HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 10, 2005 C¡tq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Waterfront Coordinating Committee February 10, 2005 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Brenner Attendees: Mayor Dave Ryan Councillor Maurice Brenner Larry Field Jim Dike David Stone Juliette Saunders David Steele Kevin Tower Craig Bamford Chandra Gocool Scott Berry Angela Porteous Gord MacPherson Everett Buntsma Richard Holborn John McMullen Debbie Kearns elcome Councillor Brenner welcomed and thanked all in attendance and also thanked John McMullen for his work in arranging the evening's presentations. 2. Ado tion of Minutes Moved by Craig Bamford That the minutes of the meeting of December 9, 2004 be adopted. CARRIED Preselitátions a) Ontario Power Generation -Waterfront Siqnaqe (in Alex Robertson Park) Scott Berry, Ontario Power Generation provided information on the 8 interpretative stations planned for the Alex Robertson Park. He advised of the following: . signs will be aluminum to limit the amount of vandalism Signs to be erected by OPG in April. Page · City colors will be used · 4' wide · double poled and mounted in cement · each sign will be both interpretative and educational with pictures and information · will provide for self guided tours making the park more interactive He further advised that it is anticipated that the signs will be erected some time in April. b ) Toronto & Region Conservation Authority -Frenchman's Bay Rehabilitation Project -2004 Hiqhliqhts and 2005 Activities Angela Porteous, TRCA provided a presentation to Committee outlining the project highlights for 2004 and 2005: · 100 to 150 local scouts were involved in Take Pride in Pickering Day on April 24th in the Alex Robertson Park · working with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) songbird boxes were installed in Brock Woodlot · two wood duck boxes were installed in Hydro Marsh · 100 people enjoyed the first volunteer recognition skate day - this event will be held again next year · a curator from the Toronto Zoo facilitated a Butterflies Workshop · various schools participated in planting trees on Earth Day · a planting took place on a Decommissioned Road by the TRCA · the 4th Monitoring Program was held in the fall with Scouts and Guides involved in a Bug Watch Program · wildflower seed distribution took place · Songbird boxes were installed on posts with some swallows being present prior to their installation · Wonders of the Watershed Presentation was developed out of a need for children to learn about the environment · The TRCA were involved with the Frenchman's Bay Dragonboat summer camp-Environmental Days · Log Crib was installed in the fall 2004 Hiqhliqhts · Hosted over 65 public and group events · Engaged over 1500 individuals; mailing list had grown to over 500 · Launch of Project's website Page 2 · Planted over 3500 trees and shrubs and 150 wildflowers 2005 Hiqhliqhts · Continue to run many on-going programs (VEW, Naturalization Workshop, Skate Day) · New Programs Include: Tour the Bay, Wildflower Grow Program, Pickering Garden Tour, Butterfly Release Program, Natural Ways · New Eco-Action funding proposal submitted · Continue to build new partnership with Hydro One · Putting together Project Promotion Strategy · Working with SSFC students on 'Residential Homeowners Guide' · Opportunity to work with Dunbarton High School co-op student c) Toronto & Region Conservation Authority -Results of Durham Waterfront Environmental Monitoring - -Frenchman's Bay -Durham Region Coastal Wetlands / Baseline Conditions / Study Findinqs 2002-2003 Gord MacPherson, TRCA distributed copies of the Durham Region Coastal Wetlands Report. Gord made a presentation highlighting the following: · the TRCA have been working with the Federal Government for 5 to 6 years on The Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project to help understand the health of the system · the TRCA also do a lot of work off shore but are highlighting the wetlands · program components include: water quality, fish, aquatic vegetation, amphibians, birds, macro invertebrates and benthic invertebrates (Zebra Mussels) · the TRCA have a long-term fish community monitoring program within the Bay and the power station. d) Toronto & Region Conservation Authority City of Pickering -Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Laqoon - Review Status Larry Field, TRCA, advised that the report is under final review by TRCA was resources and coastal ecology staff. Comments and recommendations to be considered by TRCA Watershed Management Advisory Board by April 15, 2005 and by the Authority by April 29, 2005. He further advised that a stormwater management strategy process will be outlined incorporating existing studies. Page :\ Richard Holborn, City of Pickering, advised of the following: · comments were expected from the Region of Durham Health and TRCA on the Nick Eyles Report · a report was forwarded to Council who endorsed in principle the recommendations · the City will pursue comments from the Ministry · Krosno Creek Report and the Flood Plan Mapping Study of Krosno Creek Watershed are available for review e) Toronto & Region Conservation Authority -Status of TRCA Land Acquisition on Pickerinq Waterfront Larry Field, TRCA, advised that 520 Marksbury and 509 Park Crescent have been purchased with the City of Pickering contributing $200,000. The TRCA will sell a single-family development lot to fund all or a portion of the outstanding balance. The TRCA are proceeding with approvals to demolish two existing cottage style residents. f) Toronto & Region Conservation Authority -Status of Frenchman's Bay Management Plan -Strateqic Planninq Session Larry Field, TRCA, stated that a Strategic Planning Session should be held integrating stormwater management, public access (waterfront trail), aquatic/terrestrial habitat, boating and community stewardship. A multi-stakeholder workshop should also be held. Larry further advised that he has been in contact with Suzanne Barrett, who would provide strategic watershed planning advice, and Nicole Swerhun who would be the facilitator of the workshop. The Consulting Services Cost would be $10,000, split between the City and the TRCA. g) City of Pickering -Waterfront Trail Signs - Review -2005 other Waterfront Initiatives John McMullen, City of Pickering, advised that four signs are planned for late spring, early summer to be placed from east and west along the waterfront trail. The text will be reviewed and finalized by next week. Moved by David Steele Seconded by Jim Dike That the recommendation of the Waterfront Coordinating City Staff to pursue comments from Ministry. TRCA continuing with Land Acquisition and Sale for Waterfront. TRCA and City Staff to organize Strategic Planning Session. Councillor Brenner to forward recommendation to Council. Page 4 Committee of December 9, 2004 concerning a one-day Strategic Planning Session, be forwarded to Council for approval. CARRIED Other Business a) Craig Bamford welcomed Scott Berry as the Ontario Power Generation representative and suggested that the first interpretative station to be considered should be concerning the power station and windmill. A discussion concerning interpretative stations will take place at the next meeting. John Sabean and Scott Berry will be in contact to make a presentation on interpretative stations at the next meeting. b) David Steele suggested inviting the City of Toronto to attend the day session in an attempt to coordinate the building of the bridge joining the City of Pickering to the City of Toronto. Next Meetin Thursday, March 10 ,7 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 9:25 PM Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer John McMullen to contact John Sabean & Scott Berry for presentation. Page 5