HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 9, 2005 C¿ú¡ ,,~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Waterfront Coordinating Committee Thursday, June 9, 2005 7pm Attendees: Absent: Maurice Brenner, Chair Larry Field Don Terry David Steele Judge David Stone Craig Bamford Scott Berry Suzanne Barrett, Consultant Renée Michaud Chandra Gocool Jim Dike John Sa bean Juliette Saunders Michael Bellmore Kevin Tower CORP0228-2/02 Review Draft..Wo Suzanne Barrett submitted a summary of the discussions from the half-day workshop held on May 14, 2005, co-hosted by the City and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) focused on addressing stormwater impacts on Frenchman's Bay. The report provided an outline of the day's event. Issues covered included: Objectives Stormwater Management Master Plan Development Process Feedback on Existing Information Other Feedback Other Issues Related to Pickering's Waterfront The committee then reviewed a second document called "Framework for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay- Developing a 5-year, Coordinated and Implementation Plan which was prepared by Suzanne Barrett and Nicole Swerhun for the Cit of Pickerin and TRCA. Page 1 An action framework was developed in response to the stakeholder input and a draft presentation for Council has been created from this report. The 5 year Implementation Plan identifies and coordinates the implementation of ongoing and planned waterfront and watershed projects, such as: Stormwater Management Plan - Waterfront Trail Signage Harbour Entrance Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Education & Awareness Committee members felt that there may be a need to combine some of these projects due to the similarity in scope. It was noted that specific timeframes for projects should be identified in the presentation to Council to provide a greater understanding of the development process. There were some concerns expressed that some private land owners and/or companies could possibly benefit from the development of the Harbour Entrance. The WCC must ensure that specific agreements are in place before any improvement project is started. It was suggested that the words "Promotion" or "Tourism" should be added to the Education & Awareness project to ensure a broader range. Committee members agreed that the final proposal must be sustainable in order to take advantage of available funding opportunities from the Federal government. It should be noted that the emphasis should be on "Funding for the Community and not Funding for City". The Chair indicated that staff is very excited about this new opportunity for development and that Council is very supportive of this initiative as well. The 5 year Implementation Plan will be developed through collaboration between the City of Pickering and TRCA with advice from the City of Pickering's Waterfront Coordinating Committee (WCC). Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 The plan is necessary to: Ensure coordinated and timely action Build on existing work Focus activities on agreed course of action Clarify roles and responsibilities Establish accountability and reporting Assist in securing resources Link to other initiatives A further discussion was held on the role of the WCC and it was suggested that in addition to providing assistance to the City of Pickering Council and staff they would also be responsible for: The oversight for implementation of the five year plan to ensure timely action; Coordination to improve effective use of resources and avoid duplication; Clearing house for information exchange; Network with the broader community; Establishment of community priorities; and Assistance in securing funding and in-kind support. It was noted that there may be an opportunity to amend the membership of the WCC in 2006 after the election to include representatives from school boards and universities. The WCC will continue to meet on a quarterly basis. Additional meetings may be scheduled based on need and as required by the Chairperson. The recommendations will be forwarded to Council at the June 2th Council meeting. Once the report is endorsed by Council and staff resources have been committed, the WCC will meet to redesign the committee structure, outlining a mission statement and terms of reference. 2. Other Business Councillor Brenner informed committee members that the Pickering Waterfront Coordinating Committee has been nominated to receive an "Honour Roll Award" in recognition of the committee's contribution towards The Living City vision and commitment to conservation. CORP0228-2/02 TRCA is hosting this event on Tuesday, June 21,2005,7-9 pm at the Black Creek Pioneer Village. The invitation was extended to all committee members. Renée to email details to members and RSVPs needed by June 15th. Page j Councillor Brenner advised that the Durham Region Health Unit has closed the beach at the Millenium Park because it has been deemed as unsafe to swim due to a high level of E-coli bacteria. This is unusual for this time of the year, but is probably due to the high heat we have been experiencing over the last 10 days. It is very unfortunate timing that the beach has to be closed because this weekend is the Frenchman's Bay Festival which is usually very well attended. Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 pm Page 4 CORP0228-2/02