Area policies of the Official Plan; · functioning of the site with regards to parking and ingress/egress from Highway No.7; · noise impacts on the surrounding properties; · ensuring that changes of use for existing buildings meet all necessary fire protection, health standards and building codes; · compliance with the Provincial Policy Statement. Information Report No. 19-05 ,!J;~'~¡-;~Vi;~!,\¡'':' ':';f~ _. .'1"_ ·;·:n¡:r:. 'i .:{i._....3.':i:ç¿f? Page 4 C41 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the application at the time of writing the report; 7.2 Information Received - a copy of the applicant's submitted plan is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Carla Pierini Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review CP:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development (;42 .~~~.~~~, TC' .....;ll:?l2....,. ....,..., APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-05 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) Mike Chen COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Veridian Connections COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department (2) Fire Services ¡f~TO f Dn 3'1 -Œ)" "'/.00'..-.... .,1_ (:4':) ,-,I II·) Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act Minutes Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (II) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/05 LAKELAND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 3325 HIGHWAY NO.7, KINSALE ¡NORTH PART OF LOT 2. CONCESSION 5) 1. Carla Pierini, Planner II, provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #17/05. 2. Les Jagoda, Planning Agent for Lakeland Associates Limited, was present and noted the following comments: · the existing driveway will be cleaned up and used as the entrance and exit from the site · the garage and breezeway will be renovated for a boutique and a welcome centre . . the existing barn is to be maintained and renovated to include noise attenuation, wall repair and insulation with the potential of constructing a new structure in the future · a fenced in area will be constructed for the dogs to run leash free · the owner/operator lives on site · this application conforms with most of the Regional and City policies · zoning precedent has been set with the GM Dealership and the zoning on the adjacent property allowing for a hotel · neighbours have been approached to hear and address their concerns · the Region has been consulted with respect to waste management · the kennel and boutique are compatible with the present zoning which is agricultural and commercial · this application will not cause traffic congestion as seen at the Royal Woods property · consideration will be given to a landscape buffer for the neighbours - 1 - Ü4t! CUlJ (!~ iI·~ì i\n.¡¡1,¡'r.:'NI".' i/. .5 -rO' ~.... "ht.;ì I'" L. ; rr 1 RE?OR'í Ii PD- 34 "Db Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act Minutes Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:00 P.M. 3. Chris Ward, Business Manager, advised that this is a facility where dogs can run loose and not be crated unless requested by their owners. Dogs will socialize with other dogs, which makes for a happier, healthier animal. An orientation period occurs prior to the dog staying at this facility where the dog meets other dogs to see it's comfort level. 4. Jeff Lalonde, shop owner in Kinsale, advised that this is a much-needed facility. It provides dog owners with a comfort level knowing their dog is well cared for and makes for a happier dog. 5. Rakesh Gupta, advised that he is purchasing property abutting the west side of the property in question and is concerned with the possible noise. He requested that consideration be given to moving the fenced in area to the east of the barn rather than the west. -2- ¡5,TT4CHMPJT # ~ .,....., ',"'" p -"I~ --,36'~'"t<':"~:::'·";):· ";'·':·';.~r-t,.f )"'., I .. c.....c:J ... . . , . ..y ··'~.",'C~'·'·· ','.. . ,"'''''''"'''''''_''',_ "_'._,""_' _ 045 From: Sent: Mike Chen Friday, July 22,200512:35 PM Subject: Notice of Public Meeting - Zoning By-law Amend. App - A17/05 Dear Ms. Bentlely, On Monday July 18, 2005, I received the notice of the public meeting to be held on Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A17/05. I'm writing to request: 1. Information Report available from the Clerk's Office 2. To receive notice of future mseeting on this matter 3. Notification of the Passing of this Requested Change of Zoning by-law If the Information Report can be emailed to me that would be preferred. Thank you. I am considering appealing this decision. However, I am reserving my comments until I receive the information report and research the matter further. Sincerely, Mike Chen Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs 1 ·4'"'" t~- .) The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L.Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning .-' j\"1"'I"ACH rv~EnJT <11 7·,,1', ,.,-~~: _ ..')i, 1f....,.~,$;I,¡, ,~.....,~1."ii ,; Ç>D,3fI--.qþ August 18,2005 Carla Pierini, Planner II Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplande Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Ms. Pierini: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A17/05 Applicant: Les Jagoda, Lakehead Associates Ltd. Owner: Christine Ward . Location: 3325 Highway No. 7 South side of Highway No. .7; east of Audley Road Municipality: City of Pickering Thisapplicationhas been reviewed and the following comments are offered. The purpose of this application is to amend the "CLR8" zonjng designation , on the northern portion thesubject property to permIt adog daycare and boarding facility with associated specialty retailing as an additional use. Reaional Official Plan The northern portion of the subject property is designated as "Hamlet" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Hamlets should be developed in harmony with surrounding uses and may consist of commercial uses that meet the immediate needs of the residents of the hamlets and surrounding rural area. . The southern portion of the subject property is designated "Major Open Space" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The predominant uses of lands in the, Major Open Space System are conservation, recreation, reforestati6nand agricultuie and faiiii-ielated uses. The proposed uses maybe permitted on the northern portion of the subject property within the Hamlet designation. ReQional Services The subject property is presently serviced by a private well and private waste disposal. The Regional Health Department indicated no concerns with servicing. N:\pimldclZoninglCommentslPickeringlA 17 ·OS.doc @ 100% Post Consumer 4 7 ,; "~'"32i:Q6 ' 047 Provincial Policies and Deleç¡ated Review Responsibilities This application has bèen screened in accordance with the terms Ç>f the provincial plan review responsibilities'. The subject property is adjacent to Provincial Highway NO.7. Comments regarding site access should be obtained from the Ministry of Transportation; There are no other matters of , provincial interest applicable to this application. If you have é¡iny questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Qmønw1 . . ' ..... Dwayne Campbell, Planner, Current Operations Branch Cc: Pete Castellan" Regional Works Dep.artment , Gregg Law, Regional Health Department N:lpimldc\ZoningICommenlsIPickeringlA 17 -OS.doc U4R ,n "¡'¡""I\!¡'Ei~'i 4l 8 TO ð;"'; ;....'hnIV ~,~ 1f,__..,~ ';iEPORl' # PD__~:.o0 1"7_,,1 Ministry 0/' Tranqlllrtation Ministl!rl! deft Tn n~ lnrts ® Ontario Pnone: (416) 23S~4572 Fax: (416) 235-4267 E-mail: hugh.fyffe@mto.gov.on.ca R· r"C' ~~·V/ CD , C ,¿;¡r,;~ 'II- ') ,,,, ?O'')\- ¡'l'" . ! I Ii'"' J)L.. 1_; r_,~,1 Corridor ManagmIent Section -th -1 :s 'ld' "D " I .i:'.,oo.t" Ul" mg . 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M lI8 CITY OF P1CKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT July 26, 2005 Ms. Debi A. Bentley, CTO, CMM 111 City Clerk City of Pickering 1 The Espl~ade Pickering, Ontario, LIV 6K7 ,Re: Notice of Public: Meeting - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application -. A17/0S 3325 Highway 7 Dear Ms. Berltley: We have reviewed the above proposal and have no objection in principle, subject to the following comments. Prior to any construction being undertaken, ministry permits are required for any new building or structure within 46m of the Highway 7 property line or within a 180m radius of one ofit's intersections. Ministry permits are also røquired for all si;p:ls visible to the highway This Min.ì.str.y will require a miDinlum 14m setback trom. the ministry's property limit, to any new buildings/structures above and beJow ground. Further, no driveway (ajsle), building amenity (e.g. loading dock) or operational arrangeme.nt vital to the viability of this proposal should be located within the 14m. setback. In addition, any parking within the 14m setback must be surplus to the site requirements and so noted on an eventual the Site Plan. Further information on our permit requirements is available ftom our office by contacting Mr. Bryan Porter, Pennits Officer, at (416-235-5559). ce. Hugh Fe. Corridor Management ~ . . ,.:. ... tiK'S DIVISION FILE NO.: R /7 / ().!::J FORWARD COpy TO: MAYOR INFO. SYSTEMS COUNCIL LEGAL SERVICES CAO LIBRARY BY-LAW MUN. PROP. & ENG. V CORP. SERVICES OPERATIONS ". CULTURE & REC. PLANNING a DE\f. V CUST. CARE PROJ.& POL. ECON. DEVEL. SUPPLY & SERVo FIRE HUMAN RES. Ii' c..~.,,:".,+.,,"'=..:. C iIJf', , -;;(,¡ -c..J:^; .41 ~.L¡ ......,.....,_·....J"':::l::....~,...~~"·"..,.,,,·,.,· 04H Central Lake Ontario Conservation 100 Whiting Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 3T3 Tel: (905) 579-0411 Fax: (905) 579-0994 Member of Conservation Ontario fõ1~ ~ ~ 0 \\# [Erñì lfù AUG 0 5 Z005 li)) Web: www.cloca.com Email: mail@c/oca.com August 2, 2005 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO .~ E- "" C'Q i~' ~ \' f' 1iF'" [''''''' h:: ! .t1i¡:! M "/ fC:: ~ The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department One the Esplanade Pickering, ON Ll V 5K7 Ú,UG !~ 7nn¡~ ,) !.. \I \J..J CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attention: Carla Pierini Dear Madam: Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A-17/05 Christine WardlLakeland Associates Ltd. 3325 Highway No.7 Part Lot 02, Concession 05 City of Pickering Authority File No.: Al7/05, CLOCA IMS No.: PZOG1474 Purpose of Application: To amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with associated specialty retailing as additional uses. Authority staff has reviewed the subject application, and while the property is crossed by a tributary of Lynde Creek with it's associated flood plain (see attached airphoto), the proposed use is shown as being situated closer to Highway 7 and well removed from the hazard lands. Therefore we have no objections to the application. Thank you for the opportunity to comment in this matter. Mat we do on the land is mirrored in the water @ 16 34 -9þ 051 Fire Department comments Dated: Cß.ç~J{eatli Pi"e (jJrevention Office" œicÆgring Pi"e Services Understanding the applicant may want to change the existing single family residential dwelling and existing barn into a dog daycare, boarding facility and associated speciality retailing area, it may facilitate a review from a professional architect/engineer or both to address a "change of use" under the requirements/provisions of the Ontario Building Code. Electrical Inspections; Given the age of the building, the Pickering Fire Service requests that a complete inspection be conducted on the main electrical panel and wiring detail of the structures on the property. Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning systems; As above, the Pickering Fire Service requests that the services of a qualified contractor be obtained to conduct a. complete inspection on the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems to ensure they are working as not to create a hazard for the occupants of the buildings. Obtain the services of a structural engineer to ensure that the outbuilding/barn is structurally sound prior to occupancy. April 3, 2006 ,.. r.:: ..¡ LJJ{~C ill¡ ()~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 23-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Traffic concerns - Rougemount Drive (south of Toynevale Road) File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 23-06 regarding traffic operational concerns on Rougemount Drive be received; and 2. That All-Way Stop Controls not be installed at the intersection of Rougemount Drive at Pine Ridge Drive: and 3. That staff be directed to initiate the traffic operational improvements as identified in this report. Executive Summary: As a result of a recent motor vehicle collision, City staff were asked to investigate traffic operations on Rougemount Drive (south of Toynvale Road) and determine if All-Way Stop controls could be installed at the intersection of Rougemount Drive and Pine Ridge Road to curb vehicular speeding. Having completed the review, staff determined that municipal warrants for All-Way Stop Controls are not met and their consequent use would contravene the City's "Safer Street Traffic Management Strategy" as adopted by Council. As the review also identified several potential roadway improvements, staff recommend that All-Way Stop controls not be installed but that the City proceed with the various roadway driver guidance initiatives as identified in this report. Financial Implications: The cost for the acquisition and installation of the proposed driver guidance improvements is estimated at $2500. The cost of All-Way stop controls and associated advance warning signs would be an additional $400.00. The cost of all works can be accommodated within the 2006 Roads Current Budget. 053 Report OES 23-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Traffic concerns Rougemount Drive (south of Toynevale Road) Page 2 Background: Recently, as a result of a dramatic late night motor vehicle collision on Rougemount Drive (south of Pine Ridge Drive) staff were asked by area residents and Ward 1 Councillors to initiate a review of the traffic controls along Rougemount Drive and determine if All-Way Stop controls were justified at the intersection of Rougemount Drive at Pine Ridge Drive. The residents alleged that numerous vehicular accidents were occurring on an ongoing basis due to vehicular speeding and felt that something should be done to address the problem. Having completed the review, the following results were obtained: Rougemount Drive Pine Ridge Drive Classification: Daily Volume: Peak Hr. Volume (time): 85%-ile Speed: Legal Posted Speed: Collector 1450 vehicles 86 vehicles (5-6pm) 56.8 km/hr 40 km/hr Local 116 vehicles 14 vehicles(10-11 am) N/A 40 km/hr Collision records show that typically one reported collision per year occurs along Rougemount Drive and that no specific location is consistently identified as being problematic. However, residents claim that several unreported loss of control incidents occur each year in the vicinity of the bends due to speeding. In 2003, Council adopted the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy to address roadway operational concerns such as those from the Rougemount Drive community. Adopting municipal criteria, the document lowered the threshold requirements for AII- Way Stop controls from the Provincial warrants previously used by staff. It also established various programs to address speeding (typically the most common complaint). Consequently, due to Council's continued endorsement of the Strategy principals, the City has maintained a halt on the number of unwarranted All-Way Stop controls. The All-Way Stop Justification study results indicate: · that there is insufficient vehicular volumes along both Pine Ridge Drive and Rougemount Drive to warrant a stop · that stopping sight distances are sufficient · and that there is less than 3 reportable right angle collisions per year therefore municipal warrants for All-Way Stop Controls along Rougemount Drive are not met. Should All-Way Stop controls be installed at that intersection, staff caution that a majority of drivers would likely be noncompliant given the isolated nature of the area; they are local residents familiar with the area; and the likelihood of not encountering opposing traffic (at the intersection) dictating a need to stop. CORP0227-07/01 revised 054 Report OES 23-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Traffic concerns Rougemount Drive (south of Toynevale Road) Page 3 However, having completed the on site review, staff have identified several deficiencies and recommend the following improvements: · revisions to the Curve Ahead warning signs · addition of Cautionary advisory speed limit signs prior to the bends · installation of additional Chevrons to meet OTM guidelines · relocation of the Regulatory Speed limit signs (away from the bends) · renewal of edgeline paint to provide driver guidance Attached is a sketch which identifies both the existing area controls and the changes proposed. Attachments: 1. Proposed improvements sketch MP:nw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City .Cou cil ,. ,-.I CORP0227-07/01 revised C /~.- , -~/Æ / EveretiBüntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services ,1 o( I REPORT "# ðGS ~3··00 / I" 055 - :--- Shown Feb 24. 2006 Rougemount Drive OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL Pf'{OP£HTY ð. E.liG.INEERING DIVISION PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Ç"i2C~;:) DES r"ò',;,;Xf..)5'í> ~'4;~~1 ë'Q",,;,o ;;:400 I.X::1 O~j:5 C,Y1O:;'.:'ln~i:"'J'-':J';': T"·;."·' ~'I' ..::r an; ;"\<~;ejfi'},'d O[)~ßloUi)J{T :.:.:0< U1r.:: R ~ . Lift¡ ()~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 24-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Quotation No. Q-25-2006 for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES-24-06 regarding Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue be received; and that: 2. Quotation Q-25-2006 submitted by Serve Construction Limited for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue in the amount of $104,522.95 (GST included) be accepted; and that 3. The total gross project cost of $107,000 (GST included) and a net project cost of $100,000 including the above quotation amount and other project costs identified in this report be approved; and that 4. The appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to bring effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the 2006 Roads Capital Budget, Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue were approved as road rehabilitation projects. These projects are to be funded using a component of the 2005 Federal Gas Tax Funds. Quotation Q-25-2006 was called on Thursday, May 4, 2006 and closed on Friday, May 12, 2006 with five (5) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $107,000 for an estimated net cost to the City of $100,000 (net of GST rebate). Staff have been directed to report to Council on results of this quotation call and financing in order to proceed with this project in a timely manner. Report DES 24-06 05'7 May 23, 2006 Subject: Quotation No. Q-25-2006 for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue File: A-2130 Page 2 Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT Q-25-2006 GST Sub-Total GST Rebate Total $97,685.00 6,837.95 104,522.95 (6.837.95) $97,685.00 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Roads Ca ital Bud et Location Account Project Source of Funds Budqet Required Code Belinda Court 5320.0621.6250 Federal Gas Tax 40,000 57,865 Reserve Fund Orion Court 5320.0620.6250 30,000 37,820 Bonita Avenue 5320.0622.6250 30,000 4,315 FUNDS AVAILABLE 100,000 100,000 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY Q-25-2006 -Quotation for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue. $97,685 Associated Costs Materials Testing Miscellaneous Costs Construction Contingency Total GST Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Project Cost 500 1,000 815 $100,000 7.000 107,000 (7,000) $100,000 058 Report OES 24-06 May 23,2006 Subject: Quotation No. Q-25-2006 for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue File: A-2130 Page 3 4. Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds nil The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: As part of the Roads Capital 2006 Budget, Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court and Bonita Avenue were identified as a road rehabilitation projects. Originally Bonita Avenue was budgeted for in 2006 for a full asphalt resurfacing project. Upon further review of concerns over a settlement in the existing roadway senior staff determine that the best course of action would be to repair the settlement and monitor the situation over the next few years. Prior to investing into full resurfacing of the road. Quotation Q-25-2006 was issued on Thursday, May 4, 2006 and closed on Friday, May 12, 2006 with five (5) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $107,000 for an estimated net cost to the City of $100,000 (net of GST rebate). Serve Construction Limited has previously worked for the City on Tender T-1-2004 Playground Construction and are deemed acceptable by the Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works. The Health & Safety Policy, current Cost and Frequency Record, Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, and Certificate of Insurance as submitted by Serve Construction Limited have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Safety & Employee Development and are deemed acceptable in conjunction with staff's review of previous work experience with the City and the bonding available on this project, the information is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all quotations, and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Serve Construction Limited for Quotation Q-25-2006 in the amount of $104,522.95 (GST included) and that the total net project cost of $100,000 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum 059 Report OES 24-06 May 23, 2006 Subject: Quotation No. Q-25-2006 for Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue File: A-2130 Page 4 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed B,: ~~ () . arrell B. Selsky . . . Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Everett B sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services .ß" ;7 /' ~.._ /..f .,.....,.."'". (,;r? ~~,_s:;;?....._.~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services DS:nw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit C ,-1 OGO CiÚ¡ 0# !. / it'REPORT#--º.£:..S .;;li/-{) C, I...L__ MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Quotation Q-25-2006 BELINDA COURT, ORION COURT & BONITA AVENUE I- 0:: U BONITA UNA ) ~ []¡ \'vVOOD~UFF ~ [~ o ~ L¡J I -10 ~ 2 AVENUE S CL CL U Z ~\ \~ w tn <t ·1 ~ ~ W CRI C \ ~Jì / ~. ~ I 8 0 U CL i- <'-, \ v 0:: tn ~i l~\ ~0S~~ j l STROUDS LANE I i l)\ \ \ ( 0° --~- -~~ \ \ \1- vV- __ - \ J, ~\// ~ WINGARDEN \: \ ~ J CRESCENT \,-~ /' I ~l I ~'\HEDGE~OJ¡ ~w CJ Z =:) [ (j» \ c (f) <t ~ º 0 P LAC E I ~ ~ \ 2 W ~ =:) 0:: U 0 l1J )\TI ~::J go <t~; ~ 'J> - w 1.1 0 '-' I I- ")J S I m ~ '\ .. CLt ~ (j) Ô ---\ ~ 5: W 0 SUBJECT ::Lz CL ~ I C) w > 0 AREA <t (j) LL Z ~ 0:: ~ m li CL o ~6 ~I <t AVENUE o o o s>- z<t OS U I~ o <t o 0::: LOCA nON MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Resurfacing of existing asphalt on Belinda Court, Orion Court Asphalt repair for settlements on Bonita A venue ,/ .....- REPORT# ûE') .;2tj. -00 ""2- 061 / CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM May 12, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works From: Barbara Tran Buyer RE: Quotation No. Q-25-2006 Road Improvements on Belinda Court, Orion Court & Bonita Avenue Closing: Friday, May 12,2006, before 12:00 Noon Quotations were invited from nine (9) companies on May 4, 2006 of which five (5) have responded by the closing date and time. Quotations shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. SUMMARY PST Included / GST Included A copy of the quotations are attached for your review along with the following summary of costs: Bidder Bid Agreement to Bond Serve Construction Ltd. $104,522.95 YES Aurostar Inc. $111,429.80 YES D. Crupi & Sons $128,999.20 YES Miller Paving Limited $132,816.83 YES Mopal Construction Limited $146,590.00 YES 062 , , .:") !\!< þ/ ';OREPORT# ..Âç,¡~~ OES :)J-I~ Richard Holborn / Darrell Selsky May 12, 2006 Page 2 Serve Construction Ltd. has submitted the low bid. Please advise as soon as possible, if the quotation submitted by Serve Construction Ltd. will be considered in order that documentation as specified in Supplementary Standard Conditions Item 11 can be received and reviewed during the evaluation phase of the quotation call. A Dun & Bradstreet report for Serve Construction Ltd. will be requested of the Purchasing Analyst and a summary will be provided to you during the evaluation phase of this quotation call. A formal quotation award exceeding $81,000, in accordance with the 2006 CPI Purchasing Policy adjustment, Item 04.05, is subject to Council approval. An approved on-line requisition will also be required. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. Barbara Tran /bt Attachment cc. Construction Coordinator/lnspector CiÚI ()~ 063 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 25-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund - Statement of the Treasurer for 2005 Recommendation: That Report CS 25-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Reserve Fund be received and forwarded to Council for information. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: There are no financial implications to the receipt of this statement. Background: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act (Act) requires that the Treasurer furnish to Council a Statement in respect of each Reserve Fund (i.e. for each Development Charge) established under Section 33 of the Act. Accordingly, the enclosed Attachments 1 to 6 details the activity in the Development Charges Reserve Fund for the year ended December 31, 2005 in the manner as prescribed by the Development Charges Act. As required under Section 43(3) of the Act, the Treasurer will be forwarding a copy of this same Statement to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing within 60 days upon furnishing the Statement to the Council. Funds are not transferred out of the Reserve Fund for projects until the funds are actually needed, as required under accounting rules which ensures that the Reserve Fund continues to earn interest income on these unspent monies until such time that the actual expense is incurred. Attachment 1 presents the total Reserve Fund balance, before unspent commitments of $21,135,306. Taking into account the unspent commitments at December 31, 2005 of $3,583,520 the uncommitted fund balance available for future expenditures is $17,551,786. The development charges collected in 2005 were $1,672,209 a decrease of 54% from amounts collected in 2004. Despite an economic condition of low interest rates and a booming building industry, there is a decrease in the amount collected due to a 064 Report CS 25-06 Date: May 23,2006 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund-Statement of the Treasurer for 2005 Page 2 decrease in building activities. The decrease in building activities was in part due to the limited land available for development in Pickering. Attachment 2 provides a chart showing the 10-year historical pattern of the development charges collected, notably the sharp decline in 2005 from those collected in 2004 due to the point mentioned above. The cumulative total collected for this 1 O-year period was $27,183,780. The 2005 budgeted funding from this Reserve Fund was $1,623,260 as detailed on Attachment 3. The capital and current expenditures actually incurred in 2005 that were funded from this Reserve Fund amounted to $687,308 (see Attachment 4). These expenditures pertained to capital projects and studies approved in 2003 to 2005. Attachment 4 provides a summary by projects of these capital expenditures funded by development charges and other sources as prescribed by a.Reg. 82/98 Section 12(3). In 2005, the City undertook additional internal loans of $287,000 from this Reserve Fund. Attachment 5 provides detailed information on the 2005 internal borrowings and the purpose for which it was borrowed as prescribed by a.Reg. 82/98 Section 12(2)3. Interest and principal repayments on 2005 internal loans will commence in 2006. As of December 31, 2005, the combined total outstanding internal loans undertaken from 2001 to 2005 are $5,071,734 (see Attachment 6). Please note that the principal and interest of $1,187,814 paid in 2005 and as indicated in Attachment 6 are related to 2001 to 2004 internal loans. This amount was funded from the general tax levy. This Attachment also provides a summary of amount and source of any money used by the municipality to repay money borrowed from the fund and interest on such money as required by a.Reg. 82/98 Section 12(2)4,5. Caution has to be used when budgeting for draws for capital projects due to the limited availability of land in Pickering and the uncertainty of economic times ahead of us. Attachments: 1. 2005 Annual Statement of Development Charges Reserve Fund 2. Development Charges Collected 1995 -2005 3. Projects Approved in 2005 Capital Budget to be Funded from Development Charges Reserve Fund 4. 2005 Actual Capital Expenditures Summarized by Projects 5. 2005 Internal Loans from Development Charges Reserve Fund-New Loans Undertaken During the Year 6. Total Development Charges Reserve Fund Internal Loans - Annual Repayment for the Year Ended December 31,2005 Report CS 25-06 Date: May 23, 2006 065 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund-Statement of the Treasurer for 2005 Page 3 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst --=:? Od,/;? ::-c ~~ .~- -:::--::.> <3IlIis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer R~~- GP:ck Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~ ¡¿- ,1 U6G iã Õ I- oð ~g¡ ca;::; ... .- .0= .- U ..J III II.. I: UI o CÞ ~ª f 'u U III ~u.. ë 'gË= III C.l!!fh ~Ol- lII'ãioð Q. ~ o - g¡ .~ u I!!:E I-~ ...- cþ I: 'Iâ cþ 3: ~ E g' ,g æ I/)::i "C UI cþ -gŠ o cþ 111::111:: oð c. 'S tT oðW Uloð i!! .!!! g¡ Ü::=Ufh ~:E u..~ - I: Ë"Cg¡ C. cþ .- O'lâ"Cfh 'ãi'ãi.a >111::1/) cþ o UI iã "¡: fß- 2 III ::i fh fh fh fh fh ...... ...... ...... «5 0:> ~ '" ..... ..... ...... q N 10 0:> 0:> N cxS o ..... «5 o N ~ ..... ID. (') ~ M o (') ~ ..... 0:> M 0:> (') o ~ ..... IÒ ID cxS 0:> <0 0:> ..¡ (') "l 0; o cxS o ~ It) o o N ..: é III .., 'Iâ UI III cþ U I: III iã aJ é cþ c. o U) W ::J Z W > W 0::: O:><OOO~""" ~¡EJ~~~ N'r-:LÒÒLÒ t'--T-.....C\lN <0 N~(') . N' ......0 o 0:> N' ...... 10 0 <0 ...... ..¡ ...... N <O<ONO~ (')<ON......O:> .....NOO......O:> ..¡r-:"":"¡M 0:::>..........('1)1{) ..... N ......0 10 <0 IÒ <0 ~o 00 ...... ..¡ (') .....0 N ...... M ...... 0:> (') 0 0:> ..... Ò 10 <00 ~ o «5 ..... u Q) > .~ Q) Q) ~ a:: ð UI en ~.9 IOu oCQ)_+", UE(/)en >.a~~ a>Q).BJ!:? oa::EE (')~~ <O~"'" ......NO:> LÒ":'" .....00 NO:><O <00(') 1000..... r-: ."¡ <0(')...... .....~ NOO:> <0<0...... (')1010 M«5LÒ ...... ......0..... 1t)0~ (')10<0 "¡cxSr-: ~ 0:>(')(') 000..... NO:>O:> LÒLÒ"¡ 0:>0010 ""'C\I,. O:>N~ ......NO:> O:>.....N «5MÒ ......(')0 ..... ~<O<O .....0<0 1000(') "¡cxS", N J!J I: Q) en E c:1ií ro Q) o > ...JE roro E c: .æ.æ Edj -6-0 Q) Q) > > .~ .~ cþ Q) a:: a:: -TTACHMENT#LTOREPORT# C:S~· D" - éÕow o 0 (') (') r-: r-: 00 00 ~ 52. 000 NON N N <0 <0 ct ~ 000 000 mom N N e?. e?. roo co ...... ...... ...... ...... cxS cxS ...... ...... ~ ~ 000 mom ...... ...... 0:> 0:> ~ ct U) en W ~ 0:::2 ::J'C I- :¡¡ is ~ zw w:¡g 11. 'ã. >< 10 WU en ~ 2 'C c: Q) c. x W :¡g o I- <0 o (') LÒ (') ..... ..... N 10 00 0:> Ò ID (') ..... 00 cxS ...... 10 «5 ~ ..... (') LÒ <0 ~ N <0 10 '" ...... (') <0 N <0 Ò ~ ~ 10 ...... C\I,. ..... 0:> ..... '" (') <0 N IÒ (') ~ 00 <0 ~ M (') ~ ::J ~ J!! I: cþ E - 'Ë E Q o "C ¡¡; C. I: ::) f .2 cþ .0 iã aJ "C I: :::I II.. Ô N 10 M 00 10 ct <0 00 ....... u; 10 r-: ..... o 10 00 0:> Ò ..... <0 íõ N 00 M ~ 10 00 0:> ..¡ 0:> ~ «5 o ~ ..... (') LÒ <0 ~ o N <0 10 '" ...... (') ~ ..... o N cxS 00 ~ íÕ ...... 10 r-: ~ Ô N <0 '" 0:> 0:> ~ 10 10 ~ ..... 0:> ..... «5 o (') <0 N LÒ (') <0. ~ ..... ...... 00. ..... ~ ...... 0:> "l ..... N ~ 10 o o N It) o o N ..... (') o Q) o i¡:j en 10 en "E Q) .§ 1~ E o U u ïã c. c: ::J ...... (') d Q) o 1¡j UI III cþ U I: co iã aJ "C ~ 'Ë E o U I: ::) 06'7 ATTACHMEI\JT#L TOREPORT#..Ç~.·,JS-~ ù~ ~ 0) ~ U 0) ~ ~ o U oolr) 0)0 bI)0 aN ~I Ulr) ~O\ ~O\ (])~ S ~ o ~ 0) > 0) Q QJ ~ ~ ,J: 00. íLJ. . ~ ...... .~ u ~ Q Q Q Q Q Q '" '" Q Q Q Q Q (() '" '" ~ rf") f.A- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ..... ..... .... ..... ..... Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q (() Q (() Q ..... ..... ..... ..... .... rf") M M ~ ~ Q Q Q '" Q Q (() (() Q Q M rf") Q Q M ~ Q Q M 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ ~ Q J.. ~ QJ ~ t' 0'\ 0'\ ~ (() 0'\ 0'\ ~ 1"168 ATTACHMENl fI..ct.",_ T( REPORT#£~_~Ç'o(, Source of Funding Dev. Charge Gen. D.C-City's Other Total Reserve Fund Fund Share Reserve Revenue Projects: External Subdivision (Road Construction) Finch Ave-Brock Road 5321.0501. $146,810 $440,440 $ 587,250 Finch Ave-East Petticoat Cree 5321.0502. 75,000 75,000 150,000 Sideline 4 adj. 18T-88059 5321.0503. 12,500 37,500 54,590 104,590 Various Infill Developments 5321.0504 50,000 50,000 100,000 Woodview Ave-Hdyro Corridor 5321.0505 97,875 97,875 195,750 Woodview Ave-Finch Av 5321.0506 476,325 476,325 952,650 Rosebank Road Bridge 5321.0507 87,500 262,500 350,000 $946,010 $0 $1,439,640 $54,590 $ 2,440,240 External Subdivision ( Sidewalks & Streetlights) Brock/Kingston Rd-Hwy 401 5321.0508 $ 58,500 $ 175,500 $ 234,000 Brock/Pickering Pkwy-Hwy 40' 5321.0509 58,500 58,500 117,000 Kingston/Fairport-CNR tracks 5321.0510 81,900 81,900 163,800 Kingston/Dixie-CNR tracks 5321.0511 40,950 40,950 81,900 Kingston/Bainbridge-Notion Rc 5321.0512 55,250 55,250 110,500 Kingston/Glendale-Walnut Lar 5321.0513 64,350 64,350 128,700 Finch Ave/Rosebank-18T-870! 5321.0514 52,650 52,650 105,300 Finch Ave/Royal Rd-Guild Roe 5321.0515 11,700 35,100 46,800 Sidewalk 401 Pedestrian Bridge 5323.0501 30,000 270,000 300,000 $ 453,800 $ 834,200 $ 1,288,000 External Subdivision ( Storm Water Management) Storm Water Mgmt Works 5321.0516 136,000 24,000 160,000 $ 136,000 $ 24,000 $ 160,000 Culture & Recreation Senior Centre 5701.0503 87,450 187,550 275,000 $ 87,450 $ 187,550 $ 275,000 Total $1,623,260 $0 $2,485,390 $54,590 $4,163,240 ATTACHMEN .. Lf ~.; EPORT # _(} :) S'" ' ù" r'6~ -' ,. Dev. Charges D.C-City's Share Reserve Fund Reserve Total Corporate Services 2003 & 2004 budQeted proiect Development Charges Background Study $ 3,979 $ 3,979 Total Corporate Services $ 3,979 $ 3,979 External Subdivision 2004 budaeted proiects Road Construction: Rosebank Rd. Bridge with CNR $ 69,953 $ 729,023 $ 798,976 Clements Rd east limit Church St 36,834 36,834 73,668 Church StlBayly to Clements Road 332,608 332,608 665,216 Traffic SiQnal: Brock Rd at Clements Road 56,250 26,250.00 82,500 Storm Water ManaQement Finch Ave.! East of Brock 929 164 1,093 Total Ext. Subdivision Works-2004 $ 496,574 $ 1 ,124,879 $ 1,621,453 2005 budQeted projects Road Construction: Finch Ave/Brock Road to 450m East $ 93,378 $ 280,140 $ 373,518 Rosebank Rd Bridge with CNR tracks 81,687 245,062 326,750 Sidewalks & Streetliahts Finch Ave.!Royal Rd west to Guild Road 5,254 15,762 21,015 Total Ext. Subdivision Works- 2005 $ 180,319 $ 540,964 $ 721,283 Sidewalks 401 Pedestrian Bridge-GO Station $ 2,814 $ 25,326 28,140 Culture & Recreation Senior Centre-2nd Floor Design 3,622 7,767 11,389 Total-Sidewalk & Culture & Recreation-2005 $ 6,436 $ 33,093 39,529 Total Spent $ 687,308 $ 1,698,936 $ 2,386,244 Ü70 ATTACHMEN~ tf _::5" (. REPORT # C5 ,J $'- fJ' Budget Amount Year Project Number Terms Description of Loans Roads 2004 04-2320-004-00 5-yr Telescopic Boom Excavator $ 50,000 5320.0401.0000 3.73% Gradall Model 4100 Also Ext. Debt $288,000 Library 2005 05-2745-005-01 5-yr Upgrade to library automation system 172,000 5800.0518.0000 3.73% Parks 2005 05-2718-002-01 5-yr Two One-ton Dump Trucks 65,000 05-2718-002-02 3.73% 5780.0501/0502 Total Internal Loans for 2005 $ 287,000 Internal loans to be funded by Development Charges Reserve Fund, repayment commencing in 2006. ff_~, ro REPORT#...Q.;l<)-ù, 07 'J Outstanding Principal Outstanding Principal Repayment Principal Interest (Jan 1) 2005 2005 2005 Jan.1, 2005 Dec. 31,2005 $ $ $ $ Development Charges Booked in 2001 Rosebank Road 599,282 (91,151) 508,131 (21,933) Eastshore Community Ctr 520,044 (79,099) 440,945 (19,033) Fire Tanker 105,873 (16,103) 89,770 (3,875) Dispatch Ctr 116,527 (116,527) 0 0 1999 Roads Projects 622,589 (94,695) 527,894 (22,786) 1999 Streetlights 380,211 (71,202) 309,009 (13,916) 2000 Roads Projects 554,668 (84,365) 470,303 (20,301 ) Aerial Truck 266,348 (40,511 ) 225,837 (9,748) Waterfront Trail 39,257 (39,257) 0 0 Library-Western Branch 941,539 (143,208) 798,331 (34,460) 4,146,338 (776,118) 3,370,220 (146,052) Booked in 2002 Fire Hall & Communication 27,120 (8,718) 18,402 (993 ) Parks 130,572 (13,998) 116,573 (5,690) Sidewalks 65,706 (7,044) 58,662 (2,864 ) Storm Water Management 134,783 (37,035) 97,748 (5,890) Streetlight 33,696 (3,612) 30,084 (1,468) Arena & Recreation 46,332 (4,967) 41,365 (2,019) Roads 583,777 (62,585) 521,192 (25,441 ) 1,021,985 (137,959) 884,026 (44,365) Booked in 2003 Roads 92,562 (8,624 ) 83,938 (4,034) Library 222,083 (20,693) 201,390 (9,678) Rec.Complex-Core 6,931 (646) 6,285 (302) 321,576 (29,963) 291,613 (14,014) Booked in 2004 Parks 175,000 (14,346) 160,654 (7,627) Roads 60,000 (11,156) 48,844 (2,196) Streetlights 32,000 (2,623) 29,377 (1,395) 267,000 (28,125) 238,875 (11,218) Booked in 2005 Roads 50,000 50,000 Library 172,000 172,000 Parks 65,000 65,000 287,000 287,000 Total 6,043,899 (972,165) 5,071,734 (215,649) . . Source of Funding Gen. Tax Levy Gen. Tax Levy Annual Charges (Principal & Interest) (1,187,814) C'lt?,) . (.~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 29-06 Date: May 23, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Development Charges - Annual Indexing Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 29-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and: 2. That effective July 1, 2006 as provided for in Section 16 of By-law 6349/04, the Development Charges referred to in Sections 6 and 11 of that By-law be increased by 6.2 percent being the annual increase in the Construction Price Statistics for the Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index as reported by Statistics Canada for the year ended March 31,2006; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Adoption of the Recommendations of this report will put into effect for the period July 1,2006 to June 30, 2007 increases that are provided for in the Development Charges Act 1997 and Ontario Regulation 82/98 and By-law 6349/04 and are needed to finance construction costs under the City's Development Charge Background Study adopted by Council in July 2004. This is an annual adjustment needed to keep revenues current with costs. Financial Implications: Increasing the Development Charges by 6.2 percent will assist in keeping the revenues generated thereunder in line with current costs. The residential development charges for single and semi detached units will increase by approximately $536, other residential charges will increase similarly and the commercial/industrial charge will increase by approximately $0.15 per square foot or $1.57 per square metre. 073 Report CS 29-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Development Charges- Annual Indexing Page 2 Background: As provided for in the Ontario Reg. 82/98 and in the City's By-law 6349/04, each year the development charges charged by the City for all types of development may be increased without amending the By-law. Adoption of the recommendations contained in this report will allow that increase to take effect July 1, 2006 thereby assisting in keeping our revenues in line with the costs that development charges go towards. Statistics Canada indicates the increase in the Construction Price Statistics for the most recently available annual period ending March 31, 2006 of 6.2 percent for Non- Residential Building Construction Price Index (an indicator of our costs of construction) for the Toronto area. The change is reflected in the table attached. The City's obligations under Recommendations contained in the same report CS 21-04 (2004 Development Charges Background Study) to Council in the form of contribution to the Development Charges - City's Share should also increase by 6.2 percent. The 2006 Budget contained $590,000 of contribution for this purpose and a budgeted draw of $264,550 thus, increasing the 2006 year-end balance to $809,704. Significant contributions in 2007 and after are necessary in order to bring the fund balance to an acceptable level. The Commercial/Industrial Development Charge remains at the Council approved level of approximately 50 percent of the justified cost recovery amount, meaning the City has to contribute to the balance. At this juncture, the Region of Durham has not finalized the annual indexing of the development charges the City collects on their behalf. The City will continue to use rates prescribed as effective from October 1, 2005 until further notice from the Region. The Education Development Charges will remain unchanged for the current year. The main changes are to update the amounts to reflect recommendations contained in this report. Upon receiving the final figures from the Region for the portion of the development charges the City collects on their behalf in mid June, the brochure will be revised and distributed. The brochure will be posted on the City's website and made available at various counters throughout the Civic Complex. Attachments: 1 . Current and Proposed Development Charges 2006/2007 U74 Report CS 29-06 Date: May 23, 2006 Subject: Development Charges- Annual Indexing Page 3 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~.-"^"- -k:(;;: . ..~,.. Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst ~-7--£l::~~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Chief Building Official Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,If " ,; .,i ïACHMENT #-1-. TO REPORT # (s'29 ~Jb CITY OF PICKERING Ü75 CURRENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Effective July 1,2005 PER DWELLING UNIT Service Single & Apt. Two Other Category Semi Apt. One Bdrm Bdrm Dwelling Detached ($) & Smaller ($) & Larger ($) Units ($) Growth Studies $114 $43 $65 $93 Fire Protection 358 134 203 290 Transportation 4,412 1,642 2,506 3,584 Parks & Rec 3,267 1,217 1,857 2,654 Librarv 520 194 295 421 TOTAL $8,671 $3,230 $4,926 $7,042 Non-Residential - $2.35 per sq. foot or $25.30 per sq. metre PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Effective July 1,2006 PER DWELLING UNIT Service Single & Apt. Two Other Category Semi Apt. One Bdrm Bdrm Dwelling Detached ($) & Smaller ($) & Larger ($) Units Growth Studies $121 $45 $69 $98 Fire Protection 380 142 215 307 Transportation 4,685 1,743 2,661 3,806 Parks & Rec 3,469 1,292 1,972 2,818 Library 552 206 313 447 TOTAL $9,207 $3,428 $5,230 $7,476 Non-Residential - $2.50 per sq. foot or $26.87 per sq. metre $ Increase: Residential $536 198 304 $434 Non- $0.15 per sq. $1.57 per sq. Residential foot metre