HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 84-05O76 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 84-05 Date: November 7, 2005 From: Debi A. Bentley, CMO, CMM III City Clerk Subject: City of Pickering Preliminary Operating Plan for Animal Services Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 84-05 of the City Clerk be received for information; o o That the 2006 Preliminary Operating Plan for Animal Services for the City of Pickering encompass in-house enforcement services and contracted/partnership for animal shelter services; That 2006 Capital budget pre-approval be granted to allow for the purchase of one van equipped for animal services at an approximate cost of $30,000. and miscellaneous equipment costs at an approximate cost of $6,000. to be financed from 2006 current revenues for a total approximate cost of $36,000.; That 2006 Current budget pre-approval be granted to allow for the recruitment of one full time Supervisor of Animal Services and two part time Municipal Law Enforcement Officers/Animal Control Officers for the January 1,2006 start-up of the City of Pickering enforcement services for animal control, at an approximate cost of $146,294.; That in order to provide staffing effective January 1, 2006, that authority be given to commence the hiring process in accordance with Item 4 and the requisition for the purchase of the vehicle and equipment noted in Item 3 in 2005 and that the salaries and benefits for 2005 be funded from monies not otherwise required in the 2005 current budget; That the City of Pickering accept the offer of the Municipality of Clarington dated September 7, 2005 with respect to the feed, care and sheltering of animals on an interim basis effective January 1, 2006 at an estimated cost of $25,000. to June 30, 2006; That staff be authorized to pursue and obtain quotations and/or agreements in principle for the provision of longer term contracted/partnership for animal shelter services; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 2 077 Executive Summary: At the Council meeting of September 19, 2005, the City of Pickering adopted a resolution acknowledging the termination of services with the Town of Whitby effective. December 31, 2005 and directing staff to prepare a report with respect to animal services and outlining a proposed solution for animal services effective January 1, 2006. Financial Implications: 1.0 Enforcement: It is estimated that enforcement services will be initially required for approximately 80 hours, therefore, it is recommended that pre-budget approval be obtained for one full time employee (Supervisor) working a 35 hour week and two part time employees working a 24 hour week each respectively. Preliminary estimated costs are based on current Municipal Enforcement Officer hourly paid rate of $25.23. for the part time employees. The full time position is estimated at a supervisor rate of approximately $60,000. plus benefits. 1 FTE Working Supervisod2PTE Estimated Overtime On Call * includes 25% benefits on FTE and 4% on PTE 140,494.* 4,000. 2,000. Total Estimated Cost: $146,494. 2.0 Ancillary Costs: There will be costs related to vehicle maintenance, fuel costs, uniforms etc., however, pre-budget approval for these items will follow in a subsequent report. Total Estimated Ancillary Costs: ' $25,000.* This entails costs related fuel costs, uniforms, veterinary fees, licensing software development, program development, staff training, administration costs, waste disposal fees etc.) Total Shelter Costs: $75,000.* Shelter fees relate to the sheltering of stray cats and dogs, adoption out and return to owner, isolation of quarantined animals, feed and care of animals. *costs have been estimated on the high side pending final negotiations. CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 3 3.0 Van (Equipment) One van is required to provide the appropriate service levels. In 2003, PAW estimated the cost of acquiring and converting a van at $27,000., however it is now estimated to be $30,000. per van. The acquisition will follow the City's purchasing policies and standards. Van $30,000. Equipment 6,000. (equipment costs are for the purchase of such items as catchpoles, leather gauntlets, transfer cage, leashes etc.)194,994. 4.0 Total Expenses Current Budqet EXPENDITURES Travel Outside Agency Services Animal Control Services 2006 Estimated Budget 500. 22,000. 246,494. Livestock Killed 5,000. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 273,994. REVENUES Licences & Permits Specific Grants TOTAL REVENUES Net Cost (73,000.) (6,000.) (79,000. $194,994. 2005 Current Budget 500. 22,000. 236,500 5,000. 264,000 (7o,ooo.) (6,000.) (76,000. $188,000. Capital Budget EXPENDITURE Van & equipment 2006 Estimated Budget 2005 Capital Budget $36,000 $10,000.** 6,000.:a ** Capital contribution for 2005 not approved by city Cou~ Please note that the budget is strictly an estimated in order to obtain pre-budget approval and once details have been finalized and approved by the Chief Administrative Officer, they will be presented through the 2006 budget discussions. Further, staff did enquire into the possibility of acquiring existing PAW vehicles and equipment, but Whitby has indicated that it will retain these items for its own services. Details regarding the valuation and disposition of PAW assets, including property, vehicles and equipment remain ongoing. CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 4 07,9 Background: 1.0 General Overview On December 14, 2004, the Town of Whitby served The City of Pickering with a notice of termination of agreement with respect to the Town of Whitby providing animal control services to the City of Pickering. The agreement, which has been in existence since 1985, which includes Pickering, Ajax and Whitby (PAW)will terminate effective December 31, 2005. As the City of Pickering has decided to confirm the Town of Whitby option to terminate the service, there will be anticipated costs to both Ajax and Whitby to buy out Pickering's assets, knowing that Ajax has opted to utilize Whitby for shelter services. It is anticipated that the Pickering Ajax Whitby Committee will have one final meeting to wrap a number of outstanding items up. Based on a review by the Clerks Division, it has been determined that the best approach to take is to provide in house enforcement services for animal services effective January 1,2006 and pursue an external agreement and or contract with a provider of animal shelter services. Staff are pursuing a number of options and due to time constraints it is not feasible to issue a formal request for proposal on this matter (animal shelter services) in time for the January 1,2006 start date. Staff are aiming to provide a confidential report on negotiations for shelter services over the next few months.. In the interim, staff are recommending that the Municipality of Clarington be thanked for their gracious offer and their services be requested on an interim basis with respect to the feed, care and sheltering of animals effective January 1,2006. The City Clerk is currently in negotiations with Clarington staff to formalize costs associated with this service and a further update on this matter will be forthcoming. It is anticipated that this arrangement will be in place until at least June 30, 2006. With respect to providing in house enforcement services, the City is required to be prepared for a start up date of January 1, 2006. In order to accomplish this, pre-budget approval is required to enable the hiring of staff and the acquisition of the proper vehicle and equipment. One full time Supervisor of Animal Control and two part time Municipal Law Enforcement Officer-Animal Control are being recommended at this time for enforcement purposes. This is based on a preliminary review of services offered in area municipalities, along with the level of service that the City of Pickering should initially maintain for its residents'. It is anticipated that this service will be under the direction of the City Clerk initially. This three member team is anticipated to work a variety of shifts to provide primary animal control enforcement services and as time permits, parking and other by-law enforcement services (although initially this is doubtful). It is anticipated that the existing full time Municipal Law Enforcement Officers will concentrate on property and other complaints, but will be available to provide animal control enforcement services as and when required. It should further be noted that this will provide a level of service about twice the current amount provided by PAW. CORP0227-07/Ol Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 5 Once recruitment and equipment acquisitions are commenced, staff will prepare a communications plan in order to provide residents with the necessary information related to the change in service. In summary, once a number of details have been finalized, a formal business plan, including full budget costs will be completed 2.0 Statistical Information The following is a general overview of the present level of service offered by the PAW Animal Services Centre: 2004 Human Population: 94,400 Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Impounded Surrendered for Adoption Quarantined 70 Claimed 42 Adopted 8 Rescued 18 Euthanised: illness 0 0 Euthanised: injury Euthanised: temperament Dogs Dogs Dogs Euthanised: age Dogs: Dead on Arrival 4 0 s Euthanised: homeless 0 Cats Impounded 77 Cats Surrendered for Adoption 2 Cats Quarantined 4 Cats Claimed 2 Cats Adopted 17 Cats Rescued 8 Cats Euthanised: Illness 14 4 Cats Euthanised: Injured Cats Euthanised: Temperament Cats Euthanised: Age Cats: Dead on Arrival Cats Euthanised: Homeless Non-domestic Animals Impounded Road Kills Pick Up Emergency Calls After 4:30 pm (call 23 0 14 2 122 51 CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 6 08.1 outs) 51 0 Emergency Calls after 4:30 pm (phone calls only) Charges Laid: Animals at Large Charges Laid: Dog Barking Charges Laid: Miscellaneous Animals at Large Warnings Dog Barking Warnings Other Animal Warnings Traps Loaned Out 0 0 49 40 20 34 3.0 Review of Services Required Shelter Services: sheltering of stray cats and dogs; owner surrendered cats and dogs, adoption out and return to owner of stray or owned cats and dogs. Veterinary care would be in accordance with the benchmarks established by the City of Pickering for animal care standards Field Services: animal related by-law enforcement; injured/distressed animal response; owned animal response; stray confined domestic animal pick up; dead animal pick up; after hours emergency responses and other general responses as required. Administration: dispatching and reception; facilitation of courts response; records requirements to be handled by City of Pickering staff and/or contracted personnel. All aspects of animal service licensing, along with reporting and representation at Council, will be handled by the Clerks Division. 4.0 Staffing Complement A key objective that the City will want to embrace is a new beginning in the service levels with respect to animal services for the citizens of Pickering. To start off effectively we need a full time staff complement, with specific responsibilities in relation to enforcement, education and awareness, along with development of a licensing strategy. One full time employee, (Working Supervisor position) and two part time employees are being recommended at this time, and this allows us to grow into a fully integrated program for 2007. It should further be noted that existing Municipal Law Enforcement staff would be back-up to these positions and allow the program to evolve in 2006. 5.0 Future Considerations As outlined in recommendation # 7, staff will be and continue to be pursuing a permanent solution in relation to shelter services. A large deterrent at this point is the possible need to construct a Pickering shelter. Shelters have been constructed recently CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 7 in other areas at an approximate size of 2500 sq. ft and cost of $200 per sq. ft., resulting in a possible total construction cost of over $400,000. Present Cost and Service levels: The following is a chart setting out Pickering's share of the costs of operating the PAW Animal Services Centre in Whitby for the past five years: 2001 $211,130 $9,000 $220,130 2002 $234,730 $9,000 $243,730 2003 $240,799 $10,000 $250,799 2004 $246,214 $10,000 $256,214 2005 $236,455 $10,000' $246,455 * Pickering Council did not approve the capital expenditure in 2005. 4.0 Summary In summary, a detailed business plan, including a communication strategy should still be prepared, once all final details have been formalized. The business plan will include financial impacts, including anticipated revenues relating to licensing, which we anticipate will be higher than the previous budget amount of $70,000. The business plan will also formulate the roles that the existing Municipal Law Enforcement Officers will play in ensuring that we provide the best possible customer service oriented animal services program for the City. Prepared By: Debi A. Bentley ,,~ City Clerk Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis,~. Pat'~' (,,/ /"~ % .//,~/~1~ctor, Corporate S~rvices;'~' Treasurer ~~. Copy: Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 84-05 Animal Control Services November 7, 2005 Page 8 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council // ~ ,,/ ,, ~-"'-'7 ...x"..,: .' ,'/ ~ ~,,.,.)~,~/,:::.., Tho~a~'~.-Ouinn,(Jhief CORP0227-07/01 084 I ~i ~::.¢ EXCERPT OF PRESENTATION TO WORKING [ [.~]'~'-~. GROUP ON OCTOBER 27, 2005 BY CITY CLERK J~-~i~ An,mai Control Services ] ~¢ 2006 Prel~m~nar~ Operating Animal Control Services Options Reviewed City Self Operated Contract Out Shared Service with northern adjacent municipalities Options Not Pursued after June 2005: Status Quo with Town of Whitby Partnership with Town of Ajax 085 Animal Control Services Options Reviewed City Self Operated - Issues significant capital cost Time constraints as RFP should have been issued early spring for 2006 opening Administration of staff and benefits Shelter operating costs Staff training and associated costs Expensive - estimated $550,000 plus shelter operating costs City Self Operated - Benefits Establish desired level of service Enforcement under City control Animal Control Services Options Reviewed · Contract Out- Issues - RFP should have been issued early spring - Loss of direct control - No available shelter, unless negotiate use for existing shelter (York Region area) · Contract Out- Benefits Cost controlled over life of agreement Reduced administration requirements Professional staff O86, Animal Control Services Recommended Approach In-house enforcement services Contracted/partnership for animal shelter services pursued and agreement in place effective no later than June 1, 2006 Temporary shelter service agreement finalized with the Municipality of Clarington effective January 1, 2006 Animal Control Services Recommended Approach Report presented to City Council November 7, 2005 Highlights of Report: 2006 Operating Plan to encompass in-house enforcement services and contracted/partnership for animal shelter services Pre-budget approval for purchase of one van at cost of $30,000. plus equipment costs of $6,000. Pre-budget approval to allow for staff recruitment Staff authorization to pursue agreements for animal control shelter services Formal acceptance of offer by the Municipality of Clarington O87 Animal Control Services Recommended Interim Staffing Plan Animal Control Services I City Clerk I I Working Supervisor I Animal Control Attendant I Part Time Animal Control Attendant Existing MLEO's Backup Animal Control Services Recommended Interim Staffing Plan Staffing plan provides for 83 hours of services per week, six day schedule Shelter service to be finalized and may have an affect on hours Existing MLEO's can provide back up service during first year of operation Overtime is an unknown, however this will depend on a number of factors (communication plan, service levels) 4 08~ Animal Control Services Future Staffing Plan Future Animal Services Staffing Plan FTE Animal Control Attendant Supervisor, Animal Control Services FTE Animal Control Attendant (2) PTE Animal Contro Attendant Animal Control Services Financial Implications · For 2006, the budget implications are noted as follows: Preliminary estimated costs for the part time staff are based on current Municipal Enforcement Officer hourly paid rate of $25.23. I FTE Supervisor 2 PTE (24 hour/week) Estimated Overtime On call expenses Benefits @ 25% 60,000. 62,974. 4,000. 2,000. 17,520. Total Estimated Cost: $ 146,494. 089 Animal Control Services Financial Implications Ancilliary Costs: uniforms etc. Purchase of Van: vehicle maintenance, fuel costs, estimated to be $30,000. Equipment for Van: Information from Clarington indicates costs to equip van at $6,000. Animal Control Services Financial Implications 2006 Estimated Budget: EXPENDITURES Travel Costs (Misc.) $ 500. Outside Agency Services $ 22,000. Animal Control Services $246,494. Livestock Killed $ 5,000. Total Expenditures $273,994. REVENUE Licences & Permits ($ 73,000.) Specific Grants ($ 6,000.} Total Revenues ($ 79,000.) NET COST $194,994.(2006) Current Cost Difference 2005 versus 2006 $7,000. Approx. $188,000. (2005) Animal Control Services Summary Divisional Project Plan .finalized based on. Cou. ncil decis,on Commun,cat,on Plan prepared Bud.get formalized and provided to F,nance by end of November Forma. I agreements prepared and s~gned off