HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 83-05PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 83-05 Date: November 7, 2005 From: Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk Subject: Request for Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering Addendum to Report CS 56-05 of the City Clerk Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 56-05 of the City Clerk be received for information; That Report CS 83-05 of the City Clerk with respect to a request to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours by the Brock Spa, municipally located at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, be received for information; That the request from Ms. Anna Trojanowska, Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road be denied and the applicant be so advised. Executive Summary: To advise of a request from the owner of the Brock Spa at 1600 Alliance Road to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road and to provide further details on this matter per direction of City Council on October 17, 2005. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: This report has been submitted further to the October 17, 2005 meeting of City Council, wherein staff were requested to investigate the matter further and report back. Report CS 83-05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours November 1,2005 Page 2 A request had been received from Ms. Anna Trojanowska, owner of the Brock Spa located at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road. Initially the report with respect to this matter was prepared for the July 25, 2005 meeting of the Executive Committee, however, Ms. Trojanowska had recently retained legal counsel and Mr. Gerry, Solicitor, requested deferral of this matter to the September 12, 2005 meeting due to a scheduled vacation. Due to the number of items scheduled for discussion on the September 12, 2005 Executive Committee agenda, and in consultation with Mr. Gerry, this matter was placed on the September 26, 2005 meeting of the Executive Committee. At the September 26, 2005 Executive Committee meeting, Mr. Gerry appeared on behalf of his client requesting that the by-law be amended to incorporate Alliance Road. In response to questions from the Committee, Mr. Gerry advised that his client was not aware of the initial by-law coming before Council five years ago. In support of his deputation, Mr. Gerry provided a written submission in support of the request of his client, requesting specific consideration of the following: 7. 8. 9. the establishment has been licensed and operating at its present location for a period exceeding five years; there have been no charges relating to the operation of the business; the premises are zoned industrial and directly abut the area already designated for the licensing of body rub parlours; the premises abut a hydro corridor; there are no schools, daycare centers, recreational centers, parks or places of worship within 120 metres of the premises; the owner of the unit supports this application; seven other unit holders support this application; the business employs six people; and the proprietor and employees of the business rely on the income earned at the establishment to support themselves and their families. Mr. Gerry further advised that he felt that the business would effectively be a ratification of the status quo and if his client was not granted permission to continue to operate, his client would face the unfortunate circumstance of closing a viable business and losing her investment. It should be noted that at the September 26, 2005 meeting of the Executive Committee, this matter was referred directly to Council for disposition. The matter was further deferred to the October 17, 2005 meeting of Council at the request of Mr. Gerry, due to personal reasons. At the October 17, 2005 meeting of Council, this matter was referred back to staff for further clarification in relation to number of body rub parlours currently licensed; number of licenses to lose grandfather status as of December 31, 2005; number of businesses that will lose grandfather status and are applying for rezoning; comments from the Police in relation to the grandfather status of the existing establishments; and the process for licensing body rub parlour attendants. Report CS 83-05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours November 1, 2005 Page 3 093 In response to the request of Council on October 17, 2005, the following comments are provided. The City of Pickering passed By-law 5764/00 on October 16, 2000, regulating body rub parlours in the municipality. The by-law required all Body Rub Parlours and their staff to be licensed, established minimum standards for the operation and staffing of Body Rub Parlours operating in the City of Pickering, as well as setting out an area where they would be permitted to locate. This by-law was passed at the request of the Durham Regional Police who reported a number of the Body Rub Parlours were already in operation in the City of Pickering under the pretext of aromatherapy spas, relaxation studios etc. Prior to the passage of By-law 5764/00, Body Rub Parlours were prohibited under our Zoning By-law. However, as the City was unaware there were any Body Rub Parlours in existence, no action was taken for zoning contraventions at that time. There was no requirement under the existing Municipal Act of the time to hold a public meeting and or notify any businesses in the City that the Clerks Division felt were operating as body rub parlours. Upon passage of the Body Rub Parlour by-law, the City of Pickering decided to offer existing businesses considered to be Body Rub Parlours a 'grandfathered status', which would permit them to obtain a license outside the permitted area provided all other licensing requirements were met. This grandfathered status would not be extended should the business be sold or transferred to a new owner. As Council is aware, this special status will come to an end after a period of five years, as of December 31, 2005. This is in accordance with the regulatory by-law provisions of the new Municipal Act. After this date, all Body Rub Parlours in the City of Pickering will be required to be located within the designated area and granted zoning approval, to obtain a license. All Body Rub Parlour owners have been aware of this policy since receiving their first license, as it was outlined in the original letters sent to confirm their license in 2001. With respect to this applicant, on January 31, 2001 Municipal Law Enforcement staff sent out a letter with respect to the passage of By-law 5764/00 and outlined the specific regulations by which the applicants business could operate. On February 19, 2001, the City Clerk verbally granted the applicant legal non-conforming status at this location. On May 17, 2001, a license was issued to the applicant, along with an accompanying letter. Within the letter it noted the following: "the City of Pickering granted this license despite the fact that your business is not located within the permitted area for Body Rub Parlours and does not comply with the City's zoning by-laws. Even prior to the passage of the Body Rub Parlour By-law 5764/00 in October 2000, the City's Zoning By-laws prohibited Body Rub Parlours ..... This special status will come to an end after a period of five years, as of December 31, 2005. After this date, all Body Rub Parlours in the City of Pickering will be required to be located within the designated area and to apply for the necessary 'site specific' zoning approval to obtain a license." In a letter dated February 19, 2001, the applicant acknowledged By-law 5764/00 and stated "we agree to fulfill the regulations and all sub-sections of the new by-law over Report CS 83-05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours November 1,2005 Page 4 and above the minimum requirements as set out by the municipality and to respect the needs of such requirements." On November 30, 2004, all Body Rub Parlours currently licensed were sent a letter from Municipal Law Enforcement staff with respect to their renewal license for 2005 and it specifically noted the following: 'You are reminded that your grandfathered status, permitting you to continue to operate a Body Rub Parlour outside the specified area and without proper zoning approval will come to an end on December 31, 2005. After this date, all Body Rub Parlours in the City of Pickering must be located within the area outlined in the City's Body Rub Parlour By-law 5764/00, and be zoned to permit the operation of a Body Rub Parlour at that location. Municipal Law Enforcement staff also sent letters to Body Rub Parlour landlords in February of this year, advising that any lease with a Body Rub Parlour tenant should not be extended past December 31, 2005. Municipal Law Enforcement staff have confirmed that the landlord for the applicant is aware of the special grandfathered status and that the business will not be allowed to operate after December 31,2005. With respect to existing licenses, the City of Pickering currently has five licensed Body Rub Parlours. These included; Licensee Location Status Pickering Spa 1162 Kingston Road (Licks Plaza) Re-zoning not possible Not in area permitted Brock Spa 1600 Alliance Road Unit 12 Applied for extension of permitted area Aristocrat Health Spa 1895 Clements Road Unit 161 Applied for Rezoning Application A20/05 Pending Bayly Health Spa 1480 Bayly Street Re-zoning not possible Unit 9 Not in area permitted (near Art Thompson Arena) Pickering's Angels 905 Dillingham Road Unit 3 Receiving zoning approval Will be licensed for 2006 Of the five currently licensed Body Rub Parlours, only two are located in the permitted area, and therefore entitled to apply for rezoning. One has receiving zoning approval, the other application is still pending. Of the remaining three, two cannot apply for rezoning as they are outside the permitted area. The third establishment, being the application before Council, is requesting the area be expanded as it is on the border of Report CS 83~05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours November 1,2005 Page 5 the permitted area. It is the intention of the Clerks Division to prosecute any unlicensed Body Rub Parlours operating after January 1, 2006. It should be noted that in 2001, the City of Pickering had eleven Body Rub Parlours in operation. Through various enforcement efforts, by both Durham Regional Police and Municipal Law Enforcement staff, only five licensed Body Rub Parlours remain today. These have all been in operation since 2001, by the same owners, as no change in ownership was permitted under the grandfathered status. The Police do not provide formal written comments with respect to body rub parlour rezoning applications and or licensing applications at the present time. With respect to Body Rub Parlour attendants, it should be noted that the City licensed 83 attendants in 2005. Body Rub attendants must submit a current medical certificate, extract of criminal record and two passport photos, along with their $100.00 license fee. Anyone providing massage services, who is not a provincially licensed Massage Therapist, requires a Body Rub Attendant license. Summary In summary, it is still the position of the Corporate Services Department that this application should be denied. The applicant has been provided sufficient time to relocate and has been well aware of her grandfathered status for over four years. At this time, there is no compelling reason to amend our by-law to accommodate the request of Ms. Trojanowska. In the event that Council wished to grant permission for the applicant to remain at this location, the following would be required: The applicant would have to apply to the City of Pickering for a rezoning of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, and in turn, statutory notice requirements would be followed. In accordance with the Municipal Act, the City is required to hold at least one public meeting at which any person who attends has an opportunity to make representation with respect to the matter at hand and ensure that notice of the public meeting is given. Provisions under the new Municipal Act with respect to regulatory by-laws have them deemed to expire on December 31, 2005 (five year term of by-law) and therefore, a new by-law will be required to be in effect January 1, 2006. The Clerks Division is in the process of completing an extensive review of existing regulatory by-laws that are scheduled to expire on December 31, 2005. Based on the fact that the Body Rub Parlour By-law 5764/00 is a regulatory by-law, it will expire on December 31, 2005 under the Municipal Act and a new by-law will be required to be in place by January 1, 2006. Body Rub Parlours, under the definitions within the Municipal Act, are Report CS 83-05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours November 1,2005 Page 6 considered an Adult Entertainment establishment. It is anticipated that the Clerks Division will be holding a public meeting on a number of regulatory by-laws due to expire on December 31, 2005 at the November 28, 2005 Executive Committee meeting, for presentation at the December 5 and/or December 19 meeting of City Council. Attachments: 1. Report CS 56-05 of the City Clerk dated September 1, 2005. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk //~ illis~. Pate"rs~n ~' ;~ ' D rector, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of j:A-2130 Repods to Council:05 Reports:CS 56 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours PICKERING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 56-05 Date: September 1, 2005 Fro m: Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk Subject: Request for Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering Recommendation: That Report CS 56-05 of the City Clerk with respect to a request to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours by the Brock Spa, municipally located at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, be received; and That the request from Ms. Anna Trojanowska, Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road, to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road be denied and the applicant be so advised. Executive Summary: To advise of a request from the owner of the Brock Spa at 1600 Alliance Road to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: A request has been received from Ms. Anna Trojanowska, owner of the Brock Spa located at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, to expand the permitted area for body rub parlours to include Alliance Road. A copy of the request has been included as Attachment 1 to this report. On October 16, 2000, Council passed By-law 5764/00, being a by-law to licence and regulate body-rub parlours in the City of Pickering. The by-law restricted the location of these establishments to the Brock Industrial Area. Body rub parlours that were operating in compliance with the zoning by-laws at the time By-law 5764/00 was Report CS 56-05 Expansion of Permitted Area for Body Rub Parlours September 1, 2005 Page 2 enacted were grandfathered for five years so that they could continue to operate their establishment until December 31, 2005, at which time they would have to relocate their establishment to the permitted area. Extensive review of the licencing of body-rub parlours was undertaken in 2000 with the Police, Health and By-law Enforcement officials and therefore, from our perspective there is no compelling reason to amend our by-law at this time. Further, this location is in contravention of By-law 5764/00 and has been provided appropriate time to relocate the business into the permitted area. Attach ments: Letter from Anna Trojanowska, owner of Brock Spa, 1600 Alliance Road Letter from Noel D. Gerry, Barrister & Solicitor on behalf of Ms. Anna Trojanowska Map showing the current permitted area for body rub parlours Map showing the expansion to the permitted area for body rub parlours if Trojanowska's request is approved Prepared By: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ~./~ Council TI;~r~ g. QuinnChief~dmin~'~e OffiCer j:A-2130 Reports to Councih05 Reports:CS 56 Expansion of p~ub Parlours IATI'ACHMENT# Brock Spa 1600 Alliance Rd. Pickering, Ontario, LIW 31~2 905-831-0526 O99 March 21, 2005 Dear Mr. Bruce Taylor and Hrs. Kimberly Thompson, My Grandfathered status is about to expire. This letter serves to request that the permitted area where body rub parlours may operate as set out in Schedule 'B' of BY-LAW 5764/00 be expanded. !twould be my intention to apply for an amendment to the current BY-LAW given your permission in this matter. The reasons for my request are listed below. Firstly, my proximity to the current line, the west most line in the permitted area runs through a hydro corridor which ends at my parking lot meaning that the actual line can be no more than 120 ft. from my premises. !also feel that ! have been in full cooperation with the city since [ established my business there over 4 years ago and have always been respectful of its policies and practices. ! think it should also be mentioned that! feel that! have the full backing of my landlord, neighbours and peers in this request and am willing to attain documentation to support my feeling. There are also the issues of employees and suppliers who depend on my business to support them and given the costs of moving ! may be forced to close if the area cannot be expanded. Another question would be the possibility of extending the grandfathered status, if this would be acceptable it would at least provide for further exploration of my options and the possibility of relocation which is improbable at this time but may be available to me in the future. ! would like to open channels of discussion for any concerns or questions that you may have, my cellular phone number is 416-910-4266. Please feel free to call me on this matter at your convenience. Anna Tro. J,N'~owska ----,--,- O nnoP'/ rock Spa NOEL D. GERRY BARRISTER & SOLICITOR By Fax (905) 420-9685 and By Courier August 23, 2005 ATTACHMENT #_~_.~ TO REPOR~ #.___ ~' 5 b-Pe~' a~'~,J AUG 2 5 2005 CLERK'S DiViSiON AUG 2 5 1005 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO 50 Richmond Street East Suite #100 Toronto, Ontario MSC 1 N7 Telephone: 416-972-1161 Fax: 416-362-9954 Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Ms. Debi Bentley, City Clerk Dear Ms. Bentley: Re: By-law Amendment Application Brock Spa - 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario fif2Ot,; HUMAN I have been formally retained by Ms. Anna Trojanowska to act on her behalf in respect of her application for an amendment to By-law 574/2000 to expand the permitted area for the licensing of Body-rub Parlours to include the lands and premises municipally known as1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario. I would be gratefld if you could put this correspondence befbre the Executive Committee of Council for their consideration prior to the meeting of September 12, 2005. CLERK'S DIV!S,!,ON FILE NO.:i FORWARD COPY TO: v~ II'IFO. SYSTEMS LEGAL SERVICES LIBRARY MUN. PROP & ENG. )PERATIONS PLANNING & DEV PROJ. & POL. SUPPLY & SERV. Ms. Trojanowska operates Brock Spa-- a licensed Body-rub Parlour at 1600 Alliance Road in the City of Picketing. The establishment existed prior to the passage of By-law 574/2000. It is located just outside the western boundary of the area established by By-law 574/2000 as the permitted area for the licensing of body-rub parlours. The establishment lies approximately 120 feet fi'om thc western boundary line which runs through a hydro corridor. Notwithstanding that the fact that the establishment is located .just outside the boundary established in By-law 574/2000, the City granted it "grandfathered" status and licensed the activities therein for a period of five years. This grandfathered status is set to expire on December 31, 2005. lOl My client is respectfully requesting that you amend By-law 574/2000 so that the grandfathered status it currently enjoys becomes permanent. In support o£ the request, my client requests that you kindly consider the following: The establishment has been licensed and operating at its present location for a period exceeding five years; There have been no charges relating to the operation of the business; The premises are zoned industrial and directly abutt the area already designated for the licensing of body-rub parlours; 4. The premises abutts a hydro corridor; There are no schools, daycare centres, recreational centres, parks or places of worship within 120 metres of the premises; 6. The owner of the nnit supports this application. Please See attached letter; 7. Seven other unit holders support this application. Please see attached Acknowledgments; 8. The business employs six persons; The proprietor and employees of the business rely on the income earned at the establishment to support themselves and their families. As the business has been operating and licensed fbr approximately five years, the proposed by- law amendment would effectively be a ratification of the status quo. If the by-law amendment is not granted, my client would face the unfortuna:te circumstance of closing a viable business and losing her investment therein. We understand that there is an element of discretion in your consideration of this request and graciously request that such discretion be exercised iix favour of the applicant. In return, my client promises to continue abiding by By-law 574/2000 and all other relevant rules and regulations and to continue providing quality service and employment in the City of Picketing. We thank you for taking the time to consider these comments. Yours very truly Noel D. Gerry C.~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario We, Walker Howes One Limited, are the owner of storage Unit #13_at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2. We hereby acknowledge that we are content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. Dated at Pickering this 2nd day of May, 2005. ~gnature Name ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. Dated at [/J"0 jD~L~, '{.J~ this__ day of ,2005. ,,' t/ ,: ",}-: ~ ~/Sigo'ature of Tenant Name (printed) of Tenant 105 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario I, P-,.~.~ I P '-~-'~ , am the tenant of storage Unit # l~, at 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario, L1W $V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario, L1W 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. Dated at t"~t"~i this ~ day of ,2005. Signature of Tenant Name (printed) of Tenant ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario I, ~(',,v/ ,,ff',~.//2.,q"-'""- ,am the tenant of storage Unit# //" at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. Datedat ,,</i~'7/& ~, this--~ dayof ,,,~fl~?t'c ,2005. /'S ignatut'~e o~ ;~en~'t Name (printed) of Tenant 107 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario I, %'~3cx ~QE. ~Qt4 I{P,~ ., am the tenant of storage Unit # ~' at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, LlW 3V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, LlW 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. this "~ ~' day of /~1 'U{ '{ ,2005. Si~re bf~enant Name (printed) of Tenant ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario I, ¢~ ~ ~' "~'-[ { D"7"-(..- ~-- ..... am the owner of storage Unit # ""~ at 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, LlW 3V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, LlW 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. Dated at ~) ( ~ ~"~--'~ ilo: 6x- . this ~- ~ day of '~ ~)~P---t L-- ,2005. Signature of Owner Name (printed) of Owner ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RE: BROCK SPA Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario I, , am the owner of storage Unit~,#,/z¢ at 1600 Alliance Road, Picketing, Ontario, L1W 3V2. I hereby acknowledge that I am content that the Brock Spa, operated by Anna Trojanowska, located at Unit #12, 1600 Alliance Road, Pickering, Ontario, L 1W 3V2, continue to operate on these premises. /¢ Dated at ~,4.:'/d/g this ,Z ~" day of ., 2005. Signature of Owner Name (printed) of Owner ATTACHMENT SCHEDULE 'B' TO BY-LAW 5764/00 DEFINED AREAS WHERE A BODY RUB PARLOUR MAY OPERATE LA~E ONTARIO ~TTACHMENT #.,. ¥ _ TO REPORT #c~ ~t'- ~' ~- )SED EXPANS/ AO~ r~ I I I / ALLIANCE ,~UBJE~C~ 1600 LIANCE iUNIT 12 PLUMMER E3AYLY STREET STREET mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0 BAYLY STREET City of Pickering Planning & Development Department .PERTY DESCRIPTION DCC 89 UNIT if 12 ~ /, OWNER R. SIERECHON DATE JUNE 21, 2005 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. BY-LAW AMENDMENT SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY BT