HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 9, 2000 ~-{ OF PIC~ û' 'I~ !p~% -. :œ: G> - WATERFRONT TRAIL COORDINATING COMMITTEE Waterfront Bistro Wednesday, August 9, 2000 7:00 pm Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland Neil Carroll, Director, Planning and Development - Chair Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations and Emergency Services Community Appointees: Tom Mohr Craig Bamford David Steele Grant Morris John Sabean (first part of meeting) Guest: Jim Howard 1. Walking Tour of Waterfront Trail/Millennium Square The group observed the work that had been undertaken on the Millennium Square at the foot of Liverpool Road, and along the Hydro Marsh Spit east to the nuclear station. 2. Interpretive Signage for the Three-part Trail System Tom Mohr briefed the group on the Interpretive Signage report prepared by the Heritage and Arts Subcommittee. The report proposes that a total of 20 interpretive stations be introduced on the trail, and that four stations be established at the outset of the trail development. The initial four stations should set the tone (in quality) for future stations. Mayor Arthurs advised that the City's continuing focus will be on the 'hard' infrastructure, and suggested that funding for the 'softer' items such as interpretive stations be generated through the private sector and partnership arrangements. The idea was presented that an annual event should be established to celebrate the establishment of the waterfront trail, to highlight trail enhancements/improvements, and to facilitate fundraising initiatives. The focus/theme must be imaginative/different/original. 3. Computer Modeling of Frenchman's Bay Everett Buntsma provided an update on the status of the computer modeling initiatives for Frenchman's Bay. Richard Holborn has met with TRCA on the matter and is preparing a draft terms of reference for the modeling in conjunction with TRCA staff. It is expected that a report will be prepared for Council's consideration in early September, including an RSP. --2-- David Steele advised that a subcommittee of the WCC has met with Richard Holborn to discuss the computer modeling initiative. Mr. Steele estimates a project cost of approximately $140,000, a project duration of 18 months (will take a year to gather data), and suggests that a partnership funding model be explored with the City, University of Toronto, and TRCA as funding partners. Mr. Steele noted that the U of T funding (via grant) may be available for a limited time period (deadline of September 2000), so the City needs to act quickly if they are to tap this element of the funding partnership. It was also agreed that funding assistance should be explored with the Pickering Harbour Company. Tom Mohr advised that a formal partnering initiative/association with a University such as U of T is an important component of the study, and the potential for a project grant to cover the University participation is an added bonus. It was agreed that a report to Council on the matter of Computer Modeling of Frenchman's Bay was necessary in early September, to seek Council's approval to proceed with the initiative and to secure funding levels. The idea was presented that an actual model of Frenchman's Bay should be created which illustrates the dynamics and forces which are presently shaping the Bay. This "hands-on' model would be of great educational value to the public. Craig Bamford recommended that a steering committee be formed to address the broader storm water management initiatives related to the Frenchman's Bay watershed. Neil Carroll noted that, to date, the Ministry of Transportation has not advised the City of its intent to sell the lands west of Liverpool Road, south of Loblaws. The City is on record with MTO as requesting an opportunity to acquire the lands (for storm water management purposes) prior to the lands being offered for sale on the open market. 4. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 5. Next Meeting September 26th, 2000, 7:00 p.m., Committee Room