HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 4, 2000 ~~ OF PIC/r; c} ~~ ~..~ ~œ~ ~ - ~ WATERFRONT TRAIL COORDINATING COMMITTEE Main Committee Room Tuesday, Aprll4, 2000 7:00 pm Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Dave Ryan Councillor Mark Holland - Chair Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations and Emergency Services Neil Carroll, Director, Planning and Development Larry Field, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Suzanne Barrett, Waterfront Regeneration Trust Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Community Appointees: Andrea Graham John Sabean Tom Mohr Craig Bamford Grant Morris David Steele Jim Dyke David Stone Guest: Councillor David Pickles Kevin Tower 1. Welcome & Introductions . Councillor Holland welcomed all in attendance and introduced Councillor Pickles and Kevin Tower. 2. Presentation and Discussion Access to Windsurfing - Frenchman's Bay . Kevin advised of the approximate number of windsurfers and the need for road access to unload their equipment. He requested that the needs of the windsurfers be incorporated into the Waterfront Trail Project. 3. Presentation and Discussion Working Groups Workinq Group #1 - Channel Entrance to Bay Jim Dike distributed a copy of and discussion took place concerning the Report and Recommendations of the Channel Entrance to Frenchman's Bay. The following recommendations were made: · Computer Model is required to monitor the entrance to the Bay and flow of water. · A legal opinion must be sought from the City Solicitor for a clear understanding of where responsibility rests for the Bay. · If it is determined that the Harbour Company is responsible then they must be approached. · What funding resources are available, including the Harbour Co. The Director, Operations and Emergency Services will speak with the City Solicitor on whose responsible for the navigability of Frenchman's Bay. - 2 - 3. Presentation and Discussion Working Groups - Cont'd Workinq Group #2 - Storm Water Management David Steele distributed copies of the Storm Water Management Report and recommendations. Workinq Group #3 - Canoe Club Proposal Councillor Holland outlined the concerns and suggestions of the Canoe Club. · It was suggested that the planks be placed on the east side where the trail already exists and redirect the funding to the west side. · The City would receive the first $340,000 to off-set costs. · Any further funds would be split with either City or charitable organizations. · Any amount the Canoe Club receives would be used to build a facility for their equipment. Craig Bamford recommended that expertise be sought from the TRCA and the Waterfront Regeneration on placement of planks. The Director, Operations and Emergency Services advised that the west side is going to tender. Workinq Group #4 - Signage (Art) Andrea Graham distributed copies of the Signage/Art Draft Report and discussion took place. Andrea advised that the Pine Ridge Arts Council received a grant in the amount of $75,000 for a sculpture created by Mr. Dorsey James, to be placed on Hydro Hill. Andrea also advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Pine Ridge Arts Council is scheduled for April 5th at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Arthurs stated that the Committee must ensure that the Worship and Education Communities be incorporated. Both communities may contribute to this project if approached. 4. Millennium Project Status · The tender documents are going out the end of next week. · They should be opened early May and a report on cost to Council late May. · Construction anticipated to begin late June and completed by the end of yea r. · Front Street Park budget has been approved. · Floating docks will be constructed which will be attached to steel posts for movement with level of water. · Park will be completed in phases. · $175,000 has been deemed for this year - $100,000 from the Town and $75,000 from the Progress Club. · Petticoat Creek project is on hold - May proceed by year-end. 5. Liverpool Road South Detailed Design Study Update · The Consultants of Totten, Sims, Hubicki Assoc./Markson, Borooah, Hodgson Architects have been hired to undertake this study. · April 18th will be the first public session. · Recommendation will go to Council by mid-June. - 3 - 6. Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. 7. Next Meeting June 6th, 7:00 p.m., Main Committee Room