HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 01-06 03 5Cuq o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CAO-01-06 Date: May 8,2006 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Proposed Transfer/Conveyance of Portions of Old Taunton Road Between Brock Road and Taunton Road Files: L-4650-004, L-4640-011 and L-4640-012 Recommendations: 1. That Council authorizes staff to effect the transfer of that part of Old Taunton Road identified as Part 1, Plan 40R-23354 to the City of Pickering from the Region of Durham. 2. That Council deems that part of Old Taunton Road identified as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R- 24188 as surplus to the needs of The Corporation for the purpose of conveyance to the Region of Durham, and authorizes staff to effect the transfer of those lands back to the Region of Durham from the City of Pickering. 3. That Council authorizes staff to effect the transfer of the appropriate east portions of Old Taunton Road, currently identified as Parts 1 to 5, Plan 40R-15548, to the City of Pickering. Executive Summary: The Region is prepared to transfer to the City a central portion of Old Taunton Road that is still under Regional ownership between Brock Road and the new Taunton Road. The proposed lands to be transferred are identified as Part 1, Plan 40R- 23354. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to effect the transfer of this portion of Old Taunton Road into City ownership. Through the Region's detailed review and design of the underpass alignment at the Brock Road/Old Taunton Road intersection, they have determined that a small western portion of Old Taunton Road previously transferred to the City in 2001 is required to be transferred back into their ownership. The portion of Old Taunton Road being requested from the City is identified as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-24188. It is recommended that Council deem these lands surplus to the needs of The Corporation, and authorize staff to effect the conveyance of this small portion of Old Taunton Road back to the Region for nominal consideration. There still remains an eastern portion of Old Taunton Road that the City requires to complete the transfer of ownership for all of Old Taunton Road (between Brock Road and the new Taunton Road) into City ownership. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to effect the transfer of the remaining desired portions of Old Taunton Road to the City at no cost. Report CAO-01-06 036 Date: May 8,2006 Subject: Transfer/Conveyance of Portions of Old Taunton Road Page 2 Financial Implications: proposed land transfers. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Background: Old Taunton Road (between Brock Road and the new Taunton Road) is intended to function as a City-owned and maintained local road. The City currently owns a western portion of this road, and the Region of Durham and Province of Ontario currently own other portions. Following the successful transfer of all of the remaining portions of Old Taunton Road into City ownership, staff will be recommending to Council the renaming of this road allowance. Western Portion of Old Taunton Road In 2001, the Region of Durham transferred a western portion of Old Taunton Road to the City as Phase 1 of the contemplated ownership transfer of all of Old Taunton Road to the City (see Location Map - Attachment #1). Through the Region of Durham's detailed review, design and current implementation of the underpass alignment at the Brock Road/Old Taunton Road intersection, they have determined that a small portion of Old Taunton Road previously transferred to the City of Pickering in 2001 is now required to be transferred back into their ownership (see Location Map - Attachment #1). The portion of Old Taunton Road being requested from the City is specifically identified as Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-24188. The west portion of these lands will remain in Regional ownership to support the realigned road infrastructure. The east portion of these lands may ultimately be transferred to the adjacent private landowners to provide them with more road frontage following completion of the road realignment/underpass works. City Staff has confirmed that these lands are not required by the City, and should be transferred back to the Region of Durham for the prescribed nominal fee as agreed upon between the City and the Region through an existing reciprocal agreement for road widenings. It is recommended that Council deem these lands surplus to the needs of The Corporation, and authorize staff to effect the transfer of these lands back to the Region of Durham for nominal consideration. Central Portion of Old Taunton Road The Region of Durham is now prepared to transfer to the City a central portion of Old Taunton Road as Phase 2 of the contemplated ownership transfer of all of Old Taunton Road to the City. These lands are identified as Part 1, Plan 40R-23354 (see Location Map - Attachment #1). City Staff has confirmed that these lands, as described, are appropriate to transfer into City ownership. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to effect the transfer of this portion of Old Taunton Road into City ownership. Eastern Portion of Old Taunton Road In order to complete the third and final phase of the ownership transfer of Old Taunton Road, it is recommended that Council authorize staff to effect the transfer the remaining east portion of Old Taunton Road to the City. These lands are currently identified as Parts 1 to 5, Plan 40R- 03'; Report CAO-01-06 Date: May 8,2006 Subject: Transfer/Conveyance of Portions of Old Taunton Road Page 3 15548 (see Location Map - Attachment #1) and are owned by the Province of Ontario. A preliminary review by City Staff has confirmed that portions of this remaining part of Old Taunton Road are needed to complete the City's ownership between Brock Road and the new Taunton Road. The process to transfer the lands to the City will include a detailed review of the extent of actual lands needed to be transferred, land title searches and updated survey work. It is the responsibility of the Region of Durham to coordinate the transfer of these lands into City ownership, in consultation with the City. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to effect the transfer of the remaining eastern part of Old Taunton Road to the City of Pickering. The exact extent of the lands to be transferred are to be determined through a detailed review by Region and City Staff, and will not include lands beyond those currently described as Parts 1 to 5, Plan 40R-15548. Attachment: 1. Location Map PÆ?-;:: (' ;é.' // / Ron Taylor ( / Coordinator, Business Development & Investment Approved I Endorsed By: ,.' l ") . ..,.~.,,",,: ,/T . . ,;~.}...r-,,_... -"'. . ... .' . T" .p'} ," /,/ L l.f">'~~·"" Thorfías J. Quinn ij v Chief Administrative Officer ....,...... "",,", '''''-, ~--- -~---, RST:ljg Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cooncil,_ , \' ,,'" I l I¡t ¡éi (;' / ~.. c~o ATTACHMENT....L.- TO REPORT I 01-06 038 ERN PORTION LD TAUNTON NEEDED TO BE VEYED TO CITY -15548, PARTS 1-5J c.P.~· 'I ~ ~ '?J ~ ~ @ 2; ~ @ [? ~ '3 <= ~ DERSAN STREET City of Pickering DATE, APRIL 13, 2006 1 Planning & Development Department a a our-cas: Teranet Enterprise. Inc. and its suppliers. All "'i~ht8 Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All ,.¡ hts Rese,.ved. Not 0 plan of Su,.ve . PN-N/A