HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 21, 2005PICKER1NG Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Council Meeting of November 7, 2005 PAGE 1-16 ~v) 1. v) vi) (~) PRESENTATIONS Wayne Ashton President, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #606 Presentation on 'Appreciation to the City' Sharon Milton, Supervisor, Facility Programs Shawna Mutton, Coordinator, Community Capacity Building Presentation on 'True Sport Community' (Refer to Notice of Motion, page ** - **) DELEGATIONS There are no delegations to be heard. CORRESPONDENCE CORR. 4-05 PATTI L. BARRIE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance Street Ciarin,qton, Ontario Motion for Direction PAGE 17 I ICKERIN6 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm (2) (3) (4) Advising that at a meeting held on October 24, 2005, the Municipality of Clarington passed a resolution concerning Pay Assurance and requested support from Durham municipalities. CORR. 5-05 EVA LIGETI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CLEAN AIR PARTNERSHIP 75 Elizabeth Street Toronto, Ontario Motion of Direction 18-20 Submitting a request to Council for support with respect to the Greater Toronto Atmospheric Fund. CORR. 6-05 Motion for Direction CANADIAN UNION OF POSTAL WORKERS 377 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario 21-23 Submitting a request to Council for support with respect to the closure of the mail sorting plant in Quebec City and proposed closures in other locations, consultation with the public postal unions and other major stakeholders to develop a uniform and democratic process for makings changes to Canada Post's networks, and to maintain, expand and improve our public postal network. CORR. 7-05 PAT M. MADILL, REGIONAL CLERK REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Receive for Information 24-32 Advising that at a meeting held on November 9, 2005, Report #2005-W-111 of the Commissioner of Works with respect to the relocation of existing watermain and sanitary sewer located across No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive, in the City of Pickering, to facilitate severance of the properties by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority was adopted. -2- HCKER1NG Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm (5) (6) CORR. 8-05 SHIELA BIRRELL, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF MARKHAM 101 Town Centre Boulevard Markham, Ontario Receive for Information 33-34 Advising that at a meeting held on October 25, 2005, Clause 2, Report No. 35 with respect to Information Report, Pickering Airport Site: Status of Airport Zoning Regulations and Master Plan Process was adopted. CORR. 9-05 JOHN GODFREY MINISTER OF STATE Refer to Executive Committee Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to Report, City Solicitor & Division Head, Projects & Policy to Report 35-37 Advising that on June 17, 2005, Canada, Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the City of Toronto signed a groundbreaking agreement under the Government of Canada's New Deal for Cities and Communities that flows federal gas tax revenue directly to municipalities in Ontario. AMO is administering the fund and is requesting the executed Municipal Funding Agreement and the municipal by-law authorizing the signatures as soon as possible. (Copies of Municipal Funding Guide and Municipal Funding Agreement available in the Clerks office.) VII) (1) (2) REPORTS PAGE Executive Committee Report EC 2005-15 Director, Planning & Development Report PD 45-05 Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 16 to 22, 40R-23842) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-2, 40R-23817) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-3, 40R-22516) Michael and Jennifer Jain (Jain), Mark and Danielle Linnane (Lianne); and Grant Morris Associates Ltd. (Grant Morris) Agreements Respecting Conveyance and Construction/Payment of Goldenridqe Road -3- 38-39 40-46 HCKER1NG Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm RECOMMENDATION That the City accept the conveyance of those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 16 to 22, Plan 40R-23842 for future road purposes (Goldenridge Road extension); That Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and City Solicitor to obtain, prepare and executive all documentation necessary to effect the acquisition of these lands; That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor between the City, Grant Morris, Linnane and Jain respecting the conveyance, construction, payment and cost sharing for the future extension of Goldenridge Road; and That Council approve the expenditure of up to $28,000. to cover the cost to install municipal services and construct Goldenridge Road across the frontage of Lot 118, subject to the owner (Jain) entering into an agreement with the City for the repayment of the entire amount, plus 6% interest per annum, upon the earlier of: (a) three years from the date of the Agreement between the City and Jain; or (b) the City issuing its clearance to Land Division Committee in support of the severance of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering. -4- PICKRR1NG Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm (3) Chief Administrative Office, Report CAO 13-05 Transport Canada - Federal Airport Lands Due Diliqence Review of Airport Master Plan RECOMMENDATION That Report CAO 13-05 concerning the Federal Government's due diligence review of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's Master Plan for the Federal Lands in Pickering be received; That the Federal Government be advised that Pickering Council supports the completion of a due diligence review of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's (GTAA's) Master Plan for the Federal Lands in Pickering, by the Federal Minister of Transport; That the Federal Minister of Transport be requested to ensure that the due diligence review provides ample opportunity for Pickering Council and interested members of the community to participate in the process; 4. That the Federal Minister of Transport be requested to ensure the due diligence review includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following broad considerations: (i) A comprehensive airport supply and demand analysis of airport traffic growth, and a review of airport governance in southern Ontario. (ii) A comprehensive business case analysis of a potential airport in Pickering. (iii) A peer review of the GTAA's Airport Master Plan and supporting documentation. 5. That a copy of this Report and resolutions be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Transport, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, the Region of Durham, Members of Parliament for Ajax-Pickering and Pickering-Scarborough East, and Member of Provincial parliament for Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge. 47-50 At the November 7, 2005 meeting of Council this matter was deferred. -5- Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm vm) BY-LAWS By-law 6596/05 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963-979 Brock Road, 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 and 1739 Orangebrook Court, 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 and 1842 Clements Road, 885 and 895 Sandy Beach Road).[Report CS 82-05] By-law 6597/05 Being a by-law to appoint John Laider as a Livestock Valuer within the geographic limits of the City of Pickering. 51-53 1. NOTICES OF MOTION 54-55 Establishing Pickerin,q as a True Sport Community Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner WHEREAS Statistics Canada figures show that in Canada, 2.2 million children between the ages of 9 and 14, or 54% of kids, play organized sports outside of school. According to the National Alliance of Youth Sports, almost three-quarters drop out by the time they reach age 13 because "it's not fun anymore". Too much focus on winning and overzealous coaches are among the top reasons that kids quit. WHEREAS Sports Illustrated for Kids magazine reported that almost three-quarters of 3,000 readers polled had seen out-of-control adults at their games, ranging from parents or coaches yelling at each other, at kids and officials, to violence. WHEREAS data collected shows that of the three participant groups - players, coaches and spectators - players are the least often cited as the source of poor conduct. -6- PICKERING Council Meeting Agenda Monday, November 21, 2005 7:30 pm WHEREAS 92% of Canadians believe community-level sport can contribute to developing positive values in youth BUT fewer than one in five Canadians believe sport is living up to its potential. WHEREAS True Sport is a national movement committed to the belief that sport makes a powerful and positive contribution to the development of people and communities. True sport gives expression to the growing desire of Canadians to enjoy a sport experience driven by values. The kind of sport that makes us better; one that promotes fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun; and one that contributes immeasurably to the social fabric of our society. WHEREAS True Sport has a goal of 2010 True Sport Communities by the year 2010, the year of the Vancouver Olympics. WHEREAS The City of Pickering is committed to promoting behaviours that set an example, behaviours such as: · Playing fair · Treating team-mates and competitors with respect · Abiding by the rules of the game · Playing drug-free · Penalizing inappropriate behaviour The hope is that these practices will be employed and enforced by all True Sport athletes, teams, leagues, associations and communities. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Pickering be recognized as a True Sport community. x) Xl) OTHER BUSINESS CONFIRMATION BY-LAW ADJOURNMENT FOR INFORMATION ONLY Minutes of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee meeting held on October 20, 2005. 56-59 -7- 1-)ICK E RING Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm 001 PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll D. Bentley T. Melymuk D. Shields - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - (Acting) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy - Deputy Clerk I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Brenner Regular Council Meeting of October 17, 2005 'Closed' Council Meeting of October 17, 2005 'Closed' Council Meeting of October 24, 2005 CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm III) DELEGATIONS Mark Holland, M.P., Ajax-Pickering, addressed Council and provided an update respecting the Gas Tax Announcement. He also stated that he felt the management of the Pickering airport lands had not been done properly and noted that he would support Council with respect to protecting the heritage on those lands. Noel Gerry, Barrister & Solicitor for Ms. Anna Trojanowska, owner of the Brock Spa, addressed Council with respect to Report CS 83-05 concerning a request for an expansion to the permitted area to include 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering. Mr. Gerry requested that Council give consideration to expanding the designated area for body rub parlours to include his client's property. Surinder Kumar, appeared before Council in support of Report CS 77-05, concerning the amendment to the Taxicab By-law respecting a taxicab fare increase. Mr. Kumar thanked the Taxicab Advisory Committee for all the work being completed on behalf of the taxi industry. Kewal Manoch, appeared before Council in support of Report CS 77-05, concerning the amendment to the Taxicab By-law respecting a taxicab fare increase. Mr. Manoch also thanked the Taxicab Advisory Committee Marilyn Marcoux, 1502 Streamside Crt., addressed Council concerning a flood problem that they have on their property. Mrs. Marcoux stated that her insurance company would not pay any claims because they felt it was the City's problem. She had requested help from the City to no avail and had sent an additional letter recently to the City of Pickering requesting assistance again. Ms. Marcoux requested financial aid to assist her husband and herself with their situation. She stated that the City of Pickering and TRCA are responsible for the Class Environmental Assessment to evaluate solutions for the flooding problem. She further advised that work on the Sandy Beach was critical to addressing the situation; regular maintenance of the culvert on the west side of Sandy Beach Road and thirdly, a retaining wall and regrading of land along the west side of the property. Stephen Frederick, representing VOCAL, addressed Council concerning the Due Diligence Review of the Airport Master Plan. Mr. Frederick stated that VOCAL was opposed to the airport and had been from the Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm 0O3 ~v) start. He noted that they felt it was not needed and questioned whether the recommendations in Report CAO-13-05 could be more specific and whether his group could be involved in the fine tuning of those recommendations. CORRESPONDENCE (1) CORR. 1-05 MR. PATRICK McNEIL ONTARIO POWER GENERATION 889 Brock Road Pickerin.q, Ontario Receive for Information Submitting to Mayor Ryan, a letter from Ontario Power Generation writing in response to the Working Group established through Report CAO 09-05 of the Chief Administrative Officer, which was endorsed by Council on June 20, 2005. Mr. McNeil advises that OPG has acted to set up an improved on-site incident command centre for future events, in response to concerns related to the June 3, 2005 incident. (2) CORR. 2-05 PETITION FROM THE RESIDENTS OF WARD 3 VALLEY RIDGE CRESCENT Refer to Executive Committee Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to Report Submitting to Council a petition dated October 18, 2005 from the residents of Valley Ridge Crescent, protesting the increase in house taxes for the year 2005 due to their close proximity to a home destroyed by fire in 2002 and to date not re-built. Councillor Pickles requested that it be noted that City staff have been notified of the petition and are undertaking a comprehensive review. (3) CORR. 3-05 R.M. ANDERSON REGIONAL CHAIR REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Receive for Information Reconfirm Resolution #46/03 Submitting to Council a copy of the GTA Task Force March 2003 report and requesting that Council endorse or reconfirm their endorsement of the March 2003 Task Force report. The City of Pickering endorsed the Report 0O4 PICK R-iNG Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm of the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform dated March 5, 2003 through Resolution #46/03 dated April 7, 2003. Resolution #192/05 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 1-05 from Mr. Patrick McNeil, Ontario Power Generation, be received for information; That CORR. 2-05 from the residents of Valley Ridge Crescent, be referred to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to report; and That CORR. 3-05 from R.M. Anderson, Region Chair, Region of Durham be received and Council reconfirm Res. #46/03 concerning the endorsement of the Report of the GTA Task Force dated March 2003 and the Region of Durham be so advised. CARRIED v) REPORTS Executive Committee Report EC 2005-14 (1) Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 42-05 Disposal of Lands Part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 Helm Street, Pickerin.q COUNCIL DECISION 1. That a by-law be enacted to: (a) stop-up and close that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 as public highway; and (b) declare that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale by the Corporation; and 0O5 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (c) authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor to obtain all relevant documentation and execute all documentation required to effect the sale of that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 to the adjacent owner for nominal consideration, subject to any required easements. (2) Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 43-05 Street Name Change Old Brock Road to Jenash Court COUNCIL DECISION That the request of Ronald Hinchliffe to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court, be denied. (3) Chief Administrative Office, Report CAO 12-05 Public Alerting - Installation of Sirens and Related Matters COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CAO 12-05, concerning the installation of public alerting sirens and related matters be received; and That the Commissioner of Emergency Management Ontario and the Region of Durham be advised that the City agrees with the Commissioner's proposal to have four sirens installed in the Pickering Contiguous Zone and to conduct an evaluation of their effectiveness as outlined in the Commissioner's letter to Mayor Ryan dated September 13, 2005; and That the Region of Durham be requested to commence the process of installing the four siren design in the Pickering Contiguous Zone, as recommended by DPRA/Aercoustics, including detailed survey work, and that staff be authorized to grant municipal consent where required; and · Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (4) That the Province be requested to deal with the remaining nuclear public alerting issues (i.e. indoor public alerting and alerting within the 3-10 km area) only in the context of a comprehensive, community-wide public alerting system that addresses all types of potential community emergencies, and that staff be directed to work on this basis only with the Province and the Region on these issues; and That staff be authorized to request reimbursement from the Province and/or the Ontario Power Generation for the DPRNAercoustics re- design consulting costs that the City incurred; and o That a copy of this Report and Resolutions be forwarded to the Province of Ontario, Region of Durham, M.P. Dan McTeague, M.P. Mark Holland, M.P.P. Wayne Arthurs and the Ontario Power Generation. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 80-05 Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kinqston Road and 1822 Whites Road COUNCIL DECISION That Report CS 80-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By- law on private property be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1355 Kingston Road and 1822 Whites Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Resolution #193/05 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2005-13, dated October 24, 2005, be adopted. CARRIED OO7 PICIG RING Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (VI) REPORTS (NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS) (1) Public Meeting City Clerk Report CS 77-05 Proposed Increase to Taxicab Fares Resolution #194/05 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report CS 77-05 of the City Clerk be received; and That By-law 2206/86, be amended to provide for an increase to taxicab fares effective November 15, 2005 as noted within this report and outlined as Attachment #1. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE Yea Nay Councillor Ashe Councillor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan (2) Council Office, Report CO 04-05 Establishment of Benchmarking Standards for Sustainability Resolution #195/05 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Council receive Report CO 04-05 regarding Benchmarking Standards for Sustainability; Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (3) That Council approve the process outlined in the attached report submitted by the Benchmarking Sustainability Standards Committee (see Attachment #1) and that the Benchmarking Sustainability Standards Committee be authorized to continue to work on this project; That the Benchmarking Sustainability Standards Committee be authorized to retain Jack McGinnis of the RDC Group to act as the City's consultant and facilitator with respect to the attached process at a cost not to exceed $10,000 in 2005 and $25,000 in 2006; and, 4. That Council authorize a 2006 pre-budget approval of $50,000 for this process. CARRIED ON a RECORDED VOTE Yea Nay Councillor Ashe Councillor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Councillor Johnson - Absent Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 39-05 Tender No. T-5-2005 Tender for Storm Sewer Installation & Road Reconstruction for Finch Avenue Resolution #196/05 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Report OES 39-05 regarding Storm Sewer Installation & Road Reconstruction for Finch Avenue be received; and that 009 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm Tender No. T-5-2005 submitted by Advice Contracting Limited for Storm Sewer Installation & Road Reconstruction for Finch Avenue in the amount of $476,548.30 (G.S.T. included) be accepted; and that The total gross project cost of $680,169 (GST included) and a net project cost of $635,672, including the tender amount and other project costs identified in this report be approved; and that The amount of $635,672 for Storm Sewer Installation & Road Reconstruction for Finch Avenue of which $145,270 of the amount to be funded by a transfer from Development Charges Reserve Fund and the amount of $435,812 to be funded by the City's Share - DC Reserve as provided for in the 2005 Capital Budget and the remaining to be funded by a contribution from TRCA in the amount of $54,590, be approved; and that 5. The appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to bring effect thereto. CARRIED (4) City Clerk, Report CS 84-05 City of Pickering Preliminary Operatin.q Plan for Animal Services Resolution #197/05 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Report CS 84-05 of the City Clerk be received for information; That the 2006 Preliminary Operating Plan for Animal Services for the City of Pickering encompass in-house enforcement services and contracted/partnership for animal shelter services; That 2006 Capital budget pre-approval be granted to allow for the purchase of one van equipped for animal services at an approximate cost of $30,000 and miscellaneous equipment costs at an approximate cost of $6,000 to be financed from 2006 current revenues for a total approximate cost of $36,000.; 4. That 2006 Current budget pre-approval be granted to allow for recruitment of one full time Supervisor of Animal Services and two part 010 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (5) time Municipal Law Enforcement Officers/Animal Control Officers for the January 1,2006 start-up of the City of Pickering enforcement services for animal control, at an approximate cost of $146,294; That in order to provide staffing effective January 1, 2006, that authority be given to commence the hiring process in accordance with Item 4 and the requisition for the purchase of the vehicle and equipment noted in Item 3 in 2005 and that the salaries and benefits for 2005 be funded from monies not otherwise required in the 2005 current budget; That the City of Pickering accept the offer of the Municipality of Clarington dated September 7, 2005 with respect to the feed, care and sheltering of animals on an interim basis effective January 1, 2006 at an estimated cost of $25,000 to June 30, 2006; That staff be authorized to pursue and obtain quotations and/or agreements in principle for the provision of longer term contracted/partnership for animal shelter services; and 8. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED City Clerk, Report CS 83-05 Request for Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering Resolution #198/05 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That Report CS 56-05 of the City Clerk be received for information; 2. That Report CS 83-05 of the City Clerk with respect to a request to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours by the Brock Spa, municipally located at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, be received for information; and, 011 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm 3. That the request from Ms. Anna Trojanowska, Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road be denied and the applicant be so advised. CARRIED (6) Chief Administrative Office, Report CAO 13-05 Transport Canada Federal Airport Lands Due Diligence Review of Airport Master Plan Resolution #199/05 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Ashe That Chief Administrative Office, Report CAO 13-05, be referred back to staff for two weeks in order to provide for detailed consultation with representatives of VOCAL. CARRIED (7) Proclamation: "Restorative Justice Week" - November 13-20, 2005 Resolution #200/05 Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Johnson That November 13 - 20, 2005 be proclaimed as "Restorative Justice Week". CARRIED VII) BY-LAWS By-law 6592/05 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 1355 Kingston Road and 1822 Whites Road).[Report CS 80-05] 01© PICKFRING Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm vm) By-law 6593/05 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 31, Concession 2, Pickering, designated as Part 15, Plan 40R-23461 and that part of Lot 30, Concession 2, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23461, as public highway (Rosebank Road) By-law 6594/05 Being a by-law to stop-up and close that part of Lot 5, RCP No. 819, Pickering, being Part 2, Plan 40R-21838 as public highway and authorize the sale of the land as it is no longer required for municipal purposes.[Report PD 42-05] By-law 6595/05 Being a by-law to amend By-law 2206//86, Schedule "B", Tariff of Rates and Fares, Taxicab Licensing. [Report CS 77-05] THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Brenner, moved that By-law Numbers 6592/05 and 6595/05 be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED NOTICES OF MOTION 1. Building Code Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002 Resolution #201/05 Council was provided with correspondence from the Chief Building Official dated October 17, 2005, along with information from the Professional Engineers of Ontario, Ontario Association of Architects, Consulting Engineers of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Architects, in relation to Bill 124, Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean 013 PICI RING Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm That the Notice of Motion and correspondence of the Chief Building Official dated October 17, 2005 with respect to Bill 124, be received for information. CARRIED (2) Protection of Heritage Sites on Pickering Airport Lands Resolution #202105 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean WHEREAS the Tullis Cottage represents an important piece of Pickering heritage and is under threat of demolition by the federal government; and WHEREAS the Barclay family, who have lived at the Tullis property for more than one hundred and fifty years, is facing impending eviction and this places the Tullis Cottage in immediate jeopardy; and WHEREAS there are other key heritage homes and sites located on the Pickering airport lands that are also at risk of demolition, and which represent important aspects of Pickering's history; and WHEREAS the federal government has responsibility as a landowner to help preserve and protect local heritage on it's properties; and WHEREAS Mark Holland, Member of Parliament for the affected area, has called for the federal government to meet its responsibilities and protect homes and sites of significant heritage value; NOW THEREFORE, the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby requests the Minister of Transport to withdraw its action to evict the Barclay family from the Tullis Cottage in recognition of its importance of preserving Pickering's history; and THAT the Minister of Transport commit immediately to protect and preserve the Tullis Cottage, the Brougham Hall, Temperance Hall, the Altona Inn and the Brougham Schoolhouse as the most important heritage sites on the Pickering Airport Lands; and THAT the Minister of Transport, in conjunction with the local heritage working group established by Public Works and Government Services Canada, develop a plan to preserve and protect other areas of key importance to Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm Pickering's heritage by no later than March of 2006 that would be acted upon immediately upon its release; and THAT this motion be circulated to Mark Holland, M.P. Ajax-Pickering, The Honourable Dan McTeague, M.P. Pickering-Scarborough East, The Honourable Jean Lapierre, Minister of Transport, The Honourable Scott Brison, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE Yea Nay Councillor Ashe Councillor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan OTHER BUSINESS (1) Councillor Dickerson requested that staff investigate a letter received from Sheridan Chevrolet Cadillac advising that they had advised the Region of Durham that 1819 Kingston Road is for sale and that they might consider it for an E.M.S. location. Councillor McLean also referenced the site behind the old Police Station that should be investigated. (2) Councillor McLean requested that staff look into a protocol for notifying Council of official openings. He also requested that staff look into additional correspondence from the Minister of Municipal Affairs regarding St. Martins Seniors Centre. (3) Councillor Brenner presented a DVD from the group UMOVE on violence and youth. He noted that Pickering Council was committed to stopping violence in the City and stated that a new group had been created by Members of Council called CAVE (Community Against Violence Everywhere). He noted that Councillor Dickerson was the Chair of the new group and Councillor Ashe and Councillor McLean were taking a leadership role in a forum that they were putting together. Councillor 015 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm (4) Brenner noted that Council would continue to be provided with updates on what the group would be doing. The following matters were considered prior to the meeting: Resolution #203/05 That Council move into a closed meeting of Council in order to discuss a matter receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for Regional Corporation purposes. CARRIED a) A confidential verbal update from the Coordinator, Business Development & Investment with respect to a property matter was provided. Council concurred with the recommendation to proceed as presented in a confidential handout dated November 4, 2005. b) A confidential verbal update from the City Solicitor on Bill 16, an Act respecting the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve was received. c) Confidential correspondence was received from the City Solicitor with respect to a taxicab matter. This matter was deferred to November 14, 2005 for further discussion and clarification. d) Confidential correspondence from the (Acting) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer was received in relation to an insurance claim. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Council rise and ratify the actions taken at the 'In Camera' session. CARRIED e) Council was provided with the following correspondence for their information; Memorandum dated October 25, 2005 from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services with respect to the Amberlea Community Safety Audit; 016 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 7, 2005 7:30 pm x) x~) ii) Memorandum dated October 26, 2005 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer with respect to First Appearances - Evening Appointments; iii) Memorandum dated October 27, 2005 from the City Clerk with respect to the procedure for putting a question on the ballot for the 2006 Elections with regards to the direct election of the Regional Chair; and iv) Memorandum dated November 3, 2005 from the Community Emergency Management Coordinator with respect to the NWMO Final Report- Preliminary Observations and Comments. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6596105 Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Pickles, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of November 7, 2005. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:00 pm. DATED this 7TM Day of November, 2005 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBI A. BENTLEY CITY CLERK October 27, 2005 Pat Madill, Regional Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON, L1N 6A3 Dear Ms. Madill: RE: PAY ASSURANCE /'t '05 017 At a meeting held on October 24, 2005, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington considered the above matter and passed the following resolution: "WHEREAS the Region of Durham has just defeated a request for pay assurance; AND WHEREAS pay assurance exposes municipalities to risk and unknown costs; AND WHEREAS all Treasurers in Durham Region and the Commissioner of Finance oppose Pay Assurance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON advises that it oppose Pay Assurance and requests Durham Region to continue to oppose Pay Assurance; and Yours. 7a't ..' · -~nicipal Clerk PLB/ta CC; THAT this be forwarded to all Durham Municipalities for support." Martin de Rond, Clerk, The Town of Ajax /~n ~.o,~ George S. Graham, Administrator/Clerk, The Township S. Kranc, Clerk, The City of Oshawa D. Bentley, Clerk, The City of Pickering ... Kim Coates, Clerk, The Township of Scugog D. Leroux, Clerk, The Township of Uxbridge P. Jones. McKay, Clerk, The Town of Whitby CORPORATION OF THE ' .;:,'~,.¢ COPY TO: '" ¢'-'-}TN'~o. 'SYSTEMS "~"' "'-[ L~t~AL SERVICES ~--'PK'; ;-" [ LIBRARY ~ '~ .... ~ MUN. PR6P.~EN~. ~- ~"~ OPERATIONS ~- ~EC. P~NNING & DEV. : RE PR~.& POL. -' u: :;-::~ ~L., , SUPPLY&SERV, .,, -..:~; . ?~MAN ~ES MUNICIPALITY OF OLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 018 I~TIIIl~ffillAlrn0spheric Fund October 18, 2005 Mayor David Ryan The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mayor Ryan: Cl ' tnAir 75 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, ON M5G IP4: 416-a92-0271 ~.- Recently, I sent you a copy of a proposal outlining a plan to create a climate change/clean air agency in the Greater Toronto Area. I hope you have had an opportunity to review it. Briefly, the proposal calls for the federal and provincial governments to fund the Greater Toronto Atmospheric Fund, or GTAF, to help deal with issues of climate change, air quality and rising energy costs in the Toronto region. The GTAF would be modeled on the highly successful Toronto Atmospheric Fund, which has been helping the City of Toronto reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases and smog precursors, as well as its fuel bills, since 1991. Members of our project team presented the GTAF proposal to the board of the Toronto Regional Conservation Authority earlier this month. The TRCA board adopted a resolution in support of the proposal (attached), which has been circulated to your City Clerk. I would appreciate it if you would consider placing a similar resolution of support before your Council in the near future. Someone from our project team would be happy to speak to you further about the GTAF proposal if you have any questions. I thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, ,..c-C--" --v- /,- ~I Eva Ligeti Executive Director Clean Air Partnership onserva for The Living City 019 October 11,2005 Ms. Eva L/get/ Executive Director, The Clean Air Partnership 75 Elizabeth Street Toronto, ON MSG 1P4 Mr. Rob Maxwell Toronto Atmospheric Fund 75 Elizabeth Street Toronto, ON MSG 1P4 Dear Ms. L/get/and Mr. Maxwell: Thank you for your joint presentation at Authority Meeting #7/05, of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), held on September 30, 2005. At this meeting, Resolution #A187/05 in regards to Greater Toronto Area-wide Climate Change and Clean Air Agency, was approved as follows: WHEREAS at the annual GTA Smog Summit this year, representatives of the federal and provincial governments, along with municipal politicians from across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), signed a declaration expressing their intent to explore the creation of a GTA-wide climate and clean air agency on the model of the .Toronto Atmospheric Fund; WHEREAS the year 2005 has seen the highest number of air quality alerts in the history of the region; WHEREAS parts of the GTA are experiencing constraints in electricity Supply through the provincial grid; WHEREAS municipalities in the GTA recognize the serious effects that climate change will have of~ fi~e "" ....... :~ . re~j~o,),, ~con~,n,,,,, .environmental and so'cia/health; WHEREAS rising energy prices are creating a strain on municipal budgets; WHEREAS the creation of a GTA climate and clean air agency would assist GTA municipalities, as well as the federal and provincial governments, in dealing with these problems; THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority call on the federal and provincial governments to fund the creation and ongoing operation of such an agency, based on the Toronto Atmospheric Fund model, said agency to work in cooperation with the GTA regions and local municipal/ties, as well as with senior level§ of government, other public sector agencies, and the private and not-for-profit sectors, in dealing with clean air and climate change issues across the GTA; 5 .Shoreham Drive, Downsvie~; Ontario/,d3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www. trca.on.ca 02O AND FURTHER THAT the local municipal/ties and regional Medical Officers of Health in the GTA be so advised. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 416-661-6600 extension 5264 or Brian Denney at extension 6290. Sincerely Kathy Stranks Supervisor, Board Member Services 0C. Deb/Bently, City Clerk, City of Pickering She/la Birrell, Town Clerk, Town of Markham Cheri Cowan, Town Clerk, Administration, Town of Caledon Martin de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax Charlotte Gravlev, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Peel Crystal Greet, Clerk, Clerk's Department, City of Mississauga Helena Jaczek, Medical Officer of Health, York Region Barb Kane, Clerk and Deputy Treasurer, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Michele Kennedy, Clerk, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Robert J. Kyle, Commissioner and Medical Officer of Health, Durham Region John D. Leach, City Clerk, City of Vaughan David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health, Toronto Public Health, City of Toronto Keith McNenly, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Mono Len J. Mikulich, City Clerk, Legal Services, City of Brampton Bob Panizza, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Town of Aurora Robert Prowse, Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill Hanif Kassam, Medical Officer of Health, Peel Region Chris Somerville, Clerk, Township of King Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk, City Clerk's Office, City of Toronto 02! October, 2005 To the Mayor and Council RE: Canada Post closing post offices and plants I understand that maintaining and improving infrastructure which promotes community economic development is a central concern of municipal governments. I am writing to let you know that a key element of your infrastructure is once again at risk - the public post office. As you may recall, the federal government and post office management tried to close down thousands of public post offices in the late 80s and early 90s. They were stopped in their tracks by public outrage and an election defeat in 1993, but only after about 1,500 rural and 100 urban offices had closed. In 1994, the newly elected Liberal govenunent announced a moratorium on post office closures in rural and small towns. Municipal councils in all parts of the country played an important role in giving voice to the broad public opposition that produced this moratorium. It appears that municipal councils will have to once again take action. Canada Post is once more closing post offices and other facilities. Canada Post is reviewing its national network and has announced plans to close a mail processing plant in Quebec City as the very first step in its review. This plant closure will undermine service and the local economy by destroying 302 jobs in Quebec City. We are concerned that the corporation may close other parts of its network in the course of its review. The corporation has already permanently or te~nporarily closed almost 50 rural post offices since 2001, in spite of a moratorium on closures in rural and small towns. To deal with the public outcry over these closures, John McCallum, the minister responsible for Canada Post, recently made a statement claiming that the federal government's commitment to the moratorium on rural post office closures "remains unwavering." However, in the very same statement, Minister McCallum admits that some closures may be unavoidable. He says that Canada Post will contact his office about any closure and that his staff will then inform the member of Parliament in the area. There is a vague assurance that Canada --t.c, Cc:un°t .~CUF~ SCFT~ ~ 02 . Post will work with "local officials" to see if a post office can be reopened. Not the public. Not municipalities. Not postal unions. Not major stakeholders. Just local officials. This is a far cry from the government's original commitment. When the Liberal govermnent announced the moratorium, it said "As long as this Government is in power, no rural or small town post office will close." (Source: Minister Responsible for Canada Post Corporation, February 18, 1994) It promised not to make any changes to this policy without first undergoing "a full and comprehensive consultation with Postal Service Customer Councils." The government said, "The people will decide." As you may know, Postal Services Customer Councils no longer exist. There is no clear process for "full and comprehensive consultation." Neither the people nor the municipalities are deciding on what happens to their post offices. Our pUblic post office needs a uniform and democratic process for making changes to its network of offices, outlets and plants. The public and postal workers need to be part of this process in both rural and urban areas. If you agree, please consider passing the attached resolution. Your support for this resolution will help your community keep public postal service and jobs, protect the local economy and affirm that democracy is alive and well at the municipal level. Yours truly, Deborah Bourque President Canadian Union of Postal Workers Encl. C.C.; National Executive Board Regional Education and Organization Officers National Union Representatives Specialists DB/bk cope 225 023 POST OFFICE AND PLANT CLOSURES WHEREAS Canada Post is reviewing its entire postal network and has announced plans to close a mail sorting plant in Quebec City as the very first step in its review. WHEREAS the government appears to support Canada Post's plan to close the plant in Quebec City, beginning in December 2005, which would eliminate 302 jobs. WHEREAS the government is allowing Canada Post to close rural post offices in spite of a moratorium on post office closures in rural and small towns. WHEREAS our public postal network connects communities throughout this vast land, helping us to overcome differences and distances. WHEREAS our public postal network plays a key role in our social and economic life by providing jobs and the infrastructure that healthy communities need to thrive and businesses need to grow. BE IT RESOLVED THAT (NAME OF MUNICIPALITY) write to John McCallum, the Minister Responsible tbr Canada Post and request that the federal government instruct Canada Post: 1. to stop the closure of the mail sorting plant in Quebec City and proposed closures in other locations. 2. to consult with the public, postal unions and other major stakeholders to develop a uniform and democratic process for making changes to the Canada Post's network. 3. to maintain, expand and improve our public postal network. MAILING INFORMATION Please send your letter and resolution to: John McCallum, Minister Responsible for Canada Post, Connaught Building, 7th Floor South, 555 MacKenzie Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1A OL5 Please send copies of your letter and resolution to: 1. Deborah Bourque, President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, 377 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1 Y3 2. Your member of Parliament. You can get your MP's name, phone number and address by calling 1-800 463-6868 (at no charge). 3. Moya Greene, President of Canada Post, 2701 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0B1 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact George Floresco, 3rd National Vice-President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, 377 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1Y3, (613) 263-7230 (extension 7900) 024 November 10, 2005 The Regional Municipality of Durham T%oj3to'~ nd Reglo%~dservatio~Authorlty · ~5'-Shoreha~,.Drh;/~ Downs~/i'~w, ON~ M,3Nd~S'4 RE: RELOCATION OF EXISTING WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER LOCATED ACROSS NO. 509 PARK CRESCENT AND Clerk's Department NO. 520 MARKSBURY DRIVE, IN THE CITY OF PICKERING, TO 605 ROSSLAND RD. E FACILITATE SEVERANCE OF THE PROPERTIES BY THE PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY CANADA (2005-W-111) (Our File: 009-00 ) 905-668-7711 1-800-372-;I 102 Fax: 905-668-9963 The Works Committee of Regional Council considered the abOve.matter and E-maih at a meeting held on November 9, 2005, Council adopted the following clerks@region.durham.on.ca recommendations of the Committee: www.region .durham .on.ca Pat M. Madill, A,M.C.T., CMM I Regional Clerk "a) THAT the Works Department be authorized to relocate the existing watermain and sanitary sewer.located on an easement across No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive at a cost not to exceed $90,000; b) THAT financing for this work be provided from the Allowance for Unknown Requirements items in the approved 2005 Water Supply ($50,000) and Sanitary Sewerage ($20,000) Capital Budgets User Revenue and $20,000 from the Toronto and' Region Conservation Authority; c) THAT the Region of Durham be provided easements in the location of the relocated services from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; d) THAT the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents associated with the easement agreements; and; "Service Excellence for our Communities" e) THAT a copy of Report #2005-W-111 of the Commissioner of'Works be forwarded to the Toronto and Region Cons_ervatiop_A~lfhnrih/q ~d the City of Pickering for information" . ,'?.'~-:, ~';~"~tSION -' -- ~ LANNING&DEV. I~ 00% Post Consumer Page Re: 2005-W-1 Enclosed as directed, is a copy of Report #2005-W-111 of the Commissioner of Works. Pat M. Madill, AMCT, CMM I Regional Clerk PMM/cb Encl. C~ D.A.B.entley, Clerk, City of Pickering C. Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Works Committee From: Commissioner of Works Report: 2005-W-111 Date: October 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Relocation of Existing Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Located across No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive, in the City of Pickering, to Facilitate Severance of the Properties by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT subject to the approval of the Finance & Administration Committee (Recommendation b), the Works Committee recommends to Regional Council that: The Works Department be authorized to relocate the existing watermain and sanitary sewer located on an easement across No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive at a cost not to exceed $90,000; b) Financing for this work be provided from the Allowance for Unknown Requirements items in the approved 2005 Water Supply ($50,000) and Sanitary Sewerage ($20,000) Capital Budgets User Revenue and $20,000 from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; c) The Region of Durham be provided easements in the location of the relocated services from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; d) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents associated with the easement agreements; and e) A copy of this report be forwarded to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City of Pickering for information. REPORT: Attachment No. 1: Works Committee Correspondence WC- 35-2005, dated June 21, 2005 from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to Mr. John Presta requesting the relocation of servicing on No. 509 Parks Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive in the City of Pickering Report No.: 2005-W-111 Paqe No.: 2 027 Attachment No. 2: Conceptual Servicing Plan for relocated watermain and sanitary sewer 1. BACKGROUND The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) purchased the properties known as No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive, in the City of Pickering, for future construction of the Waterfront Trail. This purchase was partially funded by the City of Pickering. The remaining costs of the purchase are to be offset through the sale of a building lot, which is to be severed off the portion of the properties not required for the Waterfront Trail. At present, the Region of Durham has a 150 mm diameter watermain and a 250 mm diameter sanitary sewer located on a portion of the properties proposed for disposal by TRCA. These services are not located on easement. In order for the Region to maintain or replace the existing watermain and sanitary sewer, permission to enter and a new easement will be required. The TRCA have approached Regional staff requesting that the existing watermain and sanitary sewer be relocated. Easements will be provided at the new location of the services. This will enable the TRCA to sever the property free of encumbrances so that it may be sold as a building lot to help recover the cost of purchasing the properties. It is recommended that the Region replace this infrastructure, that is over forty (40) years old, in order to avoid future problems with residents. FINANCING The total project costs in order to relocate the existing services is estimated to be $90,000. Financing for the construction of the new 150 mm diameter watermain (approximately $50,000) is available in the approved 2005 Water Supply Capital Budget for, Item 86 - Allowance for Unknown Requirements. Financing for the construction of the new 250 mm diameter sanitary sewer (approximately $20,000) is available in the approved 2005 Sanitary Sewer Capital Budget for Item 66 - Allowance for Unknown Requirements. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will contribute $20,000 towards the relocation of services and complete the transfer of easements at their cost as part of the land severance. Report No.: 2005-W- 111 Paqe No.: 3 3. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Region of Durham relocate the existing watermain and sanitary sewer located on easement across the properties known as No. 509 Park Crescent and No. 520 Marksbury Drive, in the City of Pickering. This report has been reviewed by the Finance Department and the Commissioner of Finance concurs with the financial recommendation. Clifford ¢..,~rtis, P. Eng., MBA, Commissioner of Works Recommended for Presentation to Committee / ~'hi%C~i~ia~t~vWe' ~Dfficer EPSl/ps/cb/at oHSeFVd t ou for The Living City 029 Attachment No. ~ Report No. 2005-W-111 June 21, 2005 Mr. John Presta Director EnVironmental Services Works Department 1' 05 Consumers Drive PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3 RECEIVED JUN ,Z l WORI¢S DEPT. Dear Mr. Presta Re: Request for Relocation of Servicing 509 Parks Crescent / 520 Marksbury Drive Parts of Lots 31,32, and 33 Plan 270, City Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham Lake Ontario Waterfront - CFN 12069 AtMeeting #11./04, January 7, 2005, o. ur Authority Board, approved the following resolution 'as amended ~ THAT 0.179 hectares (0.44 acres) more or less of an irregular shaped .parcel improved with two cottage style'residences be purchased from Anne Zid, said land being Part of Lots 31, 32 and'33, Plan 270, in the' City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, municipalitY.known as 520 Marksbury Road and 509 Park Crescent; THAT the purchase, price be $590,O00.00 plus reasonable costs related to the transaction; THAT the total acquisition cost include the costs for the demolition of the two. cottages; THAT the purchase be. sUbject to the City.of Pickering contributing a netof $200,000.00 towardS the tOtal acquiSition costs; THAT the Toronto and Region Conservation AuthOrity (TRCA) receive conveyance of'the. land required free frOm encumbrance, sUbject to existing service easements; THAT staff be directed to pursue the sale of a portion of the subject property, as a single family deveIoPment'lot, subject to' obtaining the necessary approvals, in. order to fund all' or a portion of the outstanding balance of the purchase price; 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S~6~16) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www. trca.on.ca 03O Attachment No. 1 Report No. 2005-W-ll 1 2 THAT a further report be brought forward to the Executive Committee regarding the details of the disposal; THAT Gardiner Roberts, Barristers and Solicitors, be instructed to complete the transaction at the 'earliest Possible date. All reasonable expenses incidental to the closing, for land transfer tax, legal costs, and disbursements are to be paid; THAT the appropriate TRCA officials be authorized and directed to execute, all necessary documentation refluired; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Pickering be so advised. Enclosed for your information, is the staff report'thataddresses some of the background related tothe acquisition of the subject property. The. TRCA'cOmpleted the acquisition of the property' in February 2005, and in ac.cordance with .the direction of-the Authority resolution we are beginning the process to create a lot for sale on the open market to help cover the costs. The balance of the subject.Property will be retained for regional Waterfront open space and trail requirements. The lot TRCA is proposing ,to create, outline in red on the attached sketches is encumbered, by a sanitary sewer and water main owned by the Region. No easements exist for these services.- Within the propbsed lot or the adjacent TRCA property. We began discussions with Regional staff rega[din, g ,the pos,sibility of relocating the'servicing and. at a' meeting .with Region officials. on Friday; June 17, 2005, .it Was generally agreed thatthe servicing could be relocated follows: the' sanitary sewer would be .rerouted north..thr, ough City of Pickering property j.ust west of the proposed lot to the sanitary trunk sewer · the water main would be extended almost directly, east, south ortho proposed lot to Marksbury Crescent easements for the:sanitary sewer andwater main services would b.e registered in favour Qf the Region on TRCA property .and City of Pi'ckering property (which we will bereques;dng .t° be transferred to TRCA) as shoWn in black on the' attached Sketches The relocation will result in the services being located entirely on public lands (,with the exception of a small, portion'at the Park Crescent end)., and should prc~vid.e easier.access '[or maintenance in.the future. Through the consent process the. TR.CA will be required, to prepare.a reference, p an.and, we..: are proposing that reference plan include the easements as well. Attachment No. 1 Report No. 2005-W-111 031 3 It would therefore be appreci'ated if you would confirm that the relocation of the services as outlined above is technically feasible and that the-Region would SuppOrt this approach. We also'respectfully request the Region to participate in the creation of this important link in the Durham waterfront open space by providir~g for the relocation of the services outlined' above. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have and questions or clarification. .~.~very~truly, Manager, ConSerVation Lands and Property Services Toronto and. Region Conservation Authority Phone: (416) 661-6600 ext. 5245 Email: rdewell@trca.on.ca. /bw Enclosures cc: Chris Herriot, Durham Mike Hubble, Durham Jim McGiltOn, Durham Lyle Kivefl,: Durham Ross Pym, City. of piCkering Ron TaylOr, City of Pickering Larry Field Proposed EX SAN ~ Attachment No. 2 nitary Report No. 2005-W-111 Existin~ Watermain and~!1~ Sani' Sewer to be R~ ~j ~, t EX SAN SEWER__ ~TERMAIN SAN Wat~ ~cation Attachment No. 2 Conceptual Servicing Plan for Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Relocations August 9 2005 6Scale - 1:500 ARKHAM 033 Clerk's Department Corporate Services Commission October 27, 2005 Mr. Bruce Taylor City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Sir: RE: : ~' ;:i'~,;J i~;SS j j OPERATIONS '.CULTU;'iE ¢: REC. P~NNING &DEV. ~:7 ~.7~ -- PROd.& POL ~,EC~N. OEVEL. SUPPW & SERV. FIREHUMAN RES, INFORMATION REPORT, PICKERING AIRPORT SITE: STATUS OF AIRPORT ZONING REGULATIONS AND MASTER PLAN PROCESS (13.1) This will confirm that at the meeting of Council held on October 25, 2005, Clause 2, Report No. 35, was approved as follows: "That the report entitled "Infon'nation Report, Pickering Airport Site: Status of Airport Zoning Regulations and Master Plan Process", dated October 18 2005, be received; And that the Federal Government be advised of the Town of Markham's disappointment in the dissolution of the Green Space Stewardship Advisory Committee (GSSAC), and requests that the Federal Government reinstate a Committee with a similar mandate to the GSSAC to continue to identify local issues and opportunities in the implementation of the Federal Green Space Master Plan. And that the Federal Government be advised that the Town of Markham is concerned about the lack of opera, ess of previous GSSAC meetings, and requests a more open public process, including that quarterly, or otherwise regular updates be provided from the GSSAC, and any other Federal Government Working Groups dealing with the Pickering Airport and Federal Green Space Lands, on the issues before them and their progress; And that the Federal Government be requested to continue to provide protection for transportation commctions to the Picketing Airport, including Provincial Highway, arterial road access, and transit connections, and monitor decisions made by the Province of Ontario and the Region of Durham in this regard; The Corporation of The Town of Markham. 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontado L3R 9W3 O' '''/]:~ /% ~ Website: www. markham.ca · Tel: 905-475-4744 · Fax: 905-479-7771 034 Mr. Bruce Taylor October 27, 2005 Page 2 And that the Federal Government be requested to prepare an implementation program to establish and secure the Rouge Park connection across the Federal Green Space Lands, from the Little Rouge Corridor to the Oak Ridges Moraine, including the potential conveyance into Town or TRCA ownership of the southern portion identified as the "Gap ' Lands" in the Federal Government Green Space announcement in May 2002, in advance of the Environmental Assessment process for the Pickering Airport; And further that this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Transport, local MPs, the Province of Ontario, local MPPs, the Region of York, the Region of Durham, the Rouge Alliance, the City of Pickering and the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffwlle. By way of background information, enclosed is a copy of the staff report dated October 18, 2005. Sincerely, Sheila Birrell Town Clerk /lh Encl. c. Mr. Tim Lambe, Manager, Policy & Research Canada October 31, 2005 035 q-o5 To Head of Council: On June 17, 2005, Canada, Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMC) and the City of Toronto signed a ~n Ontado' agreement represerlts-e, ae~ partnership between federal, provincial and municipal governments to enhance the sustainability of municipalities in every part of Ontario. Madame, Monsieur, Le 17 juin 2005, le Canada, I'Ontado, I'Association des municipalit~s de I'Ontario (AMC) et la Ville de Toronto ont sign6 une entente novatrice dans le cadre du Nouveau pacte pour les villes et les collectivit~s du gouvemement du Canada qui pr~voit le versement des fonds provenant de la taxe fCd~rale sur I'essence directement aux municipalitCs de I'Ontario. Cette entente <( blaborCe en Ontario >> repr~sente un nouveau partenariat entre les administrations fedCrale, provinciale et municipales en vue d'am~liorer la durabilit6 des municipalitCs de toutes les rCgions de I'Ontario. AMC is pleased to be administering this fund in Ontario to ensure municipalities enjoy the benefits of this new revenue source as soon as possible. Please find enclosed two (2) copies of the Federal Gas Tax Fund - Municipal Funding Agreement as well as a Guide to the Municipal Funding Agreement. As part of its New Deal for Cities and Communities, the Government of Canada is investing $1.87 billion in gas tax funding over five years for the benefit of Ontarians in cities and L'AMO est heureuse d'administrer ces fonds en Ontario et de faire en sorte que les municipalit~s profitent des avantages de cette nouvelle source de revenus le plus tet possible. Vous trouverez ci-joint deux (2) copies de I'Entente pour le transfed des recettes provenant de la taxe f~d~rale sur I'essence en vertu du Nouveau pacte pour les rilles et les collectivitbs ainsi qu'un guide sur I'entente de financement des municipalit~s. Dans le cadre du Nouveau pacte pour les villes et les collectivit~s, le gouvernement du Canada investit, sur cinq aris, 1,87 milliard de dollars provenant de la taxe sur I'essence Canad communities, large and small. Funding for all Ontario municipalities will reach $746.2 million by year 5. These investments in environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure will contribute to Canada's environmental objectives - reduced greenhouse gas emissions, cleaner air and cleaner water. In addition to the gas tax, the Government of Canada's investments in cities and communities include Budget 2004's GST rebate worth $7 billion over a 10-year period. This money is now flowing back to municipal governments across Canada. As well the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) is a partnership between the Govemment of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Ontario communities. With municipal investments, this program is expected to stimulate up to $900 million in capital investments in Ontario over five years. As soon as AMO receives both copies of the executed Municipal Funding Agreement and the municipal by-law authorizing the signatures the money will be sent out. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact AMO. dans I'int~r~t des rilles et des collectivitSs, petites et grandes, de I'Ontario. Le financement pour I'ensemble des municipalit~s de I'Ontario atteindra 746,2 millions de dollars lots de la cinqui&me ann&e. Ces investissements dans I'infrastructure municipale 8cologiquement viable contribueront aux objectifs environnementaux du Canada - r~duction des 8missions de gaz ~ effet de serre, assainissement de Fair et assainissement de I'eau. En plus des fonds provenant de la taxe sur I'essence, les investissements du gouvernement du Canada dans les villes et les collectivit~s incluent le remboursement de la TPS prbvu dans le budget de 2004, qui repr~sente sept milliards de dollars sur dix ans. Cet argent est maintenant vers~ aux administrations municipales de tous les coins du Canada. De plus, le Fonds sur I'infrastructure municipale rurale Canada-Ontario (FIMRCO) est le fruit d'un partenariat entre le gouvemement du Canada, le gouvernement de I'Ontario, I'Association des municipalitbs de I'Ontario et les collectivitSs de I'Ontario. Grace aux investissements des municipalit~s, ce programme devrait produire des investissements en capital allant jusqu'~ 900 millions de dollars sur cinq ans, en Ontario. D6s que I'AMO recevra les deux copies de I'Entente de financement des municipalit6s dQment sign~es et du r6glement municipal autorisant les signatures, I'argent sera envoy6. Si vous avez des questions, n'h~sitez pas ~ communiquer avec I'AMO. Cana_da 037 Sincerely, John Godfrey, P.C., M.P. I c.p., d~put~ Minister of State (Infrastructure and Communities) / Ministre d'l~tat (Infrastructure et Collectivit~s) Veuillez agr~er, Madame, Monsieur, I'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs. Roger Anderson President / President - AMO Enclosures cc: John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Pi~ces jointes C.C.: John Gerretsen, ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement HCKEI qG Report No. 15 of the Executive Committee Held on November '14, 2005 EC 2005-'15 That the Executive Committee of the City of Pickering hereby presents its fifteenth Report to Council: (1) Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 40-05 Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement - Pickerin.q Civic Complex Council Chambers That Report OES 40-05 regarding the Robotic Camera System Installation Agreement be accepted; and That the City of Pickering enter into an agreement with Rogers Television or the installation of a robotic camera system in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex with terms and conditions acceptable to the City Solicitor; and 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign such agreement. (2) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 81-05 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes That Report CS 81-05 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357~358 of the MunicipalAct, 2001 be approved; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. (3) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 82-05 Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, 1775 Valley arm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road That Report CS 82-05 respecting the appointment of Special Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law on private property be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whties Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., Report No. 15 of the Executive Committee Held on November 14, 2005 EC 2005-15 039 (4) 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road, be forwarded to Council for approval; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 85-05 Application for Minor Variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended 557 Kingston Road, Pickering That the application for minor variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as outlined in Clerks Report CS 85-05, submitted by DNS Signs Limited on behalf of Pickering Toyota, for property municipally known as 557 Kingston Road, Pickering, BE APPROVED. 04 ¢, PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 45-05 Date: November 14, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Department Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 16 to 22, 40R-23842) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-3, 40R-23817) Part of Lot 52, RCP 1051, Pickering (Parts 1-3, 40R-22516) Michael and Jennifer Jain (Jain); Mark and Danielle Linnane (Linnane); and Grant Morris Associates Ltd. (Grant Morris) Agreements Respecting Conveyance and Construction / Payment of Goldenridge Road File: V0501/RE0518 Recommendation: That the City accept the conveyance of those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 16 to 22, Plan 40R-23842 for future road purposes (Goldenridge Road extension); That Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and City Solicitor to obtain, prepare and execute all documentation necessary to effect the acquisition of these lands; That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor between the City, Grant Morris, Linnane and Jain respecting the conveyance, construction, payment and cost sharing for the future extension of Goldenridge Road; and That Council approve the expenditure of up to $28,000.00 to cover the cost to install municipal services and construct Goldenridge Road across the frontage of Lot 118, subject to the owner (Jain) entering into an agreement with the City for the repayment of the entire amount, plus 6% interest per annum, upon the earlier of: (a) three years from the date of the Agreement between the City and Jain, or (b) the City issuing its clearance to Land Division Committee in support of the severance of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering. Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 2 Executive Summary: As proposed in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines, Goldenridge Road is an internal development read that will eventually connect Fairport Road and Dunbarton Road. Currently, the northerly portion of Goldenridge Road runs through Marshall Homes Plan of Subdivision 40M-2155 and the southerly portion, which was completed by the City in 2004, extends approximately 50 metres north of Dunbarton Road, leaving the middle 120 metres (approx.)to be constructed. It is in the interest of the City to have Goldenridge Road extended south to join with Rushton Road. This extension will provide a looped road network which will provide safer traffic flow and improved pedestrian / service access. Without the connection, Rushton Road and Goldenridge Road will remain as dead-end streets and the infill initiative in this area will be thwarted. Grant Morris, being one of the landowners of the lots lying between the northerly and southerly constructed portions of Goldenridge Road, has initiated contact with, and received concurrence from, other adjacent landowners to convey a portion of their lands to the City for the purpose of constructing an additional section of Goldenridge Road, thereby creating frontage for future development. Concurrence has also been received from the owners of Lots 48, 49, 50 and 51, to pay their pro-rated share towards the cost of the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. However, the owners of Lot 118 (Jain) are unable to pay their pro-rated share at this time. In order for this road to be constructed at this time in conjunction with the development of Plan SP-2004-04, it is being requested that the City cover the pre-rated share of the road construction costs attributable to Jain, subject to a repayment arrangement. The City would require that all affected landowners enter into appropriate agreements with the City to deal with the conveyance and cost-sharing matters of this portion of road, and Grant Morris has agreed to enter into the appropriate Development Agreement for the construction of the road. This report is being expedited directly to Council as it is only economically feasible for this work to be completed in conjunction with the servicing and road construction of the Louisville Homes site which is presently underway. The extension of Goldenridge Road as proposed in this report will serve to facilitate appropriate and anticipated infill development and will provide an improved looped road network through connection with Rushton Road. The proposed development and recoverable City expenditure are recommended for approval. 04? Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November14,2005 Page 3 Financial Implications: All of the owners lying adjacent to the proposed extension of Goldenridge Road (the benefiting owners) have, or will, (except for Jain) pay their pro-rated share to the City for the installation of services and the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. The City's expenditure to cover the construction costs fronting Lot 118 (Jain) in the amount of $28,000.00 will be charged to Capital Account 3264.2613.6181 which was included in the 2005 budget for unanticipated construction projects related to development. To secure the City's financial position, an agreement between the City and Jain for reimbursement of these funds within a three-year time period, at a rate of 6% per annum, will be registered on title. Background: As proposed in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines, Goldenridge Road is an internal development road that will eventually connect Fairport Road and Dunbarton Road. Currently, the northerly portion of Goldenridge Road runs through Marshall Homes Plan of Subdivision 40M-2155 and the southerly portion, which was completed by the City in 2004, extends approximately 50 metres north of Dunbarton Road, leaving the middle 120 metres (approx.)to be constructed. The City has recently acquired parts of Lots 52 and 53 through Land Division Applications 202/03 (Ravey) and 50/05 (Jones) for read purposes, with both parties paying their pro-rated share of the installation of underground services and construction of Goldenridge Road through those applications. Grant Morris, Linnane, Jones, Jain, Laine and Gleed are all landowners of lots lying between the remaining northerly and southerly constructed portions of Goldenridge Road. Each of these landowners require the construction of this extension and the installation of services in order to facilitate proper road frontage to the severed portions of their lots. Grant Morris initiated contact with, and received concurrence from Linnane (Lot 51) to enter into an agreement with the City for the conveyance of the lands required to extend Goldenridge Road across their lot and to pay their pro-rated share (as benefiting owners) for the construction costs. Laine and Gleed being the landowners of Lots 46 and 47, are not prepared to convey land or contribute to the City at this time. Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 4 04: The landowners of Lot 118 (Jain) have also agreed to enter into an agreement respecting the conveyance of a portion of their lands to the City for road purposes, but are unable to pay their portion of the pro-rated share to construct the road and install underground services at this time. Jain has requested that Council consider an expenditure of $28,000.00 to cover the pro-rated share of road construction costs in front of their property, on the condition that they enter into an agreement with the City for the reimbursement of these funds within a three-year time period, at a rate of 6% interest per annum, or through a future land severance. These funds would be expended from Capital Account 3264.2613.6181. The City would also require the conveyance of a reserve fronting the Jain property. The agreement would be registered on title to the Jain property thereby binding any future owner to the obligations of the agreement, should the property be sold prior to repayment. Grant Morris has agreed to enter into the appropriate Development Agreement with the City to: (a) convey a portion of his lands to extend Goldenridge Road across his lots; (b) pay his pro-rated share (as a benefiting owner) for the construction and installation of services costs; (c) construct the extension of Goldenridge Road from the south limit of Lot 48 to connect with the existing portion of Goldenridge Road running through Plan 40M-2155; and (d) provide for the appropriate insurance and documentation that will be required by that Development Agreement. All of the contributing owners, along with Louisville Homes Ltd. have, or will, pay their pro-rated share to the City for the installation of services and the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. These funds will be held by the City and released to Grant Morris as per the conditions set out in the Development Agreement during the construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road. The acquisition of the above-mentioned lands and construction of this extension of Goldenridge Road will also connect Rushton Road (presently being constructed pursuant to Plan of Subdivision SP-2004-04 - Louisville Homes) thereby providing two access points from Fairport Road. It is in the interest of the City to have Goldenridge Road extended south to join with Rushton Road. This extension will provide a looped road network which will provide safer traffic flow and improved pedestrian / service access. Without the connection, Rushton Road and Goldenridge Road will remain as dead-end streets and the infill initiative in this area will be thwarted. 04 Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 5 Accordingly, it is being recommended: That the City accept the conveyance of those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51 and 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Parts 16 to 22, Plan 40R-23842 for future road purposes (Goldenridge Road extension); That Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Planning & Development and City Solicitor to obtain, prepare and execute all documentation necessary to effect the acquisition of these lands; That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor between the City, Grant Morris, Linnane and Jain respecting the conveyance, construction, payment and cost sharing for the future extension of Goldenridge Road; and That Council approve the expenditure of up to $28,000.00 to cover the cost to install municipal services and construct Goldenridge Road across the frontage of Lot 1 t8, subject to the owner (Jain) entering into an agreement with the City for the repayment of the entire amount, plus 6% interest per annum, upon the earlier of: (a) three years from the date of the agreement between the City and Jain, or (b) the City issuing its clearance to Land Division Committee in support of the severance of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering. Attachment: 1. Location Map Report PD 45-05 Subject: Proposed Extension of Goldenridge Road Date: November 14, 2005 Page 6 045 Prepared By: Dennis: ~co~rdinator, Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Nell Carroll, ~PP Director, Planning & Development Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DB:bg Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council T.h~&~ J. euinn'c,/Chief f ~ministra~fficer / ATTACHMENTI.,, I TO REPORT ~ PD,, ~' ~:~ I III II LAtNE ~ PROPOSED LOT 47 <:~ GOLDENRID~E b_ CONNEOTION I GLEED I ~ ~STING St )UTHERLY ~~ ~ )N OF OL IENRI ~ C.~.~. Gi~ of ~ickorin~ P~annin~ & Dovolopmont ~opa~mont PROPER~ DESCRIPTION GOLDENRIDGE ROAD ~ENSION OWNER VARIOUS DATE NOV. 5, 2005 D~WN BY JB FILE No. N/A SCALE 1:2500 CHECKED BY DB PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CAO 13-05 Date: November 2, 2005 O47 Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Transport Canada - Federal Airport Lands Due Diligence Review of Airport Master Plan - File: D-7600-003 Recommendation: That Report CAO 13-05 concerning the Federal Government's due diligence review of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's Master Plan for the Federal Lands in Pickering be received. That the Federal Government be advised that Pickering Council supports the completion of a due diligence review of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's (GTAA's) Master Plan for the Federal Lands in Pickering, by the Federal Minister of Transport. That the Federal Minister of Transport be requested to ensure that the due diligence review provides ample opportunity for Pickering Council and interested members of the community to participate in the process. That the Federal Minister of Transport be requested to ensure the due diligence review includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following broad considerations: (i) A comprehensive airport supply and demand analysis of airport traffic growth, and a review of airport governance in southern Ontario. (ii) A comprehensive business case analysis of a potential airport in Pickering. (iii) A peer review of the GTAA's Airport Master Plan and supporting documentation. That a copy of this Report and resolutions be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Transport, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, the Region of Durham, Members of Parliament for Ajax-Pickering and Pickering-Scarborough East, and Member of Provincial Parliament for Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge. Report to Council CAO 13-05 Subject: Transport Canada - Due Diligence Review Date: November 2, 2005 Page 2 Executive Summary: This Report provides a position on the federal government's "due diligence" review of the work undertaken by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) with respect to a possible regional-reliever airport on the Federal Airport lands in Pickering. The Report recommends that Council request the Federal Minister of Transport to incorporate into the due diligence review the following: a comprehensive airport supply and demand analysis of airports in southern Ontario, a business case analysis of a Pickering airport, and a peer review of the GTAA's Airport Master Plan. As well the Report recommends the Federal Minister of Transport ensure that Pickering Council and interested members of the community be given ample opportunity to participate in the due diligence review. Financial Implications: None Background: In November 2004, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) released a Pickering Airport Draft Plan setting out the concept for a regional-reliever airport that could be developed on the Federal Lands in Pickering over the next 20 years. The Draft Plan was the culmination of more than a dozen studies, and was intended as background and input to a federal environmental assessment process that the GTAA had anticipated commencing in 2005. In December 2004, Pickering Council passed Resolution #172/04 directing staff to report back to Council no later than February 7, 2005, with appropriate terms of reference, a procedure and a proposed budget for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated FAA. The Resolution also directed that a request be made to the Federal Transport Minister and the CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority for sufficient funding to enable the City to acquire qualified consultants to undertake the peer review. In furtherance of this Resolution, Report CAO 04-05 was prepared and considered by Council on February 7, 2005. Council received the Report and directed staff to pursue peer review funding with the Federal Government. On February 17, 2005, the Federal Transport Minister wrote to the City advising that his department is unable to be of assistance at this time (with respect to peer review funding) because the department is currently completing its own review of the GTAA's report, and that should his department determine that further review or additional studies are required, "appropriate action will be taken." Report to Council CAO 13-05 Subject: Transport Canada - Due Diligence Review Date: November 2, 2005 Page 3 In April 2005, the Chair of the GTAA responded to the City's request for peer review funding, noting that the City and GTAA staff have been discussing this matter and reviewing the opportunities to support the City's participation within the framework of an environmental assessment. On September 9, 2005, the Federal Transport Minister issued a news release confirming that Transport Canada would be conducting a comprehensive due diligence review of all related airport planning studies and that once completed, the department will be in a position to recommend next steps, including whether or not to proceed to a federal environmental assessment for a future possible airport. At the October 3, 2005, Council Meeting, Councillor Pickles referred to the due diligence review and asked if a report would be forthcoming on this matter. Mayor Ryan requested Members of Council to provide their comments to staff so that they could be considered along with any pertinent comments received from the public, by staff in preparing a Report to Council. Staff have subsequently contacted Transport Canada to advise them of the City's interest in providing input on the nature and scope of the due diligence review. Transport Canada noted that the matter is currently under consideration, and that more details should be available shortly. Accordingly, in light of Council's long-standing interest in the Federal Lands in Pickering, and given Council's previous request for assistance to undertake a peer review of the GTAA's work, the Federal Minister of Transport should be requested to ensure the due diligence review includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following broad considerations: 1. A comprehensive airport supply and demand analysis of airport traffic growth in southern Ontario including the potential opportunity and role of all existing southern Ontario airports in accommodating projected airport traffic growth, and a review of airport governance in southern Ontario. A comprehensive business case analysis of a potential airport in Pickering should a Pickering airport be justified and confirmed by the airport supply and demand analysis. 3. A peer review of the GTAA's Airport Master Plan and supporting documentation. In addition, the Federal Minister of Transport should be requested to ensure the due diligence process is designed to provide ample opportunity for Pickering Council and interested members of the community to participate in the process and comment on the due diligence report before a decision is made with respect to the undertaking of a federal environmental assessment. 05n Report to Council CAe 13-05 Subject: Transport Canada - Due Diligence Review Date: November 2, 2005 Page 4 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Thomas E. ~ely_rr~k ~ T, lfl"o~rrias J. Quir'~ ! '""~ Division Head, ()'orporate Projects~l,i~y Chief Administrative Officer ~. TJQ:tm Copy: Directors Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,,, Th~:s J. Oui~¢ Chief ~inistr~.~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6596/05 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain Purposes (Parking Regulation -1822 Whites Road 1775 Valley Farm Road, 963 - 979 Brock Road S., 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 & 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Court, 1840 & 1842 Clements Road, 885 & 895 Sandy Beach Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359~87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1822 Whites Road: Steve Valentini b) 1775 Valley Farm Road: James Hunt Allan Ronalds James Barr Ingdd Patz Andrew Terry Charles McNaughton Tamara Craine c) 963-979 Brock Road, 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 and 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Ct., 1840 and 1842 Clements Road, 885 and 895 Sandy Beach Road: Duane Del Broco Greg Miklas The authority granted in section I hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section l(a) ceasing to be an employee of P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency or upon P.R.O. Security & Investigation Agency ceasing to be agents for 1822 Whites Road, or upon the persons listed in section l(b) ceasing to be employees of Securitas Canada or upon Securitas Canada ceasing to be agents for 1775 Valley Farm Road, or upon the persons listed in section 1(c) ceasing to be employees of Invar Building Corporation or upon Invar Building Corporation ceasing to be agents for 963-979 Brock Road, 955 Brock Road, 1735 Bayly Street, 1734, 1736, 1738 and 1739 Orangebrook Ct., 1655 Feldspar Ct., 1840 and 1842 Clements Road, 885 and 895 Sandy Beach Road, whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, City Clerk 053 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6597/05 Being a by-law to appoint John Laider as a Livestock Valuer within the geographic limits of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering is required by certain provincial statutes to appoint persons to certain local boards and committees; and, WHEREAS the Council has established various local boards and committees which require the appointment of persons thereto; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. John Laider is hereby appointed as a Livestock Valuer for the Corporation of the City of Pickering for a term to expire on November 30, 2006. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, Clerk 05. Cit NOTICE OF MOTION DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2005 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR MCLEAN SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR BRENNER Establishing Pickering as a True Sport Community WHEREAS Statistics Canada figures show that in Canada, 2.2 million children between the ages of 9 and 14, or 54% of kids, play organized sports outside of school. According to the National Alliance of Youth Sports, almost three-quarters drop out by the time they reach age 13 because "it's not fun anymore". Too much focus on winning and overzealous coaches are among the top reasons that kids quit. WHEREAS Sports Illustrated for Kids magazine reported that almost three-quarters of 3,000 readers polled had seen out-of-control adults at their games, ranging from parents or coaches yelling at each other, at kids and officials, to violence. WHEREAS data collected shows that of the three participant groups - players, coaches and spectators - players are the least often cited as the source of poor conduct. WHEREAS 92% of Canadians believe community-level sport can contribute to developing positive values in youth BUT fewer than one in five Canadians believe sport is living up to its potential. WHEREAS True Sport is a national movement committed to the belief that sport makes a powerful and positive contribution to the development of people and communities. True sport gives expression to the growing desire of Canadians to enjoy a sport experience driven by values. The kind of sport that makes us better; one that promotes 055 fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun; and one that contributes immeasurably to the social fabric of our society. WHEREAS True Sport has a goal of 2010 True Sport Communities by the year 2010, the year of the Vancouver Olympics. WHEREAS The City of Pickering is committed to promoting behaviours that set an example, behaviours such as: · Playing fair · Treating team-mates and competitors with respect · Abiding by the rules of the game · Playing drug-free · Penalizing inappropriate behaviour The hope is that these practices will be employed and enforced by all True Sport athletes, teams, leagues, associations and communities. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Pickering be recognized as a True Sport community. CARRIED: MAYOR Waterfront Coordinating Committee October 20, 2005 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Absent: Councilor Maurice Brenner Doris Chee Jim Dike Chandra Gocool David Steele Judge David Stone Kevin Tower Alison Haines (Recording Secretary) Craig Bamford Michael Bellmore Juliette Saunders Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status / (summary of discussion) (include deadline as Ref appropriate) 1. Adoption of Minutes · Minutes from September 22, 2005 were adopted. 2. Update Waterfront Signage - Doris Chee · The final drafts of Waterfront Trail Maps for First Nations, Monarch and Peak Trails were presented. · The Committee was informed that the exact locations of signs have yet to be determined. Once the Committee agrees on the signs they will request a quote for their production. Investigation of framing and installation of the signs is still required. · A Committee Member noted that some areas on our draft signs are very light and should be darker. · The Committee was informed that the Waterfront Trust Committee sign requested their sign, "Durham West" to be included on the trail in the Western Gateway area. Their sign is to be included on all Durham area trails. There was concern of whether the City would have input on where this sign would be placed. · The number of signs on the Western Gateway was questioned, as potentially there could be more signs in this area than any other area of the trail. Page 1 of 4 Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status / (summary of discussion) appropriate)(include dead/ine as 05 Ref · Payment for the Durham West sign was questioned. Doris Chee informed the Committee that she believes the Waterfront Trust Committee would be responsible not the City. · A Committee Member questioned whether the Durham West sign could indicate where Pickering Trails are included on the overall map. They were informed that the Durham West sign will include a "you are here" but will most likely not include the 3 Picketing Trail names on the map. · Discussion ensued on whether the City's "overall" map should be located at Millennium Square as opposed to the Western Gateway as the information will duplicate the Durham West sign. This decision will be made when they determine where all the signs will be placed. · It was the consensus of the Committee that staff review the locations of where the City's signs are being proposed and the Durham West sign, with the criteria that the Durham West sign will not interfere with the proposed identification signs. · The idea of having sign unveilings to bring attention to the Waterfront Trail perhaps including educational speaking components of the significance of specific areas of the trail was suggested. · It was the consensus of the Committee that sign dedication and unveilings would occur during a 4 month period beginning in May 2006 with the Peak Trail (Eastern end) with one opening a month concluding with the Western Gateway in August 2006. · Discussion on Community sponsorship: Committee Members suggested the following organizations to sponsor: 1. OPG - Peak Trail opening 2. East Shore Community Centre - Monarch Trail opening 3. Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, and Rotary Club- First Nations Trail opening. · Judge David Stone and David Steele to contact the Judge David Stone, David Steele & Jim organizations to determine interest in sponsorship, with the Dike to action. exception of OPG which Jim Dike will contact. · Councillor Brenner stated that City Culture and Recreation Staff could be used as a resource to plan the openings. Page 2 of 4 Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status (include deadline as / (summary of discussion) appropriate) Ref · Committee Members, Judge David Stone, David Steele, Jim Listed Committee Dike, Chandra Gocool and Kevin Power will assist City Event Members to action. Staff in the preparation and planning for this event. · Councillor Brenner to discuss the issue of assistance from City Councillor Brenner to Staff with sign unveiling parties with Coordinator, Community action. Capacity Building. · The goal for the sign unveilings will be public awareness and education. It was suggested that invitations be sent to local schools. · The matter of whether smaller signage could be incorporated throughout the Waterfront Trail marking key locations was questioned. Councillor Brenner stated this would remain a work in progress. Update on Frenchman's Bay Storm Management Meeting with the University of Toronto Contact - Councillor Brenner · The bridge at Krosno Creek was approved for 2006 and will reduce flooding by approximately 1 metre. · Staff and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority are still working on the Request For Proposal on this matter. · Durham Region has approved Regional staff working with Pickering and TRCA on mitigating future issues concerning storm water management. · Jim Dike informed the Committee that he met with City staff and learned that there was a great amount of erosion on the shoreline as a result of flooding and this issue will be coming back to the Waterfront Committee - City staff will be pursuing in conjunction with WCC. · A meeting was held between University of Toronto Professor Nick Eyles, Richard Holborn, TRCA and David Steele. · University of Toronto has offered to be a resource to the entire process of Storm Water Management. As a result monies may be available from different agencies or grants or research dollars could be used for Capital in the storm water research. Page 3 of 4 Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status ! (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 0 5 ¢ Ref 3. Correspondence · Councillor Brenner informed the Committee that the Ministry of the Environment has charged Hydro One under the Provincial Fisheries and Oceans Act for the leak in August 2003. · Hydro One will appear in Court on October 24, 2005 and City staff have been directed to obtain status on behalf of the Community. They are requesting that fines levied be awarded to the City of Pickering to be used for the environmental Storm Water Management project Judge David Stone abstained from any discussion on this matter. 4. Other Business & Adjournment · Councillor Brenner, David Steele' and Jim Dike to prepare a councillor Brenner, Communications Marketing Strategy for the next meeting with David Steele and Jim respect to an open house session with the public in order to Dike to action. encourage increased membership for the Waterfront Committee. · A report card listing accomplishments and the direction of the Committee should be prepared was suggested. · The idea of a winter waterfront event was discussed with the potential to take place in January or February 2006. · TRCA to give an update at the December meeting on Frenchman's Bay West and where it fits into the work plan for 2007. · Councillor Brenner is to contact Mark Holland, M.P. to determine if monies from Gas Tax collected in 2007 could be used for the Western Gateway and Waterfront Trail. Councillor Brenner to action. 5. Next Meeting November 17, 2005 Agenda · Information from Darrell about the erosion · Marksbury · Marketing strategy to encourage volunteers · Winter snow event at Millennium Square Councillor Brenner to discuss with Waterfront Bistro Owner about Councillor Brenner to dates for a Christmas dinner. He will look at evenings during the week action. of December 5th, with the aim for December 8th. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Page 4 of 4