HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 1, 2001 WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Main Committee Room Thursday, February 1,2001 7:00 pm Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland - Chair Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Larry Field, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Pat O'Brien, Ontario Power Generation Edward Falkenburg, Community Appointees: Tom Mohr Craig Bamford John Sabean Jim Dike - latter part of meeting David Steele Dean Harbridge Kevin Tower Absent: Councillor Dave Ryan (ill) 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Holland welcomed all to the 15t meeting of 200 I and introductions were made. 2. Environmental Education - Larry Field, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Larry requested the opportunity and received consensus for Renee Jarrett, Manager of Outdoor Education Facilities, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, to attend the next meeting of the Committee to explore education programs along the waterfront. 3. Waterfront Signage Pat O'Brien, Ontario Power Generation, advised the Committee that an amount of $40,000 has been carried forward from Ontario Power Generation's 2000 Budget to 2001 Budget to cover the cost of signage along the Hydro Marsh Area. He further advised that this money cannot be carried forward again, therefore, requested information on the standard to be used along the trail for coordination of signs. It was determined that directional and waterfront trail signs will be uniform along the waterfront. A competition will be held for interpretative station signage. Mayor Arthurs suggested the Committee work with Hydro on directional signage, flora and fauna approach or interpretative stations signage. Everett, Pat O'Brien, Sonya from Ontario Power Generation and a TRCA representative will meet to pull together a package of signage possibilities and this package will be presented at the next meeting. Tom Mohr and John Sabean will prepare a presentation for the March meeting, plotting on a map locations of interpretative stations and including reports on the contents of each of these stations. --2-- 4. Millennium Trail Everett provided the following status report: )õ- construction began last July, finishing in early December due to the early snow fall ~ 90% to 95% complete ~ contractors hope to be back in early spring to complete job as awarded ~ Baird sculpture should be in place late March, early April ~ problems with dogs along the waterfront will need to be addressed by the By-law Division Mark advised of the following work still to be completed: )õ- grading on the Millennium Square )õ- boardwalk connecting to the sidewalk ~ splash park ~ cul-de-sac on Liverpool Road ~ tendering may be delayed ~ need resolution on the Hough Land ~ tenders must be done prior to Budget Approval ~ Groundbreaking Ceremony will take place early in June 5. Western Bridge Everett advised that he and Larry Field and the Working Group have been working with the Mayor and Ward 1 Councillors on the design of the bridge which will expand Petticoat Creek to Park Crescent. Once this project has been tendered it is anticipated that construction will begin in November and be complete in April. A Power Point Presentation is being put together as a promotional tool which will be used for fundraising purposes. The City, jointly with Waterfront Trust, will apply for funding through the SuperBuild project. If successful, will receive 50% of funding. 6. Liverpool South Design Study Neil advised that letters are being sent out to all interested parties to arrange a stakeholders meeting to take place before the end of June. 7. Coolwater Farms Interest has been a private sector interest expressed on this property for non- residential development, however, details are not available. 8. Storm Water Management David Steele advised that the University of Toronto will be applying for matching funds for this project. He forwarded the application to Everett for completion and advised that they would like to have this application submitted within two weeks. 9. Other Business a. David Steele requested an update on the boardwalk sale. Everett advised that it has been delayed for legal reasons. b. David Steele requested that sandwiches be provided at the future meetings as many come straight to the meeting from work. 10. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 8(\ 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Room. 11. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.