HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 9, 2002 C¿ú¡ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Waterfront Coordinating Committee May 9, 2002 . 7:00 AM . Attendees: Councillor Mark Holland Chair Councillor Dave Ryan Craig Bamford Kevin Tower David Stone David Steel Debbie Kearns, Recording Secretary Paul Kelland, Guest Absent: Peggy Wilmot Larry Field John Sabean Suzanne Barrett Jim Dike Harold Hough Tom Mohr Pat O'Brien East onne · $40,000 has been included in the 2002 budget for a conceptual plan · a preliminary design will be completed within a couple of weeks · Mark advised that this design will be reviewed by the ad-hoc working group and will then be presented to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee · Craig suggested consulting with Bernie Lutmer and Jim Dike concerning the design The following remarks were made concerning signage: · Councillor Ryan questioned why signage has not been done along the Monarch Trail · Crai also su ested that if si ns could be erected alon the Page 1 Monarch Trail this would advise visitors of what is happening · Craig further suggested speaking with the TRCA and Ducks Unlimited · Councillor Holland advised that Jamie Bronsema is currently working on the signage and a report is close to completion · Councillor Holland further stated that signage needs to be interconnected, a good design that will fit in later · Funding for signage has been set aside by Ontario Power Generation and in the City's 2001 and 2002 Budgets · Councillor Holland also believes that he has the support from Regional Planning for funds in their 2003 Budget 2. PétticoatCree·kBrideU . date The Official Opening of the new Petticoat Creek Bridge is scheduled for June 8, 2002. Further details will be forwarded to all Committee Members. 3.2003-2004 Waterfront.CaitalBlIdet IternsFørecast Councillor Holland advised that money has been set aside in 2003-2004 Budget Forecast for the Monarch Trail, the East/West Spit and the Western Gate. Other Busihess a) Craig advised that the property on West Shore is for sale and the TRCA are making an offer. b) Councillor Holland advised that Council have decided to purchase the option lands which are located near Canoe Landing. c) Craig advised of vandalism on the new Petticoat Bridge. d) David Steele advised that he is not in favour of the boat launch being placed in the proposed area, stating his concern with respect to traffic congestion. 5. NextMeetin The next meeting has been rescheduled to June 20 at 7 p.m. in the Main Committee Room rather than June 13th. Meeting Adjourned: 8:12 AM Copy: Page 2