HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 27, 2006 Item / Ref # CitL¡ o~ Wateñront Coordinating Committee April 27 2006 7:00 PM Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor Maurice Brenner Councillor Dickerson (7:30 pm) Doris Chee Jim Dike John Sabean David Steele David Stone Kevin Tower (7:50 pm) Birgit Wilson (Recording Secretary) Absent: Craig Bamford Michael Bellmore Larry Field Chandra Goeool Mayor Ryan Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Minutes from March 30, 2006 were adopted with the following notations. · Councillor Brenner clarified that only Appointed Committee Members should be noted in the attendance. · For future appointment we need to define the Committee - is it an Advisory or Coordinating Committee. · Have a Strategic Plan finalized by June. · Make recommendations to Council before the elections Waterfront Trail · Doris Chee advised that Waterfront Regeneration Trust is completing an End to End tour of the Waterfront Trail and will be passing through our Waterfront Trail on Wednesda~ May 17, 2006. This is a pilot run in preparation for the 15t Anniversary of the Trail in 2007. She is requesting that any Action Items I Status (include deadline as 1 eommittee member, families, Councillors who can spare time to partieipate. She will also send this information to all City of Pickering employees and ask for their participation. · Councillor Brenner stated that this is a great opportunity for us to identify our suecesses and challenges of the Waterfront Trails in order to be ready for the 2007 Anniversary event. Waterfront Trail Siqnaqe and Unveilinq · Doris Chee reported she is following up on the progress of the signs and assured signs will be ready for the unveiling event. · Unveiling dates to be decided within the next 2 weeks. · Ensure that all spelling on the signs is correct. Check the "Peak" sign for spelling. · Councillor Brenner proposes hosting a reception at each Trail Head, with BBQ, Refreshment Buggy, entertainment. · Check with Recreation Staff if a permits is required to host BBQ. · Check who has BBQ's available. · Doris Chee to check with Operations. Sponsorship for the Unveilinqs Sponsorship has been obtained as follows: $1000 - Rotary Club $1000 - Don Cherry's $1000 - each from 2 additional Waterfront Restaurants Will seek additional sponsorship from OPG, however Committee needs to find out who the representative is. A discussion ensued with John Sabean stating that the unveiling of the plaques is a great opportunity to educate the publie about the Waterfront Trail. A further suggestion to provide "hand-outs' at each station detailing background and providing archival information. Doris Chee David Stone, David Steele, Jim Dike, Kevin Tower, Councillor Brenner, Councillor Dickerson Councillor Brenner John Sabean to Compile hand-out information 2 East Spit · Couneillor Brenner gave a brief overview for a proposed rezoning plan and a proposal by Marshall Homes to build a private Windmill on the lands located at the east side the harbour entrance to Frenchman's Bay in association with the adjacent marina operation. · The possibility of a working Windmill to provide power to i.e. lighting walkway along the waterfront was discussed. · It is proposed to invite a representative from Marshall Couneillor Brenner Homes to the next meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee to give an overview of the proposed Windmill. Canada Dav 2007 · A discussion ensued expanding on the idea to move the Canada Day Festivities to the Waterfront Trail and to merge the Frenchman's Bay Festival with the Canada Day. · The feasibility of having a "Fireworks Barge" and a" Musical Barge" was discussed. · Councillor Dickerson advised that there is already some discussion with Home Depot to provide necessary materials i.e. paint to give the barge(s) a facelift. Moved by David Stone That Canada Day Festivities, beginning in 2007 be moved to the Waterfront Trail and that the Frenchman's Bay Festival begin a week earlier, leading into Canada Day. CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y All Committee to think about Sponsorship for this event Park Benches · David Stone advised that due to personnel being on vacation, he was not able to contact anyone about the proposal. 3 · David Stone to have a report for the next meeting. Other Business & Ad"ournment Jim Dike reported that at a recent fundraiser he had an informal discussion with Wayne Arthurs MPP regarding funding for various Waterfront initiatives. Mr. Arthurs responded that he needs to have a written report on eaeh initiative, which should include the dollar amounts needed, over a five-year plan. John Sabean wants Committee to follow-up on funding designated to the Heritage Pickering which was awarded some six years ago. Frenchman's Bay Watershed Study has been awarded to Marshall Macklin Monahan, an engineering firm in Markham. The consultants and staff from MP & E should be invited to the next meeting to provide status of the study. The study is due to be completed by November of this year. Staff had advised that the erosion at the east end of Sunrise Avenue will be addressed in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Study. Remediation would than be implemented based on the study. However, the Yacht Club would like to put up a barrier of some kind (i.e. bollards) at the street line to prevent cars parking there. Yacht Club to approach Staff regarding the barrier installation. Jim Dike will work with City May 25, 2006 7:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. 4