HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 10, 2001 WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Waterfront Bistro Thursday, May 10, 2001 7 :00 pm Present: Councillor Mark Holland - Chair Councillor Dave Ryan Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development James Bronsema, Operations & Emergency Services Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Larry Field, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Community Appointees: Tom Mohr Craig Bamford John Sabean David Steele Dean Harbridge Harold Hough Kevin Tower David Stone Guests: Gary Peck Jim Lucas Mrs. Hough Bernie Luttmer Mrs. Davis 1. Adoption of Minutes The minutes of the April 12, 2001 Waterfront Coordinating Committee Meeting were adopted. 2. Tour of Millennium Trail and Construction Update A tour was taken by the Committee of the Millennium Trail and Mark outlined the status to-date on various aspects of the Trail and Square. 3. Waterfront Sign age Mark distributed samples of possible signs for the waterfront and identified certain aspects which were noted at a previous meeting requiring review, such as incorporating the City Crest into the name of the trail. A number of directional waterfront signs have been ordered. David Steele recommended that a sub-committee determine the number of signs required to tell the story and areas of significance and to then consult with Everett Buntsma who will determine the number of signs that are required for Pickering's Waterfront trail with a estimated cost to complete. Everett will put together an action plan (timing) to complete signs. 4. Liverpool Road South Detailed Review Neil Carroll advised that a public meeting was held on May 8 and the Part 2-Phase 2 Report was presented. --2-- Neil provided a brief outline of the Report recommendations, including several changes from the earlier documents. Mr. Jim Lucas addressed the Committee respecting his development interests on the Pickering Harbour Company lands. He indicated his opinion that a development scheme could be achieved that met the planning principles and objectives of the City while accommodating the development interests of the landowner. He advised that he also wants the marina use of the property to be sustained. He requested an opportunity to work together with all stakeholders to find a mutually acceptable development concept. There were several suggestions that the Liverpool Road South Study was moving ahead too quickly and that the process should be slowed to provide an opportunity for City staff / landowners / public representatives to meet and attempt to reach consensus on matters of land use and a general development scheme for the Pickering Harbour Company lands. Mark suggested that members of the Committee obtain a copy of the Part 2-Phase 2 document and forward comments to Planning staff. 5. Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Harold Hough advised that the Harbour Company has undertaken studies on the harbour entrance design and the cost of upgrading. He provided drawings of the proposed new entrance for the committee to review. Mr. Hough advised that the cost of the East Brake Water would be approximately $825,000 and the pier over $1,000,000. He explained that they will attempt to receive financial assistance from the Provincial and Federal Governments and possibly from the City and the community. He further advised that the Harbour Company will be a big contributor along with the Yacht Club and Swans Marina and indicated that City endorsement ofthe project is essential. Mark will attempt to co-ordinate a meeting with Council, staff and Committee members to discuss the harbour entrance. 6. Western Bridge Update Everett distributed copies of the proposed Petticoat Creek Crossing - Steel-Truss Bridge. Tendering will take place mid June, closing in July, back to Council for approval and construction to begin in November, 2001. 7. Interperative Stations Sub-Committee Report Tom Mohr distributed and explained a visual of Sacred Art of the Algonkians. He explained that Interperative Signs could be worked on separately, research will have to be commissioned on each piece to tell the true story. Tom advised that he will be meeting with the A1gonkians. He explained the concept of tying into the website, providing essays and additional pictures of the stations, virtual tour of the waterfront and a specific tour of the trail. 8. Other Business a) Craig Bamford suggested that a Foundation be set up or a separate account be opened for the purpose of allowing citizens to make donations to the Waterfront projects. --3-- David Stone advised that the Rotary Club have a number of charitable donation avenues for citizens who wish to make a donation to the waterfront. Also, a Non-Profit Corporation or Friends of Frenchman's Bay who had also set up an account for this purpose. He suggested that possible donations could be submitted by those boating on the Bay to have their name placed on the entrance to the Bay. b) Everett Buntsma introduced Jamie Bronsema, Inspector, Landscape & Parks Development for the City of Pickering. c) Larry Field advised that a offer was submitted to purchase the Johnson property but time has lapsed. Several attempts have been made to reach T.D. Trust concerning this matter. d) David Stone advised that the Rotary Club in conjunction with the Pickering Horticultural Society, are planting a couple of gardens in Frenchman's Bay West Park. 9. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waterfront Bistro. 10. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.